Title: An introduction to Appreciative Inquiry
1An introduction to Appreciative Inquiry
- What Appreciative Inquiry is and isnt
- The organisational metaphor of Appreciative
Inquiry - Appreciative inquiry interviewing
- Dreaming the future
- The effect of positive affect
- Uses of appreciative interviewing
- The 4D model
- Implications for leaders and managers
3What is Appreciative Inquiry?
- An approach to achieving change in organisations
- A specific methodology 4D
- A flexible and versatile process
- An alternative to the standard approach to
organisational problem solving and development
4What is it not?
- Not scientific
- Not an N-step recipe for success
- Not a mechanical process
5Contrast to Scientific Mode
- Appreciative Inquiry perspective
- Constructionist The universe is socially
constructed. We can never see the world as it
really is - Holistic Rejects dualistic understandings, gives
credence to mental causality, social dynamics - Connective Interested in the connections between
elements and complex patterns (the sum) - Generative accounts
- Scientific perspective
- Objectivist There is an objective universe more
or less separate from and independent of the
observer - Positivist Privileges the physically observable
- Reductionist Reduce higher order phenomena to
elements (the parts) - Fixed accounts
6How is it different?
Problem Solving AI Thinking
Problem focus (medical model) Account focus (social constructionism)
Solving the past Creating the future
Critical thinking analysis (data) Generative thinking (possibilities)
Planned solutions Emergent ways forward
Directed Facilitated / co-ordinated
Negative emotion/logic Positive energy/relationship
7Appreciative Inquiry Problem Solving
- Problem solving
- Identification of the problem
- Analysis of causes
- Analysis of possible solutions
- Action planning (treatment)
- Basic assumption organisation is a problem to be
- Appreciative inquiry
- Appreciating the best of what is
- Imagining what might be
- Discussing what should be
- Innovating what will be
- Basic assumption organisation is a mystery to be
8The organisational metaphor the organisation as
a living human system
Living Human System
What gives life? Culture Interconnected
Growth Language Interrelated
Nurturing Beliefs Interdependent
9The appreciative interview
- In pairs
- Each - identify a specific event or episode when
you feel you really made a difference, when you
were working at your best. - Interview each other to re-create that
experience What? How? Who else? Where? Tell me
more. Feelings, talk, noticing, How did it make a
difference? And so on - rich experience.
Description not explanation - When have both had your turn - reflections - what
do you notice about the experience you have just
had? How did you feel in both roles? What effect
did it have for you reconnecting with a positive
10Assumptions of appreciative inquiry
- In every society, organisation or group,
something works - What we focus on becomes our reality
- Reality is created in the moment and there are
multiple realities - The act of asking a question influences in some
way - People have more confidence and comfort to
journey to the future when they carry forward
parts of the past
11Assumptions of appreciative inquiry
- If we carry parts of the past forward, they
should be what is best about the past - It is important to value difference
- The language we use creates our reality
- (Hammond 1996)
12 A dreaming experience
- In pairs
- Interview each other about How things could be?
- Essentially you are asking How would your
life/world/organisation/team be if more of the
good things weve been talking about were
happening more of the time? - Imagine you are a journalist doing a Day in the
life of interview - You are working to build a really rich picture of
this imaginary future. You are seeking
description - Usually about 2 years on seems to work, so start
by setting the time So its the 19th of Jan
13Effect of positive affect on living human systems
- Long-term correlated with many desirable
outcomes longevity, health, life satisfaction - Short-term Fredrickson Broaden and build theory
- More playful, exploratory, integrative
- Preference for variety
- Access to a bigger range of behaviour
- More able intellectually to deal with complexity
and diversity - Can cope better with chronic stress
14Ways to use AI interviews
- To create positive affect
- To access resource - increase group
resourcefulness - To discover differences that make a difference
- To boost confidence (naming of abilities)
- To change the world
15Appreciative Inquiry
Discover and Value the best of what is
Affirmative Topic Choice
Destiny What will be
Dreaming What might be
Design through Dialogue What should be
16Implications for managers leaders
- Organisations are networks of conversation in
which accounts are created - More than one account can exist Accounts are
resources - The main task of management and leadership is
working with accounts creating possibilities for
change - The tools for change are talk, belief,
accounts, imagination, relationships and emotions - Positive affect positively affects organisational
17Thank you