Megan Whalley - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Megan Whalley


Megan Whalley s Diary 16 years old Dan Stewart - 20 years old Megan Whalley 7/29/91 Lance didn t show up. But like I said, I had a good time without him, because ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Megan Whalley

Megan Whalleys Diary
  • 16 years old
  • Dan Stewart - 20 years old

Megan Whalley
  • Lance didnt show up. But like I said, I had a
    good time without him, because I met some one
    else. I feel bad because I dont want Lance
    picking up on other girls. I got a guys phone
    number. It was weird. I dont know how it
    happened. Heather was talking to him. Then he
    asked for my number and Heather gave it to him
    and he gave me his. While we were there he put
    his arm around me. Once we hugged. Then he left.
    I came in and 5 minutes later he called. We
    talked for 2 hours.

  • His name is Dan and hes 20 years old. We were
    just getting to know each other and he said if
    you do something about your boyfriend well go
    out Friday. Now I have to do something about
    Lance. Im supposed to call Dan in a few minutes.
    Ill try to call Lance tonight.
  • I called Dan and we talked for almost an hour. He
    said he wanted to take me to Magic Mountain. Last
    night on the phone he kept calling me a
    sweetheart. He asked me out on a date for Friday.
    I paged Lance and Dan at the same time and Lance
    never called back, but I talked to Dan 3 times
    today. I need to let Lance know its over with
    us, but I cant tell him if I cant get a hold of

  • I talked to Dan 3 times today and he is going to
    call me when he gets home. Ive talked to Lance 0
    times today. I think Dan really likes me. He is
    going to surprise me on our date. I like him
    When Dan called me after work he said, Hey
    sexy, to me.

8/2/91 Friday
  • I talked to Dan last night. He read me poems of
    slow songs, which made me cry. He said if
    anything happens we would have a song (which he
    played for me last night). Im excited about
    tonight. I hope hes not shy. This time when he
    called me babe.

  • Our date was really fun. I had to pick him up,
    but I didnt mind. First we went to El Torito for
    dinner. Then we went to Family Fun Center to ride
    the go-carts. After that we went and got ice
    cream. During this whole time we never even held
  • Well, next we went to the movies. During the
    movie he grabbed my hand and held on to it. So
    now it was my turn to make a move, so I kissed
    him. After the movie I drove him home. We sat in
    the car in front of his house for a while. We
    listened to the radio and our song came on and I
    kissed him again.

  • It was time for him to get out so I could go
    home. So we kissed good-bye. Ive went out with
    Lance for almost 4 months and we never French
    kissed. I go out with Dan on 1 date and were
    all over each other. I didnt even kiss Lance
    until we were going out for awhile. Dan didnt
    get one peck. Like Lance got. I cant wait to
    see him again.
  • I got home at 2 oclock and my mom was upset. So
    I dont know when I can see him again. But I
    really like him. I cant believe he likes me too.
    Hes 20 years old. Damn Im good. Lance was my
    1st boyfriend, but 2nd the best.

Megan Whalley
  • 2 Weeks Later
  • Dan called Heathers house while I was there. He
    told her he was coming over. Well, he wasnt
    kidding. Shaun came over too. So we sat in her
    front yard. I sat in Dans lap. Once I was
    sitting across from him and he whispered, I love
    you. I dont know if Im ready to tell him I
    love him. He wants me to come over tomorrow and
    go swimming. I dont know.

8/16/91 and 8/18/91
  • I went out with Dan tonight. We went to play
    miniature golf. Then we went to his friends
    house, who was having a party. It was boring. So
    we went to his house. And you know what we did
    there. He said he cant wait to get into a fight
    so we can have fun making up.
  • So we drove to the beach. We looked at the
    water, and kissed. I told him I love him for the
    first time.

