Title: Seasonal-to-Interannual Hydroclimate Variability in Reanalyses and Model Simulations
1Seasonal-to-Interannual Hydroclimate Variability
in Reanalyses and Model Simulations
- Alfredo Ruiz-Barradas, and
- Sumant Nigam
Department of Atmospheric Oceanic
Science University of Maryland
- Objectives
- Assess seasonal hydroclimate variability over
North America. - Investigation of the atmospheric water-balance
over the Great Plains. - Interannual variability of summer and winter
precipitation over - North America.
2Regressions of Great Plains Precipitation
Indices on hydroclimate fields during the
warm-season from NARR and CAM3.0s AMIP
Large Precipitation anomalies over the Great
Plains are associated with Large moisture
flux convergence anomalies in NARR
Large evaporation anomalies in
CAM3.0. Those findings suggest different views
of the anomalous atmospheric water budget.
Vertically-integrated Stationary Moisture Fluxes
3- Conclusions
- NARR successfully assimilates precipitation.
- Unbalanced water budget over the Great Plains in
NARR - Large evaporation in spring and summer.
- Weak transient moisture flux convergence.
- Interannual variability of warm-season rainfall
over the Great Plains indicates - the importance of remote water sources in nature
via convergence of moisture fluxes. - State-of-the-art GCMs vigorously recycle
precipitation via evaporation, erroneously. - Underway Work
- Analysis of radiative fluxes and Bowens ratio to
shed light into the causes of the dominance of
evaporation over moisture flux convergence in
accounting for Great Plains precipitation
variability in many GCMs. - Analysis of winter precipitation variability over
North America.