Qualitative Research Methods A4.2QM3 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Qualitative Research Methods A4.2QM3


Qualitative research tends to use language data ... Focus group interviews. ... As you will see in social psychology our social perceptions are vulnerable to bias. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Qualitative Research Methods A4.2QM3

Qualitative Research MethodsA4.2QM3
  • Carolyn Deighan
  • C.S.Deighan_at_hw.ac.uk

  • Lecture Aims
  • To introduce students to main features of
    qualitative research.
  • To highlight aims of qualitative study.
  • To provide examples of qualitative research in
    the applied setting of health.
  • To indicate why qualitative research may be seen
    as necessary and valid.
  • To describe main approaches within qualitative
    research in relation to main epistemological
    approaches within science and social science.

What is qualitative research?
  • The division between quantitative and qualitative
    research may be a false one.
  • Unhelpful to characterise qualitative research as
    completely separate from quantitative research.
  • Qualitative research tends to use language data
    (written or oral) and quantitative numerical data
    but this is not always the case.
  • Many qualitative studies use simple frequency
    counts whereas language data can also be used in
    quantitative studies.

May be more useful to characterise qualitative
research by the aims of the study
  • Qualitative studies more concerned with the
    what how or why rather than the how many
    or how much

Examples of qualitative research in applied
psychology setting of health
  • Title of paper Cancer patients information
    needs and help-seeking behaviour (Leydon et al
  • Methods of data collection In depth interview
  • Aims To explore why cancer patients do not want
    to seek information about their condition other
    than that supplied by physicians.
  • Title of paper Doctor in the house (Hardens
  • Methods of data collection Household interview.
  • Aims To examine the internet as a source of
    knowledge in relation to the broader debates
    about deprofessionalisation and consumerism.

Other examples
  • Title of paper Parents. perspectives on the MMR
  • Methods of data collection Focus group
  • Aim To investigate what influences parents
    decisions on whether to accept or refuse the MMR.
  • Title of paper Renegotiating identitycancer
    narratives (Mathieson Stam 1995).
  • Methods of data collection Semi structured
  • Aim To explore how individuals negotiate the
    psychosocial changes and events in the illness

Qualitative Research
  • Although used in psychology qualitative methods
    started elsewhere in social sciences sociology
    and anthropology.
  • Using qualitative or quantitative research does
    not make a particular kind of psychologist nor
    does a particular kind of psychologist
    necessarily use qualitative or quantitative
    methods (Silverman 2001).
  • Qualitative once regarded as the lesser option in
    research methods in psychology.
  • Steady increase in recognition, now considered
    compulsory study by the British Psychological

Why qualitative research?
  • Rapid social change.
  • New contexts.
  • So new that traditional deductive methods of
    deriving research questions and hypotheses from
    theoretical models and testing them against
    empirical evidence are failing in the
    differentiation of objects. (Flick 20022)

Why qualitative research?
  • Social science results are rarely perceived in
    everyday life because in order to fulfil
    methodological standards their investigation and
    findings often remain too far removed from
    everyday questions and problems (Flick 20023)
  • Also the ideals of objectivity in scientific
    research in psychology and social sciences may
    never be achieved.

Validity of Qualitative Research
  • Qualitative researchers may claim a creative way
    of approaching research the research process,
    where the object of study may suggest the methods
  • However qualitative researchers would also deny
    that such work cannot be rigorous or systematic.
  • The time consuming aspect of in depth research
    using rich data may preclude the use of large
    representative samples.
  • Findings may not therefore be generalisable but
    are often transferable.
  • Qualitative research therefore uses
    non-probability sampling.

Increasing Validity in Qualitative Research
  • Inter-rater reliability to check that
    categories given to parts of the text are
    consistent across coders.
  • Inter-rater reliability used by realist
    qualitative researchers to assess objectivity.
  • Non-realist qualitative researchers would use
    multiple coders to explore alternative
    interpretations rather than to claim objectivity.