8/22/91 and 8/23/91
  • I went to Dans house, but Dans grandfather was
    home so we drove around. And when we came back
    he was gone. So we went into his room, and
    watched T.V. for half an hour. After that we
    started kissing and touching. He wanted to take
    my shirt off. (I had another shirt.) Soon after
    that all my clothes were off. So I worked on
    getting his clothes off Then it happened and we
    were having sex. I was nervous Im not a virgin
  • Three weeks later, Dan told Bill about us
    sleeping together last night. I want to tell my
    friends but I dont want my mom to know not

8/28/91 and 8/29/91
  • I went to Dans house, then we went to C.J.s.
    At C.J.s we saw his ex Kim. I think shes
    pretty. While we were there he kept hinting that
    he wanted to go to his house. Like it was cool
    tonight. Well we did go to his house, but we
    didnt do anything. We were emotional. We
    hugged a lot and I cried. He tried to cry. We
    only kissed a little.
  • I went to Dans house for the afternoon. We went
    to his room. He wanted to go to the beach
    tonight, but I cant. So I hope I can see him
    tomorrow night. Lance called 2 times today. I
    like him still but I love Danny.

9/8/91 and 9/14/91
  • Then I went to his house today. Then we came to
    my house for dinner then we went back to his
    house and well, he was horny so we had sex I
    dont want to say this but I think he pushes me
    into having sex. I mean he always wants it. But I
    love him.
  • Remember I said Dan had something to ask me?
    Well, last night he asked me to marry him. I
    think he was serious. But I didnt take it that
    way at first. Im going to his house tonight.

  • Two months later.
  • Dan left his pager here. So now he pages me all
    the time. He called after work something is up.
    He says hell do anything for me. Then he says
    will you do anything for me? He wants something.
    He said he would call back. Im dying to know
    whats up with him.
  • I was so worried, but the thing he wanted was to
    use my car for an interview. So he is going to
    use it while Im at school, then hes going to
    pick me up. So I get to be with him tomorrow

  • I told Dan I was sick so that I wouldnt have to
    come over. But hes upset. Hes trying to get me
    to come over. He called and said he needed to
    know if I was coming. I said, No. He was upset
    and we just hang up. Not even an I love you. I
    dont know what Im going to do about him. Hes
    getting unbearable. I love him, but hes
    obsessed. He always had to be with me. I cant
    break up with him. I dont know what I can do.

10/8/91 and 10/28/91
  • Lance called!! I talked to Dan. I miss him. HE
    found out Im writing a diary. So he got mad
    because I wouldnt read some to him.
  • We talked about names for baby. Weird
    conversation. He wants a baby. I do too. Just not
    so soon. Im getting nervous. It would be so easy
    for me to get pregnant because we dont use any
    protection. I want a baby but not now.

11/3/91 and 12/01/91
  • WE had a tiff. We didnt speak for a while. But
    we made up. Im tired of him pressuring me.
    When I tell him I dont want to. But hes a
    horn dog. Sex, sex, sex.
  • I told Dan I was sick so that I wouldnt have to
    come over. But hes upset. Hes trying to get
    me to come over. He called and said he needed to
    know if I was coming. I said no. He was upset.
    And he just hung up. Not even an I love you. I
    dont know what Im going to do about him. Hes
    getting unbearable. I love him but hes
    obsessed, he always has to be with me. I cant
    break up with him. I dont know what I can do.

  • Ive talked to him a few times today. He wanted
    to come over I wont get to see him until
    Saturday. He said he gave me that rose for our 4
    month anniversary. Hes so sweet. I wrote him a
    latter. All about our weekend. I love him.
    When we were fighting he was crying on my
    shoulder wanting me to forgive him. 1 fight in 4
    months is not bad. He says hell change. He
    realizes Im not like him. I love him more now
    than ever.
  • Lance called the other night. He asked my mom
    what I want for X-mas. She told him a new
    boyfriend. And he said how about an old one.
    Sounds like he still likes me. But Ive got the
    best boyfriend.

12/17/91 and 12/25/91
  • I started school late so Dan and Mike came over
    this morning. When I left for school I found out
    Dan snooped around in my room and found one of my
  • For X-Mas he made me open my present last. Inside
    that big box was a lot of little presents. Then
    at the bottom was a ring.

