Dealing with Parents - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Dealing with Parents


Dealing with Parents presented by Marlon Cousin Parental Involvement Coordinator The Importance of No Child Left Behind No Child Left Behind is about a commitment ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Dealing with Parents

Dealing with Parents
  • presented by
  • Marlon Cousin
  • Parental Involvement Coordinator

The Importance of No Child Left Behind
  • No Child Left Behind is about a commitment
    to all children, and of course, its one that we
    absolutely must honor if were going to continue
    to thrive as the great nation we are.
  • -Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings

What is parental involvement under No Child Left
  • The statute defines parental involvement as the
    participation of parents in regular, two-way, and
    meaningful communication involving student
    academic learning and other school activities,
    including ensuring..

  • that parents play an integral role in assisting
    their childs learning
  • that parents are encouraged to be actively
    involved in their childs education at school
  • that parents are full partners in their childs
    education and are included, as appropriate, in
    decision-making and on advisory committees to
    assist in the education of their child and
  • that other activities are carried out, such as
    those described in section 1118 of the ESEA
    (Parental Involvement). Section 9101(32), ESEA.

Why is parental involvement important?
  • A synthesis of the research concluded that the
    evidence is consistent, positive, and convincing
    families have a major influence on their
    childrens achievement in school and through
  • When schools, families, and community groups work
    together to support learning, children tend to do
    better in school, stay in school longer, and like
    school more.

R-E-S-P-E-C-TMakes a Difference
  • Respect is key for both parents and teachers
    throughout the year. Conferences will be
    successful when attitudes of respect and
    gratitude are communicated in both directions.
  • Parents need to walk away from conferences with
  • Have sincere, specific praise to give to the
  • Parents also want an honest appraisal of their
    childs weaknesses.

R-E-S-P-E-C-TBefore the Conference
  • Be prepared to
  • Ask questions
  • Answer questions
  • Use specific comments, evidence, and everyday
  • Adhere to allotted time
  • Take notes
  • Finally, remember you are the same team.

R-E-S-P-E-C-TDuring the Conference
  • Relay positive comments
  • Encourage the parent
  • Share, information
  • Put a plan together
  • Express areas the student needs to work on
  • Close the conference with a review
  • Thank the parent

R-E-S-P-E-C-TAfter the Conference
  • Follow through on
  • the agreed upon plan
  • explaining the plan, using everyday language
  • continued communications
  • modifying the plan if needed
  • expressing thanks

The ABCs of Communicating with Parents
Allow Enough Time
  • Schedule plenty of time for the meeting.
  • Twenty to thirty minutes is usually adequate.
  • If you are scheduling back-to-back conferences,
    be sure to allow enough time between them (10
    minutes or so) so you can make necessary notes on
    the just-concluded conference and prepare for the
    upcoming one.

Be Ready for Questions
  • Be prepared to answer specific questions parents
    may have. They are likely to be questions such
  • Is my child working up to his/her ability level?
  • How is my child doing in specific subjects?
  • Does my child cause any trouble?
  • Does my child have any specific skills or
    abilities in
  • schoolwork?

Contact Parents Early
  • You will get your relationship with parents off
    to a good start if you contact them before the
    school year begins or very early into the year,
    perhaps with an introductory phone call.
  • Give parents an outline/syllabus of what their
    children will be studying, and let them know you
    will be happy to meet with them throughout the
    course of the school year.

Do Not Judge
  • It may not always be possible to react neutrally
    to what parents say, but communicating your
    judgments of parents behaviors can be a
    roadblock to a productive relationship with them.

