Spiral Dynamics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Spiral Dynamics


Spiral Dynamics What is Spiral Dynamics? Spiral Dynamics is a powerful model and predictive theory of human development and cultural evolution Successfully employed ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Spiral Dynamics

What is Spiral Dynamics?
  • Spiral Dynamics is a powerful model and
    predictive theory of human development and
    cultural evolution
  • Successfully employed around the globe for
    conceiving and implementing real-world integral
    solutions to social conflicts and for catalyzing
    individual evolutionary transformation.
  • Theory and Tool for change

  • If you havent changed your mind lately, how can
    you be sure You still have one?

Meme Defined
  • A world view
  • A value system
  • A level of psychological existence
  • A belief structure
  • An organizing principle
  • A way of thinking
  • A mode of living

  • When there is a memetic shift, everything changes
  • Tangible Actions, Icons, Events, Places, people
    and behavior
  • Intangible Ideas, beliefs, theories, Courses,
    trends, ethics, norms and issues

Meme Components
Why? How? What?
Context Life Conditions Code Value Systems Ways of seeing world Display Surface manifestations
  • Example
  • Someone goes to a traditional function on a
  • Why?
  • To get insurance contacts Orange
  • For the ceremonies Purple

  • Danger By looking at behavior to judge what
    will be the color
  • Need to ask Why? Otherwise we may foolishly make
    a judgement about their meme color.
  • Birds of same feather flock together is about the
    meme color, not skin color.

Some clarity on SD
  • Memes are not types of people but forms of
    adaptive intelligences in people
  • Spiral is not a pre-determined script. There is
    no ultimate outcome, everything is produced by
    dynamic interaction with life conditions
  • At each level say 5 need to manage that and the
    lower systems, thats why higher levels are more
  • Transcend and include. Everyone is passing
    through all stages. Cant destroy anything
  • Individual will have pieces of the spiral. The
    spiral is more cultural
  • Spiral is inside of us. We are not on it
  • Systems gyrate in us. We are musical cords. We
    are blends of systems
  • Hierarchy is not about better. But about
    different for different life conditions
  • Orange is above blue because orange can include
    blue blue cant include Orange

Some clarity on SD
  • When orange hits population goes down. When green
    meme hits people dont get married or stay
  • Healthy people dont have major vacuum in earlier
    memes, lets say for example when they come to
  • Depending on life conditions we can regress to
    lower memes temporarily
  • There is a hierarchy involved, but it is more
    factual than evaluative. It is about more

  • Your thriving depends if you can have a full
    range in your repertoire.
  • Memes do not represent a hierarchy of "better,
  • Each can be expressed in a positive and negative
  • The whole spiral with its assortment of meme
    codes is inside the person and may be called upon
    in response to the demands of their changing Life

  • First Tier
  • "Subsistence" valueMEMES
  • Basic needs, Competing

  • Instinctive/Survivalistic MEME
  • starting 100,000 years ago
  • Basic theme
  • Do what you must just to stay alive

  • Uses instincts and habits just to survive
  • Distinct self is barely awakened or sustained
  • Food, water, warmth, sex, and safety have
  • Forms into survival bands to perpetuate life

  • Cast away movie
  • The only real BEIGE that exists today in its
    pristine condition is hidden away in Indonesia
    and parts of Africa.
  • Street people who are basically hunter-gatherers,
    who get what they eat where they find it.
  • In the horrible conditions of extreme poverty in
    Somalia or Ethiopia, where it's a hand-to-mouth
  • Some people, when exposed to a catastrophe, may
    regress to BEIGE. Higher-order priorities
    suddenly vanish in the midst of personal tragedy,
    extreme suffering, or deprivation

  • Magical/Animistic MEME
  • starting 50,000 years ago
  • Basic theme
  • Keep the spirits happy and the tribe's nest warm
    and safe

  • Bonding with people
  • Obeys the desires of the spirit being and
    mystical signs
  • Shows allegiance to chief, elders, ancestors, and
    the clan
  • Individual subsumed in group
  • Preserves sacred objects, places, events, and
  • Observes rites of passage, seasonal cycles, and
    tribal customs
  • First evidence of human bondingthe sense of a
    kindred spirit, that "I'm someone because I
    belong to a certain clan or certain tribe."
  • First sense of the metaphysical
  • Hearing inner voices, the voices of spirits.
  • The PURPLE meme is heavily laden with such
    so-called right brain tendencies as heightened
    intuition, emotional attachments to places and
    things, and a mystical sense of cause and effect.

