Respiratory Physiology I - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Respiratory Physiology I


Respiratory Physiology I ... dioxide between environment and cells of the body Oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged between inspired air and pulmonary capillary ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Respiratory Physiology I

Respiratory Physiology I
  • Ankit Patel

  • Exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide between
    environment and cells of the body
  • Oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged between
    inspired air and pulmonary capillary blood

  • Includes the lungs and series of airways that
    connect lungs to external environment
  • Conducting zone (or conducting airways)
  • Brings air into and out of lungs
  • Respiratory zone
  • Lined with alveoli allowing for gas exchange

Conducting Zone
  • Includes the nose, nasopharynx, larynx, trachea,
    bronchi, bronchioles, and terminal bronchioles
  • Bring air into and out of respiratory zone
  • Warm, humidify, and filter the air before it
    reaches gas exchange region
  • Trachea ? 2 bronchi ? 2 smaller bronchi ?
  • Lined with mucus-secreting and ciliated cells
    that function to remove inhaled particles

Conducting Zone
  • Walls contain smooth muscle
  • Autonomics nervous system affect airway diameter
  • Sympathetic neurons ? ß2 receptors ? relaxation
    and dilation of airways
  • Epinephrine (from adrenal gland) also activates
    ß2 receptors
  • Parasympathetic neurons ? muscarinic receptors
    ?contraction and constriction of airways
  • ß2-adrenergic agonists (e.g., epinephrine,
    isoproterenol, and albuterol) used to dilate
    airways in treatment of asthma

Respiratory Zone
  • Includes respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts,
    and alveolar sacs (lined with alveoli)
  • Alveoli are pouchlike evaginations of the walls
  • Each lung has 300 million alveoli
  • Exchange of gases occurs rapidly and efficiently
    across alveoli because walls are thin and have
    large surface area for diffusion

Pulmonary Blood Flow
  • Cardiac output of the right heart
  • Right Ventricle ? Pulmonary Artery ? Arterioles ?
    Pulmonary Capillaries (form networks around
    alveoli) ? Venules ? Pulmonary Vein ? Left Atrium
  • Regulation of pulmonary blood flow is
    accomplished by altering resistance of pulmonary
  • Controlled by local factors (mainly O2)

Pulmonary Blood Flow
Lung Volumes
  • Measured by a spirometer
  • Tidal Volume (VT)
  • Volume of air that fills both alveoli and airways
    with a normal breath (500 mL)
  • Inspiratory Reserve Volume
  • Additional volume inspired above tidal volume
    (3000 mL)
  • Expiratory Reserve Volume
  • Additional volume expired below tidal volume
    (1200 mL)
  • Residual Volume (RV)
  • Volume remaining in lungs after maximal forced
    expiration (1200 mL)

Lung Volumes
Lung Capacities
  • Inspiratory Capacity (IC)
  • Tidal Volume Inspiratory Reserve Volume (3500
  • Functional Residual Capacity (FRC)
  • Expiratory Reserve Volume Residual Volume
    (2400 ml)
  • Volume remaining in lungs after a normal tidal
    volume is expired (equilibrium volume)
  • Vital Capacity (VC)
  • Inspiratory Capacity Expiratory Reserve Volume
    (4700 mL)
  • Volume that can be expired after maximal
  • Total Lung Capacity (TLC)
  • Vital Capacity Residual Volume (5900 ml)

Volumes Capacities
Dead Space
  • Volume of airways and lungs that does not
    participate in gas exchange
  • Anatomic Dead Space (150 ml)
  • Volume of conducting airways because NO alveoli
  • TV of 500 ml is inspired, but 500 ml does not
    reach alveoli for gas exchange because portion
    fills conducting airways
  • Physiologic Dead Space
  • Anatomic dead space functional dead space in
  • Functional dead space refers to alveoli that do
    not participate in gas exchange because of
    mismatch in ventilation and perfusion
  • Normally, Anatomic Physiologic Dead Space

Ventilation Rate
  • Volume of air moved into and out of lungs per
    unit time
  • Minute ventilation total rate of air movement
    into and out of lungs
  • Alveolar ventilation corrects for physiologic
    dead space

Forced Expiratory Volumes
  • Vital Capacity volume expired following maximal
  • Forced Vital Capacity (FVC) volume forcibly
    expired after maximal inspiration
  • FEV1 Volume forcibly expired in the 1st second
  • FEV2 Cumulative volume expired in 2 seconds
  • FEV3 Cumulative volume expired in 3 seconds
  • FVC and FEV1 are useful indices of lung disease
  • FEV1/FVC can be used to differentiate among

