Title: Western Films and Native American Males
1Western Films andNative AmericanMales
- Sarah Staples/ Katie Houlihan
- October 24, 2006
2Native American Roles
- Noble
- Brave
- Helper
- Bloodthirsty
3Noble Savage
- Portrayed as an excellent storyteller
- Takes in Jack (Dustin Hoffman) after his family
is murdered by the bloodthirsty Paw nee - General
- Preserves the traditions of the tribe
- gives advice
- spiritual/medicine man
Chief Dan George
4The Brave
- Warrior
- Hunter
- Defender of the tribe
This character defends the tribe, goes on the
Buffalo Hunt which saves the tribe. He is
also the best warrior in the tribe.
Kevin Costner becomes a brave in Dances with
Wolves but this appropriation of Native Identity
is not necessarily an accurate depiction of
native people. By the end of the film he has
assumed a complete Native American identity.
5Helper Vs. BloodthirstyThe Last of the Mohicans
6Helper Vs Bloodthirsty
- The helper aids the white western heroes in
battle - Depicted as aloner not belonging fully to
either group - This character is found in many older westerns
- The bloodthirsty Native American role kills
white families on the frontier - Kidnaps white women
- Rapes women
- No morals, ethics and isruthless
7Settings for Native Americans
- Far out and desolate areas of the frontier
- Reservations
- Native Americans kill, scalp and destroy white
people on the frontier - Kidnap white women
- Uncivilized and stuck in the primitive way of
life - Vanishing population
- last of the mohicans
9Value Assumptions
- Value mother earth
- Dont believe in Christian Gods
- Not educated often depicted with broken English
a lot of ums - Do not value modern expansion of the west
10Familiar Resolutions
- The West expands
- Native Americans vanish
- White people live on despite the rough frontier