Title: Wacky Theories Weird Techniques Peculiar Cultures Fabulous English
1Wacky Theories Weird Techniques Peculiar
Cultures Fabulous English
- Anne Bliss, Ph.D.
- University of Colorado at Boulder, USA
- Fulbright Fellow 2005, Chile
2Whats a THEORY?
- Somebody has an idea
- That person does some research, usually
- Then the person finds out whether the idea seems
to be true. - Yep, he/she thinks so
- The person claims the idea is TRUE writes an
article, and a THEORY is born - Some argue for/some argue against
3Wacky theory 1
- The Square Earth Society claims
- the earth is
5Wacky Theory 2
- Some guy on a boat looked up into the night sky
and saw stars moving in circles. - He claimed that the earth is
- ?
6Wacky Theory 3
- Two fellows who studied linguistics and
psychology decided that we view the world through
our language. Voila, the Sapir/Whorf Hypothesis
(still a theory) - LANGUAGE DETERMINES
Edmund Sapir/Benjamin Whorf
7World Views through Language
- Laguna Lagoon,
- Salt Lake, Waste Water,
- Mineral Water and
- Iglesia Church,
- Religion, Catholic,
- Historic Site, Holy,
- Faith, Padres, Heaven and HELL.
8World Views through Language
- Ohiogozaimas Good morning!
- My name is Amami I live on Kikai-ijima island,
and I speak Japanese. My grandmother speaks Ho
Gang, an old language of this island. We cant
talk to each other very well, but we are good
9World Views through Language
- Woof, woof!
- Woof, woof, woof!
- Oooooow! Ooooow.
- Woof, woof!
- Grrrrr
- (Im a dog, and I
- can communicate
- without words. Do I
- have a world view?)
10World Views through Language
- Ni Hao! Hello!
- (ni you hao good)
- Im Dr. Zhang, and this is my wife, Dr. Gao. We
recently got married, and we speak Chinese. - Zaijian (goodbye)
11World Views through Language
- Hola! Hello!
- Yo soy Ching y ella es mi amiga, Paula.
- Nosotromos somos maestros de ingles en un colegio
en Arica, Chile. Hablamos espaƱol. - Ciao, er Adios, er Hasta la vista, bebe! Baby!
Uh, bye-bye
12Whats a Technique?
- A professor of Educational Psychology once said
that a good teacher could teach in a barn,
without chalk, whiteboards, desks, books, etc.
All a good teacher needs to do is - MOTIVATE STUDENTS.
Reference Dr. S. Thompson
13Motivating Students
- What do students like to do?
- Hang out
- Play games ?
- Eat
? - Sleep ?
- Compete ?
- Goof off .
? - LEARN! We learn what we want or need to know.
Experiences are good teachers.
14What do teachers like to do?
- Hang out
- Play games
- Eat
- Sleep
- Compete
- Goof off .
- TEACH! Use weird techniques.
15Weird Techniques 1In Person Taking
TripsScavenger Hunts
16In Person No Risk Games and Having Fun English
Corners/English Nights
17Weird Techniques 2Using Materials Story
Starters and Picture Shows
18 Weird Techniques 3 Using Words
The first little piggy went to market
Nursery Rhymes and Tongue Twisters
Pronunciation Games, Chants, Music and Untied
19Peculiar Cultures
- CULTURE Shared knowledge among a group of
humans artifacts used by members of the group - PECULIAR Ideas or things that seem strange to
people who dont understand them
20Peculiar Cultures 1
- Members of some Asian cultures enjoy eating
dogmeat when the weather is hot, or for good
health. Other cultures despair of eating dogs
still other cultures approve of eating snakes,
raw fish, mules, etc. - Members of some Latino cultures enjoy eating very
hot/spicy food when the weather is hot, or for
good health. Other Latino cultures prefer cool
food. - Words and expressions for foods and sharing food
are important linguistic and cultural knowledge. - FOOD IS NOT JUST ABOUT EATING ITS ABOUT
EVERYTHINGand food is a good topic to use when
learning English and sharing cultures.
- Chow chao mein, ciao, chow man
- Delicious finger-lickin good, chuparse los
dedos, oishi-des, yum! - Cup cup-u, taza, copa, coffee or tea?
