Title: NORAD and USNORTHCOM Education and Training U
1NORAD and USNORTHCOM Education and Training (U)
This Briefing is Classified UNCLASSIFIED
- Mr. Doug Johnston
- Chief, Joint Training and Education Division
- 10 Mar 08
- Training Philosophy
- Training Exercise and Vision
- Knowledge/Competencies
- 3 Level Knowledge/Competencies
- Other Training Education Initiatives
- Homeland Security Defense Education Consortium
- Immersive Learning Environments
- Defense Support of Civil Authorities
3 Training Philosophy
- Individual and collective competency-based
training and education focused on the NORAD and
USNORTHCOM Joint Mission Essential Task Lists
(JMETLs) - This strategy is assessed during full-scale
exercises involving private sector, local, state,
and federal partners (linked directly to
readiness evaluation)
4Training and Exercise Vision
Level 1 On-line 30
Level 2 On-Line 60
Level 2 Completion 180
- Level 1 Core Knowledge Competencies
- Knowledge of NORAD and USNORTHCOM mission,
organization, operations, procedures - Knowledge of Homeland Security/Defense
organizations and operations - Knowledge of the Threat
6Slide Classification Markings
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UNCLASSIFIED - If the information is releasable to another
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CLASSIFICATION/REL to USA and other nation
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in alphabetical order (e.g. SECRET/REL to USA,
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73-Level Knowledge/Competencies
- Level 1 - Core Knowledge Examples
- NORAD and USNORTHCOM Intro Course
- (29 Briefings/19 Lessons online)
- NORAD and USNORTHCOM Structures Course
- Weapons of Mass Destruction
- JKDDC - Joint Knowledge Development and
Distribution Capability (ARNORTH) DSCA Phase I
online Courses - Level 2 - Advanced Knowledge Development
Examples - FEMA IS-700 NIMS/FEMA IS-800 NRP
- JOPES (Joint Operations Planning and Execution
System) Planning Course - Joint Planning Orientation Course
- CONOPS/BSOP (Concept of Operations Battle Staff
Operating Procedures)
8Level 3 - Education Initiatives
- O-6 Level bi-monthly/Action Officer Enlisted
Professional Military Education quarterly - University of Colorado, Colorado Springs (UCCS)
Graduate - Certificate Program (81 Grads/Yr)
- 1 year in-residence program
- Full Masters Degree coming soon
- US Naval Postgraduate School Master of Arts in
Homeland Security Leadership Development (4
Grads/Yr) - 18 month program
- 2 weeks at NPS each quarter remainder via
distance learning - PhD program in development with Naval Post
Graduate School/UCCS/CU Denver (Summer 08?)
9National Guard - JCTC / JSTC
- JTF (Joint Task Force) Commander Training Course
(JCTC) - - Prepares potential JTF Commanders to operate
across the full operational spectrum (SAD (State
Active Duty), T32, T10) - - Primary audience National Guard with limited
IA, IG and AC - - Four and one-half days in duration
- - Offered twice per year at NORAD and USNORTHCOM
(Jan/Jul08) - Joint Force HQ(JFHQ)/JTF Staff Training Course
(JSTC) - - Trains potential JFHQ-State / JTF-State Staff
members - - Primary audience NG with local IA and IG
- - Six months in duration including DL and
resident instruction - - Delivered continuously, scheduled on a
state-by-state basis
- Joint Chemical, Biological, Radiological and
Nuclear Familiarization Course (JCBRNFC) 1-2
April 2008 - Joint Planning Orientation Course (JPOC) 3-5 Jun
08 - Weapons of Mass Destruction Staff Support Seminar
27 Feb 08 - Golden Script - EA Training Tool
- N2C2 Training Program
- CDR and CSEL (Command Senior Enlisted Leader)
Reading List - N-NC Enlisted Joint Professional Military
Education - NORAD and USNORTHCOM representation on USA, USAF,
and USN Strategic Studies Groups
11 Homeland Security Defense Education
- Integrated network of military, federal, and
civilian academic institutions with a common goal - - 104 Charter Members
- - Ensure the Department of Defenses (NORAD and
USNORTHCOM) role in, and perspective on, homeland
security is adequately and accurately reflected
in national education initiatives - - Encourage and facilitate HS education program
development - - Focus and facilitate research and knowledge
development - - Encourage cooperation between consortium
member institutions - - 2 symposia per year
- Research Opportunities
- - Request for research topics, excellent response
- Internships
- - 24 interns selected for spring/summer placement
- - 10 interns for Phase II
- ILES Background
- - Online (24/7) exercise framework that
incorporates individual and collective tasks
from mission planning to capture of lessons
learned - - Bridges the gap between individual training
and large exercises - - Vision ON-DEMAND - Primary small group
training and mission planning and rehearsal tool - Status
- - Operational use validated at NORAD and
USNORTHCOM and US Joint Forces Command - - Operationalizing ILES within the Command
ILES Training Managers assigned and
Implementation Working Group established - - Desired end-state is an ILES-federated
