Unit 1: Understanding the individual Memory - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Unit 1: Understanding the individual Memory


Week one: Introduction to memory Week two: Models of memory Week three: Forgetting and Mnemonics TAERGSIDNALTOCS TAERGSIDNALTOCS * How to test- long word list- pick ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Unit 1: Understanding the individual Memory

Unit 1 Understanding the individualMemory
  • Week one Introduction to memory
  • Week two Models of memory
  • Week three Forgetting and Mnemonics

Activity What is Memory?
  • Write down a list of everything that you did
    yesterday. Try to recall every single activity
    that you did.
  • Write down a list of everything you did on the
    5th of December last year. Try to recall as much
    as you can.
  • What do you notice about what you can remember
    for each date?
  • What is the role that memory plays in each of
    these activities? For example, think about the
    different types of information that you need
  • What can you do that doesnt require memory?

What is Memory
  • Memory is a cognitive process used to encode,
    store, and retrieve information.
  • Encoding - means to put something into a code, in
    this case the code used to store information in
    the memory. Encoding takes many forms visual,
    auditory, taste, smell etc
  • Storage -as a result of encoding, the information
    is stored within the memory system.
  • Retrieval -the recovery of stored information
    from the memory system. It includes recognition,
    recall and reconstruction.

What is Memory
  • Several theories of memory are based on the
    assumption that there are 3 kinds of memory
  • Sensory memory this is a storage system that
    holds information in a relatively unprocessed
    form for fractions of a second after the physical
    stimulus is no longer available.
  • Baddeley (1988) suggested that one function of
    this kind of storage is to allow information from
    successive eye-fixations to last for a long
    enough time to be integrated and so to give
    continuity to an individuals visual environment
    e.g. Like a film

What is Memory
  • Short-term memory
  • a temporary place for storing information during
    which it receives limited processing.
  • Short-term memory has a very limited capacity and
    short duration, unless the information in it is
    maintained through rehearsal.
  • Long-term memory
  • this is a relatively permanent store which has
    unlimited capacity and duration.

What is Memory
  •  Different kinds of long-term memory have been
  • episodic (memory for personal events)
  • semantic (memory for facts and information)
  • procedural (memory for actions and skills).

Short-term Memory
  • Some researchers (eg Atkinson and Shiffrin, 1968)
    see short term memory simply as a temporary
    storage depot for incoming signals from the
    senses. Others (eg Baddeley 1986) prefer to use
    the term working memory to indicate its dynamic
    and flexible aspects.
  • Encoding
  • Information arrives in sensory memory in its
    original form (or modality), eg acoustic,
    visual, etc. However, as memory processes are
    unconscious individuals are not aware of which
    type of encoding they use.
  • Substitution error studies have provided much of
    the information about coding, eg Conrad (1964).

 Short-term Memory
  • Conrad (1964)
  • Aim to find out whether people used acoustic
    coding in short-term memory, even when
    information was presented visually.
  • Procedure Participants were shown a random
    sequence of 6 consonants projected in rapid
    succession onto a screen. (The strings of
    consonants were either acoustically similar or
    acoustically dissimilar.)
  • Participants were asked to write down the letters
    in the same order as they appeared.
  • Letters were presented too fast for the
    participants to keep up, so they had to rely on
  • Conrad noted the errors made by the participants.

 Short-term Memory
  • Findings
  • The majority of the errors involved the
    substitution of a similar sounding letter
  • Participants found that it was more difficult to
    recall strings of acoustically similar letters in
    the correct order than dissimilar letters, even
    though they were presented visually.
  • Conclusions
  • The visually presented information must have been
    encoded acoustically.
  • The short term memory is primarily encoded on the
    basis of sound.

 Short-term Memory
  • Baddeley (1986) found that words with similar
    sounds were much harder to recall than words,
    which did not sound alike. Similarity of meaning
    had only a slight detrimental effect on
    performance. Baddeley, like Conrad, concluded
    that short-term memory relies more on the sound
    of words than on their meaning.
  • Other researchers (eg Brandimonte et al 1992)
    have found that although acoustic coding is the
    preferred method of encoding in short-term
    memory, other modes of representation are also
    possible. For example in the absence of acoustic
    coding, visual coding may be substituted.

