Chapter 5 Semiconductor Photon Sources - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 5 Semiconductor Photon Sources


Chapter 5 Semiconductor Photon Sources * * Fundamentals of Photonics * Fundamentals of Photonics * Surface-Emitting Quantum-well Laser-Diode Arrays SELDs are of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 5 Semiconductor Photon Sources

Chapter 5 Semiconductor Photon Sources
Semiconductor Photon Sources
  • injection electroluminescence
  • A light-emitting diode (LED) a
    forward-biased p-n junction fabricated from a
    direct-gap semiconductor material that emits
    light via injection electroluminescence
  • forward voltage increased beyond a certain
    value population inversion
  • The junction may then be used as
  • a diode laser amplifier
  • or, with appropriate feedback, as an injection
    laser diode.

Semiconductor Photon Sources
  • Advantages
  • readily modulated by controlling the injected
  • efficiency
  • high reliability
  • compatibility with electronic systems
  • Applications
  • lamp indicators display devices scanning,
    reading, and printing systems fiber-optic
    communication systems and optical data storage
    systems such as compact-disc players

  • Injection Electroluminescence
  • Electroluminescence in Thermal Equilibrium
  • At room temperature the concentration of
    thermally excited electrons and holes is so small
    that the generated photon flux is very small.

  • Electroluminescence in the Presence of
    Carrier Injection
  • The photon emission rate may be calculated from
    the electron-hole pair injection rate R
    (pairs/cm3-s), where R plays the role of the
    laser pumping rate.
  • Assume that the excess electron-hole pairs
    recombine at the rate 1/t, where t is the overall
    (radiative and nonradiative) electron-hole
    recombination time

  • Electroluminescence in the Presence of Carrier
  • Under steady-state conditions, the generation
    (pumping) rate must precisely balance the
    recombination (decay) rate, so that
  • R ?n/t.
  • Thus the steady-state excess carrier
    concentration is proportional to the pumping
    rate, i.e.,

  • Electroluminescence in the Presence of Carrier
  • Only radiative recombinations generate photons,
    however, and the internal quantum efficiency ?i
    t/tr, accounts for the fact that only a fraction
    of the recombinations are radiative in nature.
    The injection of RV carrier pairs per second
    therefore leads to the generation of a photon
    flux Q ?iRV photons/s, i.e.,

  • Electroluminescence in the Presence of Carrier
  • The internal quantum efficiency ?i plays a
    crucial role in determining the performance of
    this electron-to-photon transducer.
  • Direct-gap semiconductors are usually used to
    make LEDs (and injection lasers) because ?i is
    substantially larger than for indirect-gap
    semiconductors (e.g., ?i 0.5 for GaAs, whereas
  • ?i 10-5 for Si, as shown in Table 15.1-5).
  • The internal quantum efficiency ?i depends on
    the doping, temperature, and defect concentration
    of the material.

  • Spectral Density of Electroluminescence Photons
  • The spectral density of injection
    electroluminescence light may be determined by
    using the direct band-to-band emission theory
    developed in Sec. 15.2. The rate of spontaneous
    emission rsp(v) (number of photons per second per
    hertz per unit volume), as provided in (15.2-16),

  • Spectral Density of Electroluminescence Photons
  • where tr, is the radiative electron-hole
    recombination lifetime. The optical joint density
    of states for interaction with photons of
    frequency v, as given in (15.2-9), is
  • where mr, is related to the effective
    masses of the holes and electrons by 1/ mr 1/mv
    1/mc, as given in (15.2-5), and Eg is the
    bandgap energy. The emission condition as given
    in (15.2-10) provides

  • Spectral Density of Electroluminescence Photons
  • which is the probability that a conduction-band
    state of energy
  • is filled and a valence-band state of energy
  • is empty, as provided in (15.26) and (15.2-7)
    and illustrated in Fig. 16.1-2. Equations
    (16.1-5) and (16.1-6) guarantee that energy and
    momentum are conserved.