  • Sacrifice to the wishes of the elders, spirits
    and ancestors to gain safety and security for the
    tribe like group in a fighting world
  • Heavy superstition, charms
  • The good spirit protected me. So I need to keep
    good spirit
  • We see world as a battle between good and bad
  • Purple sense of time is not watch time it is
    nature season time

  • Examples
  • Bad omen if a cat crosses the road
  • Talisman
  • AD going to my parents house before I go abroad
  • Keeping peacocks feather in our books
  • Pumpkin to ward off evil
  • Black dot on cheeks of children
  • Personification of nature
  • Family rituals
  • Magical new age beliefs
  • Using reiki to ward off spirits
  • in Africa, if the moon is full and the cow dies,
    the PURPLE mind connects the two events, one
    causing the other
  • Rumors of downsizing in business Purple threat.
    Overemphasis on what the chiefs say (To counter
    this enhance purple bonding to people / product)
  • Vibudhi Really true from purple lens
  • Rites of passage (age 13/14 coming of age),
    memorable events, anniverseries

  • Dont mess around with purple dangerous stuff
    Use It
  • Indian Weddings lots of rituals purple stuff.
  • Not all purple is about superstitions and
    mystical. It is also about bonding If bonding
    order is dissolved and nothing is put in place we
    have a whole society in chaos
  • Royalty keeper of purple

  • RED
  • Impulsive/Egocentric MEME
  • starting 10,000 years ago
  • Basic theme
  • Be what you are and do what you want, regardless

  • The world is a jungle full of threats and
    predators . A jungle where the strongest and most
    cunning survive
  • Breaks free from any domination or constraint to
    please self as self desires
  • Stands tall, expects attention, demands respect,
    and calls the shots
  • Enjoys self to the fullest right now without
    guilt or remorse To hell with others so as to
    find instant gratification and avoid shame in a
    world of dragons, pleasures and excitement
  • Conquers, out-foxes, and dominates other
    aggressive characters
  • Gratify impulses and senses immediately
  • Fight to gain control at any cost

  • Punishment reinforces Red. Egocentric coping
    mechanism acts tough, assertive, bold and
    action oriented
  • Tends to be guiltless, believing that you should
    get everything you can get away with and that
    might makes right
  • Depends only on the self trusts no one else
  • Reds time frame Now
  • Incentive system has to be directly connected to
  • Its all about me
  • Loves big challenges to prove itself
  • Live fast, Love hard, Die young

  • Example
  • Movies like Thirupatchi
  • AD-10 years back when I used to drive fast
  • AD-When someone cuts me on the road I overtake
  • Lot of our politicians, movie stars
  • Rebellious youth
  • In RED, we see high crime rates, we see all kinds
    of rage and rebellion, but we may also see
    wonderful spurts of creativity, heroic acts, and
    the ability to break from tradition and chart a
    whole new pathway
  • Rock and Roll
  • Cant wait for savings cant put money in bank
  • How to bait red Prove it to me You can do it.
    Prove your macho. Work on their impatience.
    (Instead of pushing red up the wall find positive
    ways of dealing with them. If we come down too
    hard on them we freeze them in TRAP. If we let
    them do what they are doing- a life time of ego.
    Need to do something to control. Not threatening.
    Red must respect you

  • BLUE
  • Purposeful/Authoritarian MEME
  • starting 5,000 years ago
  • Basic theme
  • Life has meaning, direction, and purpose with
    predetermined outcomes