  • January 1, 1992!! This was the best New Years
    Eve of my life. We got a motel room. We made
    love. Then we read my diary ... Then we took a
    shower. We made love as the year changed. It
    was so wonderful. The night before (12/31) we
    got into a fight. But to make up, we had sex in
    my car. Something I said I would never do.

  • Dan and I are arguing. Hes mad because I cant
    or wont come over. I wont try to talk to my
    mom. He said it sounds like I dont want to see
    him. I wont be able to see him tomorrow either.
  • He said he wont stop trying to see me. And if I
    dont try things will get worse. I guess hes
    going to come over tomorrow. So he says.

  • Dan asked me to go to Rock-n-bowl tonight. Well,
    I didnt want to. So we argued about that. He
    came over and I said I thought weve been seeing
    each other too much. He said he hopes hes not
    losing me, because the next thing I be wanting
    to see other people.

2/17/92 and 3/8/92
  • We had a good weekend. We barely fought I spent
    the afternoon with him today. Tomorrow Im going
    with him to buy suits. (He took the diary I
    wrote about Lance).
  • He Dan came over at 11 and we did mailing for
    his job. Then my grandparents came over. Things
    were fine. Until he asked me to do something and
    I argued with him. So we got in a BIG fight. It
    was so big that he almost broke up with me. I
    even thought he did. This is it, if I screw up
    again then its over.

3/11/92 and 3/18/92
  • I drove to school, and Dan was still there after
    school. I watched him play basketball. Then I
    went to his house. Things werent like they
    usually are. He was mad at everything I did or
    didnt do. Like I didnt kiss him, so when I did
    he didnt want one.
  • He used my car today. Then I went to the park
    with him and he came over when he was done. We
    hadnt fought in 5 days. Then today we had it
    out because I wont wear the shirt he bought me.
    But we made up.

  • My mom said I couldnt go anywhere. That pissed
    Dan off. I told him not to come over. I told
    him to expletive off and he hung up. Then he
    called back and said Id better be there at 15
    minutes after 12 or it will be the beginning of
    the end. Im not going over there. I wont take
    his threats. Let him break up with me. Sometime
    I wish he would.

5/2/92 and 5/6/92
  • Last night was hell. I told him I wanted to see
    other people. Well we broke up. I wanted to
    still see each other and go out, but he didnt
    want that. He rode home at 11. He called me at
    1230 to say he was okay. Then we made up and we
    decided things will be different. We wont be
    seeing each other as much. And if I lie once he
    said he will never see me again. (Ive been
    thinking about Lance a lot lately. I wish I
    could give him another chance.)
  • 9 months Happy Anniversary. Ya right. All weve
    been doing is fighting. He wants me to take a
    bus to see him Saturday. I said no. So he got

  • Lance (old boyfriend) called while I was gone. I
    hope he calls back. Lance did call back while I
    was on the phone with Dan. And Dan knew. Im in
    deep shit. Dan hates me. He broke my sunglasses.
    He said a lot of mean things. Now I have to call
    back tonight and apologize to him. I wish it was
    easier to get over him. I wish he would get it
    through his head that Im not going to go back
    with him. He tells me I better figure out what I

  • My mom asked me if I had to make the decision
    right now, what would I do? I told her I would
    keep it, and she went off the wall again. Saying
    how I would ruin my life, because if you went
    into the marines, we would have to get married
    and I could forget about taking my car, and our
    baby wouldnt have anything
  • xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
  • Kiss the baby!