Figure 16.1-2 The spontaneous emission of a
photon resulting from the recombination of an
electron of energy E2, with a hole of energy
E1E2-hv. The transition is represented by a
vertical arrow because the momentum carried away
by the photon, hv/c, is negligible on the scale
of the figure.
  • Spectral Density of Electroluminescence Photons
  • The semiconductor parameters Eg, tr, mv and mc,
    and the temperature T determine the spectral
    distribution rsp(v), given the quasi-Fermi levels
    Efc and Efv. These, in turn, are determined from
    the concentrations of electrons and holes given
    in (15.1-7) and (15.1-8),
  • The densities of states near the conduction- and
    valence-band edges are, respectively, as per
    (15.1-4) and (15.1-5),

  • Spectral Density of Electroluminescence Photons
  • Increasing the pumping level R causes ?n to
    increase, which, in turn, moves Efc toward (or
    further into) the conduction band, and Efv toward
    (or further into) the valence band. This results
    in an increase in the probability fc(E2) of
    finding the conduction-band state of energy E2
    filled with an electron, and the probability 1 -
    fv(E1) of finding the valence-band state of
    energy E1 empty (filled with a hole). The net
    result is that the emission-condition probability
    fe(v) fc(E2) 1 - fv(E1) increases with R,
    thereby enhancing the spontaneous emission rate
    given in (16.1-3).

  • EXERCISE 16.1- 1
  • Quasi-Fermi Levels of a Pumped Semiconductor.
  • (a) Under ideal conditions at T 0 K, when
    there is no thermal electron-hole pair generation
    see Fig. 16.1-3(a), show that the quasi-Fermi
    levels are related to the concentrations of
    injected electron-hole pairs ?n by

Figure 16.1-3 Energy bands and Fermi functions
for a semiconductor in quasi-equilibrium (a) at
T0K, and (b) Tgt0K.
  • so that
  • where ?n n0,p0. Under these conditions all ?n
    electrons occupy the lowest allowed energy levels
    in the conduction band, and all ?p holes occupy
    the highest allowed levels in the valence band.
    Compare with the results of Exercise 15.1-2.
  • (b) Sketch the functions fe(v) and rsp(v) for two
    values of ?n. Given the effect of
  • temperature on the Fermi functions, as
    illustrated in Fig. 16.1-3(b), determine the
    effect of increasing the temperature on rsp(v).

  • EXERCISE 16.1-2
  • Spectral Density of Injection Electroluminescence
    Under Weak Injection.
  • For sufficiently weak injection, such that Ec -
    Efc kBT and
  • Efv - Ev kBT, the Fermi functions may be
    approximated by their exponential tails. Show
    that the luminescence rate can then be expressed
  • where
  • is an exponentially increasing function of the
    separation between the quasi-Fermi levels Efc -

  • EXERCISE 16.1-3
  • Electroluminescence Spectral Linewidth.
  • (a) Show that the spectral density of the
    emitted light described by
  • (16.1-9) attains its peak value at a frequency
    vp determined by
  • (b) Show that the full width at
    half-maximum (FWHM) of the spectral density is

  • (c) Show that this width corresponds to a
    wavelength spread ?? 1.8?p2kBT/hc, where ?p
    c/vp. For kBT expressed in eV and the wavelength
    expressed in um, show that
  • (d) Calculate ?v and ?? at T 300 K, for
    ?p 0.8 um and ?p 1.6 um.

  • LED Characteristics
  • Forward-Biased P-N Junction with a large
    radiative recombination rate arising from
    injected minority carriers.
  • Direct-Gap Semiconductor Material to ensure high
    quantum efficiency.
  • As shown in Fig. 16.1-5, forward biasing causes
    holes from the p side and electrons from the n
    side to be forced into the common junction region
    by the process of minority carrier injection,
    where they recombine and emit photons.

Electron energy
Figure 16.1-5 Energy diagram of a heavily doped
p-n junction that is strongly forward biased by
an applied voltage V. The dashed lines represent
the quasi-Fermi levels, which are separated as a
result of the bias. The simultaneous abundance of
electrons and holes within the junction region
results in strong electron-hole radiative
recombination (injection electroluminescence).
  • Internal Photon Flux
  • An injected dc current i leads to an increase in
    the steady-state carrier concentrations ?n,
    which, in turn, result in radiative recombination
    in the active-region volume V.
  • the carrier injection (pumping) rate (carriers
    per second per cm3) is simply

Equation (16.1-l) provides that ?n Rt, which
results in a steady-state carrier concentration
  • Internal Photon Flux
  • In accordance with (16.1-2), the generated
    photon flux F is then ?iRV, which, using
    (16.1-13), gives

The internal quantum efficiency ?i is therefore
simply the ratio of the generated photon flux to
the injected electron flux.
  • Output Photon Flux and Efficiency

The photon flux generated in the junction is
radiated uniformly in all directions however,
the flux that emerges from the device depends on
the direction of emission.
The output photon flux F0 is related to the
internal photon flux by
where ?e is the overall transmission efficiency
with which the internal photons can be extracted
from the LED structure, and ?i relates the
internal photon flux to the injected electron
flux. A single quantum efficiency that
accommodates both kinds of losses is the external
quantum efficiency ?ex,
  • Output Photon Flux and Efficiency

