Title: Megan Fox
1P D What? An Introduction to PDAs (personal
digital assistants), Palm Pilots, and other
handheld computers
Megan Fox Web Electronic Resources
Librarian fox_at_simmons.edu JumpStart May 22, 2002
2- What are PDAs and handheld computers?
- What are the advantages of a PDA?
- What are PDAs most commonly used for?
3What are PDAs and handheld computers?
PDA Personal Digital Assistant A small computer
that literally fits in the palm of your hand.
More limited than a desktop computer, but useful
for calendars, address books, and increasingly,
other applications
Handheld Computer term sometimes used
interchangeably with PDA, palmtop, or pocket
computer may imply a device in between a laptop
and PDA more memory, more features
The Palm m505
4The HP Jornada 567
5Stylus / Pen
6On-screen Keyboard
8Collapsible Keyboard
Using the infrared port, can share information
with other users, called beaming no wires, no
direct connections
Convenient for sharing business cards or calendar
events, trading applications, and more.
Synchronization of your data from the PDA to your
desktop. Compares data entered on the PDA and on
the desktop and makes one new, complete record of
data in both places.
Most often sync through a cradle, which connects
through a cable to your desktop computer. Also
through a modem (dialup), an Ethernet connection,
an IR port
Hot Sync Button
PDA into a projector
13Common PDAs
- Palm Pilot IIIc, V, VII, m100, m130, m515
- Handspring Visor Pro, Edge, Prism
- Compaq iPAQ H3760, H3870, H3850
- HP Jornada
- Sony Clio
14Key Differences in Devices
- Physical Characteristics
- size/weight (1.4 oz to 1 lb)
- grayscale/color (up to 64K colors)
- Power
- Memory (2 MB to 64 MB)
- Battery Life (AA or rechargeable)
- Cost (99-700)
- Peripherals (modem, memory, expansions cards,
etc) - Operating System/Application Availability
- Palm OS (considered easier currently more
applications) - Pocket PC (version of Windows includes
watered-down Office)
15Comparisons and Recommendations
- Excellent synopsis from University of Iowas
pilot project http//www.its.uiowa.edu/cs/sp/pda/
pda-comparisons.doc - http//palmtops.about.com/library/content/aatp1122
01.htm - Handheld computers
- Palm OS Handheld computers
- PocketPC Handheld computers
- http//computers.cnet.com/hardware/0-1087.html?tag
dir - Mix and match any list and get comparisons
- http//www.microsoft.com/mobile/pocketpc/hardware/
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17What are the advantages of a PDA?
- Mobility (On-the-go, 24/7 access)
- Simplicity (Ease of use and understanding)
- Functionality (Perform an assortment of
activities) - Organization (Keeps schedules, tasks, e-mails,
documents and other forms of information
consolidated and coordinated) - Low Cost (Extremely cost-effective relative to
other forms of computer technology)
18What are PDAs most commonly used for?
Calendar/Date Book Address Book/Phone
Book Memos/Notes To do/Lists
20Address Book
21Memos/ To Do Lists
Desktop (Palm)
22Traditional Documents Word, Excel, Powerpoint
- InstallBuddy from BlueNomad.com (converts files
to PDA readable format) - Documents To Go (word processing and spreadsheet
editing, presentation viewing) - Pocket PC or Windows CE devices have mini-Office
23Desktop (Palm)
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25Even PowerPoint!
26Other Fee or Free Applications
- Software warehouses
- Handango
- Tucows
- For example
- Brain Forest (project mapper/manager)
- Due Yesterday academic scheduler
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28PDA does not equal Wireless!
Dialup modem/ISP Same as for a regular computer
about 10-20/mo Wireless modem/ISP About
60/mo Infrared to Network
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30Clarinet Systems IrDa Infraredwww.clarinetsystem
31Tribeam http//www.tribeam.com
32Web Content on a PDA
- Offline Web Clipping
- Coola (find content on desktop Web clip it
for later reading on Palm) - Avantgo (pre-selected channels of content, e.g.
NYT, dumped on sync) - Streaming/Browsing
- Live, using a browser such as Internet Explorer
or My Palm - Web Sites Palm Friendly (WAP, WML)
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35What web content looks like on a PocketPC
36What web content looks like on a typical Palm
37What PDA-friendly content looks like on the
http//web.simmons.edu/schwartz/pda http//www.si
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42Locating Web Content for the PDA
- Search Engines
- Google
- All the Mobile Web
- Mopilot
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47Providing Content for a PDA Many Content
Conversion/Service Providers, for example
NearSpace (http//www.nearspace.com/) and Town
Compass (http//www.towncompass.com/) manage
event lists, directories, and other handheld
application used by many academic institutions.
48How easy is it to manage a Palm or PocketPC?
49Desktop (Palm)
50PocketPC - Just Another Drive
Desktop (PocketPC)
51PocketPC Basics
Its Windows!
Opening Screen
52Primary Uses of PDAs in Academia
Personal Productivity address books, calendars,
email, calculators, simple word processors (to do
lists, memos), spreadsheets Informational
Content news and events, hours of service,
directory information, how-to and instruction
guides (including PDA help, location of syncing
stations), portable e-books, dictionaries, and
similar reference tools, library
content Instructional Content provisions of
syllabi and assignments students take notes
while in class and record notes, laboratory data,
observations, etc. in the field faculty and
students share documents from a networked folder
53PDA Projects in Academia
Hear more tomorrow 10-11 in L-102
- Compatibility
- Convergence
55Pros Easy navigation Palm or Pocket PC look and
feel lots of storage beamable. Cons No
desktop synchronization requires PDA for
upload bulky. Company Fossil
Phone 1.800.449.3056 Price 145
Fossil Wrist PDA
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59Presentation and links available
Megan Fox Web Electronic Resources
Librarian fox_at_simmons.edu Jump Start, May 22,