Ernest Hemingway - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Ernest Hemingway


They eventually became financially stable and Khaled became a doctor. He wrote The Kite Runner while he was practicing medicine. The book became a best seller. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway
Ernest Hemingways first book, In Our Time, was
first published in Paris and then in the United
States in 1925. It is a collection of various
short stories that are focused around World War
I. Its main setting is on the Italian front,
where Hemingway spent most of his time. Each
chapter is comprised of a vignette that relates
to the following stories. This was Hemingways
first American debut. This was the first book
that showed Hemingways influential writing style
that made him famous in the early twentieth
Michael Berte
Ernest Hemingway was born on July 21, 1899 in Oak
Park, Illinois. After completing high school,
Hemingway did not go to college and became a
reporter for the Kansas City Star. Later, he
became part of the Red Cross Ambulance Corps and
entered World War I in 1918. After the war,
Hemingway moved back to Oak Park and then later
to Paris where he created several of his early
works. His first work, In Our Time, was published
in 1925. Hemingway enjoyed traveling,
bullfighting, skiing and hunting. In 1953, he
received the Pulitzer Prize for his novel, The
Old Man and the Sea. On July 2, 1961, Hemingway
took his own life at his house in Ketchum, Idaho.
I was born on June 27, 1990 in New Haven,
Connecticut. My mothers name is Gail and I have
an older sister, Beverly. I moved to Florida when
I was two and have lived here ever since. I went
to catholic school for six years before
attending Charlotte High. I have enjoyed playing
soccer and baseball. Next year I am attending
Florida State University and I am majoring in
biological sciences. After college I plan to go
on to medical school to become a doctor, but I am
still unsure what kind of doctor I want to be.
William Faulkners novel The Sound and The
Fury propelled Faulkner into Literary merit in
1929. It is widely considered a classic piece of
southern literature. The story revolves around ht
Compson family deep in the heart of Mississippi.
One of the unique characteristics he embodies
this novel with is the narrative conjunction of
Benjy ( a mentally challenged adult), Quentin ( a
trouble Harvard student), and Jason ( a cynical
father). The development of these characters, or
lack theorof, gives the reader a glimpse into the
nature of the human mindset. We see the limits an
individual can be pushed and the contrasting
viewpoints they take on life, as their
environment evolves around them. Many critics
assume the novel a classic because it is one of
the few which takes an in-depth analysis on the
South and the psuedo religious attitude they have
taken on. Faulkner warns the reader of the perils
the South can face if they turn their back on the
foundation of the region, religion.
Raymond Simons was born on December 11th, 1989 in
New Brunswick, New Jersey. At the age of one he
moved to Savannah Georgia and attended Dolphins
Elementary. At the age of six, after returning
home from Pizza Hut he and his family found that
his house had set fire, they were forced to live
in a separate house for a year. In 1997 he and
his family moved to Wellington, Florida where he
attended grade, middle and high school. He is a
self-proclaimed good student and always had an
interest in the sciences and arts. As a child he
played baseball and basketball in a hometown
league before moving to Punta Gorda Florida in
2005. In 2005 his father left his job to start a
business in Port Charlotte, Florida (Colour
Tile). Raymond now resides in Cape Coral, Florida
where he attends Chartotte High School. He is
widely considered one of the best men alive.
William Faulkner was born on September 25, 1897
in New Albany, Mississippi. He joined the
Canadian Air Force during WW1, but never saw any
combat. He returned to the University of
Missisippi where he worked as a postmaster. He
eventually was fired for reading on the job. With
the support of Sherwood Anderson Faulkner wrote
his first novel Sartoris. He moved to Hollywood
to become a screenwriter in the late 1930s. He
eventually settled down in Oxford with a family
and in 1929 he wrote one of his first
masterpieces, The Sound and The Fury.In 1949 he
was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. He
died on July 6, 1962 with a total of 20 novels
and several poems and short stories under his
belt. He is widely considered one of the greatest
authors of all-time.
  • Khaled Hosseini was born in Kabul, Afghanistan,
    in 1965. His father was a diplomat with the
    Afghan Foreign Ministry and his mother taught
    Farsi and History at a large high school in
    Kabul. In September of 1980, Hosseini's family
    moved to San Jose, California. Hosseini graduated
    from high school in 1984 and enrolled at Santa
    Clara University where he earned a bachelor's
    degree in Biology in 1988. The following year, he
    entered the University of California-San Diego's
    School of Medicine, where he earned a Medical
    Degree in 1993. Hosseini began writing his first
    novel, The Kite Runner, in March of 2001. In
    2003, The Kite Runner, was published and has
    since become an international bestseller,
    published in 38 countries. In 2006 he was named a
    goodwill envoy to UNHCR, the United Nations
    Refugee Agency.  His second novel, A Thousand
    Splendid Suns was published in May of 2007. He
    lives in northern California.
  • Brandon Lieb was born in Akron, Ohio on November
    11th, 1989. He moved with his familt to Punta
    Gorda, Florida in 1990. He has been involved in
    sports most of his life and is currently about to
    attend the State Weightlifting meet for his
    second time. Currently he is ranked 5th in the
    state for his weight class. He is a senior at
    Charlotte High School and hopes to attend Florida
    Gulf Coast University after graduating. He
    currently lives in Punta Gorda and enjoys going
    to his AP Literature class.