The output photon flux in (16.1-19) can therefore
be written as
The LED output optical power P0 is related to the
output photon flux. Each photon has energy hv, so
  • Output Photon Flux and Efficiency

Although ?i can be near unity for certain LEDs,
?ex generally falls well below unity, principally
because of reabsorption of the light in the
device and internal reflection at its boundaries.
As a consequence, the external quantum efficiency
of commonly encountered LEDs, such as those used
in pocket calculators, is typically less than 1.
Another measure of performance is the overall
quantum efficiency ? (also called the
power-conversion efficiency or wall-plug
efficiency), which is defined at the ratio of the
emitted optical power P0 to the applied
electrical power,
  • Output Photon Flux and Efficiency

where V is the voltage drop across the device.
For hv eV, as is the case for commonly
encountered LEDs, it follows that ? ?ex.
  • Responsivity

The responsivity R of an LED is defined as the
ratio of the emitted optical power P0 to the
injected current i, i.e., R P0/i. Using
(16.1-22), we obtain
The responsivity in W/A, when ?0 is expressed in
um, is then
  • Responsibility

As indicated above, typical values of ?ex for
LEDs are in the range of 1 to 5, so that LED
responsivities are in the vicinity of 10 to 50
In accordance with (16.1-22), the LED output
power P0 should be proportional to the injected
current i. In practice, however, this
relationship is valid only over a restricted
range. For larger drive currents, saturation
causes the proportionality to fail the
responsivity is then no longer constant but
rather declines with increasing drive current.
  • Spectral Distribution

Under conditions of weak pumping, such that the
quasi-Fermi levels lie within the bandgap and are
at least a few kBT away from the band edges, the
width expressed in terms of the wavelength does
depend on ?.
where kBT is expressed in eV, the wavelength is
expressed in um, and ?p c/vp.
  • Materials

LEDs have been operated from the near ultraviolet
to the infrared. In the near infrared, many
binary semiconductor materials serve as highly
efficient LED materials because of their
direct-band gap nature. Examples of III-V binary
materials include GaAs (?g 0.87 um), GaSb (1.7
um), InP (0.92 um), InAs (3.5 um), and InSb (7.3
um). Ternary and quaternary compounds are also
direct-gap over a wide range of compositions (see
Fig. 15.1-5). These materials have the advantage
that their emission wavelength can be
compositionally tuned. Particularly important
among the III-V compounds is ternary AlxGa1-xAs
(0.75 to 0.87 um) and quaternary In1-xGaxAs1-yPy
(1.1 to 1.6 um).
  • Response Time

The response time of an LED is limited
principally by the lifetime t of the injected
minority carriers that are responsible for
radiative recombination. If the injected current
assumes the form i i0 i1 cos(Ot), where i1 is
sufficiently small so that the emitted optical
power P varies linearly with the injected
current, the emitted optical power behaves as P
P0 P1 cos(Ot f). The associated transfer
function, which is defined as H(O) (P1/i1)exp(i
f), assumes the form
  • Response Time

which is characteristic of a resistor-capacitor
circuit. The rise time of the LED is t (seconds)
and its 3-dB bandwidth is B 1/2pt (Hz).
1/t 1/tr 1/tnr
internal quantum efficiency-bandwidth product ?iB
Typical rise times of LEDs fall in the range 1 to
50 ns, corresponding to bandwidths as large as
hundreds of MHz.
  • Device Structures

LEDs may be constructed either in
surface-emitting or edge-emitting configurations
(Fig. 16.1-10)
Surface emitting LEDs are generally more
efficient than edge-emitting LEDs.
Figure 16.1-10 (a) Surface-emitting LED. (b)
Edge-emitting LED
  • Spatial Pattern of Emitted Light

The far-field radiation pattern from a
surface-emitting LED is similar to that from a
Lambertian radiator.
Electronic Circuitry
  • ?The theory of the semiconductor laser amplifier
    is somewhat more complex than that presented in
    Chap. 13 for other laser amplifiers, inasmuch as
    the transitions take place between bands of
    closely spaced energy levels rather than
    well-separated discrete levels.
  • ? Most semiconductor laser amplifiers fabricated
    to date are designed to operate in 1.3- to 1.55um
    lightwave communication systems as
    nonregenerative repeaters, optical preamplifiers,
    or narrowband electrically tunable amplifiers.

