Title: Numbers and Operations in Base Ten
1Numbers and Operations in Base Ten
Success Implementing CCSS for K-2 Math
3K 2 Objectives
- Reflect on teaching practices that support the
shifts (Focus, Coherence, Rigor) in the Common
Core State Standards for Mathematics. - Deepen understanding of the progression of
learning and coherence around the CCSS-M for
Number and Operations in Base 10 - Analyze tasks and classroom applications of the
CCSS for Number and Operations in Base 10
4Success Implementing CCSS for K-2 Math
- Number and Operations in Base 10
5Why CCSS?
6Common Core State Standards
- Define the knowledge and skills students need for
college and career - Developed voluntarily and cooperatively by
states more than 46 states have adopted - Provide clear, consistent standards in English
language arts/Literacy and mathematics
Source www.corestandards.org
7What We are Doing Doesnt Work
- Almost half of eighth-graders in Taiwan,
Singapore and South Korea showed they could reach
the advanced level in math, meaning they could
relate fractions, decimals and percents to each
other understand algebra and solve simple
probability problems. - In the U.S., 7 percent met that standard.
- Results from the 2011 TIMMS
8Theory of Practice for CCSS Implementation in WA
- 2-Prongs
- The What Content Shifts (for students and
educators) - Belief that past standards implementation efforts
have provided a strong foundation on which to
build for CCSS HOWEVER there are shifts that
need to be attended to in the content. - The How System Remodeling
- Belief that successful CCSS implementation will
not take place top down or bottom up it must be
both, and - Belief that districts across the state have the
conditions and commitment present to engage
wholly in this work. - Professional learning systems are critical
9 WA CCSS Implementation Timeline
2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
Phase 1 CCSS Exploration
Phase 2 Build Awareness Begin Building Statewide Capacity
Phase 3 Build State District Capacity and Classroom Transitions
Phase 4 Statewide Application and Assessment
Ongoing Statewide Coordination and Collaboration to Support Implementation
10Transition Plan for Washington State
K-2 3-5 6-8 High School
Year 1- 2 2012-2013 School districts that can, should consider adopting the CCSS for K-2 in total. K Counting and Cardinality (CC) Operations and Algebraic Thinking (OA) Measurement and Data (MD) 1 Operations and Algebraic Thinking (OA) Number and Operations in Base Ten (NBT) 2 Operations and Algebraic Thinking (OA) Number and Operations in Base Ten (NBT) and remaining 2008 WA Standards 3 Number and Operations Fractions (NF) Operations and Algebraic Thinking (OA) 4 Number and Operations Fractions (NF) Operations and Algebraic Thinking (OA) 5 Number and Operations Fractions (NF) Operations and Algebraic Thinking (OA) and remaining 2008 WA Standard 6 Ratio and Proportion Relationships (RP) The Number System (NS) Expressions and Equations (EE) 7 Ratio and Proportion Relationships (RP) The Number System (NS) Expressions and Equations (EE) 8 Expressions and Equations (EE) The Number System (NS) Functions (F) and remaining 2008 WA Standards Algebra 1- Unit 2 Linear and Exponential Relationships Unit 1 Relationship Between Quantities and Reasoning with Equations and Unit 4 Expressions and Equations Geometry- Unit 1 Congruence, Proof and Constructions and Unit 4 Connecting Algebra and Geometry through Coordinates Unit 2 Similarity, Proof, and Trigonometry and Unit 3Extending to Three Dimensions and remaining 2008 WA Standards
11Focus, Coherence Rigor
12The Three Shifts in Mathematics
- Focus Strongly where the standards focus
- Coherence Think across grades and link to major
topics within grades - Rigor Require conceptual understanding, fluency,
and application
13Focus on the Major Work of the Grade
- Two levels of focus
- Whats in/Whats out
- The shape of the content
14Shift 1 Focus Key Areas of Focus in Mathematics
Grade Focus Areas in Support of Rich Instruction and Expectations of Fluency and Conceptual Understanding
K-2 Addition and subtraction - concepts, skills, and problem solving and place value
3-5 Multiplication and division of whole numbers and fractions concepts, skills, and problem solving
6 Ratios and proportional reasoning early expressions and equations
7 Ratios and proportional reasoning arithmetic of rational numbers
8 Linear algebra and linear functions
15(No Transcript)
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18Focus on Major Work
- In any single grade, students and teachers spend
the majority of their time, approximately 75 on
the major work of the grade. - The major work should also predominate the first
half of the year.