8/3/92 and 8/6/92
  • What a mess. Dan needed me to come over. So I
    did, but I couldnt stay. He was going to leave
    or kill himself. I was worried about him. The
    next day he was at Julies I went to see him.
    On Wednesday 8/5 we went out, but we fought.
  • Dan came by and wanted me to go out. I ended up
    going. He got a motel room and we had a good

8/8/92 and 8/9/92
  • I spent the afternoon with Dan. We went to the
    movies. Tomorrow were going to the beach.
  • The beach was hell. All we did was fight. Now
    were not talking. I think its over. He said
    Im not worth talking to, so when he called, I
    hung up. He told my mom I need to grow up. I
    dont need him. Lance called. He ships out
    Tuesday for 3 weeks. I cant wait until he comes

8/10-15/92 and 8/17/92
  • One day I was supposed to take Dan to look for a
    job, but the night before we fought. I still
    went but he ended up driving to Big Bear. Sat.
    I went to his sisters all day. In the end we
    had a huge fight. I slapped him and he took my
    rings. He burned all my things from Lance. He
    wont break up with me I cant bring myself to
    do it.
  • I went to the beach Dan was really upset
    because I said I would not go if he couldnt go.
    He kept calling and threatened me. Then he came
    over and told me to break up with him. So I did
    but we didnt.

No Journal 1993
Nicholas is Born 12/5/93
  • 2/8/94
  • I decided to start writing in a journal again. I
    just hope it doesnt get me into trouble. Things
    are going good with me and Dan. He has a good job
    and a car and a place to live. Weve talked about
    getting an apartment and getting married.
    Nicholas, who is

  • Now 2 months old, and doing great, is growing
    like a weed. I love him to death. I still cant
    believe I have a baby. Im in college at night.
    Things are rocky with my parents. I saw Lance
    last in December. And he calls me once in a
    while. He told my mom he would take me and the
    baby back. But his chance was over a long time
    ago. Because now I am going to try and make
    things work with Dan.

  • Baby is two months old.
  • On Friday night I took the baby to Dans house
    and I didnt feel like making out and he got mad.
    We got into a huge fight and he wouldnt let me
    take the baby home. He hit me. I was hitting him.
    He threw me out and threw out the babys things.
    Well on Saturday I called to apologize and
    Saturday night I went to his house. So now things
    are better.
  • Dan thinks Lance is still in Arizona or Texas.
    So Im safe with him not find out about Lance
    coming over and giving me a Valentine's gift.
    What Dan doesnt know wont hurt him.

2/14/94 and 2/19/94
  • Lance called to say Happy Valentines Day. I
    didnt even get to see Dan today. He said he
    would make it up to me. (How many times has he
    told me that?) Besides his way of making up is
    having sex. Anyway it wont be the same
    Valentines Day is over. At least I wasnt
    totally forgotten. I still got a gift from
  • I wonder what is going on with Dan. The other
    day he told me he stays up at night thinking. I
    guess he doesnt like his job. And who knows
    what else is wrong. I want to call him, but I
    dont know what to say to him. Ill wait until
    tomorrow. I got lucky. Dan almost saw the card
    from Lance. I would be dead if he saw it. He
    thinks I havent talk to Lance in a long time.

  • I called Dan because he was supposed to get paid
    and he owes me money. He didnt answer his phone
    or my page. I was calling all night and I was
    getting worried So I went over there. When I saw
    him still in bed this morning, I knew he had lost
    his job. He wouldnt tell me what happened. Im
    going back over there when my mom gets home. I
    cant believe this is happening again. I dont
    know if I can take it. I will go crazy if he
    loses anything. I cant stand by and watch him
    lose all he has worked hard to get back. I wont
    be able to stand it if he lives on the street
    again (his rent is due I hope he can pay it).

2/23/94 and 3/2/94
  • He has to get another job soon because now he has
    a baby to support. Its a good thing I get
    welfare of we would be really bad off.
  • Dan hasnt had any luck finding a job. He hasnt
    been trying that hard. I guess my plans to go to
    Magic Mountain for my birthday are shot. I wont
    even get a present from him this year. ( I would
    if he had a job. )

  • I cant believe what happened. Well first Lance
    called and he asked me what I was doing tonight.
    I told him nothing. Then he asked if he could
    rent a movie and watch it with me. I told him I
    had to call him back. I tried to get ahold of
    Dan all day. When he finally called he was an
    asshole. So I called Lance back and said it was
    okay. He came over at about 715. We started
    the movie at about 8 oclock and my mom and Jesse
    left so it was just me and Lance. We just sat
    next to each other for a while. He played with
    Nicholas and he walked with him. When the baby
    went to bed he got me involved. He started
    tickling me. (I said if you keep doing that Ill
    have to find where youre ticklish. He kept on
    doing it.)