  • In comparison with Er3 silica fiber amplifiers
  • Advantages
  • smaller in size
  • readily incorporated into optoelectronic
    integrated circuits
  • bandwidths can be as large as 10 THz
  • Disadvantages
  • greater insertion losses (typically 3
    to 5 dB per facet)
  • temperature instability
  • polarization sensitivity

  • A. Gain
  • The incident photons may be absorbed resulting
    in the generation of electron-hole pairs, or they
    may produce additional photons through stimulated
    electron-hole recombination radiation (see Fig.
  • When emission is more likely than absorption,
    net optical gain ensues and the material can
    serve as a coherent optical amplifier.

Stimulated emission
Figure 16.2-1 (a) The absorption of a photon
results in the generation of an electron-hole
pair. (b) Electron-hole recombination can be
induced by a photon the result is the stimualted
emission of an identical photon.
  • With the help of the parabolic approximation for
    the E-k relations near the conduction- and
    valence-band edges, it was shown in (15.2-6) and
    (15.2-7) that the energies of the electron and
    hole that interact with a photon of energy hv are

The resulting optical joint density of states
that interacts with a photon of energy hv was
determined to be see (15.2-9)
  • The occupancy probabilities fe(v) and fa(v) are
    determined by the pumping rate through the
    quasi-Fermi levels Efc and Efv. fe(v) is the
    probability that a conduction-band state of
    energy E2 is filled with an electron and a
    valence-band state of energy E1 is filled with a
    hole. fa(v), on the other hand, is the
    probability that a conduction-band state of
    energy E2 is empty and a valence-band state of
    energy E1 is filled with an electron. The Fermi
    inversion factor see (15.2-24)

represents the degree of population inversion.
fg(v) depends on both the Fermi function for the
conduction band, fc(E) 1/exp(E - Efc)/kBT
1, and the Fermi function for the valence band,
fv(E) 1/exp(E - Efv)/kBT 1).
  • Expressions for the rate of photon absorption
    rab(v), and the rate of stimulated emission
    rst(v) were provided in (15.2-18) and (15.2-17).

The results provided above were combined in
(15.2-23) to give an expression for the net gain
coefficient, ?0(v) rst(v) - rab(v)/fv
Comparing (16.2-4) with (13.1-4), it is apparent
that the quantity ?(v)fg(v) in the semiconductor
laser amplifier plays the role of Ng(v) in other
laser amplifiers.
  • Amplifier Bandwidth

In accordance with (16.2-3) and (16.2-4), a
semiconductor medium provides net optical gain at
the frequency v when fc(E2) gt fv(E1). External
pumping is required to separate the Fermi levels
of the two bands in order to achieve
amplification. The condition fc(E2) gt fv(E1) is
equivalent to the requirement that the photon
energy be smaller than the separation between the
quasi-Fermi levels, i.e., hv lt Efc - Efv, as
demonstrated in Exercise 15.2-1. Of course, the
photon energy must be larger than the bandgap
energy (hv gt Eg) in order that laser
amplification occur by means of band-to-band
  • Amplifier Bandwidth

Thus if the pumping rate is sufficiently large
that the separation between the two quasi-Fermi
levels exceeds the bandgap energy Eg, the medium
can act as an amplifier for optical frequencies
in the band
For hv lt Eg the medium is transparent, whereas
for hv gt Efc - Efv it is an attenuator instead of
an amplifier.
At T 0 K
Dependence of the Gain Coefficient on Pumping
The gain coefficient ?0(v) increases both in its
width and in its magnitude as the pumping rate R
is elevated. As provided in (16.1-1), a constant
pumping rate R establishes a steady-state
concentration of injected electron-hole pairs.
Knowledge of the steady-steady total
concentrations of electrons and holes, permits
the Fermi levels Efc and Efv to be determined via
(16.1-7). Once the Fermi levels are known, the
computation of the gain coefficient can proceed
using (16.2-4).
Figure 16.2-3 (a) Calculated gain coefficient
?0(v) for an InGaAsP laser amplifier
versus photon energy hv, with the
injected-carrier concentration ?n as a parameter
(T 300 K). The band of frequencies over which
amplification occurs (centered near 1.3 um)
increases with increasing ?n. At the largest
value of ?n shown, the full amplifier bandwidth
is 15THz, corresponding to 0.06 eV in energy, and
75 nm in wavelength. (Adapted from N. K. Dutta,
Calculated Absorption, Emission, and Gain in
In0.72Ga0.28AS0.6P0.4, Journal of Applied
Physics, vol. 51, pp. 6095-6100, 1980.)
Figure 16.2-3(b) Calculated peak gain coefficient
?p as a function of ?n. At the largest value of
?n, the peak gain coefficient 270 cm-1.
(Adapted from N. K. Dutta and R. J. Nelson, The
Case for Auger Recombination in In1-xGaxAsyP1-y,
Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 53, pp. 74-92,
  • Approximate Peak Gain Coefficient