architecture between COCOMs (Combatant Commands),
Interagency and multi-national partners creating
a large-scale, ON-DEMAND training environment
across multiple organizations
Basic DSCA Course
- Basic DSCA Course for O-7 level and below
- Federal Virtually all USG departments
- State Especially State Emergency Mgt orgns
- Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Red Cross,
Salvation Army - Three Phases of the DSCA Course
- Phase I Online Preparatory Course 8 hour WBT
- Phase II Residence or Mobile Training Team (MTT)
Course five-day course, 12 per year 60
participants interactive seminar DSCA SMEs
instructing retired General officer mentor - Phase III Alumni email and online updates
provides graduates of Phases I and II with
current information on HD, HS, and CS related
subjects, references, lessons learned, and
tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs)
15Other DSCA Courses and Seminars
- DSCA State/Region Course Inform FEMA Regional
and State Emergency Operations officials on DOD
capabilities, limitations, and planning
considerations associated with support of Civil
Authorities. One-day course, 17 per year - DSCA Executive Seminar Executive level (O-8 and
above) seminar on policy, planning, coordination,
capability, challenges, and execution of DSCA
operations. Participants DOD, NG, Interagency,
NGO, and State. Two-day seminar, four per year - DSCA Senior Executive Seminar USNORTHCOM
Commander hosts Governors and The Adjutant
Generals (TAGs). One day seminar, five per year
16Other DSCA Courses and Seminars
- DSCA International Fly-Away Team
- Latest Good Idea (came up in early Feb 08)
- We think it might be an Informational Briefing
for international audiences at Centers of
Excellence, such as the Marshall Center (looking
for others) - Can last from 2 hours to 2 days, as requested
- How US military (Title 10) assists civil
authorities in the US. Its probably very
misunderstood outside the US
17Basic DSCA Course Schedule
- - 31 Mar 4 Apr 08 Gettysburg PA
- - 21-25 Apr 08 Colorado Springs CO
- - 2-6 Jun 08 San Antonio TX
- - 23 27 Jun 08 Anchorage AK (w/ PACOM)
- - 14-18 Jul 08 San Antonio TX
- - 4-8 Aug 08 Washington DC
- - 15-19 Sep 08 Colorado Springs CO
- Full FY08 schedule at USARNORTH.org
- DSCA Executive Seminar co-located with Basic
DSCA Course
18NORAD and USNORTHCOM Enlisted Joint Professional
Military Education (EJPME) Program
This Briefing is Classified UNCLASSIFIED
EJPME Mission Statement
Educate NORAD and USNORTHCOM enlisted members to
think jointly and operate effectively in Homeland
Defense and Civil Support environments
20N-NC EJPME Joint Learning Areas (JLA)
Program Design
- CJCSI 1805.01 JLAs
- National Military Capabilities Organization
- Armed Forces Overview
- Foundations of Joint Operations
- National Strategic Overview
- Joint Doctrine
- N-NC Mission-Focused JLAs
- Homeland Defense
- Civil Support
- Interagency, Intergovernmental, Multinational
Operations - Aerospace Maritime Warning
- Aerospace Control
- Mentor-Facilitated Education
- Regular Mentor Group sessions
- Instructional Methods
- Speaker Series
- Reading Series
- Web-Based Courses
- Command Courses
- Two Phases
- Cornerstone (1st Year)
- Joint Enrichment (Rest of tour)
- Recognition Ceremony
- Completion of Cornerstone
21Education Continuum
Mentor Program
- Mentor Qualifications
- CSEL-Appointed Enlisted Member
- Lead and Co-Mentors Appointed
- Complete Cornerstone Phase
- Complete Mentor Training
- Mentor Training (All E7 and above and USMC E6)
- Mentoring Skills
- Facilitator Training
- Mentor Roles and Responsibilities
- Mentor Authority
- Tailors Program for Group Members if attending
Higher Education Program
23EJPME Steering Group
Program Oversight
EJPME Executive Advisory Group
- Members
- Command Senior Enlisted Leader (CSEL) or Rep
- Senior Enlisted Service and Directorate Reps
- Designated Mentors
- N-NC/J7 Rep
- Responsibilities
- Assist in program development
- Recommend Program Assessment Plan and standards
- Periodically review effectiveness of EJPME
- Recommend improvements
- Meeting Frequency
- Monthly
- Members
- Chief of Staff
- Directors
- Responsibilities
- Approve Steering Groups recommended changes
- Support ongoing enlisted initiatives
- Frequency
- Quarterly Brief at CSAM to provide program
- 8 Feb 08
- EJPME Steering Group Meeting
- 15 Feb 08
- EJPME Mentor Training Part 1 (All E7-E9 USMC
E6) - 20 Feb 08
- EJPME Kickoff (All Enlisted)
- 25 Feb 08
- EJPME Mentor Training Part 2 (All E7-E9 USMC
E6) - Mar 08
- Initial Mentor Group Sessions for Seminar 08-1
- Apr 08
- First Cornerstone Requirement and Mentor Session
25Way Ahead
- Pursue Service Recognition of Joint Education and
Experience - Issue for next Worldwide Joint Training
Conference - (10-14 Mar 08)
- Awarding College Credit
- Short Term Investigate options for Award credit
- Continuing Education Units (CEU)
- Community College of the Air Force (CCAF)
transfer of credit - College of the American Soldier transfer of
credit - Long Term Program Review Accreditation