Meredith Coward was born on July 18th of
1990 on a warm summers night in North Carolina.
Anthony Sandee Coward were ecstatic to welcome
their 3rd child and first baby girl into the
world. She grew up in the mountains and loved
sneaking outdoors as a young toddler. In 1995 she
moved to Florida where the rest of her family
resided in the small town of Punta Gorda. Here is
where she would spend most of her childhood.
Meredith spent most of her time playing with her
two older brothers and cousins, swimming or
drawing as she matured into a young adult. She
always has had a strong passion for art and still
loves drawing today. Meredith hopes to continue
utilizing her artistic skills by majoring in
Advertising at UCF and working as a creative
designer/photographer for a fashion magazine
after graduation.
John Steinbeck
Born to John (Sr.) Olive Steinbeck in
1929, John Steinbeck acquired his love for
literature at a very young age. With the
encouragement of his mother, who was a school
teacher, he loved reading and decided as a young
adult that he would like to peruse a career in
writing. John did whatever it took for him to get
to the Big Apple where he hoped he could jump
start his career. John used his detailed
knowledge and experiences from his hometown of
Salinas, CA often in his novels. In fact, most of
them take place in the Salinas Valley or
somewhere near there. Literary success did
no come easy for Steinbeck. It took him many
novels short stories to ever put him on the map
and once he gained credit for his works, he
suffered much criticism. Mean while, Steinbeck
went through three marriages and found his
greatest inspiration from his sons. East of Eden
was actually written for his sons so they could
get to know him and where he came from through
the novel. John has a very simple writing style
mixed with a plotline that always teaches a moral
or is based on a biblical story.
Meredith Coward
Krishna Patel
  • Khaled Hosseini was born in Kabul, Afghanistan.
    His father worked for the Afghanistan foreign
    ministry and his mother was a professor at a high
    school in the area. As war broke out in
    Afghanistan, and the communists seized power of
    the country, the Hosseinis moved from Kabul to
    Tehran, to Paris, and finally settled in
    California. They eventually became financially
    stable and Khaled became a doctor. He wrote The
    Kite Runner while he was practicing medicine. The
    book became a best seller. Hosseini was
    influenced by Persian poetry and experiences from
    his childhood that were used in the book.

Krishna Patel was born in Fort Pierce, Florida on
April 2, 1990. She moved to Punta Gorda, Florida,
where she currently resides in 2003. She attends
Charlotte High School and will be graduating in
May of 2008. She is involved in Tarpon
Leadership. She will be attending the University
of Florida and is still undecided on her major.
Khaled Hosseini
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Audrey Becnel
Audrey is 18 and a senior at Charlotte High
School. She has lived in Punta Gorda. College,
Audrey plans to attend the University of
Florida, in Gainesville. Her favorite book is
The Catcher in the Rye, by J.D. Salinger. But
Mark Twains The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
has always been a close second.
Mark Twains real name
is Samuel L. Clemmens.
He was born in
Missouri but then moved
to Hannibal, Mississippi
to become a steamboat
pilot. His time on the Mississippi River
inspired his most popular piece The Adventures
of Huckleberry Finn. Twain is famous for his use
of satire, profanity, and realistic dialect to
bring his characters and stories to life.
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is
considered one of the great American novels. It
is about a young boy, Huck Finn, overcoming
adversity and society. He befriends a runaway
slave named Jim and he must decide whether to
turn him in or follow his own moral compass. This
story has received almost as much criticism as
praise. Some critics call is crude and racist.
Although Twains words out of context may seem
prejudice, true readers know that it is all a
part of setting the tone of Southern life before
the Civil War. The Adventures of Huckleberry
Finn is the ultimate American classic because it
is still relevant in modern society. Huck Finn is
not only entertaining but he is relatable to
every reader as a boy trying to grow up and find
his place in society.
High and fine literature is wine, and mine is
only water but everybody likes water.
Kate Chopin
  • Sofonie Luinord

Invisible Man
  • Invisible Man explores the theme of mans search
    for his identity and place in society, as seen
    from the perspective of an unnamed black man in
    the New York City of the 1940s. At its
    appearance in 1952, Invisible Man was immediately
    hailed as a masterpiece. A work both epic and
    richly comic, it won the National Book Award for
    its author, Ralph Ellison. Invisible Man has been
    translated into fourteen languages and has never
    been out of print. A 1965 Book Week poll of two
    hundred writers and critics selected it as the
    most distinguished novel of the previous twenty
    years. Invisible Man deals with themes of
    individuality, identity, history, and
    responsibility. The protagonist is repeatedly
    pressed to look beneath the surface.