- Table table-u, mesa, flat-top mountain
22Peculiar Cultures 2
- Music and lyrics shared within a culture may or
may not be enjoyed by members of a different
culture.often the lyrics are related - Lyrics - Vocabulary
- Rhythms Repetition
- Tunes - Intonation
- Mozart vs. the Beatles
- Bach Cantatas vs. Rap
- Lullabies vs. Country Western
- Traditional Folk Songs vs. Heavy Metal
23Peculiar Cultures 3
- Personal affect varies from one culture to
another. These stereotypical affects influence
language use and risk taking in language
learning. - Native Americans of the Warm Springs Tribe
typically do not look at elders when they speak. - Some Muslim males do not look at female
professors when they speak. Some Muslim females
are hidden behind veils when they speak. - Some Asians are reluctant to voice their
opinions, especially in public. - Some North Americans and some Europeans speak
loudly and insistently. - Some Latin Americans tend to keep quiet unless
they know exactly what they want to say.
24Fabulous English
- THEORY International English is a new breed of
English, it belongs to no nation or specific
culture, and this new English is fast becoming
the most used language in the world. - Whose theory? Mine, and it might be wacky. But,
lets consider, research, and argue for and
against the theory. - PROOF
- International English follows some rules of
English (British, American, Australian, Canadian,
other) and not others. - It is a sponge and soaks up whatever lexicon,
grammar or syntax seem to be useful and
efficient, or it makes up new words and
constructions. - Its linearity complements technology and
algorithms. - It sponges up different world views and spits
them out in new places. - Using English brings about powerful cultural
influences and changes. - Is it round or square or linear? Its all of
thoseso long as its communicable.
25Proof of Theory 1
- International English follows some rules of
English (British, American, Australian, Canadian,
other) and not others. - Words meaning, order, use/intention,
omission/addition, pronunciation, Latinate or
Germanic terms, invented terminology - Grammar not especially important.
- Syntax follows linear patterns, usually
- Punctuation can change intention, use carefully
26Proof of Theory 2
- International English is a sponge and soaks up
whatever lexicon, grammar or syntax seem to be
useful and efficient, or it makes up new words
and constructions. - Words cultural, conquered, borrowed, changed
- Grammar linguistic differences, fossils,
flexibility - Syntax word order for clarity
- What to worry about? Communication!
27Proof of Theory 3
- Its linearity complements technology and
algorithms. - English is a word order language with little
flexibility compared to other languages. English
can be more specific than most other languages
to be and articles (a, an, the). - Many Asian languages are somewhat circular.
- Many African languages depend on sounds.
- Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese) depends on
tones. - Most Eskimo and Native American languages tend to
be somewhat indirect/circular. - Latin based languages tend to use inflections and
flexible structures. - Mathematics/algorithms are linear structures
computers work by means of mathematic and
linguistic algorithms.
28Proof of Theory 4
- It sponges up different world views and spits
them out in new places. - Consider GLOBALIZATION.
- Consider the Sapir/Whorf Hypothesis.
- Consider your use of Spanish compared to your use
of English which words do you prefer to use for
which actions, things, ideas, emotions? - Consider ACCULTURATION.
29Proof of Theory 5
- Using English brings about powerful cultural
influences and changes. - Media print, cinema/film, electronic including
computers, Internet, cell phones - Cultural Artifacts food, clothing, tools, etc.
- Cultural Behaviors religion, relationships,
family structures, etc. - Vocabulary gain/loss
- Cultural gain/loss
30THEORY International English is a new breed of
English, and the new English is fast becoming the
most used language in the world.
- Wacky Theories
- Weird Techniques
- Peculiar Cultures
- Fabulous English Learn it, Use it, TAKE RISKS,
free your students to TAKE RISKS, MAKE MISTAKES,
31Keep Talkin !!
- Thank you for your attention. (big smile)
- Muchas gracias por su attencion. (smile)
- Shi-shi, hen hao. (with a nod)
- Arigato goziamas. (with a bow)
- Ciao, y hasta luego! Talk a lot, a lot, a lot!
Englich? Ingles? Eengleesh? Engleesh-u?