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Accessory muscles of respiration only become important during exercise or respiratory distress ... of the muscles of the abdominal wall and the internal intercostals. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • By

Respiratory System
  • Primary function is to obtain oxygen for use by
    body's cells eliminate carbon dioxide that
    cells produce
  • Includes respiratory airways leading into ( out
    of) lungs plus the lungs themselves
  • Pathway of air nasal cavities (or oral cavity) gt
    pharynx gt trachea gt primary bronchi (right
    left) gt secondary bronchi gt tertiary bronchi gt
    bronchioles gt alveoli (site of gas exchange)

Breathing is an active process
  • The external intercostals plus the diaphragm
    contract to bring about inspiration
  • Diaphragm a sheet separating the thorax from the
    abdomen. Innervation is from the phrenic nerves
  • Contraction of external intercostal
    musclesinnervated by their intercostal nerves
  • Accessory muscles of respiration only become
    important during exercise or respiratory distress

To exhale
  • During quiet breathing expiration is a passive
    process, relying on the elastic recoil of the
    lung and chest wall.
  • When ventilation is increased, such as during
    exercise, expiration becomes active with
    contraction of the muscles of the abdominal wall
    and the internal intercostals.

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  • Rhythmicity center of the
  • medulla controls automatic breathing
  • consists of interacting neurons that fire either
    during inspiration (I neurons) or expiration (E
  • I neurons - stimulate neurons that innervate
    respiratory muscles (to bring about inspiration)
  • E neurons - inhibit I neurons (to 'shut down' the
    I neurons bring about expiration)
  • Apneustic center (located in the pons) -
    stimulate I neurons (to promote inspiration)
  • Pneumotaxic center (also located in the pons) -
    inhibits apneustic center inhibits inspiration

Factors Involved in Increasing Respiratory Rate
  • Chemoreceptors
  • Peripheral in aorta carotid arteries
  • Central medulla
  • -They are stimulated more by increased CO2
    levels than by decreased O2 levels
  • -They stimulate Rhythmicity Areas
    ?increased rate of respiration
  • Heavy exercise ? greatly increases respiratory
  • Possible factors
  • reflexes originating from body movements
  • increase in body temperature
  • epinephrine release (during exercise)
  • Voluntary Control through impulses from the
    cerebral cortex

  • Tidal Volume each normal quiet breath (
  • Inspiratory Reserve Volume
  • maximal additional volume that can be
    inspired above TV
  • Expiratory Reserve Volume
  • maximal additional volume that can be
    expired above TV
  • Residual Volume volume remaining after maximal
  • Functional Residual Capacity is the volume of
    air in the lungs at the end of a normal
  • Vital Capacity max volume of gas that can be
    exhaled after max inspiration

Dead SpacePart not participating in gas exchange
  • Anatomical dead-space tracheobronchial tree
    down to respiratory bronchioles. Normally 2ml/kg
    or 150ml in an adult, roughly a third of the
    tidal volume.
  • Alveolar Dead Space Non perfused alveoli
  • Physiologic Dead Space Anatomical Alveolar

Factors Affecting Dead Space
  • Factors Increasing Dead Space
  • Upright position
  • Neck extension
  • Age
  • ve pressure ventilation
  • Decreased pulmonary perfusion
  • Lung disease
  • Factors Decreasing Dead Space
  • Supine position
  • Neck flexion
  • Endotracheal Intubation

  • The tidal volume (500ml) multiplied by the
    respiratory rate (14 breaths/min) is the minute
    volume (7,000ml/min)
  • The part of the tidal volume which does take part
    in respiratory exchange multiplied by the
    respiratory rate is known as the alveolar
    ventilation (approximately 5,000ml/min)

  • Two aspects oppose lung expansion and airflow and
    therefore need to be overcome by respiratory
    muscle activity. These are
  • the airway resistance
  • the compliance of the lung and chest wall.
  • Resistance of the airways describes the
    obstruction to airflow provided by the conducting
    airways, resulting largely from the larger
    airways , plus a contribution from tissue
    resistance resulting produced by friction as
    tissues of the lung slide over each other during

  • Compliance denotes distensibility (stretchiness),
    and in a clinical setting refers to the lung and
    chest wall combined, being defined as the volume
    change per unit pressure change.
  • Low Compliance the lungs are stiffer and more
    effort is required to inflate the alveoli.
  • Conditions that worsen compliance, such as
    pulmonary fibrosis, produce restrictive lung

Compliance varies within the lung according to
the degree of inflation
  • Poor compliance is seen at low volumes (because
    of difficulty with initial lung inflation) and at
    high volumes (because of the limit of chest wall
  • Best compliance is in the mid-expansion range.