It is customary to adopt an empirical approach in
which the peak gain coefficient ?p is assumed to
be linearly related to ?n for values of ?n near
the operating point. As the example in Fig.
16.2-3(b) illustrates, this approximation is
reasonable when ?p is large. The dependence of
the peak gain coefficient ?p on ?n may then be
modeled by the linear equation
Approximate Peak Gain Coefficient
  • The parameters a and ?nT, are chosen to satisfy
  • following limits
  • When ?n 0, ?p -a, where a represents the
    absorption coefficient of the semiconductor in
    the absence of current injection.
  • When ?n ?nT, ?p 0. Thus ?nT is the
    injected-carrier concentration at which emission
    and absorption just balance so that the medium is

  • EXAMPLE 16.2-2. InGaAsP Laser Amplifier.
  • The peak gain coefficient ?p versus ?n for
    InGaAsP presented in Fig. 16.2-3(b) may be
    approximately fit by a linear relation in the
    form of (16.2-7) with the parameters ?nT 1.25 X
    1018 cm-3 and a 600 cm-1. For ?n 1.4 ?nT
    1.75 X 1018 cm-3, the linear model yields a peak
    gain ?p 240 cm-1. For an InGaAsP crystal of
    length d 350 um, this corresponds to a total
    gain of exp(?pd) 4447 or 36.5 dB. It must be
    kept in mind, however, that coupling losses are
    typically 3 to 5 dB per facet.

  • B. Pumping

?Optical Pumping Pumping may be achieved by the
use of external light, as depicted in Fig.
16.2-5, provided that its photon energy is
sufficiently large (gt Eg)
Pump photon
Output signal photons
Input signal photon
Figure 16.2-5 Optical pumping of a semiconductor
laser amplifier
  • ? Electric-Current Pumping

A more practical scheme for pumping a
semiconductor is by means of electron-hole
injection in a heavily doped p-n junctiona
diode. The thickness l of the active region is
an important parameter of the diode that is
determined principally by the diffusion lengths
of the minority carriers at both sides of the
junction. Typical values of I for InGaAsP are 1
to 3 um.
Output photons

Input photons
Aera A
Figure 16.2-6 Geometry of a simple laser
amplifier. Charge carriers travel perpendicularly
to the p-n junction, whereas photons travel in
the plane of the junction.
  • the steady-state carrier injection rate is R
    i/elA J/el per second per unit volume, where J
    i/A is the injected current density. The
    resulting injected carrier concentration is then

The injected carrier concentration is therefore
directly proportional to the injected current
density. In particular, it follows from (16.2-7)
and (16.2-8) that within the linear approximation
implicit in (16.2-7), the peak gain coefficient
is linearly related to the injected current
density J, i.e.,
  • The transparency current density J, is given by

where ?i t/tr, again represents the internal
quantum efficiency.
Note that JT is directly proportional to the
junction thickness I so that a lower transparency
current density JT is achieved by using a
narrower active-region thickness. This is an
important consideration in the design of
semiconductor amplifiers (and lasers).
  • Motivation for Heterostructures

If the thickness I of the active region in
Example 16.2-3 were able to be reduced from 2 um
to, say, 0.1 um, the current density J, would be
reduced by a factor of 20, to the more reasonable
value 1600 A/cm2. Reducing the thickness of the
active region poses a problem, however, because
the diffusion lengths of the electrons and holes
in InGaAsP are several um the carriers would
therefore tend to diffuse out of this smaller
region. These carriers can be confined to an
active region whose thickness is smaller than
their diffusion lengths by using a
heterostructure device.
  • C. Heterostructures

The double-heterostructure design therefore calls
for three layers of different lattice-matched
materials (see Fig. 16.2-8) Layer 1 p-type,
energy gap Eg1 refractive index n1. Layer 2
p-type, energy gap Eg2 refractive index n2. Layer
3 n-type, energy gap Eg3 refractive index n3.
Output photons

Input photons
Figure 16.2-8 Energy-band diagram and refractive
index as functions of position for
double-heterostructure semiconductor laser
The materials are selected such that Eg1 and Eg3
are greater than Eg2 to achieve carrier
confinement, while n2 is greater than n1 and n3
to achieve light confinement. The active layer
(layer 2) is made quite thin (0.1 to 0.2 um) to
minimize thetransparency current density JT and
maximize the peak gain coefficient ?p. Stimulated
emission takes place in the p-n junction region
between layers 2 and 3.
Advantages of the double-heterostructure
design 1.Increased amplifier gain, for a given
injected current density, resulting from a
decreased active-layer thickness 2.Increased
amplifier gain resulting from the confinement of
light within the active layer caused by its
larger refractive index 3.Reduced loss,
resulting from the inability of layers 1 and 3 to
absorb the guided photons because their bandgaps
Eg1 and Eg3 are larger than the photon energy
(i.e., hv Eg2 lt Eg1, Eg3).
16.3 Semiconductor Injection Lasers
  • Amplification, Feedback, and Oscillation
  • Power
  • Spectral Distribution
  • Spatial Distribution
  • Mode Selection
  • Characteristics of Typical Lasers
  • Quantum-Well Lasers

