Pollution in Hong Kong - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Pollution in Hong Kong


Pollution in Hong Kong Introduction Pollution problems in Hong Kong are similar to those encountered in most comparable urban areas elsewhere in the world. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Pollution in Hong Kong

Pollution in Hong Kong
  • Pollution problems in Hong Kong are similar to
    those encountered in most comparable urban areas
    elsewhere in the world. Aspects that have given
    rise to public concern include emissions from
    motor vehicles and industries various water
    pollution black spots and the continuing need to
    dispose, in an environmentally satisfactory
    manner, of the large amount of sewage and solid
    wastes generated by the community that cannot be
    reused or recycled.

Air Pollution
Air Pollution
Definition of Air Pollution
  • Air pollution occurs when the concentrations of
    certain substances become high enough to toxify
    the atmospheric environment.

Types of Air Pollution
  • Primary Pollutants Consists of materials
    dust, gases, liquids and other solids) that enter
    the atmosphere through natural and human-made
    events. The main primary pollutants influencing
    our atmosphere in order of emission are carbon
    monoxide, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides,
    volatile organic compounds, and particulate

Types of Air Pollution
  • Secondary Pollutants Consists of primary
    pollutants that have reacted with each other or
    with the basic components of the atmosphere to
    form new toxic substances

Effects of Air Pollution
  • . forest fires
  • volcanic action
  • lightning
  • decreased visibility due to yellowish color of
  • NO2 contributes to heart and lung problems
  • NO2 can suppress plant growth
  • decreased resistance to infection
  • may encourage the spread of cancer

Effects of Air Pollution
  • all combustion processes account for only 5 of
    NO2 in the atmosphere, most is formed from
    reactions involving NO
  • concentrations likely to rise in the future
  • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
  • evaporation of solvents
  • evaporation of fuels
  • incomplete combustion of fossil fuels

Effects of Air Pollution
  • naturally occurring compounds like terpenes from
  • eye irritation
  • respiratory irritation
  • some are carcinogenic decreased visibility due to
    blue-brown haze
  • the effects of VOCs are dependent on the type of

Effects of Air Pollution
  • samples show over 600 different VOCs in
    atmosphere concentrations likely to continue to
    rise in future
  • Ozone (O3)
  • formed from photolysis of NO2
  • sometimes results from stratospheric ozone
  • bronchial constriction
  • coughing, wheezing

Effects of Air Pollution
  • respiratory irritation
  • eye irritation
  • decreased crop yields retards plant growth
    damages plastics breaks down rubber harsh odor
  • concentrations of 0.1 parts per million can
    reduce photosynthesis by 50
  • people with asthma and respiratory problems are
    influenced the most can only be formed during
    daylight hours

Effects of Air Pollution
  • Peroxyacetyl Nitrates (PAN)
  • formed by the reaction of NO2 with VOCs (can be
    formed naturally in some environments)
  • eye irritation
  • high toxicity to plants
  • respiratory irritation
  • damaging to proteins
  • was not detected until recognized in smog
  • higher toxicity to plants than ozone

Noise Pollution
Definition of Noise Pollution
  • Noise pollution means unwanted and damaging
    sound that pollute the environment.

Noise Pollution
  • Noise pollution is caused by
  • Aircraft taking off and landing at the airport.
  • Traffic.
  • Machinery on construction sites, particularly
    drills and pile-drivers.
  • Factory machinery.
  • Air-conditioning.
  • Discotheque music, radio, cassette-recorder,
    television sets, etc.

Effects of Noise Pollution
  • How dangerous is noise pollution?Noise pollution
    can make people nervous. It can prevent people
    from concentrating on their work. It can prevent
    people from sleeping. It can change a man's
    physiological state by speeding up pulse and
    respiratory rates, and it can damage hearing
    permanently or temporarily. Millions of
    industrial workers are threatened with hearing
    damage. There is medical evidence that noises can
    cause heart attacks in individuals with existing
    cardiac injury and that continued exposure to
    loud noises could cause such chronic effects as
    hypertension or ulcers.

Land Pollution
Land Pollution
  • Land is very important. The land gives us food,
    paper, lumber, glass, metals, and many other
    things. Look around you. Everything you see
    started in the soil or rocks. Land is very
    precious, it is something that should be
    cherished and protected. But we don't always do
    this. We waste everything the land provided for
    us so that the land must produce even more.