FEV Lung Disease
  • Normal Person
  • FEV1/FVC is 0.8 (80 of vital capacity can be
    forcibly expired in 1st second)
  • Obstructive Lung Disease (Asthma)
  • FVC and FEV1 are decreased, but FEV1 is decreased
    more than FVC
  • FEV1/FVC is decreased
  • Restrictive Lung Disease (Fibrosis)
  • FVC and FEV1 are decreased, but FEV1 is decreased
    less than FVC
  • FEV1/FVC is actually increased

FEV Lung Disease
Mechanics of Breathing
  • Inspiration
  • Diaphragm contracts ? abdominal contents pushed
    downward and ribs are lifted upward and outward
  • Produces ? intrathoracic volume ? ? intrathoracic
    pressure and initiates flow of air into the lungs
  • Expiration
  • Normally a passive process as diaphragm relaxes
  • Air is driven out of lungs by reverse pressure
    gradient between lungs and the atmosphere
  • Abdominal muscles can assist during exercise or
    disease states

Mechanics of Breathing
Mechanics of Breathing
Compliance Pressure
  • Distensibility of a system
  • Measure of how volume changes as a result of a
    pressure change
  • Compliance of lungs and chest wall is inversely
    correlated with elastance
  • Transmural pressure is pressure across a
  • Transpulmonary pressure is difference between
    intra-alveolar pressure and intrapleural pressure
  • Lung pressures always referred to atmospheric
    pressure, which is called "zero"

Compliance of Lungs
  • Sequence of inflation followed by deflation
    produces a pressure-volume loop
  • Slope of pressure-volume loop is compliance of
  • Pressure outside lung made more negative ? lung
    inflates and volume increases until alveoli are
    filled and become stiffer and less compliant
  • Pressure outside lungs less negative ? lung
    volume to decrease during expiration

Compliance of Lung
Compliance of Chest Wall
  • Negative Intrapleural Pressure created by 2
    opposing elastic forces
  • Lungs tend to collapse
  • Chest Wall tends to spring out
  • Therefore, negative intrapleural pressure
    prevents lungs from collapsing and chest wall
    from springing out
  • Pneumothorax (introducing air into intrapleural
    space) causes intrapleural pressure to become
    equal to atmospheric pressure (intrapleural
    pressure 0)
  • No longer negative intrapleural pressure so
  • Lungs collapse and chest wall springs out

Compliance of Chest Wall
Changes in Compliance
  • Emphysema (increased lung compliance)
  • Associated with loss of elastic fibers in lungs
  • At FRC, tendency of lungs to collapse is less
    than tendency of chest wall to expand
  • To reestablish balance, volume must be added to
    the lungs to increase their collapsing force
  • Thus, combined lung and chest-wall system seeks
    new higher FRC
  • Fibrosis (decreased lung compliance)
  • Associated with stiffening of lung tissues
  • At FRC, tendency of lungs to collapse is greater
    than tendency of chest wall to expand
  • To reestablish balance, the lung and chest-wall
    system will seek a new lower FRC

Surface Tension of Alveoli
  • Alveoli are lined with film of fluid
  • Surface Tension
  • Attractive forces between adjacent molecules of
    liquid are stronger than attractive forces
    between molecules of liquid and molecules of gas
  • As molecules of liquid are drawn together by
    attractive forces, surface area becomes smaller
  • Surface tension generates a pressure that tends
    to collapse alveolus
  • P 2T/r

Surface Tension of Alveoli
  • P 2T/r
  • Large alveolus has low collapsing pressure
  • Small alveolus has high collapsing pressure
  • However, alveoli need to be small to increase
    total surface area for gas exchange
  • Fundamental conflict is solved by Surfactant

  • Mixture of phospholipids that line alveoli and
    reduce their surface tension
  • Reduces collapsing pressure for a given radius
  • Intermolecular forces between surfactant
    molecules break up the attracting forces between
    liquid molecules lining the alveoli
  • Surfactant also increases lung compliance
  • Reduces work of expanding the lungs during

Case 7 Chief Complaint
  • Within an hour of being born, a 2 week premature
    baby starts breathing very rapidly and grunting
  • Skin appears cyanotic