Amplification, Feedback, and Oscillation
  • Laser diode (LD) Vs Light-emitting diode (LED)

In both devices, the sources of energy is an
electric current injected into a p-n junction.
The light emitted form an LED is generated by
spontaneous emission
The light emitted form an LD arises from
stimulated emission
Amplification, Feedback, and Oscillation
  • Amplification
  • The amplification (optical gain) of a laser
    diode is provided by a forward-biased p-n
    junction fabricated from a direct-gap
    semiconductor material which is usually heavily
    doped .
  • Feedback
  • The optical feedback is provided by mirrors
    which are usually obtained by cleaving the
    semiconductor material along its crystal planes
    in semiconductor laser diodes.
  • Oscillation
  • When provided with sufficient gain, the feedback
    converts the optical amplifier into an optical
    oscillator (or a laser diode).

Cleaved surface

Cleaved surface
Aera A
Figure 16.3-1 An injection laser is a
forward-biased p-n junction with two parallel
surfaces that act as reflectors.
Amplification, Feedback, and Oscillation
  • Advantages
  • Small size
  • High efficiency
  • Integrability with electronic components
  • Ease of pumping and modulation by electric
    current injection
  • Disadvantages
  • Spectral linewidth is typically larger than that
    of other lasers
  • The light emitted from LD have a larger
    divergence angle
  • Temperature has much influence on the performance
    of LD

Amplification, Feedback, and Oscillation
  • Laser Amplification

The gain coefficient of a semiconductor
laser amplifier has a peak value that is
approximately proportional to the injected
carrier Concentration which, in turn, is
proportional to the injected current density .
where is the radiative electron-hole
recombination lifetime, is the
internal quantum efficiency, is the thickness
of the active region, is the thermal
equilibrium absorption coefficient, and and
are the injected-carrier concentration
and current density required to just make The
semiconductor transparent.
Amplification, Feedback, and Oscillation
  • Feedback
  • The feedback is usually obtained by cleaving the
    crystal planes normal to the plane of the
    junction, or by polishing two parallel surface of
    the crystal.
  • The power reflectance at the semiconductor-air
  • Semiconductor materials typically have large
    refractive indices, if the gain of the medium is
    sufficiently large, the refractive index
    discontinuity itself can serve as an adequate
    reflective surface and no external mirrors are

Amplification, Feedback, and Oscillation
  • Resonator Losses
  • Principal resonator loss arise from the partial
    reflection at the surfaces of the crystal. This
    loss constitutes the transmitted useful laser
    light. For a resonator of length d the reflection
    loss coefficient is
  • If the two surfaces have the same reflectance
    , then
    . The total loss coefficient is
  • where represents other sources of loss,
    including free carrier absorption in
    semiconductor material and scattering from
    optical inhomogeneities.

Amplification, Feedback, and Oscillation
  • The spread of optical energy outside the active
    layer of the amplifier (in the direction
    perpendicular to the junction plane) cause
    another important contribution to the loss.

Figure 16.3-2 Spatial spread of the laser light
in the direction perpendicular to the plane of
the junction for (a) homostructure, (b)
heterostructure lasers.
Amplification, Feedback, and Oscillation
  • By defining a confinement factor , we can
    represent the fraction of the optical energy
    lying within the active region. Then equation
    (16.3-4) must therefore be modified to reflect
    this increase

Based on the different mechanism used for
confining the carriers or light in the lateral
direction, there are basically three types of LD
structure Broad-area no mechanism for lateral
confinement is used Gain-guided lateral
variations of gain are used for
confinement Index-guided lateral refractive
index variations are used for confinement.
Amplification, Feedback, and Oscillation
  • Gain Condition Laser Threshold
  • The laser oscillation condition is that the gain
    exceed the loss. The threshold gain coefficient
    is therefore . If we set and
  • in (16.3-1) corresponds to a
    threshold injected current density given by
  • where the transparency current density,
  • is the current density that just makes the
    medium transparent.