19Shift Two Coherence Think across grades, and
link to major topics within grades
- Carefully connect the learning within and across
grades so that students can build new
understanding onto foundations built in previous
years. - Begin to count on solid conceptual understanding
of core content and build on it. Each standard is
not a new event, but an extension of previous
20Coherence Across and Within Grades
- Its about math making sense.
- The power and elegance of math comes out through
carefully laid progressions and connections
within grades.
21Coherence Think across grades, and link to major
topics within grades
- Carefully connect the learning within and across
grades so that students can build new
understanding onto foundations built in previous
years. - Begin to count on solid conceptual understanding
of core content and build on it. Each standard is
not a new event, but an extension of previous
22Coherence Across the Grades?
- Varied problem structures that build on the
students work with whole numbers - 5 1 1 1 1 1 builds to
- 5/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 and
- 5/3 5 x 1/3
- Conceptual development before procedural
- Use of rich tasks-applying mathematics to real
world problems - Effective use of group work
- Precision in the use of mathematical vocabulary
23Coherence Within A Grade
- Use addition and subtraction within 100 to solve
word problems involving lengths that are given in
the same units, e.g., by using drawings (such as
drawings of rulers) and equations with a symbol
for the unknown number to represent the problem. - 2.MD.5
24Rigor Illustrations of Conceptual Understanding,
Fluency, and Application
- Here rigor does not mean hard problems.
- Its a balance of three fundamental components
that result in deep mathematical understanding. - There must be variety in what students are asked
to produce.
25Some Old Ways of Doing Business
- Lack of rigor
- Reliance on rote learning at expense of concepts
- Severe restriction to stereotyped problems
lending themselves to mnemonics or tricks - Aversion to (or overuse) of repetitious practice
- Lack of quality applied problems and real-world
contexts - Lack of variety in what students produce
- E.g., overwhelmingly only answers are produced,
not arguments, diagrams, models, etc.
26Redefining what it means to be good at math
- Expect math to make sense
- wonder about relationships between numbers,
shapes, functions - check their answers for reasonableness
- make connections
- want to know why
- try to extend and generalize their results
- Are persistent and resilient
- are willing to try things out, experiment, take
risks - contribute to group intelligence by asking good
questions - Value mistakes as a learning tool (not something
to be ashamed of)
27What research says about effective classrooms
- The activity centers on mathematical
understanding, invention, and sense-making by all
students. - The culture is one in which inquiry, wrong
answers, personal challenge, collaboration, and
disequilibrium provide opportunities for
mathematics learning by all students. - The tasks in which students engage are
mathematically worthwhile for all students. - A teachers deep knowledge of the mathematics
content she/he teaches and the trajectory of that
content enables the teacher to support important,
long-lasting student understanding
28What research says about effective classrooms
- The activity centers on mathematical
understanding, invention, and sense-making by all
students. - The culture is one in which inquiry, wrong
answers, personal challenge, collaboration, and
disequilibrium provide opportunities for
mathematics learning by all students. - The tasks in which students engage are
mathematically worthwhile for all students. - A teachers deep knowledge of the mathematics
content she/he teaches and the trajectory of that
content enables the teacher to support important,
long-lasting student understanding
29What research says about effective classrooms
- The activity centers on mathematical
understanding, invention, and sense-making by all
students. - The culture is one in which inquiry, wrong
answers, personal challenge, collaboration, and
disequilibrium provide opportunities for
mathematics learning by all students. - The tasks in which students engage are
mathematically worthwhile for all students. - A teachers deep knowledge of the mathematics
content she/he teaches and the trajectory of that
content enables the teacher to support important,
long-lasting student understanding
30What research says about effective classrooms
- The activity centers on mathematical
understanding, invention, and sense-making by all
students. - The culture is one in which inquiry, wrong
answers, personal challenge, collaboration, and
disequilibrium provide opportunities for
mathematics learning by all students. - The tasks in which students engage are
mathematically worthwhile for all students. - A teachers deep knowledge of the mathematics
content she/he teaches and the trajectory of that
content enables the teacher to support important,
long-lasting student understanding.
31Effective implies
- Students are engaged with important mathematics.
- Lessons are very likely to enhance student
understanding and to develop students capacity
to do math successfully. - Students are engaged in ways of knowing and ways
of working consistent with the nature of
mathematicians ways of knowing and working.
