Chapter 9: Background to the Middle East - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 9: Background to the Middle East


Muslims were in cosmic battle with the forces of darkness. ... Syrians drove on to the Golan Heights. Rise of Terrorism Menachim Begin, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 9: Background to the Middle East

Chapter 9Background to the Middle East
What is the Middle East?
  • Middle East is not a geographical region
  • Concept based on a Western orientation to the
  • Alfred Thayer Mahan
  • Dominated by two major concerns
  • Religion of Islam
  • History of Arab people

What is the Middle East?
  • Culturally, Middle East dominated by the religion
    of Islam
  • Most Muslims live outside the region
  • Many differing cultures inside Islam
  • Myriad of interpretations of the religion
  • Region witnessed the birth of three monotheistic
  • Judaism
  • Christianity
  • Islam

What is the Middle East?
  • Centuries of conflict between Muslims and
  • Islamic conquests
  • Arabic empires
  • Western Crusades
  • Mongol invasions
  • Turkish domination
  • Christian domination

What is the Middle East?
  • Three issues assisting in the illustration of the
    importance of the region
  • Birth and spread of Islam
  • Confrontations between Christianity and Islam
    from the first Arab empire through creation of
    modern Israel
  • Expansion of conflict beyond the traditional
    geographical realm of the Middle East

A Brief Introduction to Islam
  • Mohammed was born about 750 CE in Mecca.
  • Mohammeds vision of Gabriel told him God had
    chosen him to be a prophet to the Arabs.
  • Muslims believe that Jews, Christians, and
    Zoroastrians worship the same Deity
  • Muslims believe that the Bible is a book of
    Allah, and that Abraham and Jesus were
  • Christians and Jews are called Dhimma protected
    or guilty.
  • Mohammeds role as the Prophet is crucial in
  • Given the direct revelation of God through Gabriel

Introduction to Islam
  • Mohammeds emphasis of social egalitarianism was
    resented by wealthy merchants of Mecca.
  • Muslims believe Mohammed created perfect Islamic
    community at Medina
  • Combining a just government with religion
  • Mohammed stressed importance of community over
    tribal relations and Governance of Gods law in
    all aspects of life.
  • Mohammed conquered Mecca.
  • New religion spread along trade routes.
  • Mohammed died in 632 CE.

The Shiite-Sunni Split
  • Utterances of Gabriel written down and codified
    in the Quran.
  • Mohammeds statements were recorded.
  • His actions became the basis for interpreting the
  • Muslims were expected to
  • Believe in the existence of one God and Mohammed
    as Gods Prophet.
  • Pray as a community.
  • Give to the poor.
  • Fast during holy times.
  • Make a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a

Shiite-Sunni Split
  • Question of leadership
  • One group of people believed that Mohammeds male
    heir should lead the community (according to
    Arabic tradition) they believed that Muhammads
    cousin and son-in-law Ali had authority provided
    by God.
  • Another group of people believed that the
    community should select its own leaders caliphs
    (political and religious leaders).

Shiite-Sunni Split
  • Importance of community took precedence over
    tribal rule of inheritance Sunni branch of
  • Abu Bakr, become a first caliph in 632CE, after
    his death (assassination) Umar became a caliph.
  • Assassination of Umar led to new caliph Uthman.
  • Assassination of Uthman

Shiite-Sunni Split
  • Sunnis, or mainstream Muslims, followed the
  • Sunnis compose approximately 85-90 of all
    Muslims today.
  • Followers of Ali became known as Shiites.
  • Few theological differences between Sunnis and
  • Main difference focused on line of succession to

Golden Age of Arabs
  • Following Mohammeds death, Islam and Arabic
    culture spread through Middle East.
  • Two dynasties of leaders ruled the area
  • Umayyads
  • Abbasids
  • Islam means submission to the will of God
  • to make someone safe, to make peace, to submit
    oneself, to surrender
  • Muslim is one who submits
  • Islam means the entire surrender of the will to

Golden Age of Arabs
  • West began its first violent encounter with the
    Middle East through the Crusades (1095-1250).
  • European attempts to conquer the Middle East
  • Crusades instigated centuries of hatred and
    distrust between Muslims and Christians.
  • The Crusades ended over 700 years ago Islamic
    Jihad continues to this day.
  • European struggles with Ottoman Empire reinforced
    years of military tensions.

Agrarian Response to Political Crisis
  • Armstrong Islam went through a series of crises
    before and after 1492.
  • Agrarian empires falter religious zealots rise
    to call faithful back to true meaning of the
  • Theologically driven political reform movement is
    brought about by
  • Invasion of Mongol and Crusader armies.
  • Stagnation of Arab thought and technological
    development after 1200.
  • Collapse of Caliphate in 1922.