Amplification, Feedback, and Oscillation
  • The threshold current density is a key
    parameter in characterizing the diode-laser
    performance smaller value of indicate
    superior performance. According to (16.3-6) and
    (16.3-7), we can improve the performance of the
    laser in lots of ways.

Figure 16.3-3 Dependence of the threshold current
density on the thickness of the active layer .
The double-heterostructure laser exhibits a lower
value of than the homostructure laser, and
therefore superior performance.
  • Internal Photon Flux
  • Steady state As the photon flux in the laser
    becomes larger and the population difference
    becomes depleted, the gain coefficient decreases
    until it equal to the loss coefficient.
  • The steady-state internal photon flux is
    proportional to the difference between the
    pumping rate and the threshold pumping rate
  • The steady-state internal photon flux
  • according to (16.2-8) and .

  • The internal laser power above threshold is
    simply related to the internal photon flux by
    , and so we have
  • is expressed in m, in amperes, and
    in Watts.

  • Output Photon Flux and Efficiency
  • The output photon flux the product of the
    internal photon flux and the emission efficiency
  • emission efficiency is the ratio of the loss
    associated with the useful light transmitted
    through the mirrors to the total resonator loss
  • For example if only the light transmitted
    through mirror 1 is used, then .

  • The proportionality between the laser output
    photon flux and the injected electron flux above
    threshold is governed by external differential
    quantum efficiency
  • External differential quantum efficiency
    represents the rate of change of the output
    photon flux with respect to the injected electron
    flux above threshold
  • The laser output power above threshold is

The light-current curve Ideal (straight line)
and actual (solid curve). This is a light-current
curve for a strongly Index-guided
buried-heterostructure InGaAsP Injection laser
operated at 1.3 . The nonlinearities which
can cause the output power to saturate for
currents greater than 75mA is not considered here.
  • The differential responsivity
  • The slope of the light-current curve above
  • The overall efficiency
  • the ratio of the emitted laser light power to
    the electrical input power

Spectral Distribution
  • The three factors that govern the spectral
  • In the spectral width the active medium
    small-signal gain coefficient is greater than the
    loss coefficient .
  • The line-broadening mechanism.
  • The resonator longitudinal modes .
  • Semiconductor lasers are characterized by the
    following features
  • Spectral width is relatively large.
  • Spatial hole burning permits the simultaneous
    oscillation of many longitudinal modes.
  • The frequency spacing of adjacent resonator modes
    is relatively large.

Spectral Distribution
  • Transverse and longitudinal modes
  • In semiconductor lasers, the laser beam extends
    outside the active layer. So the transverse modes
    are modes of the dielectric waveguide created by
    the different layers of the semiconductor
  • The transverse modes characterize the spatial
    distribution in the transverse direction.
  • The longitudinal modes characterize the variation
    along the direction of wave propagation.

Spectral Distribution
  • Transverse modes
  • Go back the theory presented in Sec.7.3 for an
    optical waveguide with rectangular cross section
    of dimensions l and w.
  • is usually small, the waveguide admit
    only a single mode in the transverse direction
    perpendicular to the junction plane.
  • However, is larger than , so that the
    waveguide will support several modes in the
    direction parallel to the junction (lateral

Figure 16.3-6 Schematic illustration Of spatial
distributions of the optical Intensity for the
laser waveguide Modes (l, m) (1,1), (1,2), and
Spectral Distribution
  • Example
  • A design using a laterally confined active layer
    is ( buried-heterostructure laser) illustrated in
    Fig.16.3-7. The lower-index material on either
    side of the active region produces lateral
    confinement in this index-guided lasers.

Figure 16.3-7 Schematic diagram of an AlGaAs/GaAs
buried-heterostructure Semiconductor injection
laser. The junction width w is typically 1 to 3
, so that the device is strongly index
Spectral Distribution
  • Longitude modes
  • The allowed longitude modes of the laser cavity
    are those where the mirror separation distance L
    is equal to an exact multiple of half the
  • where q is an integer known as the mode order.
  • The frequency separation between any two adjacent
    longitude modes q and q1 are given (for an empty
    linear resonator of length L) by
  • where c is the speed of light in vacuum.

