Title: The Battle for National Reform
1The Battle for National Reform
2Theodore Roosevelt and the Modern Presidency
- The loveable president
- Changed the powers, role and perception of the
president - The Accidental President
- that damned cowboy! Mark Hanna
- reputation of substance, rather than of style
- New York Legislature energy among lethargy
- Rancher and peace authority in Dakota Territories
- San Juan Hill (useless but heroic)
3Theodore Roosevelt
- Never rebelled against leaders of his party
- TR philosophy on reform / govt
- Reform protecting the govt from more radical
challenges - Govt not an agent of a particular interest,
but as the mediator of public good with the
president at its center
4Government, Capital and Labor
- TR allied himself with progressives who urged
regulation, but not destruction, of the trusts - wanted to investigate the activities of
corporations and publish them - believed an educated public would eliminate most
corporate abuses - govt could legislate those that remained
- Department of Commerce and Labor
5TR Trust Buster?
- 1902 ordered the Justice Department to invoke the
Sherman Antitrust Act against Northern Securities
Company (J.P Morgan) - J.P. Morgan fix it up
- 1904 Supreme Court ordered the NSC
- Roosevelt assured Morgan that he did not wish to
dissolve trusts - 40 anti-trust suits filed during the TR
presidency - but no serious commitment to reverse the
prevailing trend toward economic concentration
J.P Morgan
6TR Friend of Labor?
- 1902 United Mine Workers Strike
- threatened to send in troops
- federal arbitration awards 10 wage increase and
9 hour day - no recognition of union
- TR viewed himself as a champion of management and
7The Square Deal
- Through skillful politicking, Roosevelt wins
re-election in 1904 - After re-election, free to display extent and
limits of reform - Hepburn Railroad Regulation Act of 1906 sought to
restore regulatory authority to government
(empower the I.C.C.) - cautious
- Senator Robert LaFollette never would forgive
8Square Deal Acts
- Pure Food and Drug Act
- Meat Inspection Act (Upton Sinclair, The Jungle)
9The Square Deal Continued
- eight-hour day for workers
- broader compensation for victims of industrial
accidents - inheritance and income taxes
- regulation of the stock market
- TR criticized conservatives who obstructed these
programs - Lead to stalemate in agenda
- Widening gap between president TR and the
conservative members of his party
- TR life time sportsman and naturalist, was the
first president to take an active interest in the
new and struggling American conservation movement - Spent four days hiking in the Sierras with John
Muir, founder of the Sierra Club - Sierra Club aesthetic value of forest
- TR administration supported rational and
efficient human use of the wilderness
scientific management
11Gifford Pinchot
- Gifford Pinchot was TR chief forester 1907
worked furiously to seize all the forests and
many of the water power sites till in the public
domain before a Conservative Congress restricted
presidents authority.
12Conservation Continued
- TRs administration established governments
role as manager of the continuing development
of the wilderness - Pleasing the opposition Newlands Act provided
federal funds for the construction of dams,
reservoirs, and canals in the West - open new lands for cultivation
- cheap electric power
- greater impact would not be felt for twenty years
13The Panic of 1907
- despite reforms govt had little control over the
economy - Same three mistakes as 1893
- supply production out runs the capacity of demand
- banking system inadequate
- financial mismanagement
- Roosevelt falsely blamed for mad economic
14The Panic of 1907 Continued
- Roosevelt and Morgan make a deal Morgan props
up shaky financial institutions in return for
protection from anti-trust action - TR does not run again in 1908
- conservative backlash, might not have gotten
party bid - panic of 1907
- promised not to run again in 1904
- retired from public life, briefly, at age 50
15The Troubled Succession
- Hand-picked by Roosevelt to succeed him
- Attention to law and detail instead of aggressive
like Roosevelt - Came to office as the darling of both
progressives and conservatives soon found he
could not please both
16Taft and the Progressives
- Payne-Aldrich Tariff
- called Congress to a special session to lower
protective tariff rates - Taft made no effort to influence Congress,
arguing it was unconstitutional for him to do so - P-A Tariff was weak and angered progressives
17The Pinchot-Ballinger Controversy
- Taft replaces Roosevelts secretary of the
interior who was a conservationist with a
conservative corporate lawyer, Richard Ballinger - Ballinger removes 1 million acres of public