  • Bonding with ideas
  • In BLUE there is a search for a transcendent
    purpose, a recognition of the importance of order
    and meaning, a universe controlled by a single
    higher power
  • One sacrifices self to the transcendent Cause,
    Truth, or righteous Pathway
  • The Order enforces a code of conduct based on
    eternal, absolute principles
  • Righteous living produces stability now and
    guarantees future reward
  • Impulsivity is controlled through guilt
    everybody has their proper place
  • Laws, regulations, and discipline build character
    and moral fiber
  • Here for the first time is the capacity to feel
    guilt (RED feels shame, but not guilt)
  • Righteousness, discipline, accountability,
    stability, perseverance, and order prevail.
  • Purple is personal. Blue is more systems
    oriented. Good Vs Bad
  • A negative side of blue heavy dogmatism
  • Key element is finding meaning and purpose. Then
    conformity follows

  • Institution of Family
  • AD - Many of the principles of truth and value I
    am upholding
  • All the isms, religions of the world
  • Mysticism Purple / Blue
  • 8 fold path of the Buddha
  • Enlightenment - Sacrifice self for later
  • Faith Organised belief (Purple is more
  • Ancient nations. An ordered existence under the
    control of the ultimate truth
  • Taliban Blue to handle Afghanisthan Red
  • Education Going to college
  • Mandella Blue. Other Africans Heavy Red
  • Literacy onset of blue makes it possible to
    spread the truth
  • Heavy nationalism

  • Red to Blue Transition is very difficult
  • Gorillas dying for a cause
  • Permission of blue
  • Terrorist
  • Rogue police officer
  • Dying for cause is typically Red to Blue

  • The greatest obstacle to discovering the Truth is
    being convinced that you already know it.
  • Each one is saying Follow me to the Truth.
  • There is a blue parade each with different
  • Fundamentally Christianity, Islam, Hinduism all
    have same meme structures

  • Achievist/Strategic MEME
  • starting 300 years ago
  • Basic theme
  • Act in your own self-interest by playing the game
    to win

  • ORANGE is about advancement, improvement, and
  • Change and advancement are inherent within the
    scheme of things
  • Progresses by learning nature's secrets and
    seeking out best solutions
  • Manipulates Earth's resources to create and
    spread the abundant good life
  • Optimistic, risk-taking, and self-reliant people
    deserve success
  • Societies prosper through strategy, technology,
    and competitiveness
  • Play the game to win, cultivate optimistic, risk
    taking self reliance
  • Measurement Trial and Error
  • Learns how to invest time and money for payoff
  • If you want upliftment to orange think
  • Build richer digital sense. Digitalization
    Commit ideas and events to numbers
  • Skills training around strategy and measurement.
    Cant just say develop

  • Quantification with high hopes
  • Multiple thinking. Looking at various options
  • More pragmatic way of decision making less based
    on ideologies
  • Key element in orange is changeability

  • India is going through this now
  • Industrial revolution
  • AD My drive to build my business
  • Scientific method. From qualitative to
    quantitative measurement
  • Some fascinating things happened in the European
    brain that seemed to occur for the first time in
    the 1700sthe mathematical sense, the sense of
    cadence, the linear sense that made possible
    written music, that made possible quantification
    and measurement
  • Orange takes many forms not just material
    Strategic for example Mahatma Gandhi
  • For a conference Gandhi did not wear the
    appropriate dress. Behavior looks red. But we
    need to ask why? Strategy. Orange
  • Marketing research
  • Executives in companies look at the amount of
    money one makes as a way of keeping score. They
    compare bonus. Never enough
  • Vision can see something completed
  • Medicine
  • Cell phones

  • Communitarian/Egalitarian MEME - starting 150
    years ago
  • Basic theme
  • Seek peace within the inner self and explore,
    with others, the caring dimensions of community