Validity in qualitative research
  • Important to show a clear development in the
    coding and interpretative process,
  • Link with raw data, coding and the researchers
    thought processes at all stages of the research.
  • Coding tables and memos used .
  • Paying attention to deviant cases
  • Triangulation

  • On going debate in social sciences and the
    sciences about what there is to be known
    (Ontology) and how we obtain knowledge
  • Need to clarify our epistemological position in
    order to argue for the validity and reliability
    of our research.
  • This is not as hard as it sounds!

Epistemological Approaches
  • Positivism
  • Empiricism
  • Social Constructionist

  • Assumes there is a direct relationship with the
    world (objects, events, phenomena) and our
    perception or understanding of it.
  • World exists is independent of the
    circumstances of viewing it.
  • To take the epistemological position of
    positivism would imply a position that is
    impartial, unbiased and with no influence of the
    researcher so emphasis on value free enquiry.
  • Idealistic viewpoint?

  • Assumes that our knowledge of the world is
    derived from our experience of it notably
    observation and systematic collection of data.
  • Theory follows observation, an inductive
  • Criticism of empiricism- just because something
    has been observed doesnt necessary mean that it
    is part of a general rule (Popper)
  • Theories need to be tested.

Scientific Method
  • Deduction and falsification.
  • Theories tested by deriving theories from them
    and then testing by experiment or observation.
  • Process of elimination.
  • Method has been criticised for being elitist, by
    focusing on existing theories communities of
    scientists and researchers testing their own

Social Constructionism
  • Highlights that human experience including
    perception shaped by culture, history and
  • No such thing as objective truth or reality.
  • Rather there are truths socially constructed
    through language.
  • No such thing as an attitude, personality
    trait all these concepts are socially
    constructed and change according to context.

Epistemology Methodology
  • Methodology general approach to studying
    research topics
  • Method a specific research technique
  • Epistemology more influential on methodology (the
    general approach) rather than on the methods used
  • Researchers with different epistemological
    positions use qualitative research methods.

Differences within qualitative research
  • The status of the text depends on our
    epistemological position.
  • An empiricist epistemological position may use
    grounded theory or content analysis to identify
    categories and themes. The text or what people
    say is accepted as a reflection of the
    interviewees mental processes.
  • By contrast a social constructionist
    epistemological position would not impose
    categories. Rather the focus of study is how the
    participants themselves use different repertoires
    to construct meaning.

Shared interests within qualitative research
  • Qualitative researchers generally do not work
    with pre defined variables.
  • Object of qualitative research is to describe
    rather than predict.
  • Study people in naturalistic setting, in their
    own context.

Qualitative research design
  • Traditionally loose, precise aims of the study
    may not be known particularly if topic has been
    little researched.
  • Decisions may change such as data collection
    methods, who will be included in the sample, time
    taken for field work.
  • However most studies need a research protocol.
  • Funders of research need to need to know whether
    studies are feasible and likely to produce useful

Research protocol
  • A map of the proposed study
  • What you want to know
  • How will you find out why
  • Practical considerations
  • Ethical considerations
  • Timescale
  • May not have a formal hypothesis but research
    question should not be vague.

Criteria to consider
  • Appropriateness of method to the research
  • Object of study should be suitable for
    qualitative analysis.
  • Epistemological integrity- consistent approach
    between epistemology, ontology and methods.
  • Sampling need to provide some rationale for
    choosing some participants and not others

More to consider!
  • Why choose one data collection technique over
    another? Why interview rather than diary study
  • Sources of raw data.
  • Auditability of analysis procedures
  • We will go over all these criteria over the
    course of the module when discussing data
    collection techniques and write up

  • Qualitative research aims to answer questions
    like what how or why rather than how much
    or how many.
  • Generally does not work with predefined
  • Research is often exploratory.
  • Validity within qualitative research can be
    improved in a number of ways including
    inter-rater reliability, clarity in the charting
    of the research process, and triangulation.
  • Although those from a positivist or strictly
    scientific approach may question validity of
    qualitative research, the validity these
    approaches have also been criticised.
  • Qualitative researchers may be have different
    epistemological positions such as empiricist or
    social constructionist, yet both analyse textual
  • The former may take the emerging themes at face
    value (realist), whereas the latter (non-realist)
    will pay closer attention to how these themes
    have emerged.
  • Although research designs may be flexible, there
    is still a need for a coherent plan or protocol.
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