Militant Philosophy
  • Developing religions invite various
  • Reformers of Islam called believers to an
    idealized past when crises erupted
  • Gave rise to militancy
  • Militants misused the theology of the reformers
  • Taqi al Din ibn Taymiyyah (Islamic scholar)
  • Developed new ideas about militancy and the faith
    after Arab setback of Mongols and Crusaders
  • Called for destruction of heretics and invaders
  • Called jihahad the sixth pillar of Islam

Militant Philosophy
  • Taqi al Din ibn Taymiyyah
  • Muslims had fallen away from the truth
  • Must internally purify themselves
  • Believed Crusaders and Mongols defeated Islamic
    armies because Muslims had fallen away from true
    practice of Islam
  • Attacked anything threatening to come between
    humanity and God emphasizing tawhid
  • Any belief that went beyond Mohammeds revelation
    was to be subject to a purifying jihad
  • Expanded meaning of jihad to advocating attacks
    on non-believers and impure Muslims

Militant Philosophy
  • Abdul Wahhab
  • Preached a puritanical strain of Islam in Saudi
  • Sought to rid the religion of practices added
    after the first few decades following Mohammeds
  • His followers argue that they are trying to rid
    religion of superstition.
  • Muhammed bin Abd al-Wahhabs descendents are
    known today as Al al-Shaykh. The family of Al
    al-Shaykh has included several religious
    scholars, including the current Saudi minister of
    justice and the current grand mufti of Saudi.

Militant Philosophy
  • Sayyid Qutb (Egyptian teacher and journalist)
  • 1965 published Milestones
  • Outlines theology and ideology of Jihadist
  • Called on Muslims to overthrow corrupt
    governments of the West.
  • Muslims were in cosmic battle with the forces of
  • World descended to darkness shortly after the
    death of Mohammed
  • Called for the destruction of all enemies
  • Al Qaeda Manual cites Qutb as an inspirational

Modern Middle East
  • Three critical events helped shape modern Middle
    East in the late 1800s
  • Ottoman Empire
  • Ruled much of the Middle East
  • Zionism
  • European Jews wanted their own homeland
  • Tensions rose when Jewish settlers moved into the
  • World War I
  • Victorious nations felt they had won the area
    from the Turks
  • Divided Middle East to share spoils of victory

Mahans Middle East
  • Three factors became prominent in Middle Eastern
  • The Palestinian question
  • Intra-Arab rivalries/struggles
  • The future of revolutionary Islam
  • Those factors are symbiotic interdependent
  • Express dissatisfaction over the existence of
  • Are anti-imperialistic
  • United in kinship bonds

The Early Zionist Movement in Palestine
  • The Zionist movement broke out at the same time
    the Ottoman Empire was created.
  • Palestinians sold land to the Zionists the
    ultimate purpose was to create a Jewish state.
  • The Zionists originally stated they had no desire
    to displace the Palestinians they wanted to
    coexist with them.

World War I and contradictory Promises
  • British encouraged the Arabs to revolt against
    the Turks
  • Arabs were promised the Caliphate would be moved
    to Mecca and an Arab named as Caliph.
  • For a general Arab revolt against the Turks, the
    British agreed to support the creation of an
    independent Arab state at the end of WWI.
  • Balfour Declaration promised the creation of
  • Creation of Zionist Jewish homeland in Palestine
  • Directly contradicted promise to move the
    Caliphate to Mecca.

World War I and contradictory Promises
  • British negotiated a treaty with the French to
    extend their spheres of influence in the states
    of the old Ottoman Empire.
  • British also promised Russia control of one third
    (northern) of the area of Iran.
  • End of WWI the Middle East was controlled by
    British, French, and Russia.
  • Arabs and Jews could not develop under the
    watchful eyes of the British.
  • Both Arabs and Jews felt that they were given
    false promises and demanded their right to
  • Mandate of Palestine placed the British in the
    center of Middle Eastern affairs.

The Birth of Israel
  • Jews and Arabs resented the British they also
    mistrusted each other.
  • Violence began in the 1920s.
  • Jews displaced by the Nazi holocaust flocked to
    Palestine in late 1945-1946.
  • British banned Jewish immigration.
  • Influx of Jewish immigrants continued.
  • Arabs start to arm themselves.
  • Modern terrorism resurfaced in Palestine before
    UN partition.
  • 1948 United Nations recognized the modern
    nation-state of Israel.
  • Arabs attacked immediately.

