Title: Preventing Chronic Beryllium Disease through Exposure Recognition and Control
1Preventing Chronic Beryllium Disease
throughExposure Recognition and Control
- Activities
- Quiz Bowl Questions
- Glo-GermTM Exercise
- This material was produced under grant number
SH-20996-SHO from the Occupational Safety and
Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor.
It does not necessarily reflect the views or
policies of the U.S. Department of Labor, nor
does mention of trade names, commercial products,
or organizations imply endorsement by the U. S.
Government. - This training is not intended to replace site or
company specific training on the recognition and
control of beryllium hazards in the workplace. - It is the responsibility of the employer and its
employees to comply with all pertinent
OSHA/safety rules and regulations in the
jurisdiction in which they work.
3Health Effects Quiz Bowl
- This is just a test question.
- True
- False
4Health Effects Quiz Bowl
- Health effects from beryllium include which of
the following?
- Beryllium sensitization (BeS)
- Chronic beryllium disease (CBD)
- Acute Beryllium Disease
- All of the above
5Health Effects Quiz Bowl
- Skin effects, such as slow wound healing, skin
nodules, and beryllium sensitization (BeS) are
some health effects from beryllium.
- True
- False
6Health Effects Quiz Bowl
- Beryllium sensitization (BeS) means that your
immune cells multiply when exposed to beryllium.
It causes no symptoms.
- True
- False
7Health Effects Quiz Bowl
- Two abnormal BeLPTs means you have beryllium
sensitization (BeS) and a medical evaluation is
needed to know if you have CBD.
- True
- False
8Health Effects Quiz Bowl
- Symptoms of chronic beryllium disease (CBD)
include shortness of breath, particularly with
physical activity, along with sweating at night
and feeling tired.
- True
- False
9Health Effects Quiz Bowl
- Your genes (DNA) and amount of exposure to
beryllium increase risk for beryllium
sensitization (BeS) and chronic beryllium disease
- True
- False
10Health Effects Quiz Bowl
- When can you get beryllium sensitization (BeS)
and/or chronic beryllium disease (CBD)?
- Many years after last exposure
- Within 3 months of first exposure
- After a normal BeLPT
- At any time after first exposure
11Skin Exposure (Glo-Germ)Activity
Photo by National Jewish Health
12Beryllium Exposure Quiz Bowl
- You can use a specially trained beryllium
badger to detect beryllium exposure in your
- True
- False
Photo by BadgerHero available under public domain
from Wikimedia Commons
13Beryllium Exposure Quiz Bowl
- One of the main reason to do medical surveillance
is to determine if your exposure control measures
are working correctly.
- True
- False
14Beryllium Exposure Quiz Bowl
- Beryllium has been measured in workers personal
- True
- False
15Beryllium Exposure Quiz Bowl
- Proper training, fit testing and no facial hair
are all needed for a respirator to be effective
in preventing exposure to beryllium particles.
- True
- False
16Beryllium Exposure Quiz Bowl
- Area samples are as good as personal samples to
determine a beryllium workers exposure to
beryllium particles in the air.
- True
- False
17Beryllium Exposure Quiz Bowl
- 2 µg/m3 and 0.2 µg/m3 (8 hour average) are the
federal OSHA and California OSHA beryllium
exposure limits.
- True
- False
18Beryllium Exposure Quiz Bowl
- If your co-worker is found to have BeS, other
workers with similar jobs may also be at risk.
- True
- False
19Beryllium Exposure Quiz Bowl
- Covering the skin may reduce the risk of
developing beryllium sensitization (BeS).
- True
- False