Case 7 Test Results
  • Pulse 160 (normal 140) and Respiratory Rate 70
    (normal 50)
  • Arterial CO2 is elevated and arterial O2 is
  • pH is low

Case 7 Diagnosis
  • Baby has Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome
  • Lungs lack surfactant
  • Premature infants are less likely to have
    surfactant present
  • Small alveoli have ? surface tension and ?
    pressures causing them to collapse (atelectasis)
  • Collapsed alveoli are not ventilated and cannot
    participate in gas exchange
  • Consequently, hypoxemia (low oxygen within blood)
    and respiratory acidosis develop (elevated CO2,
    decreased pH)
  • ? lung compliance ? ? work of inflating lungs
    during breathing

Case 7 Treatment
  • Baby is placed under continuous positive airway
    pressure (splint airways open) and surfactant is
  • Respiratory rate returns to normal as does
    arterial blood gas values
  • 1 week later baby is discharged home with family

Airflow, Pressure, Resistance
  • Q ?P/R
  • Q airflow (ml/min or L/min)
  • ?P pressure gradient (mm Hg or cm H2O)
  • R airway resistance (cm H2O/L/sec)
  • Between breaths, alveolar pressure atmospheric
  • No pressure gradient, no driving force, and no
  • During inspiration, alveolar pressure lt
    atmospheric pressure (b/c increase lung volume)
  • Pressure gradient drives airflow into lungs

Airway Resistance
  • R 8 ? l/p r4
  • R resistance
  • ? viscosity of inspired air
  • l length of the airway
  • r radius of the airway
  • Medium-sized bronchi are sites of highest airway

Changes in Airway Resistance
  • Change airway diameter to alter resistance and
  • Smooth muscle in walls of conducting airways is
    innervated by autonomic nerve fibers
  • Parasympathetic stimulation ? constriction of
    bronchial smooth muscle ? ? airway diameter ? ?
    resistance to airflow
  • Sympathetic stimulation ? relaxation of bronchial
    smooth muscle via ß2 receptors ? ? airway
    diameter ? ? resistance to airflow
  • ß2 agonists such as epinephrine used for treating

Breathing Cycle
  • 3 Phases
  • rest, inspiration, and expiration
  • Transmural pressure airway or alveolar pressure
    - intrapleural pressure
  • transmural pressure is an expanding pressure on
    the lung
  • - transmural pressure is a collapsing pressure on
    the lung

Breathing Cycle Rest
  • Alveolar pressure atmospheric pressure 0
  • No airflow because no pressure difference
  • Intrapleural pressure is negative
  • Opposing forces of lungs trying to collapse and
    chest wall trying to expand create a negative
  • Transmural pressure across the lungs and airways
    at rest is 5 cm H2O which means these structures
    will be open
  • Volume present in lungs equilibrium volume FRC

Breathing Cycle Inspiration
  • Diaphragm contracts ? ? thorax volume ? ? lung
  • Airway and alveolar pressure become negative
  • Pressure gradient drives airflow into lungs
  • Intrapleural pressure becomes even more negative
  • ? lung volume ? ? elastic recoil of lungs ? pull
    more forcefully against intrapleural space
  • Airway and alveolar pressures become negative as
    ? thorax volume

Breathing Cycle Expiration
  • Expiration is passive process
  • Alveolar pressure becomes positive
  • Elastic forces of lungs compress the greater
    volume of air in the alveoli
  • Alveolar pressure gt atmospheric pressure so air
    flows out of lungs and volume returns to FRC
  • Intrapleural pressure returns to resting value of
    5 cm H2O
  • As ? lung volume, ? elastic recoil of lungs

Forced Expiration Normal
  • Expiratory muscles make lung and airway pressures
    very positive
  • Expiratory muscles raise intrapleural pressure
  • Will lungs/airways collapse under positive
    intrapleural pressure?
  • No, because transmural pressure remains positive
  • Expiration is rapid and forceful because pressure
    gradient between alveoli and atmosphere is much
    greater than normal

Forced Expiration COPD
  • ? Lung Compliance because ? elastic fibers
  • ? Intrapleural pressure to same value as in
  • ? Alveolar pressure and airway pressure because
    lungs have ? elastic recoil
  • Negative transmural pressure across large airways
  • Airways collapse ? ? resistance to airflow and
    expiration is difficult
  • Persons with COPD expire slowly with pursed lips
    ? ? airway pressure ? prevents negative
    transmural pressure ? prevents collapse
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