Water Pollution in Hong Kong - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Water Pollution in Hong Kong


The aquatic environment is one in which fish, plants,and other living ... water quality to decline steadily as hundreds of millions of litres of sullage ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Water Pollution in Hong Kong

Water Pollution in Hong Kong
2.The sources of water pollution
Agricultural wastes Industrial wastes Domestic
wastes Oil spillages
3.The locational pattern of water pollution
4.Some measures to reduce water pollution
The aquatic environment is one in which fish,
plants,and other living organisms live and grow.
If a great deal of waste material is discharged
into rivers and the sea,it will badly affect the
quality environment .Wastes discharged into the
aquatic environment include solid wastes,liquid
effluent and waste heat.The water can dissolves
salts chemicals and solids which can be damaging
to plants, animals and land. when the quality of
the water become so bad that few living things
can survive, water pollution occurs . The level
of water pollution can be indicated by the
dissolved oxygen level (DO level)in percentage
.Dissolved oxygen is very importance to marine
life .The greaterthe amount that is present in
the water , the healthier is the sea.
The Sources of water pollution
  • In Hong Kong, there are four main sources of
    water pollution

-Agricultural waste -Industrial waste -Domestic
waste -Oil spillage
About 60 of these pollutants come from
agricultural activities, 22from manufacturing
industries and 10 from our home.
Agricultural waste
  • Agricultural waste come mostly from poultry and
    pig farming . They are being dumped into the
    rivers at rate of about 2000tonnes a day. The
    excessive amount of chemical fertilizers and
    insecticides being applied by farmers may be
    washed away by running water or drained away .

  • These pollutants may gather in heavy silt loads .
    They use up supply of dissolved oxygen in rivers
    and cause bad smells. The high silt load stops
    light coming through the water . This prevents
    algae growth and later lowers the oxygen content
    of the water .the dissolved oxygen levels in the
    rivers fall sharply and the water become

Industrial waste
  • Industrial wastes mainly come from tanneries,
    chemical work , canneries, dyeing, and bleaching
    factories. The effluents from many of these
    factories contain larger amount of toxic
    chemicals, such as mercury , cadmium and chromium
    which are directly poisonous to water and dyeing
    matter cause indirect harm to all living things.

Domestic waste
  • In Hong Kong, the average daily water consumption
    is about 200 litres per person. More than two
    million tonnes of waste-water are produced every
    day. About two-thirds of this comes from the
    major residential areas of Kowloon and the New
    Territoriesthe remaining one-third is
    contributed by residents on Hong Kong Island. The
    growing populated in Hong Kong has caused its
    water quality to decline steadily as hundreds of
    millions of litres of sullage (liquid domestic
    waste),sewage and even night soil from our homes
    enter the harbour area and pollute our coastal
    waters each year.

Oil spillages
  • Oil spillages, though relatively uncommon in Hong
    Kong waters, can raise the level of oil in the
    coastal waters and have a serious effect on
    marine life. Marine life and seafood have also
    been contaminated by the chemical agents poured
    on to the water in an attempt to disperse the oil

The locational pattern of water pollution
  • Poultry and pig farms are scattered around the
    main catchment area of territorys rivers .
    Sixteen per cent of the 400 kilometers of streams
    or rivers in the new territories are badly
    polluted . The majority are in the lowland area
    of Yuen Long, Kam Tin , Sheung Shui and Fanling .
    Most of these polluted rivers eventually empty
    themselves into Deep Bay and Tolo Channel , thus
    heavily polluting the sea water as well . The
    Rivers Sutlej , Yeun Long Cheek , Beaus, Indus
    and Kam Tin River are among the most polluted
  • Tolo harbour , Deep Bay , and Victoria Harbour
    are very much affected by the industrial
    effluents that are produced by the industrial
    effluents that are produced by the factories in
    surrounding industrial zones.The sediment
    contamination in Victoria Harbour remains very
    high .Most metal pollution comes from the
    electronic and metal industry .these toxins will
    finally enter the food chains and seriously
    affect man.

Some measure to reduce water pollution
  • 1. We can improve the sewers and sewage treatment
    ,and disposal systems. The sewers must lead to
    treatment and disposal works that can meet the
    objectives set by the government. On Hong Kong
    Island, raw sewage is primarily treated at
    Repulse bay and deep Water Bay. There are
    treatment works at ShaTin, Tai PO, Shek Wu Hui
    and Yuen Long.
  • 2. The government has introduced the Water
    Pollution Control Ordinance to prtect the
    community against toxic chemicals,pathogens and
    other effluents.
  • 3. The government has declared important Water
    Control Zones(WCZs) to protect our rivers and
    coastal waters from the effluents being produced
    by all types of economic activities. Each
    effluent discharged, except household sewage,
    must have a license. In this way, the quality and
    volume of effluent discharged can be controlled.
  • 4. The factories are encouraged to implement
    necessary wastes-water treatment to ensure that
    the effluents discharged do not contain more
    non-toxic organic waste than the governments
    designed standard.