STM capacity experiment
  • You will now be shown a series of numbers in
    lists. After each list has finished, please try
    to write down the numbers you have just seen in

 Short-term Memory
  • Capacity
  • Jacobs (1887) conducted the first systematic
    study of the capacity of short-term memory by
    devising a technique called the memory span. He
    found that the memory span for digits or letters
    was between 5 and 9 items and that short-term
    memory span increased with age (either due to
    increased brain capacity or memory techniques).


 Short-term Memory
  • Most people have a digit span of seven, plus or
    minus two Miller (1956)
  • This has been called Millers magic number 7.
    Miller claimed that this finding holds good for
    lists of digits, letters, words or larger
    chunks of information.
  • Miller reported that the key issue is chunks
    (integrated pieces or units of information).
    About 7 chunks of information can be held in
    the short-term memory at any one time. The
    question of what constitutes chunks depends on
    personal experience.
  • Chunking improves the capacity of memory but it
    may reduce its accuracy

Multi-store model
  • This model arose from the information processing
    approach where memory is characterised as a flow
    of information through a system.
  • The system is divided into a set of stages and
    information passes through each stage in a fixed
  • The Multi-store model suggests that incoming data
    passes through a sensory store where it can be
    registered for very brief periods of time before
    decaying or being passed into a short-term memory
  • There are two types of sensory storage
  • Iconic storage the store associated with visual
  • Echoic storage the store associated with
    auditory information
  • Atkinson and Shiffrin believed that memory traces
    in the short-term memory are fragile and can be
    lost within 30 seconds unless they are rehearsed.

Short-term Memory
  • Difficult to assess capacity of short-term
    memory two main ways are span measures and
    recency effects in free recall.
  • Span measures e.g. digit span (Jacobs, 1887)
    require the participant to repeat back
    immediately a list of random digits in the
    correct order.
  • Span of immediate memory generally seven, plus
    or minus two, whether the units are numbers,
    letters or words.
  • Miller (1956) proposed that the capacity of short
    term memory depends more on the number of chunks
    rather than individual units.

Recency Effects Experiment
  • In this serial position experiment, you will hear
    a list of words. At the end of the list, you
    must write down the words you heard in any order
    you like.
  • The task will then be repeated, but before
    recalling, you must count backwards in 3s from

Short-term Memory
  • Primacy and recency effects measured in studies
    of free recall, participants recall words from a
    list in any order immediately after it has been
  • Recency effect last few items in a list are
    usually better remembered than items in the
  • Primacy effectfirst few items in a list are
    usually better remembered than items in the
  • Why?

Short-term Memory
  • Recency effect based on information in the
    short-term store- suggests capacity is about 2 or
    3 items.
  • Effect eliminated when interference task
    introduced between end of presentation and start
    of recall (Glanzer and Cunitz, 1966)
  • Primacy effect depends mainly on extra
    rehearsal, items no longer in short-term store?
  • TASK Read and summarise Glanzer and Cunitz

Short-term Memory
  • Duration
  • Peterson and Peterson (1959)
  • Aim To test how long short-term memory lasts
    when rehearsal is prevented.
  • Procedure
  • Participants were briefly shown a consonant
    trigram (i.e. 3 letters such as MWG or CGX).
  • Participants were asked to count backwards in 3s
    from a specified number to stop them thinking
    about the letters.
  • After intervals of 3,6,9,12,15 or 18 seconds,
    participants were asked to recall the original
  • The procedure was repeated several times using
    different trigrams.

Short-term Memory
  • Duration
  • Findings
  • Participants were able to recall 80 of trigrams
    after a 3 second interval.
  • Progressively fewer trigrams were recalled as the
    time intervals lengthened.
  • After 18 seconds, fewer than 10 of the trigrams
    were recalled correctly.
  • Conclusions
  • If rehearsal is prevented, information vanishes
    rapidly from short-term memory.
  • Therefore, decay is the mechanism for forgetting
    in short-term memory.

Short-term Memory
  • The key point about findings based on the
    Brown-Peterson technique is that items disappear
    from short-term memory only when rehearsal is
    prevented. New items can only take their place if
    existing items move on.
  • Repetition serves as a method of continually
    reinserting the information into the short-term
    memory and thereby strengthening the memory.
  • Without rehearsal, the duration of short-term
    memory is less than 30 seconds.

Short-term Memory
  • Rehearsal
  • There are different types of rehearsal. Craik and
    Watkins (1973) distinguished between maintenance
    rehearsal, where, for example, a word is repeated
    out loud a number of times to keep it in
    short-term memory, and
  • elaborative rehearsal, in which information is
    processed in terms of its meaning. They suggested
    that maintenance rehearsal may be enough to keep
    information in short-term memory, while
    elaborative rehearsal is the type necessary to
    transfer information from short-term memory to
    long-term memory.

Evaluation of Multi-store model
  • 3 different kinds of memory stores- model based
    on evidence that there are important differences
    among the stores
  • Temporal duration (e.g. STM- 18seconds (Peterson
    and Peterson,)
  • Storage capacity (e.g. Miller (1956) 7/-2 chunks
    of information)
  • Forgetting mechanism (e.g. STM-primacy/recency
    effects, different types of rehearsal)
  • Effects of brain damage (e.g. amnesic patients
    have poor long-term memory but almost normal
    short-term memory, Baddeley and Warrington, 1970)

Evaluation of Multi-store model
  • Problems and limitations
  • Rehearsal does not always lead to storage.
  • If coding in the short-term memory is mainly
    acoustic, how do we understand language?
  • How does the model explain flashbulb memories?
  • Some types of information are not amenable to
    rehearsal, e.g. smells and yet we remember them.
  • Memory oversimplified in this model?

Working Memory
  • Baddeley and Hitch (1974) argued that concept of
    STM should be replaced with WM. WM consists of 3
  • Central executive responsible for the
    supervision of information integration and for
    coordinating the slave systems. It is also
    responsible for directing attention to relevant
  • Articulatory or phonological loop holds
    information briefly in a phonological or
    speech-based form. Prevents decay by continuously
    articulating its contents.
  • Visuo-spatial sketch pad stores visual and
    spatial information. It can be used, for example,
    for constructing and manipulating visual images,
    and for the representation of mental maps.

Working Memory
  • Baddeley, Thomson and Buchanan (1975) studied the
    articulatory loop.
  • Asked participants to recall sets of 5 words in
    the correct order. Word-length effect better
    with short words than long words. Indicates
    limited capacity of articulatory loop.
  • Hitch and Baddeley (1976) tested two predictions
    of the working memory model
  • If two tasks make use of the same component, they
    cannot be performed successfully together.
  • If two tasks make use of different components, it
    should be possible to perform them as well
    together as separately.

Working Memory
  • Participants carried out verbal reasoning
    task-involved deciding whether a set of sentences
    provided a true or false description of the
    letter pair that followed it (e.g. B is followed
    by A AB).
  • Assumed that this task makes use of the central

Working Memory
  • At the same time as carrying out the verbal
    reasoning task, participants were given an
    additional task (one of four conditions) before
    each trial
  • the repeatedly
  • one, two, three, four, five
  • a different random string of digits out loud
    every trial
  • or there was no additional task (control).

  • It was assumed that the first two conditions
    would make use of the articulatory loop only
    because little thought or attention is involved.
  • In contrast, saying six random digits involves
    the central executive as well as the articulatory
  • Predicted that only condition 3 should interfere
    with performance on the verbal reasoning task.
  • Results reasoning performance slowed down only
    when the additional task was condition 3.

Working Memory
  • Evaluation
  • Working memory model concerned with both active
    processing and brief storage of information.
  • Multi-store model minimises active involvement of
    the individual in learning and remembering.
  • Therefore, working memory model relevant to
    everyday tasks such as mental arithmetic, verbal
    reasoning and comprehension.
  • Working memory model views verbal rehearsal as an
    optional process (one of two specialised systems)
    rather than the main process for retention of
  • Yet, little known about central executive,
    visuo-spatial sketch pad and the interaction
    between these components.

Long-term Memory
  • Multi-store model proposed by Atkinson and
    Shiffrin (1968) suggested that there is a single
    long-term memory store.
  • Critics have argued that this model is
    over-simplified and that it is improbable that
    all the knowledge we possess is stored in exactly
    the same form in one store.
  • Much research has been carried out to determine
    the number and nature of long-term memory stores

Long-term Memory
  • Episodic and semantic memory
  • Tulving (1972) argued for a distinction between
    episodic and semantic memory
  • Episodic memory autobiographical- refers to
    storage of specific events or episodes. E.g.
    party you attended last weekend.
  • Semantic memory general knowledge about the
    world e.g. facts and figures, language, etc.

Long-term Memory
  • Tulving (1972, p.386) defined semantic memory as
  • a mental thesaurus, organised knowledge a person
    possesses about words and other verbal symbols,
    their meanings and referents, about relations
    among them, and about rules, formulas, and
    algorithms for the manipulation of these symbols,
    concepts and relations
  • Distinction between semantic and episodic memory
    can be described in the following way
  • Episodic Wedding- remember who you went with,
    what various people wore, meal and party
  • Semantic Knowledge of wedding ceremonies- e.g.
    usually in Church, sometimes registrar, legal
    ceremony which results in marriage, traditional
    wear for female is.., etc etc

Long-term Memory
  • Tulving (1989) carried out a study to investigate
    the distinction between episodic and semantic
  • A small dose of radioactive gold was injected
    into the bloodstream of participants (including
  • Participants instructed to think about personal
    events OR general knowledge (e.g. history of
  • Blood flow in different areas of the brain

Long-term Memory
  • Tulving (1989)
  • Results
  • Episodic memory associated with a high level of
    activation in the frontal cortex
  • Semantic memory associated with a high level of
    activation in the posterior or back regions of
    the cortex
  • Evidence supports Tulvings view that there are
    separate long-term memory systems
  • Evaluation difference in content of memories yet
    less clear that there is a difference in the
    processes involved. E.g. both rely heavily on
    each other

Long-term Memory
  • Explicit and Implicit memory
  • Memory tests involve the use of direct
    instructions to participants to retrieve specific
    information (e.g. free recall, cued recall,
  • These tests are tests of explicit memory which,
    according to Graf and Schachter (1985) can be
    contrasted with implicit memory
  • Explicit memory is revealed when performance on
    a task requires conscious recollection of
    previous experiences
  • Implicit memory is revealed when performance on
    a task is facilitated in the absence of conscious

Long-term Memory
  • Explicit memory based on conscious recollection
  • Implicit memory not based on conscious
  • How does one measure implicit memory?
  • Why is this distinction important?

Long-term Memory
  • Distinction useful when studying patients
    suffering from amnesia (partial loss of long-term
    memory usually caused by brain damage)
  • Patients have severe problems with long-term
    memory- yet mainly with explicit rather than
    implicit memory
  • Claparede (1911) hid a pin in his hand before
    shaking hands with an amnesic patient.
  • After this, the patient was reluctant to shake
    hands but was embarrassed as she could not
    explain this reluctance
  • Behaviour indicated implicit memory- this
    occurred in the absence of explicit memory of the

Long-term Memory
  • Graf, Squire and Mandler (1984) tested memory in
    amnesic patients (and controls) for list words in
    four ways
  • 3 standard explicit memory tests (cued recall,
    free recall, recognition)
  • 1 implicit memory test word completion task
  • Participants given three-letter word fragments
    (e.g. STR----) and asked to write down the first
    word they can think of beginning with these
  • Implicit memory measured by extent to which the
    word completions match words from a previous list
  • Results found that amnesic patients performed
    worse than controls on the explicit memory tasks.
    Yet performed as well as controls on the implicit
    memory test

Long-term Memory
  • Declarative and procedural knowledge systems
  • Cohen and Squire (1980) argued for a distinction
    between two long-term memory stores containing
    different types of knowledge
  • Declarative knowledge knowing that e.g. what
    you had for lunch yesterday and capital of
  • Procedural knowledge knowing how e.g. how to
    ride a bicycle, swim, drive a car.
  • Explicit memory depends on declarative knowledge
  • Implicit memory depends on the procedural
    knowledge system

Long-term Memory
  • Declarative and procedural knowledge systems
  • Cohen and Squire (1980) argue that amnesic
    patients have severe impairment of the
    declarative memory system and therefore find it
    hard to acquire new episodic and semantic
  • Yet amnesic patients find it relatively easy to
    acquire new skills which rely on procedural
    memory e.g. dress-making, jigsaw completions,
    (Eysenck and Keane, 1995)

Long-term Memory
  • Declarative and procedural knowledge systems
  • Squire, Knowlton and Musen (1993) argued that the
    main brain structures underlying declarative or
    explicit memory are located in the hippocampus,
    medial temporal lobes and the diencephalons.
  • Study by Squire et al (1992) supported this view.
    Using PET scans, found that blood flow in the
    right hippocampus was much higher when
    participants were performing a cued recall task
    compared to a word-completion task.

Long-term Memory
  • Summary
  • Semantic and Episodic
  • Explicit and Implicit
  • Procedural and declarative

  • The term forgetting has several meanings
  • The information was never stored problem of
  • The information was stored, but is difficult to
    retrieve problem of accessibility
  • Confusion problem of interference
  • Absentmindedness problem of habit, attention,
    and automatic responses.
  • Generally, forgetting is the inability to recall
    or recognise material which was previously stored
    in memory.

  • Trace Decay 
  • According to the decay theory, information is
    forgotten because of the passage of time.
  • Theoretical assumption that forgetting depends on
    the length of the retention interval rather than
    on events occurring during that interval.
  • Peterson and Peterson, (1959) found that memories
    were held in short-term memory for approximately
    18 seconds, after which they disappeared via
    trace decay.
  • Hebb (1949) believed that, as a result of
    excitation of the nerve cells, a brief memory
    trace is laid down. At this stage the trace is
    very fragile and likely to be disrupted. With
    repeated neural activity (via rehearsal), a
    permanent structural change occurs and the memory
    is transferred to the long-term memory where it
    is no longer likely to decay.

  • Displacement
  • Displacement refers to the limited number of
    slots in short-term memory (7/-2). When more
    items are introduced into short-term memory than
    there are slots, some of the old information must
    be knocked out of its slot, or displaced.
  • Evidence for this comes from the Brown-Peterson
    technique, where the last few words on a list are
    displaced from short-term memory by the counting

  •  Interference
  • The idea behind this theory is that memories may
    be interfered with either by what has been
    learned before, or by what may be learned in the
    future. Forgetting increases with time because of
    interference from competing memories that have
    been acquired over time.
  • Proactive interference when previous learning
    interferes with later learning and retention
  • Retroactive interference when later learning
    disrupts memory for earlier learning

  • Interference was widely studied in the 1960s, but
    has attracted less attention since then.
  • Studies typically made use of the technique of
    paired-associates in which a word is associated
    with one word on a list and with a completely
    different word on another list.
  • Participants are required to learn one list and
    then the other. When given the stimulus word from
    the first list, it was found that participants
    frequently suffered from retroactive
    interference, in other words, they recalled the
    paired associate from the second list.
  • In both cases of interference, the greater the
    similarity of the interfering material, the
    greater the interference (Underwood and Postman,

  • Interference theory Evaluation
  • Prediction learning a second response to a given
    stimulus causes the first response to be
  • Only occurs under laboratory conditions?
  • Slamecka (1966) asked participants to produce
    free associates to various stimulus words.
  • These stimulus words were then paired with new
  • When participants asked to recall their free
    associates, no sign of retroactive intereference.