Land Pollution
  • Our waste ends up in garbage dumps that takes up
    and destroys more and more land every day. Waste
    is a form of pollution. It is litter when we toss
    it on the streets and in our parks carelessly it
    adds to the garbage dumps when we throw it away
    in the garbage it pollutes our water when we
    dump it down the drain it clogs up our
    atmosphere when we burn it.

Land Pollution
  • Hills and mountains in Hong Kong are now
    threatened by uncontrolled exploitation by human
    beings. They are being used to reclaim the sea,
    build buildings and other uses. When a hill or
    mountain is cleared, many plants and animals lose
    their homes. They must leave or die. Instead, the
    hills become a flat land and are filled with a
    lot of buildings and streets. The men in the
    buildings produce more wastes, and thus pollute
    more the land we live.

Effects of Land Pollution
  • Everything we throw away has to go somewhere.
    Some of solid wastes are burned, but burning of
    wastes will pollute the air. So most of them ends
    up the landfills. But the landfills in Hong Kong
    which are nearly full. At the same time, we have
    been producing more and more wastes, including
    chemicals and nuclear material, that will be
    around for a very long time and be incredibly
    dangerous. Soon, there will be no more room to
    put all of our garbage.

Effects of Land Pollution
  • According to the information provided by Agenda
    21, the amount of solid waste produced will
    increase four to five times by 2025. If we do
    nothing to change this, Hong Kong will be
    engulfed in a mountain of waste and pollutants!
    Can you think about when you are living around
    mountains of rubbish!

Solutions to Land Pollution
  • Actually there is a clear solution to the waste
    problem waste should not be produced in the
    first place. We've got used to waste as simply a
    fact of life

Solutions to Land Pollution
  • but in fact waste is always a big mistake.
    Industry can and should introduce ways of making
    thing without producing waste.
  • What can you do? Here are some ideas that you can
    do to help our environment
  • Don't drop litter.
  • Ask people to keep your neighborhood a "
    litter-free zone."
  • Organize your friends to do a litter pick up in
    your neighborhood.

Solutions to Land Pollution
  • Don't allow your pets to foul up the lawns or
    local parks. If it does, be sure to clean it up.
  • Ask your parents to make sure the cleaners they
    use are biodegradable. (substances that will
    break down quickly and cause no pollution)
  • Look out for things at home that can be recycled.
    (aluminium foil, tin cans, glass bottles, plastic
    bags, newspapers and bottles)
  • Ask your friends to concern about the
  • Plant in you home.

Water Pollution
Water Pollution
  • Water pollution is increasingly becoming a large
    problem that we as humans need to confront. Water
    is our most valuable resource. Just think of how
    much we humans are dependent upon clean water .
  • Besides the fact that we drink the water, we use
    it for irrigation of farm fields, cooking,
    washing clothes, flushing toilets, etc. and every
    industrial process requires water to function.
    Everyone knows

Water Pollution
  • that the Earth's surface is covered by 70 water,
    so why fuss over protecting water? Only 3 of all
    water is fresh and drinkable and of that 3, 75
    is frozen in polar ice caps, which leaves a grand
    total of only 1 of the Earth's surface water
    that is readily available for consumption After
    taking that fact into account, one can see why
    the conservation and protection of our remaining
    water supply is so vital. Before water pollution
    can be stopped, the sources of the pollution must
    be known.

Water Pollution
  • The major sources of water pollution are organic
    pollution, agricultural pollution, runoff, toxic
    waste, and thermal pollution.
  • Organic pollution is becoming more and more
    pressing on the environment, because of the
    growing population of the world. It's a simple
    concept, the more people there are in one area,
    the more waste they will produce. For example, in

Water Pollution
  • city there are so many people that the sewage
    plants and the environment can't take care of all
    of the waste and function in its usual manner The
    sewage plants do their best, but the secondary
    discharge that gets into the water supply causes
    great problems. The excess waste acts as a food
    source for algae and the growth rate is
    uncontrollable. The algae will deposit on the
    shore and the water is clouded with algae. This
    situation is known as

Water Pollution
  • eutrophication, When excess waste is added to the
    water the body of water can no longer control the
    growth of the algae and the water soon becomes
    algae ridden and oxygen depleted. The water
    becomes oxygen depleted, because the dead algae
    goes to the bottom and uses the oxygen in the
    deeper water to decompose, but if there is too
    much dead algae all the oxygen is depleted.