Arab Power Struggles and Arab - Israeli Wars
  • Modern Middle Easter terrorism
  • Result of continuing conflicts in the twentieth
  • Arabs, Palestinians and Jews dissatisfaction
    with peace settlements after WW 1
  • The French and British created a number of states
    that did not reflect the realistic division in
    the Middle East Libya, Syria, Egypt, Lebanon,
    Jordan, Iraq.

Arab Power Struggles and Arab - Israeli Wars
  • 1947 1967 Middle East was dominated by a series
    of short conventional wars.
  • Six Day War - 1967
  • PLO began a series of terrorist attacks against
    Israeli civilians.
  • Arab states split into several camps
  • Jordan camp anxious about finding way to coexist
    with Israel
  • Egypt camp avenge the embarrasment of the Six
    Day War
  • Baath Party Arab socialists calls for both Arab
    unity and the destruction of Israel
  • A group of wealthy oil states hoped for stability
    in the region
  • Yom Kippur War Egyptians drove Israeli forces
    back into the Sinai Syrians drove on to the
    Golan Heights.

Rise of Terrorism
  • Menachim Begin, Prime Minister of Israel, and
    Anwar Sadat, President of Egypt, signed the Camp
    David Peace Accord in 1979.
  • Soon after, Sadat was assassinated by Muslim
    fundamentals for signing peace with Israel.
  • Arabs rejecting peace with Israel fell into two
  • Radicals rejected any peace or recognition of
  • Moderate groups were concerned about the fate of

Rise of Terrorism
  • In the 1980s Middle Eastern terrorism fell into
    several broad categories
  • Suicide bombings and other attacks on Israeli and
    Western positions in Lebanon
  • Various militias fought other militias in Lebanon
    (Lebanese Civil War 1975-1990)
  • State-sponsored terrorism from Libya, Syria, and
  • Freelance terrorism to high-profile groups
  • Terrorism in support of Arab-Palestinians
  • Attacks in Europe against Western targets
  • Israeli assassinations of alleged terrorists
  • Arab struggle against Arab Iraq-Iran, Iraq-Kuwait

  • Iranians are not Arabs they are Persian with
    strong ethno-national ties to the ancient Persian
  • Modern Iran formed within the context of European
  • During the XIXth century, Iranians developed a
    hierarchy of Shiite Islamic scholars, including
    local prayer leaders, masters of Islam,
    Ayatollahs, and Grand Ayatollahs.
  • Iranian scholars form the majilis council, a
    theological advisory board to the government.
  • Majilis took political leadership

  • British influence and control
  • British were instrumental in placing Iranian
    leaders on the throne.
  • In 1925 Reza Shah Pahlavi become Shah of Iran
    with British support.
  • 1930s Reza Shah Pahlavi befriend Hitler he saw
    Germany relations as a way to balance British
  • In 1941 the Allied Powers forced Reza Shah
    Pahlavi to abdicate in favour of his son.

  • The U.S. took British place after WWII.
  • In 1953 Reza Shah Pahlavi formulated plan to stay
    in power.
  • In 1957 with the help of CIA and British
    recommendations, Reza Shah Pahlavi created SAVAK
    a secret policy to destroy his enemies.
  • Clergy from Qom organized against Reza Shah
    Pahlavi Shah released his forces and attacked
    Qom, one of his prisoners is Ruhollah (Ayatollah)
  • Iran disavowed the U.S. after the 1979 Iranian

  • The Revolution
  • Ruhollah Khomeini Shiite Grand Ayatollah was
    leading figure in the 1979 Iranian Revolution.
  • Toppled the Shahs government
  • Consolidated power by destroying or silencing his
  • Khomeini viewed President Carter as a
    manifestation of satanic power.
  • Created an Iranian theocracy with the majilis in
    charge of spiritual and temporal life.
  • Khomeini believed it was time to launch a holy
    war against the West and traitors to Islam.
  • Khomeini influenced majilis council dominated
    Iranian politics.

  • After Revolution
  • New form of terrorism spread through the Middle
  • In 1982 Israel invaded Lebanon Iranian
    revolutionaries traveled to Lebanon to help them
    resist Israel.
  • The Iranians arrived to Bekka Valey and
    established the nucleus of a new type of
    revolutionary force HEBOLLAH.
  • Khomeini used a mixture of repressive tactics and
    political strategies to consolidate his power in
  • He removed Islamic scholars and political
  • He believed that Iranian Revolution was a first
    step in puryfying the world.
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