  • The walls of alveoli are coated with a thin film
    of water this creates a potential problem.
    Water molecules, are more attracted to each other
    than to air, and this attraction creates a force
    called surface tension.
  • During exhalation surface tension increases as
    water molecules come closer together.
    Potentially, surface tension could cause alveoli
    to collapse and, in addition, would make it more
    difficult to 're-expand' the alveoli.
  • Serious problems if alveoli collapsed they'd
    contain no air no oxygen to diffuse into the
    blood , if 're-expansion' was more difficult,
    inhalation would be very, very difficult if not

Role of Pulmonary Surfactant
  • Surfactant decreases surface tension which
  • increases pulmonary compliance (reducing the
    effort needed to expand the lungs)
  • reduces tendency for alveoli to collapse

What is Partial Pressure?
  • The individual pressure exerted independently by
    a particular gas within a mixture of gasses.
  • The air we breath is a mixture of gasses
    primarily nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide.
  • The total pressure generated by the air is due in
    part to nitrogen, in part to oxygen, in part to
    carbon dioxide.
  • That part of the total pressure generated by
    oxygen is the 'partial pressure' of oxygen, while
    that generated by carbon dioxide is the 'partial
    pressure' of carbon dioxide. A gas's partial
    pressure, therefore, is a measure of how much of
    that gas is present (e.g., in the blood or

  • The partial pressure exerted by each gas in a
    mixture equals the total pressure times the
    fractional composition of the gas in the mixture.
  • So, given that total atmospheric pressure (at sea
    level) is about 760 mm Hg and, further, that air
    is about 21 oxygen, then the partial pressure of
    oxygen in the air is 0.21 times 760 mm Hg or 160
    mm Hg.

Partial Pressures of O2 and CO2 in the body
  • Alveoli
  • PO2 100 mm Hg
  • PCO2 40 mm Hg
  • Alveolar capillaries
  • Entering the alveolar capillaries
  • PO2 40 mm Hg (relatively low because this blood
    has just returned from the systemic circulation
    has lost much of its oxygen)
  • PCO2 45 mm Hg (relatively high because the
    blood returning from the systemic circulation has
    picked up carbon dioxide)

  • Blood leaving the alveolar capillaries returns to
    the left atrium is pumped by the left ventricle
    into the systemic circulation. Entering the
    systemic capillaries
  • PO2 100 mm Hg
  • PCO2 40 mm Hg
  • Body cells (resting conditions)
  • PO2 40 mm Hg
  • PCO2 45 mm Hg
  • Because of the differences in partial pressures
    of oxygen carbon dioxide in the systemic
    capillaries the body cells, oxygen diffuses
    from the blood into the cells, while carbon
    dioxide diffuses from the cells into the blood.
  • Leaving the systemic capillaries
  • PO2 40 mm Hg
  • PCO2 45 mm Hg
  • Blood leaving the systemic capillaries returns to
    the heart (right atrium) via venules veins This
    blood is then pumped to the lungs (and the
    alveolar capillaries) by the right ventricle.

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Gas Diffusion
  • The alveoli provide an enormous surface area for
    gas exchange with pulmonary blood (between
  • Under resting conditions pulmonary capillary
    blood is in contact with the alveolus for about
    0.75 second in total and is fully equilibrated
    with alveolar oxygen after only about a third of
    the way along this course.
  • Lung disease impairs diffusion
  • At rest there is usually still sufficient time
    for full equilibration of oxygen
  • During exercise, pulmonary blood flow is quicker,
    shortening the time available for gas exchange,
    and so those with lung disease are unable to
    oxygenate the pulmonary blood fully and thus have
    a limited ability to exercise.
  • Carbon dioxide diffuses across the
    alveolar-capillary membrane 20 times faster than
    oxygen so the above factors are less liable to
    compromise transfer from blood to alveoli.

