Title: Runoff
- Hydrographs and the SCS Curve Number Method
2Runoff vs. Streamflow
- Streamflow is baseflow runoff that makes it to
the stream channel.
- Runoff is the result of a precipitation event
3What is a watershed?
- A watershed is entire drainage area of a stream
or river, from which the surface and groundwater
leave at a single point. - Usually defined by elevation.
- Large rivers with several tributaries are
typically called river basins - Watershed is used for tributaries / small streams
5Watershed Factors that Affect Surface Runoff
- Topography
- Surface runoff occurs in the direction of land
slope - Perpendicular to the contour lines
- Land slope has a significant effect on water
velocity - Overland flow
- Channel flow
6Elevation Contours with Surface Runoff
7Watershed Factors that Affect Surface Runoff
- Watershed shape
- Circular watersheds have higher rates of runoff
- Runoff from different points reach outlet at same
time - Elongated watersheds have lower rates than
circular - Downstream tributaries reach outlet first
- Soil
- Controls the infiltration process
8Watershed Shapes
9Watershed Factors that Affect Surface Runoff
- Land use
- Vegetative cover reduces runoff
- Improves soil structure
- Depletes soil moisture creating a dry antecedent
moisture - Bare soil results in increased runoff
- Poor structure
- Less permeable and can have surface sealing
- Fine soil particles washed into larger soil pores
10Flow measurement
11How is flow measured?
12Streamflow Components
- Baseflow Continuous flow supported by seepage
and groundwater flow. - Runoff-AKA Storm water runoff. Excess rainfall
from storm events. - What is a runoff hydrograph?
- Continuous record of streamflow over time.
13Runoff Hydrographs
- Complete Runoff Hydrograph Contains
- Runoff Volume-Area under the hydrograph
- Peak Flow Rates-maximum flow or peak of the
runoff hydrograph. - A complete time history of the flow.
- For small watersheds we ignore baseflow so that
- Runoffeffective rainfallprecipitation -
14Conceptual Model
Rainfall with uniform intensity of r1 and
duration of Dt falling uniformly on the watershed.
15Conceptual Model for Runoff
- Conceptual model is very steeply rising and
falling with a base time only slightly longer
than the duration of the rainfall excess. - An actual hydrograph would have a lower peak and
slower recession, due to tremendous capacity for
16Stream Hydrograph
Time (T)
17 Storm Hydrograph
(Surface runoff only / base flow removed)
Time (T)
18Comparison of Urban andForested Hydrographs
19Comparison of Upstream and Downstream Hydrographs
- Typically determined in one of two ways
- Mass balance approach
- Effective rainfall
21Mass Balance Approach
- Continuity Equation
- Inputs Outputs Change in Storage
- Input is typically precipitation.
- Outputs can be infiltration, ET, etc. depending
on scale. - Storage can be interception, soil water storage,
etc. again depending on the scale and scope.
22Effective Rainfall
- The SCS Curve Number Approach
23Effective Rainfall
- Rainfall that becomes runoff.
- Effective Rainfall Precipitation Initial
Abstractions - Also called Rainfall Excess.
- Effective RainfallRainfall ExcessRunoff
24SCS Curve Number Approach
- By far the most popular method.
- Combines initial abstractions and infiltration
losses and estimates rainfall excess as
25Curve Number
- A parameter that combines soil type and land use
to estimate runoff potential. - Based on the Hydrologic Soil Group (HSG), land
use and condition. - Range between 0 and 100. The greater the curve
number, the greater the potential for RO. - Impervious areas and water surfaces are assigned
curve numbers of 98-100.
26Hydrologic Soil Groups and Land Use
- SCS classified more than 4000 soils into four
general HSG (A, B, C, and D) - Based on soils minimum infiltration rate when the
soil is bare and after prolonged wetting. - In general A have the highest infiltration
capacity and lowest runoff potential (sandy
soils) and D have lowest infiltration rates and
highest runoff potential (clay soils) - Curve numbers for various land uses ranging from
cultivated land to industrial and residential
27Curve Numbers
28Antecedent Moisture Conditions
- Curve numbers in tables are for CN(II) or normal
antecedent soil moisture conditions. - If conditions are dryer than normal than a CN(I)
should be used. - If conditions are wetter than normal than a
CN(III) should be used. - Table 5.2 gives adjustment factors for CN(II) to
obtain CN(I) or CN(III).
29Mixed Land Uses and HSGs
- An area weighted CN is used when the area
considered is for mixed land uses and HSGs.
30Example Problem
- Given
- Precipitation (P) 4.04 in.
- A watershed that has
- 35 cultivated with a D soil group
- 30 meadow with a B soil group
- 35 thin forest with a C soil group
- Required
- Calculate the surface runoff (excess rainfall)
31Watershed with Land Use and HSGs Listed
32Example Problem
- Find the curve numbers
- Use HSG CN
- Cultivated D 35 91
- Meadow B 30 58
- Thin Forest C 35 77
- Table 5.1 text (reference is important)
- Calculate a weighted CN
- Weights based on area
- CNavg 0.35(91) 0.30(58) 0.35(77)
- CN avg 76.2 76
33Example Problem
- Calculate the S term
- S 1000 / CN 10 (1000 / 76) 10
- S 3.16 in.
- Check to see if P gt 0.2S
- 0.2S 0.2(3.16) 0.63 in. ? P gt 0.2S?
- Calculate surface runoff (Q)
- Q (P - 0.2S)2 / (P 0.8S)
- Q (4.04 0.2(3.16)2 / 4.04 ((0.8)3.16)
- Q 1.77 in.
- For a rainfall event 4.04 in. on the given
watershed with average soil moisture conditions
34AGSM 335
35Rainfall Hyetograph
36Effective Rainfall Hyetograph
37Creating an Effective Rainfall Hyetograph
- Calculate the accumulated P for each time step
from a rainfall hyetograph. - Calculate the appropriate weighted CN.
- Calculate S using Equation (5.3).
- Find 0.2S.
- For each time step where the accumulated P gt 0.2
S calculate the accumulated Q using Equation
(5.4). - Find the incremental Q at each time step.
- Plot the incremental Q vs. time.
38Effective Runoff Hyetograph Calculations
Development of the Rainfall and Effective Rainfall Hyetographs Development of the Rainfall and Effective Rainfall Hyetographs Development of the Rainfall and Effective Rainfall Hyetographs Development of the Rainfall and Effective Rainfall Hyetographs Development of the Rainfall and Effective Rainfall Hyetographs
P24 5 S 2.19
0.2 S 0.438
Time Ordinate Depth Increment Depth Accumulated Accum. Effective Incremental Effective
(hrs) (Pt/P24) (in) (in) Rainfall (in) Rainfall (Q) (in) Rainfall
8 0.11 0.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
9 0.15 0.73 0.16 0.16 0.00 0.00
10 0.19 0.95 0.22 0.38 0.00 0.00
11 0.25 1.25 0.31 0.68 0.02 0.02
12 0.50 2.50 1.25 1.93 0.60 0.58
13 0.75 3.75 1.25 3.18 1.52 0.92
14 0.81 4.06 0.31 3.49 1.77 0.25
15 0.85 4.27 0.21 3.70 1.95 0.18
16 0.89 4.43 0.16 3.86 2.09 0.13
   3.86   2.09
 (Table 3.4) BP24 Differencing of C Addition of D Q (P - 0.2S)2/(P0.8S) Differencing of F