  • He rubbed my feet and gave me a back rub. He
    stayed even after the movie was over. He left at
    1100 and I walked him out to his car. We stood
    there and talked. Then we hugged. Not like
    weve hugged before. This time it was more
    intimate. Then we held hands for a second and
    hugged again. He said he would call and see what
    I was doing tomorrow. Unfortunately I have to
    see Dan. I dont feel bad about seeing Lance
    behind Dans back. I guess I should. Its kind
    of fun sneaking around. Dan will never know.

3/5/94 and 3/16/94
  • Dan came over (to get money). He got pissed when
    I told him I dont have any. Then he called and
    said he doesnt like liars. Well Im not lying.
    I dont have to put up with this shit with Lance.
    (I dont know why I put up with it with Dan.) I
    love Nicholas, but now I am stuck with Dan. Who
    I dont want to be with right now.
  • Dan was an asshole today. What else is new. I
    havent got my check so I have no money and Dan
    takes all my change. What a jerk. Next time I
    see Lance I am doing it (Kiss him).
  • Lance came over I was so nervous standing
    outside. I was afraid Dan would drive by. Lance
    kissed me on the head. (I couldnt do it). But
    it will happen. I just hope this doesnt blow up
    in my face. If Dan ever found out he would be

3/18/94 and 3/20/94
  • Lance came over. We watched T.V. He held me more
    affectionately than you would even a close
    friend. My mom said I light up when he calls. I
    used to do that with Dan. Lance treats me so
    much better than Dan. Outside we hugged a lot and
    he kissed me on the cheek. (Were getting
    closer). I like being with him. With Dan I
    cant wait until he leaves.
  • Today is Dans birthday. He called this morning
    being a jerk and then he wanted me to come over.
    Im sick of his attitude. Lance doesnt do this
    shit to me. Dan can spend his birthday the same
    way I spent mine alone. I havent heard from
    Lance today.

4/4/94 and 4/8/94
  • Dan was such an asshole last night because I
    wouldnt go to the motel. He kept calling and he
    wouldnt let me go to sleep. I cried my eyes
    out. Then today he tries to be nice. Well I
    wont forgive him. Im sick of the way he treats
    me. I cant wait until Lance comes home. I
    wont be able to stand it if he stays longer than
    a week.
  • Dan is an asshole again today. And he let me
    know that Im a bitch.

  • Things are really bad. Dan and I went to get ice
    cream. And then we parked to talk. He told me he
    had to let me go. I think hes giving up on
    looking for a job. And me. We sat in the car for
    a long time and I wanted to go in. I got out and
    he told me to wait a minute, but I started
    walking towards the house. So he hit his
    windshield with his fist and cracked it a few
    times. I dont know if Ill see him again. He
    doesnt have anywhere to go but he can be so
    stubborn. I never wanted this to happen. But I
    still want him and his situation anymore. But I
    still want him around for Nicholas. Ill just
    have to wait and see if he comes over today.

  • I had quite a night last night. I was wrong
    about Lance not really caring about me. He
    called and asked if I wanted company. Well a
    minute later he was at the door. He called me
    from a pay phone by my house. We watch t.v. and
    he held me a lot. He held Nicholas. Then he was
    kissing my neck and chewing on my ear. Dan
    called while he was here, but he hung up on me
    and never called back. Lance stayed for 3 hours
    then I walked him outside where we talked and
    hugged for ½ an hour. I told him I wasnt going
    out with Dan. He said he doesnt like playing
    games. Like sneaking around. Well Im sorry but
    we have to. Dan would kill me and Lance if he
    knew. Before Lance left (we hesitated for a
    while) we kissed. .. He said hed been waiting
    for that. This is a mess. I have to be very

6/10/94 and 6/18/94
  • It was another one of those days. Dan came over
    to get the baby and he went in my room to try and
    find Brads number. He looked everywhere.
    Then he starts digging in my trash. He gets to
    the bottom and he found an envelope to Lance and
    then a letter that I never sent. So he get
  • Dan took me to Magic Mountain. We had a good
    time. We left early and went to his house and
    made love. We actually got along.

