Title: Spiral Roots
1Spiral Roots
2What is Spiral Root?Negative Geotropism
Diagram shows particles gravitating to bottom
where they influence hormonal actions that slows
growth on the underside causing the root to curve
downward as the upper side continues to grow.
3Over Packing
- Tray sinks lower into water
- Spiral Root
- Saturation of media
- Heavy tray
- 200 cell tray 8.3 lbs
4Effects of Over Packing on Spiral Root
5Factors that Influence Spiral Root
- Media
- Varies by brand
- May change from year to year
- Pellet
- Unpredictable
- Weather
- Inconsistent
- Moderately predictable
How do these factors Influence spiral Root?
6How is a pellet made
- Coating
- Diatomaceous earth
- Main Ingredient
- Binding agent
- Etc.
7What factors influence pellet performance?
- Positive
- Melt down coat
- Less drying conditions
- Cloudy, cooler conditions
- Optimum wicking media
- Good seed/soil contact
- Agri-mate
- Double Dibbling
- Overhead Irrigation
- Negative
- Hard Seed Coat
- Drying Conditions
- Sunny, hot weather
- Poor Wicking Media
- Initial moisture
- Wetting agent
- Over packing
8How does roots respond to a damaged root cap?
9What happens to the root cap of a seed that has
enough moisture to germinate, but not enough to
break out of the pellet
10Effect of Agri-mate on germination
11Effect of Agri-mate on spiral root
12Effect of Agri-mate on useable plants
13Agri-mate rates
0.02 g
14Proper distribution of Agrimate
15Effect of covering on seed germination 2002
16Effect of covering on spiral root 2002