  • Seek peace in the inner self and explore the
    caring dimensions of community
  • The human spirit must be freed from greed, dogma,
    and divisiveness
  • Feelings, sensitivity, and caring supersede cold
  • Spreads the Earth's resources and opportunities
    equally among all
  • Reaches decisions through reconciliation and
    consensus processes
  • Refreshes spirituality, brings harmony, and
    enriches human development
  • The focus shifts from personal achievement to
    group- and community-oriented goals and
    objectivesfor GREEN, we are all one human
  • Spirituality returns as a nondenominational,
    nonsectarian "unity.
  • True green has orange embedded in it. Otherwise
    it is false green

  • Feelings are most important not truth, not
    power, not safety, not material
  • Everything is relative, truth is a matter of
    context and the situation
  • Explore the inner being of self and others
  • Reach decisions through consensus
  • Egalitarianism The guarantee of equality for
    each person to develop his/her potential
  • To seek peace with the inner self and others,
    thus producing a harmony and tranquil society
  • Decision takes more time they have to express
  • Rise of women

  • AD My people value driven way of building
    People First Consultants
  • Green Peace
  • Human rights movements
  • Multi culturalism
  • Gender roles are derigidified
  • Social class distinctions blurred
  • Group therapy
  • Never satisfied with handling inner child

Mean Green Meme
  • Absorbs rather than contribute
  • Attacks Blue and Orange
  • Short step but important step to go to Yellow
  • Anti competitive will hamper progress

  • There are both positive and negative expressions
    to all the memes

From 1st to 2nd Tier
  • Completely different thinking patterns, different
    minds emerging new quick and effective
    capability of solutions emerge
  • Not driven by status Not driven by fears No
    internal restrictions
  • Not the next step. But a Leap forward
  • Healthy expression of all memes

  • Second Tier
  • "Being" valueMEMES

  • Integrative MEME
  • starting 50 years ago
  • Basic theme
  • Live fully and responsibly as what you are and
    learn to become

  • Life is a kaleidoscope of natural hierarchies,
    systems, and forms
  • The magnificence of existence is valued over
    material possessions
  • Flexibility, spontaneity, and functionality have
    the highest priority
  • Differences can be integrated into
    interdependent, natural flows
  • Understands that chaos and change are natural
  • Planet is a total ecosystem
  • Sense the big picture and the interconnection of
  • Has an enhanced vertical perspective with the
    ability to transcend and include and value what
    came before, and also to anticipate what will be
  • Think in flow systems

  • Less caution. Less fear. No arrogance
  • Not attached to any particular idea or movement
  • Recognizes billions of people are passing through
    1st tier today. It does not erode any code. Each
    code is essential Blue in middle east 1st world
    orange People who move through these stages
  • Yellow Interior system of judgement wisdom of
    others not always better than ones own
  • Expresses self, but never at the expense of
    others or earth, so that all life (not just my
    life) may continue in the most natural fitting
  • Their closets are full of meme colors. They enjoy
    experiences in each of the systems. Yellow has
    all 1st tier systems. Choices. No meme conflicts
  • Shame not there. People dont like you. So? Far
    too authentic for that

  • Accepts inevitability of natures flow
  • Focuses on competencies, functionality
  • Every meme has truth
  • Self Interest without harm to others
  • Experience fullness of living on earth
  • Demands flexibility and open systems
  • Does not beat itself for what it has done in the
  • Not affected by status
  • Recognizes split world. Does not rush in to
    artificially to heal wounds
  • Responds to competency and reason
  • Satisfaction from doing well but anathema to
    praise. When endowed with lavish praise gets
    uncomfortable. Because it is self determined.
    Challenge of doing something keeps it alive, not
  • Free from inner compulsiveness but can enjoy the
    best of life