Spectral Distribution
  • Far-Field Radiation Pattern

Figure 16.3-8 Angular distribution of the optical
beam emitted from a laser diode.
Mode Selection
  • Single-Frequency Operation
  • By reducing the dimensions of the active-layer
    cross section can make a injection laser operate
    on a single-transverse mode.
  • By reducing the length of the resonator so that
    the frequency spacing between adjacent
    longitudinal modes exceeds the spectral width of
    the amplifying medium. So that the laser operate
    on single longitudinal mode.
  • A cleaved-coupled-cavity (C3) laser provide a
    more stringent restriction that can be satisfied
    only at a single frequency.
  • Use frequency-selective reflectors as mirrors.
    Such as gratings parallel to the junction plane
    (Distributed Bragg Reflectors, DFB).
  • Place the grating directly adjacent to the active
    layer by using a spatially corrugated waveguide.
    This is known as a distributed-feedback (DFB)

Mode Selection
Figure 16.3-9 Cleaved-coupled-cavity (C3) laser
Figure 16.3-10 (a) DBR laser (b) DFB laser
Characteristics of Typical Lasers
Semiconductor lasers can operate At wavelengths
from the near ultraviolet to the far infrared.
Output power can reach 100mW, and Laser-diode
arrays offer narrow Coherent beams with powers
in excess of 10W.
Figure 16.3-11 Compound materials used for
semiconductor lasers. The range of wavelengths
reaches from the near ultraviolet to the far
Quantum-Well Lasers
  • Quantum well
  • In a double heterostructure, the active layer
    has a bandgap energy smaller than the surrounding
    layers, the structure then acts as a quantum well
    and the laser is called a single-quantum well
    laser (SQW).

The interactions of photons with electrons and
holes in a quantum well take the form of energy
and momentum conserving transitions between the
conduction and valence bands. The transitions
must also conserve the quantum Number q.
Review the knowledge about quantum theory.
Quantum-Well Lasers
Figure 16.3-12 (b) optical joint density of
states for a quantum-well structure (staircase
curve) And for a bulk semiconductor (dashed
Quantum-Well Lasers
  • Gain Coefficient
  • The gain coefficient of the laser is given by
    the usual expression
  • The Fermi inversion factor depends on the
    quasi-Fermi levels and temperature, so it is the
    same for bulk and quantum-well lasers.
  • The density of states differs in the two cases as
    we have shown in figure 16.3-12.

Quantum-Well Lasers
The frequency dependences of ,
, and their product are illustrated in the
figure. The quantum-well laser has a Smaller
peak gain and a narrower gain profile.
If only a single step of the staircase function
occurs at an energy smaller than The
maximum gain
Quantum-Well Lasers
  • Relation Between Gain Coefficient and Current

The gain coefficient undergo some jumps during
the increasing of the injected current J. The
steps correspond to different energy gaps ,
and so on.
Quantum-Well Lasers
  • The threshold current density for QW laser
    oscillation is considerably smaller than that for
    bulk (DH) laser oscillation because of the
    reduction in active-layer thickness.
  • Advantages of QW lasers
  • narrower spectrum of the gain coefficient
  • smaller linewidth of the laser modes
  • the possibility of achieving higher Modulation
  • the reduce temperature dependence

Quantum-Well Lasers
  • Multiquantum-well Lasers
  • The gain coefficient may be increased by using a
    parallel stack of quantum wells which is known as
    a multiquantum-well (MQW) laser.

Make a comparison of the SQW and MQW lasers they
both be injected by the same current. Low current
densities, the SQW is superior High current
densities, the MQW is superior
Figure 16.3-15 AlGaAs/GaAs multiquantum- well
laser with .
Quantum-Well Lasers
  • Strained-Layer Lasers
  • Rather than being lattice-matched to the
    confining layers, the active layer of a
    strained-layer laser is purposely chosen to have
    a different lattice constant.
  • If the active layer is sufficiently thin, it can
    accommodate its atomic spacing to those of the
    surrounding layers, and in the process become
  • The compressive strain alters the band structure
    in three significant ways
  • Increases the bandgap Eg.
  • Removes the degeneracy at K0 between the heavy
    and light hole bands.
  • Makes the valence bands anisotropic so that in
    the direction parallel to the plane of the layer
    the highest band has a light effective mass,
    whereas in the perpendicular direction the
    highest band has a heavy effective mass.

Quantum-Well Lasers
  • The improved performance of Strained-Layer Lasers
  • The laser wavelength is altered by virtue of the
    dependence of Eg on the strain.
  • The laser threshold current density can be
    reduced by the presence of the strain.
  • The reduced hole mass more readily allows Efv to
    descend into the valence band, thereby permitting
    the population inversion condition (Efc Efv gt
    Eg) to be satisfied at a lower injection current.

Quantum-Well Lasers
  • Surface-Emitting Quantum-well Laser-Diode Arrays
  • SELDs are of increasing interest, and offer the
    advantages of high packing densities on a wafer

Scanning electron micrograph of a small portion
of an array of vertical- cavity quantum-well
lasers with diameters between 1 and 5 .
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