  • Last night was hell. Dan had the baby for the
    night Being with Lance was the only good part
    about last night The hell started when I got
    home. Dan was pissed because I didnt call when
    I got home, plus he knew I wasnt babysitting
    Im so tired of Dan doing this to me. I wish he
    would leave me alone. I want to go on, but Ill
    never be able to. Ill always have to sneak
    around. Now I did it! Dan knew I didnt babysit.
    I told him I saw Lance. He flew off the wall.
    We were in my car and he cracked my windshield
    and broke my radio, but the worst is he was
    telling me he was going to get Nicholas taken
    away. He scares me when he does that.

6/30/94 and 7/3/94
  • Heather drove by and Dan remembered when I told
    him I went over there. He would have talked to
    her so I told him I didnt go over there. He got
    pissed. I didnt tell him I took the baby to
    Lances. He would of killed me.
  • Tonight he Dan got mad because he doesnt think
    I care about his feelings. I cant help him. So
    he was talking crazy. Saying hell show everyone
    who hurt him. I cant deal with this again.

  • Dan is serious about going out with a sign to get
    a job. Guess who has to take him? He got all of
    his things out today, so hell probably sleep in
    my car tonight (and every other night).

7/14/94 and 7/24/94
  • Dan and I took Nicky to Disneyland. Then we went
    back with Jesse and his friend. We even argued
    at Disneyland. I was getting mad because he
    wouldnt keep his hands off of me.
  • I cant take this much longer. If it werent for
    Nicholas, Dan would be history. Dan and I are
    having all these problems and Im always thinking
    about Lance. Hes a dork, but he treats me so

Nicholas is 8 months old
  • Dan took a baby for a walk. When he came back no
    one was here. He came into my room and pushed
    redial on my phone. While he was gone I called
    Lance. Dan hung up on him and Lance called back.
    Dan picked up the phone and said, If you talk to
    Megan again Ill kill you. Then he grabbed the
    baby and walked off. He took my wallet and told
    me to come pick him up. He got in to drive and
    started driving to the beach. Well, I whined and
    cried to take me home. Anyway, he forgave me. I
    wish he would stay mad. Maybe then he would leave
    me alone.

8/2/94 and 8/3/94
  • I took Dan to the welfare office. He was
    supposed to get his food stamps but he didnt.
    Now Im screwed.
  • Dan was here early. I was calling Legal Aid to
    file custody papers. Dan was outside my window
    and he pulled the screen open and pulled the
    phone out. So he was all pissed about that.
    Then the phone was for me about a trade school
    and Dan comes in and hangs up the phone. I
    scream at him and slap him.

  • Dan said when he gets his food stamps hes going
    to Washington or Oceanside. When have I heard
    this before? Ill have to wait and see. I doubt
    it will happen. Not with my luck.

  • Nicholas Birthday!! I cant believe he is
    already a year old. Dan is off on a trip. Now
    hes saying that hes going to kill himself. And
    if I want to keep Nicholas, the Id better be
    nice to him until then. I would be sad if he did,
    but I would get over it, because he is ruining my
    life and if that is the only way hell leave me
    alone---then---I dont think hell actually do
    it. He said this before.

  • Dan was supposed to go to Eddies, but he didnt.
    He said if nothing happens by January 1st then
    he would leave. I dont know what he means by
    that. But I do think I would be happier if I
    didnt have to deal with him.

