Title: Seminar on Maritime Education and Training
1Economy Report Philippines
230th APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting
- Introduction
- On-going Projects
- Future Work Projects
- Projects Completed and Results Achieved
- Recommendations
330th APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting
- Islands - 7,107
- Coastal Provinces - 58 out of 77 (75)
- Coastal Municipalities - 914 out of 1,385 (66)
- Coastal Barangays - 11,000
- Goods / Cargoes - 95 transported thru sea
- Population - 89,896,677 (as of July 2007)
- Port Facility - 465
- Registered Ship - 895
430th APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting
- Lies at the Crossroad of Maritime
- Commerce between South China
- Sea Pacific Ocean
- Most of the shipping traversing
- Malacca Strait passes through the
- Philippine territorial waters
- 50 of the Worlds cargoes passes
- through the Philippine seas
530th APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting
Pursuant to Executive Order No. 311
- The Office for Transportation Security (OTS)
is designated as the Single Authority responsible
for the security of the Transportation System in
the country. - The Sea Transport and Maritime Infrastructure
Security is mandated to implement the ISPS Code
and to formulate, adopt and implement a National
Maritime Security Programme
630th APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting
- Philippine Australia Port Security Capacity
Building Project (PAPSCBP)
- Trainings ISPS Code related courses
- Seminars and workshops
- Introduction of Transport Security Precinct
- Inspections
- Coordination
730th APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting
- Strong Republic Nautical Highway (SRNH)
Eastern Nautical Highway
Central Nautical Highway
West Central Nautical Highway Link 1
West Central Nautical Highway Link 2
West Central Nautical Highway Link 3
Western Nautical Highway
830th APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting
Benefits of the SRNH
- Efficient and cost effective inter-island
transportation - Supports agro fisheries modernization and food
security program - Enhance tourism, transportation and commerce
- Shipments are no longer off-loaded for
930th APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting
- Establishment of the Coastwatch
South (CWS)
- Inter Agency coordinating body
- Joint Maritime Security Operations
- Initial focus on governance in the countrys
maritime domain in Southern Philippines
1030th APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting
- ASEAN-Japan Joint Maritime Security
Communications Exercise
- Conducted annually among Asean nations and
Japan. - Communications procedures
- Raising of security Alert Levels
1130th APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting
Development and formulation of The National
Security Programme for Sea Transport and
Maritime Infrastructure
- Responsibility of Ships and Port Facilities
Operators - Security Assessments
- Security Plans
1230th APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting
Security Arrangement at the Port of Batangas
1330th APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting
Access Control
ID system for port workers is strictly enforced
Gate guards are implementing Vehicle pass /
vehicle sticker regulations
Manual inspections for vehicles are also
conducted at the gate
Visitors are required to have visitors pass
1430th APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting
Access Control
Mobile x-ray
Mobile x-ray machine screens vehicles passing by
at the gate
1530th APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting
Port Patrol
PPA Port Police conducts constant patrol within
the port facility
PPA Seacraft conducts constant patrol within the
harbor area
1630th APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting
K-9 Units deployment
Passenger terminal
Staging Area
Aboard vessels
Vessels ramp
1730th APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting
Security screening of Passengers / luggages
Walk through detector
X-ray machine
Passengers terminal
K9 Units
1830th APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting
- 1678 trainees completed various courses
- 2170 participants attended seminars and workshops
1930th APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting
- Pilot test of Transport Security Precinct concept
- Inspections - key ports
- - International ports
- - major ports
- Established the reputation of OTS as the agency
responsible for transportation security - Developed close working relationship among
government agencies and
2030th APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting
- Conducted Table top and live exercise during the
ASEAN-Japan Joint maritime security exercise - familiarize communications procedures raising
of security alert levels - Enhances port security
- Operationalized the Megaport Initiative Program
- equipped two (2) major ports in the country the
capability to detect, deter and interdict illicit
trafficking of nuclear and other radioactive
materials being handled
2130th APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting
- Exercises at - key ports
- - regulated precincts
- Training - Maritime Personnel
- - Philippine Coast Guard
- Finalize Review of Security Arrangement
2230th APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting
- Continued effective cooperation and understanding
- Exchange Programs
- Installation - X-Ray machines and other
sensors and - surveillance equipment
- - Vessel Traffic
Management System - - Procurement of
Patrol Boats
2330th APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting