Title: Introduction to Health Physics Chapter 9 Health Physics Instrumentation
1Introduction to Health PhysicsChapter 9Health
Physics Instrumentation
- Instruments used in the practice of health
physics serve a wide variety of purposes - one finds instruments designed specifically for
the measurement of a certain type of radiation,
such as low-energy X-rays, high-energy gamma
rays. fast neutrons, and so on
- The basic requirement of any such instrument is
that its detector interact with the radiation in
such a manner that the magnitude of the
instrument's response is proportional to the
radiation effect or radiation property being
4Radiation Measurement Principles
Signal ?? Physical ?? Chemical ?? Biological ??
Amplification ??
Reader ??
Detector ???
Assessment ??
- Gas-Filled Particle Counters
- variable voltage source V, high-valued resistor R
- a gas-filled counting chamber D, which has two
coaxial electrodes that are very well insulated
from each other - All the capacitance associated with the circuit
is indicated by the capacitor C
- Gas-Filled Particle Counters
- If the time constant RC of the detector circuit
is much greater than the time required for the
collection of all the ions resulting from the
passage of a single particle through the
detector, then a voltage pulse of magnitude
- Gas-Filled Particle Counters
- A broad-output pulse would make it difficult to
separate successive pulses. - if the time constant of the detector circuit is
made much smaller than the time required to
collect all the ions. This pulse, allows
individual pulses to be separated and counted
9Gas-Filled Particle Counters
- Ionization Chamber Counter
- the range of voltage great enough to collect the
ions before a significant fraction of them can
recombine yet not great enough to accelerate the
ions sufficiently to produce secondary ionization
by collision - The exact value of this voltage is a function of
the type of gas, the gas pressure, and the size
and geometric arrangement of the electrodes
10Gas-Filled Particle Counters
- Ionization Chamber Counter
- the number of electrons collected by the anode
will be equal to the number produced by the
primary ionizing particle - the gas amplification factor is equal to one
- The pulse size from a counter depends on the
number of ions produced in the chamber makes it
possible to use this instrument to distinguish
between radiations of different specific
11Gas-Filled Particle Counters
- Ionization Chamber Counter
- disadvantages the relatively feeble output pulse
12Gas-Filled Particle Counters
- Proportional Counter
- As the voltage across the counter is increased
beyond the ionization chamber region, a point is
reached where secondary electrons are produced by
collision. This multiplication of ions in the
gas, which is called an avalanche - The output voltage pulse is proportional to the
high voltage across the detector - The pulse size dependence on ionization for the
purpose of distinguishing between radiations
13Gas-Filled Particle Counters
- Proportional Counter
- The gas amplification factor is greater than one
- to use a very stable high-voltage power supply
- the gas amplification depends on
- the diameter of the collecting electrode
- the gas pressure
14Gas-Filled Particle Counters
- Geiger Counter
- increase the high voltage beyond the proportional
region will eventually cause the avalanche to
extend along the entire length of the anode - the size of all pulses - regardless of the nature
of the primary ionizing particle- is the same - When operated in the Geiger region, therefore, a
counter cannot distinguish among the several
types of radiations
15Geiger-Muller Counter
16Gas-Filled Particle Counters
17Gas-Filled Particle Counters
- Quenching a Geiger Counter
- After the primary Geiger discharge is terminated,
the positive ions slowly drift away from the
anode wire and ultimately arrive at the cathode
or outer wall of the counter. Here they are
neutralized by combining with an electron from
the cathode surface. In this process, an amount
of energy equal to the ionization energy of the
gas minus the energy required to extract the
electron from the cathode surface (the work
function) is liberated. If this liberated energy
also exceeds the cathode work function, it is
energetically possible for another free electron
to emerge from the cathode surface---and thereby
produce a spurious count
18Gas-Filled Particle Counters
- Quenching a Geiger Counter
- Prevention of such spurious counts is called
quenching - External quenching
- electronically, by lowering the anode voltage
after a pulse until all the positive ions have
been collected - Internal quenching
- chemically, by using a self-quenching gas
19Resolving Time
- The negative ions, being electrons, move very
rapidly and are soon collected, while the massive
positive ions are relatively slow-moving and
therefore travel for a relatively long period of
time before being collected - These slow-moving positive ions form a sheath
around the positively charged anode, thereby
greatly decreasing the electric field intensity
around the anode and making it impossible to
initiate an avalanche by another ionizing
particle. As the positive ion sheath moves toward
the cathode, the electric field intensity
increases, until a point is reached when another
avalanche could be started
20Resolving Time
- dead time
- The time required to attain this electric field
intensity - recovery time
- the time interval between the dead time and the
time of full recovery - resolving time
- The sum of the dead time and the recovery time
21Resolving Time
- dead time, recovery time, resolving time
22Resolving Time
- Measurement of Resolving Time
- the "true counting rate
- the observed counting rate of a sample is R0
23Scintillation Counters
- A scintillation detector is a transducer that
changes the kinetic energy of an ionizing
particle into a flash of light
24Scintillation Counters
- Whereas the inherent detection efficiency of
gas-filled counters is close to 100 for those
alphas or betas that enter the counter, their
detection efficiency for gamma rays is very
low-usually less than 1 - Solid scintillating crystals have high detection
efficiencies for gamma rays
25Scintillation Counters
26Scintillation Counters
Photomultiplier Tube ???
scintillator ???
PM Tube
27Semiconductor Detector
- A semiconductor detector acts as a solid-state
ionization chamber - The operation of a semiconductor radiation
detector depends on its having either an excess
of electrons or an excess of holes. - A semiconductor with an excess of electrons is
called an n-type semiconductor, while one with an
excess of holes is called a p-type semiconductor
28Semiconductor Detectors
- Radiation flux VS radiation dose rate
- Example 9.2
- Consider two radiation fields of equal energy
density. In one case, we have 0.1-MeV photon
flux of 2000 photons per cm2/s. In the second
case, the photon energy is 2- MeV and the flux is
100 photons per cm2/s. The energy absorption
coefficient for muscle for 0.1-MeV gamma
radiation is 0.0252 cm2/g for 2-MeV gamma the
energy absorption coefficient is 0.0257 cm2/g.
The dose rates for the two radiation fields are
given by
????? ?????
31Ionization Chamber Dosimeter
Personal Pen Dosimeter ???????
Diagnostic IC ??????
Therapeutic IC ??????
Survey meter ?????
32Film Dosimeters
Dose (log)
33Thermoluminescent Dosimeters
Glow curve (????)
34Energy Dependence
- Electronic Dosimeters
- employ solid-state semiconductors, silicon
diodes, to detect beta and gamma radiation over a
very wide range of dose rates and doses - measure and display instantaneous dose rate and
integrate over time
- Detection Reactions
- Neutrons, like gamma rays, are not directly
ionizing they must react with another medium to
produce a primary ionizing particle - Because of the strong dependence of neutron
reaction rate on the cross section for that
particular reaction, - use different detection media, depending on the
energy of the neutrons that we are trying to
measure, - modify the neutron energy distribution so that it
will be compatible with the detector
- Detection Reactions
- 10B(n,a)7L
- either as BF3 gas or as a thin film on the inside
surfaces of the detector tube - The ionization due to the alpha particle and the
7Li recoil nucleus is counted - Elastic scattering of high-energy neutrons by
hydrogen atoms. (scattered proton) - Nuclear fission fissile material (n,f) fission
fragments - Neutron activation threshold detectors
- Neutron Dosimetry
- The dose equivalent (DE) from neutrons depends
strongly on the energy of the neutrons, We
therefore cannot simply convert neutron flux into
dose equivalent unless we know the energy
spectral distribution of the neutrons - Commercially available neutron dose-equivalent
meters, utilize a thermal neutron detector
surrounded by a spherical or semispherical
- Neutron Dosimetry
- Commercially available neutron dose-equivalent
- Neutron Dosimetry
- Bubble Dosimeter
- completely unresponsive to gamma radiation
- allowing calibration and readout directly in
microsieverts or in millirems of neutron dose - The number of bubbles is directly proportional to
the neutron-equivalent dose.
41- ?????? (Mutual Recognition Arrangement, MRA)
42- ??????Traceability of Measurement
??????(BIPM) International Bureau of Weights
?? NIM
?? NPL
?? PTB
?? ETL
???? ???????? ??? NRSL
- Because of this fluctuating rate, it is not
correct to speak of a true rate of transformation
(which implies no statistical error in the
measurement) but rather of a true average rate of
transformation. - When we make a measurement, we estimate the true
average rate from the observed count rate - The error of a determination is defined as the
difference between the true average rate and the
measured rate
45Application B Estimation of the Precision of a
Single Measurement
- The Binomial Distribution
- n is the number of trials
- for which each trial has a success probability p,
then - the predicted probability of counting exactly x
- The Binomial Distribution
- Exp. dice throw
- 3 ones in 3 consecutive throws. n3, p1/6, x3
- P(3)3!/3!(1/6)31/216
- 2 ones in 3 consecutive throws. n3, p1/6, x2
- P(2)3!/(1!2!)(1/6)2(5/6)5/72
- 1 ones in 3 consecutive throws. n3, p1/6, x1
- P(1)3!/2!(1/6)(5/6)225/72
- The normal distributions
- As n increases, the distribution curve becomes
increasingly symmetrical around the center line - For the case where n is infinite, we have the
familiar bell-shaped normal curve
- The normal distributions
- 34 of the area lies between the mean and 1s
above or below the mean. - about 14 of the area is between 1s and 2s
- only about 2 of the total area lies beyond
either or - 2s from the mean
- The normal distributions
- Since the curve is symmetrical about the mean,
68 of the area lies between ?1s - 96 of the area is included between ?2s
- The Poisson distributions
- Many categories of binary processes can be
characterized by a constant and small probability
of success for each individual trial. Included
are most nuclear counting experiments in which
the number of nuclei in the sample is large and
the observation time is short compared with the
half-life of the radioactive species - Under these conditions, p ltlt 1, the binomial
distribution approaches the Poisson distribution
- The Poisson distributions
- standard deviation
- coefficient of variation CV
- Variance s 2
- The Poisson distributions
- sum or difference
- The Poisson distributions
- Exp. A) 10000 counts in 10-min, s 100 per 10
min - 1000 ? 10 cpm, CV
(10/1000)1001 - Exp. B) 1000 counts in 1-min, s 32 per 1-min
- 1000 ? 32 cpm, CV
(32/1000)1003.2 - When two quantities, each of which has its own
- The Poisson distributions
- Example 9.6
- A 5-min sample count gave 510 counts, while a 1-h
background measurement yielded 2400 counts. What
is the net sample counting rate and the standard
deviation , of the net counting rate?
- The Poisson distributions
- product or a quotient
- The Poisson distributions
- Example 9.7
- The Poisson distributions
- Example 9.9
59???? ( Counting statistic )
60???? ( Counting statistic )
- 9.1, 9.2, 9.4, 9.8, 9.18, 9.19, 9.20, 9.23, 9.24,
9.27, 9.33