Solutions to Water Pollution
  • In some cases people don't know that they are
    even polluting. Through education valuable
    information can be distributed. Education in
    schools has already begun for the next
    generation. Schools go on field trips to sewage
    plants to see how they work There is no reason to
    stop at the school level. Adults can also be
    educated at local meetings, newspapers,
    television, etc. The faster the people become
    educated the faster the reduction of water
    pollution can occur.

Solutions to Water Pollution
  • Many people ask that can I do to help ? The
    answer is simple, become educated about water
    pollution and use common sense. Think before you
    dump any chemicals into a drain or on the ground
    and ask yourself, There will these chemicals end
    up at ? Conserve water by reducing those long
    wasteful showers, turning off the water when it
    isn't in use, don't over water your lawn, etc.
    Remember that water is like gold, so treat it
    like gold and don't

Solutions to Water Pollution
  • waste an ounce. Every action has a consequence,
    so before you dispose of anything think of
    whether the consequence is going to be
    destructive or beneficial to you and the
  • Water is a necessity of life and it needs to be
    conserved and protected. If we value life as we
    know it, we need to change our way of life and
    look at water in a different way. Educate
    yourself and a friend and help stop the
    contamination of our most priceless commode,

Suggestions to the Government and the
  • Here are also some advice to the government and
    industrialists Soap Processing that uses
    coconut oilAt present, soap and detergent
    industries in the country used hard alkyl benzene
    (HAB) as the major raw material for production.
    Studies showed that HAB should be banned because
    it is a pollutant. It aggravates the a pollution
    of our soil, ground water supply and our marine
    resources. This stand was based on a three to
    nine years study of the principal rivers Metro

Suggestions to the Government and the
  • The EEC banned the use of HAB in detergents
    because it failed to meet the minimum level of
    biodegradability of 80. Fifty nine countries of
    the world, including USA and Japan, have banned
    the use of HAB for commercial detergents. It is
    unthinkable that Hong Kong should continue to use
    HAB to produce detergents especially when there
    is a better substitute available. In place of
    hard alkyl benzene, consumer groups and
    ecologists advocate the use of coconut oil. Coco
    chemicals are superior and safe base material in
    making soap by cold process.

Suggestions to the Government and the
  • Biogas is produced out of fruit peels, food
    left-over, or animal manure in a digester with an
    integrated or separated gas holder. Animal manure
    like carabao or cow dung or fruit peels are
    initially mixed in a slurry for charging into the
    digester. To hasten the initial fermentation,
    microbes of water are added. Fermentation
    proceeds at a fast rate initially and levels off
    after 28 days. Then sludge and effluent are
    mixed. The sludge is either in dry or wet form
    that can be used as feed supplement for livestock

Suggestions to the Government and the
  • as fertilizer. The effluent can be used for
    chlorella culture and also liquid fertilizer
    after aeration. Aside from yielding fertilizer
    and feed by-products, biogas reduces the cost of
    energy especially when compares to the costs
    incur red with the use of LPG and electricity

Suggestions to the Government and the
  • Biogas TechnologyOrganic wastes such as fruit
    peels and house hold left-over continue to pose
    problems to garbage collectors and urban
    planners. A viable solution to this is the biogas
    technology that makes use of organic wastes to
    produce a kind of fuel called biogas. Biogas is
    produced by the fermentation of organic wastes in
    the absence of oxygen and has the following
    composition methane, nitrogen, carbon monoxide
    and other gases. It is a good substitute for
    liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), gasoline, kerosene
    and electricity.

Suggestions to the Government and the
  • Tissue cultureVital environment concern today is
    our denuded forests. We have to replant trees and
    we have to do it now. Raising of fruit trees and
    forest species likes grapes, palm, and coffee
    trees can be done at fast rate by means of tissue
    culture. Stem cutting used to be one of the means
    of propagating plants. Now a single potato can
    reproduce a million plantlets within a year, a
    sugar cane can grow callus indefinitely, a

Suggestions to the Government and the
  • coconut can sprout tiny clumps of cells. One can
    also culture citrus into a thousand embryos for
    large plantation, breed eucalyptus tree in green
    houses for reforestation.
  • On the side of the government, there is a need
    for a strong political will to enforce
    environment laws so as to check the abuse and
    neglect of the environment. Local authorities
    should strictly enforce laws and ordinances on
    pollution control measures for industries, as
    well as proper garbage disposal.

Everyones responsibility
  • The environment is not the only one suffering, we
    also suffer from death and diseases due to
    damaged environment. Unless we act fast to
    protect and heal the scared Earth, we shall all
    bear the brunt of our own carelessness.
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