Title: Emancipation and the Changing War
1Emancipation and the Changing War
- Aaron Sheehan-Dean
- Bridgeton, New Jersey
- July 17, 2012
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Charles Sumner (MA)
Lyman Trumball (IL)
James Doolittle (WI)
To our mind, there is but one easy, short and
effectual way to suppress and put down the
desolating war which the slaveholders and their
rebel minions are now waging against the
American Government and its loyal citizens.
Fire must be met with water, darkness with
light, and war for the destruction of liberty
must be met with war for the destruction of
slavery. The simple way, then, to put an end to
the savage and desolating war now waged by the
slaveholders, is to strike down slavery itself,
the primal cause of that war. -- Douglass'
Monthly, May 1861
6Peninsula Campaign
7John Bankhead Magruder
9Butler and Contraband
" In a state of rebellion I would confiscate that
which was used to oppose my arms and take all
that property which constituted the wealth of
that state, and furnished the means by which the
war is prosecuted, besides being the cause of
the war and if, in so doing, it should be
objected that human beings were brought to the
free enjoyment of life, liberty, and the pursuit
of happiness, such objection might not require
much consideration. -- Butler to Cameron,
July 30, 1861
10August, 1861 First Confiscation Act owners of
slaves in direct support of the Confederate
military can have their slaves confiscated
August, 1861 Fremont, commanding in Missouri,
orders all property of all rebels subject to
confiscation. April, 1862 Slavery abolished in
DC, with compensation for the owners. May, 1862
Hunter, commander in SC/GA/FL, issues order
freeing all slaves in his department (of both
loyal and rebel owners). June, 1862 Slavery is
prohibited in U.S. territories July, 1862
Second Confiscation Act all slaves of any rebel
are free. Also gave the President the authority
to use contrabands as soldiers.
11How will Emancipation Happen?
- States lead
- Compensation
- Federal support
- Gradual process
- Colonization?
12Emancipation Proclamation
13Effect of the Emancipation Proclamation
14Why Lincoln Issues the EP
- Enslaved Peoples initiative
- Diplomacy
- Anti-slavery sentiment rising
- Winning the War
15Military Necessity
16Servile Insurrection?
- "the most execrable measure in the history of
guilty man."
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18Robert Smalls