  • Interference theory Evaluation
  • Uninformative about internal processes involved
    in memory and learning
  • Requires special circumstances for interference
    effects to occur (same stimulus and two different
    responses) which rarely happens in real life.

  • Many theorists have tried to understand why
    recognition memory is usually much better than
    recall (Parkin, 1993)
  • Two-process theory (Watkins and Gardiner, 1979)
    suggests that
  • Recall involves a search or retrieval process
    followed by a decision or recognition process
    based on the appropriateness of the information
  • Recognition involves only the second stage.
  • Yet, recall sometimes better than recognition
    which should not happen (e.g. Tulving and
    Thomson, 1973)
  • Little explanation of recognition memory

  • Cue-dependent Forgetting
  • Tulving (1974) 2 major reasons for forgetting
  • Trace dependent forgetting information no longer
    stored in memory (e.g. trace decay theory)
  • Cue-dependent forgetting information in memory
    but cannot be accessed
  • Tulving assumed basic similarities between recall
    and recognition and that contextual factors were
    important (memory contains information about
    material and context)

  • Cue-dependent Forgetting
  • Tulving and Pearlstone (1966)
  • Long lists of words belonging to several
    different categories were presented (e.g.
    animals, furniture etc)
  • Participants asked to write down what they could
    remember (non-cued recall)
  • Participants given category names and asked to
    write down what they could remember
  • Results participants recalled up to three or
    four times as many words with cued recall

  • Cue-dependent Forgetting
  • External cues e.g. category names
  • Internal cues e.g. mood state
  • state-dependent forgetting research (eg Goodwin
    et al, 1969) showed that information is more
    likely to be remembered by an individual if they
    are in the same physical or emotional sate as
    they were in when they learned it.
  • Effects are stronger when participants are in a
    positive mood than a negative mood (Ucros, 1989)

  • Cue-dependent Forgetting
  • Findings on cue-dependent forgetting and
    mood-state dependent memory indicate that
    forgetting occurs when the information available
    at the time of retrieval does not match or fit
    information in memory trace.
  • Tulving (1979) proposed the encoding specificity
  • The probability of successful retrieval of
    the target item is anincreasing function of
    informational overlap between the information
    contained in the retrieval cue and the
    information stored in memory.

  • Cue-dependent Forgetting
  •          context-dependent forgetting research
    (eg. Abernathy, 1940) has shown that it is much
    easier to remember information in the same
    context in which the information was learnt.
  • Also remembering information is made easier with
    retrieval cues which trigger memory for relevant
  • Tulving assumes that context affects recall and
    recognition in the same way- but is this the

  •          context-dependent forgetting
  • Baddeley (1982) proposed a distinction between
    intrinsic context and extrinsic context
  • Intrinsic context has direct impact on meaning
    or significance of a to-be-remembered item (e.g.
    strawberry vs traffic as intrinsic context for
    the word jam.
  • Extrinsic context e.g. room in which learning
    takes place does not.
  • Recall affected by both, recognition affected
    only by intrinsic context

  • Godden and Baddeley (1975)
  • Participants learned a list of words either on
    land or 20feet underwater.
  • Then given a test of free recall on land or
  • Results those who learned on land recalled more
    on land and those who learned underwater recalled
    more underwater
  • Recall 50 higher when learning took place in the
    same extrinsic context

  • Godden and Baddeley (1980)
  • Similar study- tested recognition memory instead
    of recall
  • Results recognition memory not affected by
    extrinsic context e.g. did not matter if they
    learned words on land and tested underwater

  • Emotional Factors in Forgetting 
  • Repression
  • Repression is a concept from psychoanalytic
    psychology which focuses heavily on emotion.
    Freud (1915) proposed that forgetting is
    motivated by the desire to avoid displeasure, so
    embarrassing, unpleasant or anxiety-producing
    experiences are repressed pushed down into the
  • Repression is an unconscious, protective defence
    mechanism, which involves the ego actively
    blocking the conscious recall of memories which
    become inaccessible.

