Title: Respiratory system applied anatomy and physiology (Swine flue)
1Respiratory System Applied Anatomy and
Physiology(Swine flu)
- Dr. Lalit. V. Vithalani
- M.D.(Kriya-Sharir)
- B.S.Ayurved college, Sawantwadi
- drlalit.vithalani_at_gmail.com
Dr. Sanjay A Dalvi M.D.(Rachana-Sharir) B.S.Ayu
rved college, Sawantwadi drsanjudalvi77_at_gmail.com
2Breathing/Respiration Human Fetus Exchanges
Gases with Mothers Blood through the Placenta
3Q- Is there any difference between Breathing and
Respiration ?
- Moving air
- in and out of the lungs.
- Chemical reaction that releases energy
6- Cellular respiration requires glucose and oxygen
to release energy to the body - C6H12O6 6O2 ? 6CO2 6 H2O Energy
- Oxygen is provided by the respiratory system
- Glucose is provided by the digestive system
7Respiratory System Divisions
- Upper tract
- Nose, pharynx and associated structures
- Lower tract
- Larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs
8Respiratory System Function
- Major Functions
- Upper respiratory system
- Air conditioning
- Defense against pathogens
- Lower respiratory system
- Speech other respiratory sounds
- Gas exchange
- Maintenance of homeostasis, e.g. pH
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12Nasal Cavity
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14Respiratory Membrane
15Respiratory Membrane
- Goblet Cells Sulphated acid mucosubstances
responds mainly in local irritations - Bronchial Glands Anti-bacterial anti-viral
lysosomes, antibodies IgA, Interferons. - Mucous cells Carboxylated mucosubstances
- Alveolar Phagocytes
17Respiratory System Functions-
- Respiration
- - Provides O2 to body cells for
energy - - Removes CO2 from body cells.
- Production of sound
- Assisting in bodys defense against foreign
18Respiratory System Functions
- Regulation of blood pH
- -altered by changing blood CO2 levels
- Olfaction Sensation of smell.
- -airborne molecules drawn into nasal cavity.
- Protection
- -against microorganisms by preventing entry
and removing them.
19Respiratory System Structures
- Nose
- External portion composed of cartilage and bone
covered with skin - Entrance to nose nostrils or nares
- Air enters body through the nose and mouth
- Nasal cavity
- Divided into left and right chambers by dividing
wall called the septum - As air enters through nose, it passes into the
nasal cavity
20Linings of nasal cavity
- Vestibule (just above nostrils)
- Lined with skin containing sebaceous and sweat
glands and nose hairs - Filters large particulars (insects, fur, etc.)
- The remainder of nasal cavity 2 types of mucous
membrane - Small patch of olfactory mucosa near roof.
(cribriform plate) - Respiratory mucosa lines most of the cavity.
21(No Transcript)
22Respiratory Organs
- Nose
- cleanse, warm, humidify air
- Respiratory mucosa
- Line much of nasal cavity
- Goblet cells secrete mucus
- Mucus traps inhaled particles
- Cilia move mucus ?? stomach
- Cold-sensitive ? runny nose
- Lysozyme destroys bacteria
23Respiratory Organs
- Nose
- Respiratory mucosa
- Lymphocytes in laminar propria
- Protection
- Large blood vessels in laminar propria
- Warm air
24Respiratory Organs
- Paranasal sinuses
- Hollow areas or cavities within the skull that
communicate with the nasal cavity - Enhance the sound of the voice
- Lined with mucous membranes
- Help to warm and filter the air as it enters the
respiratory system - Cilia (hairlike projections on mucous membranes)
sweep dirt and foreign material toward throat for
25Respiratory System Structures
- Pharynx
- Airway that connects the mouth and nose to the
larynx - Also known as the throat
- Serves as a common passageway for both air and
26Respiratory System Structures
- Pharynx
- Commonly divided into three sections
- Nasopharynx
- Contains the adenoids
- Oropharynx
- Contains the tonsils (palatine tonsils)
- Laryngopharynx
27Respiratory System Structures
- Larynx
- Connects pharynx with trachea
- Contains the vocal cords
- Vocal cords vibrate as air passes through the
space between them, producing sound.
28Respiratory System Structures
- Trachea (windpipe)
- Extends into the chest and serves as a passageway
for air to the bronchi - Bronchi
- Trachea branches into two tubes called the
bronchi - carina - Each bronchus leads to a separate lung
- Divides and subdivides into progressively smaller
tubes called bronchioles
29Respiratory System Structures
- Bronchioles
- Smallest branches of bronchi
- Terminal ends known as alveoli
- Air sacs
- Have thin walls that allow for exchange of gases
between the lungs and the blood
30Respiratory System Structures
- Lungs
- Two cone-shaped, spongy organs consisting of
alveoli, blood vessels, elastic tissue, and
nerves - Left lung - two lobes, right lung - three lobes
- Apex uppermost part of lung
- Base lower part of lung
- Hilum portion in midline region where blood
vessels, nerves, and bronchial tubes enter and
exit the lungs.
31Respiratory Organs
- Alveolus / alveoli
- 150 million total
- 70 square meter surface area
- High surface area facilitates gas exchange
32Alveolar structure
- Type I cells ? gas exchange
- Type II cells ? secrete surfactant (lipoproteins)
? decrease surface tension ? allowing for easier
alveoli inflation - Surfactants start to be secreted by the 7th month
of pregnancy - ? risk of lung disease in premature babies
- Macrophages.
33Applied physiology
-Inhalation of pathogens in air
droplets. -Aspiration of infected secretions
from the upper respiratory tract. -Aspiration of
infected particles from gastric contents, food,
or debris.
34Common Cold
- Most cold are caused by viral infections
- Rhinovirus
- Influenza
- Virus invade the mucosa of URT.
- Signs and symptoms
- Fever, Running nose, excessive mucous
- sore throat, cough, upset stomach.
- Treatment reduce symptoms/symptomatic
- Note antibiotics do not help viral infections
- Pronounced
- (in-floo-IN-zah)
- Defined
- Highly contagious viral infection of the
respiratory tract transmitted by airborne droplet
infection - Also known as the flu
- Symptoms include sore throat, cough, fever,
muscular pains, and generalized weakness
36Swine flu and Immunity
- Innate Immunity- Non Specific response already
explained. - Specific immunity ?
37Do you think reading is a Voluntary process ???
- In Next Slide Just Stare at Screen and dont
Read a single word. - Got it , Remember - Just see at slide,
- Dont
38- I know , you are reading.
- Still reading each and every word.
- Thank you, very much.
- Now Go Ahead
This is what happens with our Humoural immunity
when they encounter a known pathogen.
B-lymphocytes starts producing antibodies
39- Another Exercise
- In the Next slide
- Read each and every word carefully.
- Its life saving information.
40This is what happens with our humoral immunity
when they (B-lymphocytes) firstly encounter a
new pathogen, they need time to learn its
structure and produce antibodies against it.
41Preventive measures
42Swine flu- Preventive measures Keep safe
distance(at least 6 feet) from high risk people
43Swine flu-Preventive measures-Promote use of mask
44Avoid frequent touching to mouth and
nose-Dangerous Triangle
45How can I reduce the spread of infectious
- Good hand washing
- Universal precautions at all times
- Respiratory droplet precautions
- When an airborne illness is suspected
- Avoid Shake hand Promote Namaste