Encourage Both Parents to Attend Conferences
  • Misunderstandings are less common if both parents
    hear what you have to say, and you will be able
    to gauge the kind of support both parents give
    the child.
  • In addition, many children come from
    single-parent homes you could unwittingly hurt a
    childs feelings by always asking to meet the

Forget the Education Jargon
  • Educational phrases like criterion-referenced
    testing, perceptual skills and least
    restrictive environment may be too much for
    parents to understand.
  • Keep the conversation simple and focused on the

Get your papers organized in advance
  • Assemble your grade book, test papers, samples of
    students work, attendance records, and other
    pertinent data together ahead of time.
  • That way you wont be fumbling through stacks on
    your desk during the meeting.

Have a Plan
  • Have in mind a general but flexible outline of
    what youre going to say, including a survey of
    student progress, a review of his or her
    strengths and needs, and a proposed plan of

Insist on a Family-Friendly Environment
  • Greet parents near the entrance they will use.
  • If you are unable to meet them at the door,
    inform the secretary or receptionist of the
    scheduled conference, so they will know the
    whereabouts and be better prepared to assist the

Just Listen to What Parents Have to Say
  • Most adults are poor listeners
  • We concentrate on what were going to say next,
    or we let our minds drift off to other concerns,
    or we hear only part of what a speaker is saying.
  • You will get more out of a conference if you
    really listen to what parents are saying to you.

Keep a Record of the Conference
  • You may find it helpful later to have a brief
    record of what was said at the conference, what
    suggestions for improvement were made and so
  • Make notes as soon as possible after the
    conference while details are still fresh.

Learn the Names
  • Dont assume that Jennifer Peabodys mother is
    Mrs. Peabody. Check your records ahead of time
    to make sure youve got the parents name right.
  • Dont assume that the wrinkled gray-haired
    gentleman coming in with Johnny is his
    grandfather. It could be his father, or an
    uncle. Politely ask.

Meet again if you need to
  • If you feel you need more time, arrange another
    meeting later rather than trying to rush

No Physical Barriers
  • Do not sit behind your desk, while forcing the
    parents to squeeze into the childrens desks on
    the front row.
  • Arrange conference-style seating if possible so
    youll all be equals.

Prepare to offer a suggested course of action
  • Parents appreciate being given some specific
  • If Jane is immature, it might be helpful to
    suggest parents give her a list of weekly chores,
    allow her to take care of a pet, or give her a
    notebook to write down assignments.

Question the Parents
  • Ask for their opinions. Let parents know youre
    interested in their opinions, are eager to answer
    their questions and want to work with them
    throughout the year to help make their childs
    education the best.

Review the students strengths
  • It is easy for parents to feel defensive since
    many of them see themselves in their children.
  • You will help if you review the childs strengths
    and areas of need rather than dwelling on
    criticism or stressing weakness.
  • Try to balance every weakness of a child
    discussed with one of the childs strengths.

Stress Collaboration
  • Let the parent know you want to work together in
    the best interests of the child.

Turn the other cheek
  • In routine parent conferences, its unusual to
    run into parents who are abusive and hostile.
  • But it can happen.
  • Try not to be rude, whatever the provocation.
  • Listen to parents in as pleasant a manner as
    possible, without getting defensive.

Use Body Language
  • Non-verbal cues set the mood of the conference.
  • Smile, nod, make eye contact and lean forward
  • Use body language to let parents know youre

Verify Information
  • Before the conference ends, summarize the
    discussion and what actions you and the parents
    have decided to take.

Wind up on a positive note..
  • End with an encouraging comment about the future
    expectations for the student.

eXplore Solutions Together
  • Things will go smoother if you focus on solutions
    rather than on the childs problem.
  • Discuss what and the parents can do to improve
    the situation.
  • Plan a course of action together.

Your Comments Must be Specific
  • Parents may flounder if you deal only in
  • Instead of saying She doesnt accept
    responsibility, be specific by pointing out
    Amanda had a whole week to finish her report but
    she only wrote two paragraphs.

Zoom in on the child
  • You dont want to pry, of course, but remember to
    ask the parents if theres anything they you
    should know about the child (such as study
    habits, relationship with siblings, any important
    events in his or her life) which may affect his
    or her school work.

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