  • Emotional Factors in Forgetting 
  • Repression
  • Case studies provide examples of repression.
    Freud reports the case of a man who kept
    forgetting the line With a white sheet. Free
    association revealed that the term white sheet
    was associated with the sheet placed over a
    corpse. The mans friend had recently died from a
    heart attack and the white sheet was associated
    with death this made him fearful since he was
    overweight and his grandfather had died of a
    heart attack.
  • Repression has proved difficult to demonstrate in
    a laboratory but attempts have been made

  • Levinger and Clark (1961) investigated the
    retrieval of associations to words that were
    emotionally charged, compared with the retrieval
    of associations to neutral words. They found
  •          It took participants longer to provide
    free associations to the negatively charged words
    compared with the neutral words.
  •          Compared with the neutral words, the
    negatively charged words produced higher galvanic
    skin responses in the participants.
  •          Participants found it more difficult to
    recall their associations for the negatively
    charged words compared with the neutral words.
  • From these findings, Levinger and Clark concluded
    that repression led to the emotionally negatively
    charged words being more difficult to recall and
    results therefore, support Freuds theory that
    repression causes forgetting.

  • However, a situation of high anxiety was produced
    by Loftus and Burns (1982) who showed two groups
    a film of a bank robbery, but exposed one of the
    groups to a far more violent version where a
    young boy was shot in the face. The group that
    saw this version later showed far poorer recall
    of detail than the control group.
  • Loftus and Burns explained the forgetting with
    the weapons focus effect, where fearful or
    stressful aspects of a scene (eg the gun) channel
    attention towards the source of distress and away
    from other details.
  • Alternatively, people may need to be in the same
    state (ie anxious) to recall properly this is a
    cue-dependent explanation.

  • Flashbulb Memories
  • The term flashbulb memory describes a
    long-lasting vivid memory formed at a time of
    intense emotion, such as significant public or
    personal events.
  • Brown and Kulik (1977) found that around 90 of
    people reported flashbulb memories associated
    with personal shocking events, but whether they
    had such memories for public shocking events,
    like assassinations, depended upon how personally
    relevant the event was for them. 75 of black
    participants in their research had a flashbulb
    memory for the assassination of Martin Luther
    King, compared to 3 of white participants.

  • Flashbulb Memories
  • Brown and Kulik argue that flashbulb memory was a
    special and distinct form of memory since the
    emotionally important event triggers a neural
    mechanism, which causes it to be especially well
    imprinted into memory.
  • Neisser (1982), disagrees that flashbulb memories
    are distinct from other memories, since the
    long-lasting nature of the memory is probably due
    to it being frequently rehearsed (thought about
    it and discarded afterwards) rather than being
    due to any special neural activity at the time.

Memory Improvement Techniques
  • Improving the memory depends on organising
    information and then using active techniques and
    persevering with them.
  • Organisation
  • Organising and ordering information can
    significantly improve memory.

Memory Improvement Techniques
  • By Category and Hierarchy
  • If things are stored away in their proper place
    it is much easier to find them than when they are
    jumbled up.
  • Memory is the same, retrieval is made easier when
    memory is organised rather than if it is
  • Information can be accessed more easily if it is
    organised by category and hierarchy.

Memory Improvement Techniques
  • Bower et al. (1969) presented participants with
    word lists arranged either hierarchically or
    randomly. Participants were then tested for
  • The results showed that the list, which was
    arranged hierarchically was recalled two to three
    times better than the list arranged randomly.