32Mathematical ProgressionK-5 Number and
Operations in Base Ten
- Everyone skim the OVERVIEW (p. 2-4)
- Divide your group so that everyone has at least
one section - position, base-ten units, computations,
strategies and algorithms, and mathematical
practices - Read your section carefully, share out 2 big
ideas and give at least one example from your
33Mathematical ProgressionK-5 Number and
Operations in Base Ten
- Read through the progression document at your
grade level. - Discuss with your grade level team and record the
following on your poster - Big ideas
- Progression within the grade level
- What is this preparing students for?
34Big Ideas
- Rather than learn traditional algorithms,
childrens struggle with the invention of their
own methods of computation will enhance their
understanding of place value and provide a firm
foundation for flexible methods of computation.
Computation and place value development need not
be entirely separated as they have been
traditionally. - Van de Walle 2006
35Tens, Ones and Fingers
- Where does this activity fall in the progression
and what clusters does this address? - How can this activity be adapted?
36 Standards for Mathematical Practices
37The Standards for Mathematical Practice
- Skim The Standards for Mathematical Practice
- Read The Standards for Mathematical Practice
assigned to you - Reflect
- What would this look like in my classroom?
- Review the SMP Matrix for your assigned practices
- Add to your recording sheet if necessary
38The Standards for Mathematical Practice
- Return to your home group and share out your
39(No Transcript)
40Mathematical Practices in Action
- http//www.learner.org/resources/series32.html?pop
yespid873 - Using the matrix, what Mathematical Practices
were included in these centers? - What major and supporting clusters are addressed?
41What makes a rich task?
- Is the task interesting to students?
- Does the task involve meaningful mathematics?
- Does the task provide an opportunity for students
to apply and extend mathematics? - Is the task challenging to all students?
- Does the task support the use of multiple
strategies and entry points? - Will students conversation and collaboration
about the task reveal information about
students mathematics understanding?
Adapted from Common Core Mathematics in a PLC at
Work 3-5 Larson,, et al
42Environment for Rich Tasks
- Learners not passive recipients of mathematical
knowledge - Learners are active participants in creating
understanding and challenge and reflect on their
own and others understandings - Instructors provide support and assistance
through questioning and supports as needed
43Depth of Knowledge (DOK)
44Bring it all together
- Divide into triads
- Watch and reflect based on
- What Makes a Rich Task?
- Standards (which clusters and SMP were
addressed?) - As a group, using all three pieces of
information, decide - Is this a meaningful mathematical lesson?
45Bringing It All TogetherCounting Collections
46Estimating Groups of Tens and Ones
- Where does this activity fall in the progression
and what clusters does this address? - What mathematical practices are used?
- What makes this a good problem?
- What is the DOK?
- How can this activity be adapted?
47Lets Analyze a Task
48(No Transcript)
49Base-Ten Riddles
- Where does this activity fall in the progression
and what clusters does this address? - What mathematical practices are used?
- What makes this a good problem?
- What is the DOK?
- How can this activity be adapted?
51Patterns on a 100 chart
52Adapting a Task
- In your group, think of ways to adapt this problem
53More and Less on the Hundred Chart
- Where does this activity fall in the progression
and what clusters does this address? - What mathematical practices are used?
- What makes this a good problem?
- What is the DOK?
- How can this activity be adapted?
54Big Ideas
- A good base-ten model for ones, tens and hundreds
is proportional. That is, a ten model is
physically ten times larger than the model for
one, and a hundred model is ten times larger than
the ten model. - No model, including a group able model, will
guarantee that children are reflecting on the
ten-to-one relationship in the materials. With
pre-grouped models, we need to make an extra
effort to see that children understand that a ten
piece really is the same as ten ones. - Van de Walle 2006
55Homework Tasks
- At our next meeting we are going to analyze
student work - For your grade level task
- Read through it at least twice
- Solve it
- Complete the Rich Task Pre-Planning Sheet
- What is your current reality around classroom
culture? - What can you do to enhance your current reality?
57Next Meeting
Questions? Contact? Next Meeting?
58Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Success Implementing CCSS for K-2 Math
59Todays Objectives
- Develop a deeper understanding of how students
progress in their understanding of the Common
Core clusters related to operations and algebraic
thinking in grades PreK-2. - Learn engaging instructional strategies through
hands on activities that connect content to the
mathematical practices.
- What is your definition of Operations and
Algebraic Thinking?