forests and mineral reserves to private
enterprises - Louis Glavis, Interior Department Secretary,
finds evidence that Ballinger was selling areas
of Alaska for personal profit - Glavis, shows case to Gifford Pinchot (still head
of Forest Service) and Pinchot takes case to
president - Ballinger cleared by Tafts attorney general
- Glavis fired by Taft
- Pinchot, not happy takes the case to the Press
and asks Congress to investigate the issue - Pinchot fired for insubordination
- Conservative Congressional Committee exonerates
Ballinger - Symbolic
- Taft separates himself from Roosevelt supporters
completely - Big business vs. progressive managed control
18The Return of Roosevelt
- Gone for two years on an African Safari
- Return to America, a major public event turned
down an invitation to the White House to meet
with Pinchot - Announced a public speaking tour
- believed Taft had completely twisted around his
policies - believed that he alone was capable of reuniting
the Republican Party
19New Nationalism
- made clear he had moved a considerable way from
the cautious conservatism of the first years of
his presidency - social justice only possible through a strong
federal government - inheritance taxes
- workers compensation in industrial accidents
- regulation of the labor of women and children
- firmer regulation of corporations
20Spreading Insurgency
- 1910 Congressional Elections
- Conservatives ousted, Progressives elected
- Democrats beginning to make their mark in
Congress - Roosevelt says he does not want to run for
President, but rather urge Taft to return to
progressivism two things changed his mind - 1911 antitrust decision by the Taft
Administration TR takes it personally - 1912 Progressive Candidate LaFollette suffers a
public breakdown in response to his daughters
Fighting Bob
21The Republican Schism
- Roosevelt wins almost every primary election at
the individual state level - Republican Party leaders override the primary and
refuse to admit Roosevelts delegates - Roosevelt marches out of the convention with his
delegates - In August of that year, Roosevelt creates a new
Progressive Party to nominate him as president - fit as a bull moose Progressive becomes Bull
Moose Party
22Woodrow Wilson and The New Freedom
- The Rise of Wilson
- Born and raised in the South
- Author of books on the American political system
- President of Princeton University 1902 (New
Jersey) - Governor of New Jersey 1910
- Reputation for progressivism and unwillingness to
Woodrow Wilson
23Election of 1912
- traditional Republicans split
- Taft Republican Party
- Roosevelt Progressive / Bull Moose Party
- Roosevelt Impaired
- Many Republicans refused to leave the party
- Roosevelt shot by a would be assassin during the
last weeks of the elections - Democrats nominated a strong candidate
- Wilsons New Freedom vs. Roosevelts New
Nationalism - two opposing progressive perspectives
- proper response to monopolies was to destroy them
(Wilson / Brandies) rather to regulate them
24The Scholar as President
- Wilson more bold and forceful that both Roosevelt
and Taft - demanded fierce loyalty
- used Presidential powers to mold together a
coalition of conservatives and progressives who
would support his program - Democrat majorities in both houses helped his
platform - elected candidates realized they would have to
enact progressive reform to stay elected
25The Scholar as President Continued
- Tariffs
- substantial lowering of the protective tariff
- Underwood-Simmons Tariff
- many Americans believed this act introduced real
competition into American markets - help break the power of trusts
- graduated income tax
- imposed a 1 tax on individuals and corporations
earning over 4,000 - ii. rates went up to 6 on incomes over
26The Scholar as President Continued Again
- Banking Reform
- govt would have substantial control at the
national level - bankers would retain control at the local level
- Federal Reserve Act most important piece of
domestic legislation during Wilsons
administration - created 12 regional banks, each to be controlled
by the individual banks of its district - new paper currency Federal Reserve Notes
- central institutions able to shift funds quickly
into troubled areas
27Problem of the Trusts
- During 1912 Campaign, Wilson promised to attack
economic concentration (aka monopolistic trusts)
but his philosophy began to change into one of
regulation, like Roosevelt
28Federal Trade Commission Act
- created a regulatory agency that would help
businesses determine in advance whether their
actions would be acceptable to the government - would have authority to launch prosecutions
against unfair trade practices - increased governments regulatory authority