Memory Improvement Techniques
  • By Imagery
  • Diagrams can be used to illustrate information
    and to aid understanding of information.
  • Imagery can be defined as the creation of a
    mental picture.
  • After studying patients with damage to one of
    their temporal lobes, Paivio (1971) proposed that
    the processing of words and images occurs
    separately. According to Paivio, concrete words,
    which can be images, are encoded twice in memory,
    once in verbal symbols and once as image-based
    symbols. This increases the likelihood that they
    will be remembered.
  • Paivio called this the dual coding hypothesis.
    (This can be linked to the phonological loop in
    the Working memory model.)

Memory Improvement Techniques
  • By Context
  • It is easier to retrieve a particular episode if
    you are in the same context as that in which the
    episode occurred (Estes, 1972).
  • Context has been shown to affect our memory in
    several ways.

Memory Improvement Techniques
  • In state-dependent learning the internal state of
    the individual provides the contextual cue for
    retrieving information. Recall is most effective
    when the individual is placed in the same
    psycho-physiological state as they were in when
    the original learning took place.
  • State-dependent learning has been demonstrated
    for a wide range of altered states of awareness,
    including those due to
  •          depressants (Goodwin etal, 1969,
  •          stimulant drugs (Bustamante etal, 1970,
  •          hallucinogenic drugs (Eich etal, 1975,
  •          hypnosis (Bower etal, 1978)
  •          mood states (Weingartner, 1978,
  •          stages of sleep (Bonnet, 1983)

Memory Improvement Techniques
  • Active Techniques
  • Active learning facilitates memory by helping an
    individual to attend to and process information.
  •          Repetition
  • Practice makes perfect the more times
    information is memorised, the more accurate the
    recall and the less time it takes to re-learn the
  • Ebbinghaus (1895) found re-learning savings the
    greater the number of repetitions the less time
    it took to re-learn the lists.
  • Linto found that everyday memories last longer if
    they are occasionally remembered.

  •    Mnemonics try to improve organisation when
    encoding takes place.
  • They are a combination of loci, associations and
  • There are several well-known mnemonic systems
  • Method of Loci (using familiar locations-eg
    shopping list)
  • Numeric pegword system (link items to
    pegs-locations-e.g. one is a bun rhyme)
  • Keyword method (new keyword acts as retrieval cue
    e.g. learning the french word for library-bible)
  • Narrative link (link otherwise unrelated words in
    a story)
  • Rhymes and rhythms (times table rhymes)

  •          Grouping classify lists on the basis
    of some common characteristic. Remembering the
    key element of the group is a key to remembering
    all the items. An example would be grouping trees
    by deciduous or evergreen.
  •          Rhymes setting the information to be
    remembered to a rhyme eg in 1492 Columbus sailed
    the ocean blue.
  • Other examples of mnemonics using rhyming
  •          I before E except after C or
  •          30 days hath September, April, June
    and November.
  • It seems that the rhythmic pattern helps by
    reducing the number of retrieval possibilities.

  •             Acronyms the first letter from
    each word in a list forms a key word, name, or
    sentence, eg Richard of York gave battle in
    vain for the colours of the spectrum or every
    good boy deserves food for the lines on the
    treble clef.
  • Chaining material to be learned into
    narrative stories can also help remembering.
    Bower and Clark (1969) asked participants to make
    stories from lists of ten un-related nouns.
    Subsequently, 93 showed correct recall.

  •     Mnemonics help memory by shortening the
    sequence to be learned or elaborating it, and
    giving it meaning.
  • They do have drawbacks
  • they do not help to understand the material
  • they are time consuming to learn
  • under stress the mnemonic may be forgotten and
    therefore the information.

  •      What about strategies for learning complex,
    integrated material?
  • Mind Maps
  • Mind mapping involves writing down a central idea
    and thinking up new and related ideas out from
    the centre. By focussing on key ideas written
    down and then looking for branches out and
    connections between the ideas, knowledge is
    mapped in a manner which will aid learning and
  • PQRST Method
  • Preview, Question, Read, Self- recitation and
  • Designed to help improve ability to study and
    remember material from textbooks
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