61Collaboration Protocol-Looking at Student Work
- 1. Individual review of student work samples
(10 min) - All participants observe or read student work
samples in silence, making brief notes on the
form Looking at Student Work - 2. Sharing observations (15 min)
- The facilitator asks the group
- What do students appear to understand based on
evidence? - Which mathematical practices are evident in their
work? - Each person takes a turn sharing their
observations about student work without making
interpretations, evaluations of the quality of
the work, or statements of personal reference. - 3. Discuss inferences -student understanding (15
min) - Participants, drawing on their observation of the
student work, make suggestions about the problems
or issues of students content misunderstandings
or use of the mathematical practices. - Adapted from Steps in the Collaborative
Assessment Conference developed by - Steve Seidel and Project Zero Colleagues
Select one group member to be todays
facilitator to help move the group through the
steps of the protocol. Teachers bring student
work samples with student names removed.
- 4. Discussing implications-teaching learning
(10 min) - The facilitator invites all participants to share
any thoughts they have about their own teaching,
students learning, or ways to support the
students in the future. - How might this task be adapted to further elicit
students use of Standards for Mathematical
Practice or mathematical content. - 5. Debrief collaborative process (5 min)
- The group reflects together on their experiences
using this protocol.
62Mathematical ProgressionOperations and
Algebraic Thinking
- Read through your grade level progression
document for your grade level. Discuss with your
group and record on your poster. - What fluencies are required for this domain?
- What conceptual understandings do students need?
- How can this be applied?
63Major and Supporting ClustersA Quick Review
- One of the shifts from our current Math Standards
to the Common Cores State Standards is the idea
of focus. Students spend more time learning
deeply with fewer topics. Grade level concepts
have been divided into major, supporting and
additional clusters.
64(No Transcript)
65Bring it all togetherAGAIN!
- Divide into triads
- Watch and reflect based on
- What Makes a Rich Task?
- Standards (which clusters and SMP were
addressed?) - As a group, using all three pieces of
information, decide - Is this a meaningful mathematical lesson?
66Bringing It All TogetherWheels Video
68Eyes, Fingers, and Legs
- Where does this activity fall in the progression
and what clusters does this address? - What mathematical practices are used?
- What is the DOK?
- How might students solve these problems?
- What student misconceptions might arise?
- How can this activity be adapted?
69Homework Adapting a Task
70Welcome Back
71Objectives for the day
- Develop a deeper understanding of how students
progress in their understanding of the Common
Core clusters related to operations and algebraic
thinking in grades PreK-2. - Learn engaging instructional strategies through
hands on activities that connect content to the
mathematical practices.
72HW - Analyzing and Adapting Tasks
- With a partner, go through the Deep Task Analysis
Sheet on the task you adapted - Consider
- Do you achieve the outcome you expected?
- How well did your students engage in the task?
- Where their any surprises?
- What questions would ask students based on their
work? - How would you change this task for next time?
73Reviewing the SMP
- Reflect on the work we have done and your
students have done and write the SMP assigned to
your table in student friendly language. - Record your thoughts on a poster.
74WA Kids
75Smarter-Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC)
- In your groups, work through the assessment task
- Consider what standards are necessary for
students to master in my grade level so they can
be successful with this task?
76Consider WA Kids and SBAC
- What are some implications of WA Kids and SBAC in
mathematics? - Look at your major and supporting clusters and
the progression documents what are the
milestones students need to attain in order to
prepare for the 3rd grade assessment? - Where should we focus instruction if students
arent coming to us prepared? - What can we do to ensure our students are
77Classroom Connections.
- Students using Quick Images
- As you watch this video Reflect on the following
- Where does this fit on our progression?
- How can this be adapted to meet the needs of your
students? - What mathematical practices did you observe?
- What can be assessed from this activity?
- https//www.teachingchannel.org/videos/visualizing
78Addition and Subtraction Situations
- There were 7 children at the park. Then 4 more
showed up. How many children were at the park all
together? - There were 7 children at the park. Some more
showed up. Then there were 11 children in all.
How many more children came? - There were some children at the park. Four more
children showed up. Then there were 11 children
at the park. How many children were at the park
to start with? - Now consider different ways you can use these
scenarios and what makes one more difficult than
another. One might ask students..
79Which equation matches?
80Teacher Questioning Strategies
- How can the questions you ask move students
thinking forward? How should it differ for
struggling or high achieving students? - Using the DOK, identify the level of some of the
questions on the matrix provided. - What can students do to engage in the mathematics
more deeply? - When you look at the website resources, what
might work in your classroom? - http//www.fcps.org/cms/lib02/MD01000577/Centricit
81Connecting Literature with Math Concepts.
Other classroom connection ideas for OA? The
hand game, Go Fish, Memory, Race to 10.
82Evaluation and Next Steps.