29Clayton Antitrust Act
- originally reflected the ideals of 1912 campaign
- Wilson did not back it strongly, weakened in
Congress - Promises of 1912 election never materialized
Wilsons conclusion supervision over
30Retreat and Advance
- Fall of 1914 Wilson decides Reform Movement is
complete and that agitation for reform would end - refused to support the movement for national
womans suffrage - condoned re-imposition of segregation in the
agencies of federal government - dismissed efforts from Congress to support new
reform legislation - Congressional elections of 1914 shattered
Presidents complacency Democrats ousted by
re-united Republicans - With 1916 on his mind, Wilson began to push for
a second flurry of reforms - Nominated Louis Brandies to the Supreme Court
- Supported a measure to make it easier for farmers
to receive credit - Workers compensation for federal employees
- Keating-Owen Act first federal law regulating
child labor / struck down by Supreme Court
31The Big Stick America and The World,1901
1917 (Pre-WWI PPT)
- Little public involvement in countrys
international affairs prior to World War I
32Roosevelt and Civilization
- TR believed in the value and importance of using
American power in the world (Proverb Speak
softly, but carry a big stick) - Clear distinction between civilized and
uncivilized nations - civilized Anglo-Saxon or Teutonic
- uncivilized non-white, Latin or Slavic
- Economic development also important American
interests - civilized producers of industrial goods
- uncivilized sources of raw materials
- relationship between the two viewed as vital
- Roosevelt believed in order to preserve order and
stability, build a strong navy
33Protecting the Open Door in Asia
- TR was concerned with military tensions between
Japan, Russia, Germany, France and Asia - Mediated conflict between Russia and Japan in
1905 - part of deal stated US could trade freely in the
region - Roosevelt wins Nobel Peace Prize in 1906
- Russian Fleet destroyed by Japan Japan begins
to exert authority in Pacific - Domestic issues
- extension of Chinese Exclusion Act
- Oriental School
- Hearst Papers Yellow Peril
- The Great White Fleet on world tour
34The Iron-Fisted Neighbor
- Principal Sphere of interest Latin America
- 1902 Venezuela European powers converge off
Venezuelan coast, TR uses threat of US naval
power to force Germany to withdrawal - Roosevelt Corollary TR states that US has the
right to intervene in domestic affairs of its
neighbor if they proved unable to maintain order
on their own - Dominican Republic debts to Europe
- Cuba Platt Amendment
35The Panama Canal
- Roosevelt determined to achieve dream of
connecting Atlantic to Pacific - Original site was Nicaragua
- French originally tried and failed in
Panamauneven ground would require locks - US chose Panama when French lowered their price
of their prior holdings from 109 mil. To 40
mil. - 1901 Hay-Pauncefote Treaty eliminated Britain
from the deal - Trouble with closing deal with Columbia
- John Hay and suspicious deal with Columbian
official - TR upset when Columbians change their mind, calls
them inefficient bandits and blackmailers
36The Panama Canal Continued
- US and French organize and support revolution in
Panama - U.S.S Nashville off the coast in Panama to
maintain order - US military presence kept Colombia from
suppressing the rebellion - Independent Nation of Panama officially
recognized by the US - 1914 Panama Canal opens TR exclaims I took the
Canal Zone and let Congress debate!
37Taft and Dollar Diplomacy
- Taft also worked to expand the nations economic
interest overseas, but little interest in world
stability - P.C. Knox worked to expand US investments into
less developed regions - Failure and greed of Taft-Knox diplomacy Asia
- Taft expands Americas economic influence in
Manchurian region, counter to Roosevelt policy - Constructing railroads
- Russians loose alliance with Japanese and
American railroad project quickly collapses - Failure and greed of Taft-Knox diplomacy
Caribbean - Nicaragua 1909, American corporate inspired
revolt - American seize customs houses
- Knox encourages American bankers to offer
substantial loans to the new government, thus
increasing US financial leverage
38Diplomacy and Morality
- Dominican Republic
- Mexico
- Porfirio Diaz, corrupt leader in Mexico, but
friendly to American Businessmen - Victoriano Huerta seizes leadership, Wilson calls
him a government of butchers - Battle at Veracruz US on brink of war
- Carranza takes leadership, unfriendly to US
- US supports coup by Poncho Villa, then abandons
- PV retaliates attack on US soil
- General John Pershing chases Villa and attacks
Mexico on Mexican soil - Never find Villa