  • The Day After X-Mas
  • I told Dan 1 week and if he doesnt have a job
    then thats it. I cant take it anymore. I know
    he wont have a job. My mom is trying hard to get
    papers so that I will have custody of Nicholas.
  • One of these days I will be away from Dan.

  • Christmas sucked. I got good gifts but Dan made
    it suck because he was an asshole on X-mas Eve.
    He was mad because he had to sleep in the car
    We went to his Grandmas house. All of his
    family was there. They were nice to me, Dan was
    being an asshole. Then he didnt get any
    presents so he was upset. Then I found out he
    took money from me, he said because I lied about
    it, so he took it to teach me a lesson.
  • Ive had it with Dan. He had the baby outside
    and he was walking off with him I was grabbing
    the baby. He gave him to me I brought him back
    in. Dan comes in the house goes to my phone, I
    called Lance last.

  • I told him to get his stuff out, not to sleep in
    my car. Its over. I hate him, I dont want
    anything to do with him. He made me give him
    money so he could leave he took the cordless
  • Lance called shortly after. He is so sweet. He
    always makes me feel better He is still waiting
    for me. He has never called me a name or put me

12/29/94 and 12/31/94
  • I hate Dan for what he is doing to me. I wish he
    would leave me and the baby alone.
  • Nothing has changed. Dan still comes over every
    day at 830 and he still sleeps in my car. He
    still has to know everything I do. Its New
    Years Eve and I have no plans.
  • The only good thing about this year was Nicholas.
    Things between me and Dan were terrible the whole
    year and now its over. Maybe in 1995 I can have
    something good happen with Lance.

  • Dan was here all day. He drove me crazy. Nothing
    has changed. We took Nicky to get some test done.
    Turns out that there is nothing wrong with him.
  • Dan says hell probably have a job in a day or so
    and then he said Ill never want to leave him.
    Yea right. Even if he had a good job and a place
    to stay, I still dont want to be with him. I
    dont know what I can do to get that through his
    head. I dont love him anymore.

1/9/95 - Last Entry
  • I know we will have a big argument about this
    tomorrow When I got to Lances he was still in
    the shower. We went and got ice cream. Then we
    watched TV. He didnt try anything. Outside we
    hugged. He asked me what I wanted. I told him I
    didnt know. But that I wanted Dan out of my
    live. Then I kissed him (peck) to let him know I
    careWhen I got home I thought I was free, but as
    soon as I got in the door, Dan called me. He said
    I hope you had a good time and I walked in. I
    know hell be an asshole tomorrow.

Description of the Next Day 1/10/95
Megan was beaten to death by Dan.
Dan then took Nicholas and drove off a cliff on
Ortega Highway killing the baby.
(No Transcript)
1/10/95 Megans Death Certificate
  • Time of death 1250 p.m.
  • Immediate cause of death Asphyxiation due to

1/11/95 Dannys Arrest Report
  • Subj. Danny Stewart killed his girlfriend,
    vict. Megan W., at her residence in Orange.
    Subj. fled the residence, taking his and Megans
    13 month old son, Nicholas Stewart and Megans
    vehicle. Subj. drove to an area on the Ortega
    Highway in Riverside County and Deliberately
    drove the veh. Off an approx. 300 cliff in an
    effort to kill himself and the child, Nicholas.
    Subj. Stewart survived the crash and was
    transported to Riverside General Hospital. I
    contact the subj. Arrested him and then
    interviewed him. Subj. was booked in the
    Riverside County Jail Ward at the hospital on
    1-11-95 at 2340 hrs., booking number 9501242.

1/12/95 Criminal Complaint
  • On or about January 10, 1995, DANNY EUGENE
    STEWART, in violation of Section 187(a) of the
    Penal Code (MURDER), a FELONY, did willfully and
    unlawfully and with malice aforethought murder
    Megan, a human being.
  • On or about January 10, 1995, DANNY EUGENE
    STEWART, in violation of Section 187(a) of the
    Penal Code (MURDER), a FELONY, did willfully and
    unlawfully and with malice aforethought murder
    Nicholas, a human being.
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