  • Open to learn at any time from any source
  • Rely on whats necessary, natural
  • Displays 2nd tier lifestyle priorities and
  • Complex in design and simple in execution. Energy
    is put upfront
  • Existence ethic is the foundation stone for
    behavior that is rooted in knowledge and reality
  • Takes what is and deals with what is Reality
    based systems
  • What was right yesterday may not be tomorrow
  • Deals with paradoxes
  • If it is realistic and appropriate to be happy.
    Fine. If it is realistic to suffer then suffering
    is appropriate.
  • Value comes from magnificence of existence. We
    are alive. We can exercise choice. Rather than
    our selfish or group interests
  • In 1st tier there is conflict of memes. In 2nd
    tier if we know it is orange to green system we
    give orange to green solutions.
  • Mobilizes whole community. All efforts focused
    laser beam
  • Transforming forms. Changing forms not just
    changing behaviors

  • "left brain with feelings"
  • "right brain with data."

  • Holistic MEME
  • starting 30 years ago
  • Basic theme
  • Experience the wholeness of existence through
    mind and spirit

  • Work on behalf of the Life Force itself, in its
    many manifestations in life-forms on the planet
  • The world is a single, dynamic organism with its
    own collective mind
  • Self is both distinct and a blended part of a
    larger, compassionate whole
  • Everything connects to everything else in
    ecological alignments
  • Energy and information permeate the Earth's total
  • Holistic, intuitive thinking and cooperative
    actions are to be expected

Cycles of Change
  • I Me Mine We Us Ours

Individual Focus
Collective Focus
Ratcheting towards Complexity
  • That pendulum swing
  • Creates Emergence
  • Swing between Individual focus
  • And
  • Collective focus
  • Self Expression Vs Attuning with nature

  • I Me Mine
  • Take charge, make change, move against nature,
    control the external world
  • Task Explore the outside
  • Locus of control Inside

  • We, Us, Ours
  • (more of sacrifice)
  • Accept the inevitable, live within natures
    constraints, focus on making peace
  • Task Fix the inside
  • Locus of Control Outside

Expressive SystemsInner Directed
  • Red Impulsive, To hell with others
  • Orange Express self now calculatively, not to
    arouse the ire of others
  • Yellow Express self Now But not at the expense
    of others

Sacrificial SystemsValue and Behavior influenced
by external focus Outer directed
  • Purple Sacrifice self now to the wishes of
    tribe, spirits, chieftan
  • Blue Sacrifice self now to obtain later Eg
    going to college to acquire a skill, degree
  • Green Sacrifice self now to obtain now for self
    and others

  • When any warm color rises we will have harmonics
    of warm color.
  • For example if orange is on rise, Red will be on
    the rise.

  • Start looking at the world with yellow lens

  • A person can be self actualized in any level

  • Singapore Blue / Orange
  • India Orange
  • Dutch Orange / Green
  • Russia Blue / Orange
  • Iceland Purple / Orange

  • Pre Modern Purple, Red, Some blue
  • Modern Blue, Orange
  • Post Modern Green
  • Yellow beyond post modern
  • Yellow and Turquoise Celebrate pre modern,
    modern and post modern

Practical Applications
  • See spectrum of people as supposed to stero
    types. Not treating everybody in the same way
  • When problem solving, we need to decide where to
    address, Which level?
  • When we change behaviors and then put them back
    into the same systems and structures, does not
  • How to motivate people? Wrong question. I need to
    know what kinds of people. What kinds of
    thinking. Otherwise we assume a commonality or a
    unified nature of group which may not be the
    case. We need to get into the habit of being
    specific. How would you express it to Purple,
    Blue, Green etc

Practical Applications
  • Company may be yellow thinking, however some
    departments may require a different meme person
    who is the best. Eg marketing Orange
  • Place yourself in different environments to
    activate various memes from time to time Then
    there is much more natural move to 2nd tier.
  • To gym various memes can do it in many ways
    music, movies etc
  • Corporate Compensation depends on what kind of
    people are there Red Pay Cash. Blue Can delay
    retirement programs

Bring Into your lives
  • Noble Purpose Blue
  • Responsible Profit Orange
  • Sensitivity to People Green
  • Respect for ecology and planet (not from survival
    mode but from Authentic care mode)- Yellow
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