The Stonecutters Island sewage treatment works
will serve Victoria Harbour, but not the growing
population in the New Territories.
A typical grease trap works by encouraging solids
to settle at the bottom and grease to float to
the top.
  • Determination of dissolved oxygen in some water
  • titleThe dissolved oxygen in different area
  • Purpose of the project
  • To find out how the water affect the dissolved
  • Hypothesis
  • The dissolved oxygen in sea water is lower.
  • Materials and equipment
  • - water sample from different area
  • - beaker
  • - dissolved oxygen equipment
  • - distilled water

Experimental procedure - Use beaker to collect
different water sample. - Put the DO stirrer into
the water sample. - Stir the water sample. Wait
for few minutes. - Record the reading from the
dissolved oxygen equipment - Put the DO stirrer
into distilled water. - Repeat the experiment and
test for another water sample.
Data Data Obtained 22/03/2001 Wu Kai Sha
36.9ppm Sup Sze Heung
47.6ppm Clear Water Bay
46.0ppm Tsing Yi Ferry Pier 48.0ppm Kwun Tong
Public Pier 41.1ppm Experimental
observations The dissolved oxygen in Wu Kai Sha
is low. The dissolved oxygen in other areas are
higher and the data are very close.
Conclusions -Is the hypothesis correct? No. The
dissolved oxygen of sea water is higher in
different place. -Problem to collect the water
sample. -Something learned. -The dissolved oxygen
is hard to record. -There will be some sources of
error if we collect the water sample too early
before the experiment. It is because the DO will
change according to the date -The stirrer put
into the distilled water and do the experiment
may cause some source of error in the result.
-The dissolved oxygen in Wu Kai Sha is lower
because it is at the lower portion of the river,
more living microorganism can live in it. The
dissolved oxygen in Sup Sze Heung is higher
because it is at the upper portion of the river,
the water flow is faster, therefore only little
microorganism can live in it. The dissolved
oxygen in Clear Water Bay is high and the one in
Tsing Yi Ferry Pier is the highest because the
water flow of the sea is fast and there are water
wave, more oxygen will be trap on it. Compare
the dissolved oxygen in Tsing Yi Ferry Pier
and that of the Kwun Tong Public Pier, the Kwun
Tong Public Pier's DO is lower because there is a
Kwun tong Typhoon Shelter which will lesser the
wind to blow into the sea water. -The faster the
water flow, the higher the dissolved oxygen
because fewer living microorganism can be
survive. -The water pollution will also affect
the dissolved oxygen of the water sample we test
for. If the water pollution is serious, fewer
living microorganism can survive and therefore
higher DO.
  • Water pollution is due to the discharge of
    untreated domestic, agricultural and industrial
    wastes into streams, rivers and seas. According
    to the types of pollutants, there are many
    different types of water pollution organic
    pollution, inorganic pollution, inorganic
    nutrient pollution, chemical pollution, and
    thermal pollution and oil pollution.
  • Dissolved oxygen (DO) is the important parameter
    indicating the general condition of water and the
    health risk to the public. The rich supply of
    organic pollutant supports the rapid growth of
    bacteria. These bacteria use up the dissolved
    oxygen and release toxic wastes. Therefore, the
    lower the DO is, the more serious the water
    pollution is. Among all the possible parameters
    such as E.coli concentration, detection of heavy
    metal etc., in this project, DO is chosen to be
    the parameter to be measured.

  • From the results, it is concluded that the speed
    of water flow affects the extent of pollution.
    The higher the speed of water flow makes the
    fewer pollutants to accumulate at the bottom of
    the sea and streams. For example, compared to the
    DO of water samples in Sap Sze Heung and Wu Kai
    Sha, since the speed of the water flow is greater
    in Sap Sze Heung which is at the upstream and the
    speed of the water flow is smaller in Wu Kai Sha
    which is at the downstream, the DO in Sap Sze
    Heung is higher than that in Wu Kai Sha. This
    means that the water pollution is more serious in
    Wu Kai Sha.
  • The geographical location also affects the
    DO in water. Take an example of water samples
    from Tsing Yi Ferry Pier and Kwun Tong Public
    Pier, since Kwun Tong Public Pier is a Typhoo
    Shelter, which will be lesser the wind to blow
    into the seawater (a bay) but the Tsing Yi Ferry
    Pier, is not, the water flow of sea is fast and
    so more oxygen is trapped by water waves. More
    pollutants are also pull away by the water waves.
    Thus, the water quality in Tsing Yi Ferry Pier is
    better than that in Kwun Tong Public Pier.

Group Member
  • Chan Chong Fai
  • Lui On Ki
  • Tsang Pui Ying
  • Hung Pui Lam

The End !!
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