How are Oxygen Carbon Dioxide Transported in
  • Oxygen is carried in blood
  • 1 - bound to hemoglobin (98.5 of all oxygen in
    the blood)
  • 2 - dissolved in the plasma (1.5)
  • Because almost all oxygen in the blood is
    transported by hemoglobin, the relationship
    between the concentration (partial pressure) of
    oxygen and hemoglobin saturation (the of
    hemoglobin molecules carrying oxygen) is an
    important one.
  • Hemoglobin saturation
  • extent to which the hemoglobin in blood is
    combined with O2
  • depends on PO2 of the blood

  • At high partial pressures of O2 (above 40 mm Hg),
    hemoglobin saturation remains rather high
    (typically about 75 - 80). This rather flat
    section of the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation
    curve is called the 'plateau.'
  • Under resting conditions, only about 20 - 25 of
    hemoglobin molecules give up oxygen in the
    systemic capillaries. This is significant (in
    other words, the 'plateau' is significant)
    because it means that you have a substantial
    reserve of oxygen.

  • When you do become more active, partial pressures
    of oxygen in your (active) cells may drop well
    below 40 mm Hg. A look at the oxygen-hemoglobin
    dissociation curve reveals that as oxygen levels
    decline, hemoglobin saturation also declines -
    and declines precipitously. This means that the
    blood (hemoglobin) 'unloads' lots of oxygen to
    active cells - cells that, of course, need more

Factors Affecting Oxygen Haemoglobin Dissociation
  • The oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve 'shifts'
    under certain conditions
  • pH changes
  • temperature changes
  • 2,3-diphosphoglycerate levels
  • CO2 levels

Carbon Dioxide-transported from the body cells
back to the lungs as
  • 1 - Bicarbonate (HCO3) - 60
  • formed when CO2 (released by cells making ATP)
    combines with H2O (due to the enzyme in red blood
    cells called carbonic anhydrase)
  • 2 Carbaminohemoglobin-30
  • formed when CO2 combines with hemoglobin
    (hemoglobin molecules that have given up their
  • 3 - Dissolved in plasma-10

  • Distribution throughout the lung is largely due
    to the effects of gravity.
  • Therefore in the upright position this means that
    the perfusion pressure at the base of the lung is
    equal to the mean pulmonary artery pressure
    (15mmHg or 20cmH2O) plus the hydrostatic pressure
    between the main pulmonary artery and lung base
    (approximately 15cmH2O).
  • At the apices the perfusion pressure is very low,
    and may at times even fall below the pressure in
    the alveoli leading to vessel compression and
    intermittent cessation of blood flow

  • The distribution of ventilation across the lung
    is related to the position of each area on the
    compliance curve at the start of a normal tidal
    inspiration (the point of the FRC)
  • Because the bases are on a more favourable part
    of the compliance curve than the apices, they
    gain more volume change from the pressure change
    applied and thus receive a greater degree of
  • Although the inequality between bases and apices
    is less marked for ventilation than for
    perfusion, overall there is still good V/Q
    matching and efficient oxygenation of blood
    passing through the lungs.

V/Q Mismatching
  • Diseased lungs may have marked mismatch between
    ventilation and perfusion. Some alveoli are
    relatively overventilated while others are
    relatively overperfused
  • Even normal lungs have some degree of
    ventilation/perfusion mismatchthe upper zones
    are relatively overventilated while the lower
    zones are relatively overperfused

  • Shunt occurs when deoxygenated venous blood from
    the body passes unventilated alveoli to enter the
    pulmonary veins and the systemic arterial system
    with an unchanged PO2 (40 mmHg).
  • Atelectasis (collapsed alveoli), consolidation of
    the lung, pulmonary oedema or small airway
    closure (see later) will cause shunt

Oxygen Cascade
  • Oxygen moves down the pressure or concentration
    gradient from a relatively high level in air, to
    the levels in the respiratory tract and then
    alveolar gas, the arterial blood, capillaries and
    finally the cell. The PO2 reaches the lowest
    level (4-20 mmHg) in the mitochondria.
  • This decrease in PO2 from air to the
    mitochondrion is known as the oxygen cascade and
    the size of any one step in the cascade may be
    increased under pathological circumstances and
    may result in hypoxia.  

Non-Respiratory Lung Functions
  • Reservoir of blood available for circulatory
  • Filter for circulation
  • thrombi, microaggregates etc
  • Metabolic activity
  • activation
  • angiotensin III
  • inactivation
  • noradrenaline
  • bradykinin
  • 5 H-T
  • some prostaglandins
  • Immunological
  • IgA secretion into bronchial mucus

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