Miss Jane Austen was born on December 16, 1775 at
her familys house of Steventon. Miss Austen had
six brothers and one sister, Cassandra, who she
was particularly close to. Miss Austen began
writing near 1787 and continued
Miss Kelley Holley was born on December 12, 1989
in Fitchburg, Massachusetts. Miss Holley has two
brothers and a sister, all her seniors. Miss
Holley currently resides in Punta Gorda, Florida
and enjoys theatre and film.
her practice until her death. Her first novel
Pride and Prejudice was completed in 1797 and was
not published until 1813. Her first published
novel was Sense and Sensibility, published in
1811. Miss Austen died on July 18, 1817 in
Winchester. She is buried in Winchester Cathedral.
The classic novel Persuasion is one of the first
penned works to address the failure of love, and
dealing with such consequences. Cliques that
exist today in the genre are created by such
works as this. Winning the lover back in the end
is an example of such a
clique that was established. The style of the
novel, using Austens familiar wit, to relay
social messages of the time as well as by making
an impressively accurate commentary of society at
the time add to the novels value. Themes
addressed in the novel include love and vanity
which become abundant in more modern works,
remain universal and consequently define such a
novel that is a precursor to the uproar of use as
a classic.
Alex Pomykacz
The only thing hindering Candides glory is
the books short length. Even so, a case of
quality over quantity truly presents itself.
Through its commentary on and satire of various
barbaric aspects of society, government, and
religion, Candide turns into a perfect
representation of the Enlightenment and
Enlightenment ideals itself. Its highly important
philosophical background and arguments speak
against Optimist philosophy. These two levels to
the book carry tremendous depth, and are why
Candide can easily be considered a classic.
  • - Voltaire was born François-Marie Arouet, Nov
    21, 1694 in Paris.
  • He studied law from ages 17-19, and then worked
    as a secretary to the French ambassador in the
  • Began his writing career with poetry.
  • Fiercely critical of the French government and
    Catholic Church, which led to him being
    imprisoned for a while. He wrote his first play
    while in the Bastille.
  • Gained popularity among aristocratic circles.
  • Traveled all over Europe, in note he stayed in
    England and was highly impressed with the
    Enlightened government and society there.
  • Returned to France and lived out the rest of his
    life in Ferney.
  • -Died May 30, 1778 in Paris.
  • - Born Randy Alexander Pomykacz, Feb 6, 1990 in
    Cape May, New Jersey.
  • - Grew up under legal guardians.
  • - Did extremely well in k-8. faltered in
    highschool due to lack of respect for the
    educational system and standardized tests.
  • Discovered a knack for math while in school.
  • Discovered a love for astronomy at this time.
  • Skilled with electronics and computers.
  • Noted to be an exceptional driver.
  • Had considered careers in film, music
    production, politics, law, various branches of
    the government c. Finally decided to go into

Carrie By Stephen King
Carrie is Stephen Kings first published work and
arguably his best. Carrie is easily a classic
and will live on in American history for as long
as people are willing to tell it. The book
changed American culture and left a mark that
Washington himself would have trouble leaving.
Though disliked by some, as all great novels are,
King captured a time and age when people are most
vulnerable and susceptible to peer pressure.
Born in 1947 Steven King was raised by his mother
after his father left the family when King was a
toddler. During his youth King and his family
moved around a lot and finally settled down in
Maine where his mother could care for his
grandparents. King wrote short stories in high
school and worked for the school newspaper as
well. Few of his works were published and none
generated revenue. After college King was an
English teacher for a local high school until he
sold Carrie. That book launched his career and
made him into the best selling author that we
know today. King continues to write to this day
despite being hit by a car in 99. After his
near death experience King took a break from
writing to recover but ended up using writing as
a recovery method. King still produces best
selling books and has the potential to for a long
James Markgraf was born in 1989 in Milwaukee,
Wisconsin to an upper-middle class family. He
spent the first 9 years of his life living in
Cedarburg, Wisconsin until his family decided to
move him and his life moved to Punta Gorda,
Florida. James has been in honor to college
level classes since he started school. James
spends some vacation time in the Florida Keys
where he enjoys kite boarding, SCUBA diving,
snorkeling, and playing his new Wii. James has
also has gone to both Latin America and Europe
where he will go again in summer. James enjoys
reading, swimming, and having fun with his
friends and family. James will be attending UCF
in Fall of 2008 with an undecided major, but
looking forward to it nonetheless.
The Sound and the Fury, by William Faulkner, was
published in 1929. The novel is noted for its
utilization of the stream of consciousness
technique, in which reality and narration are
limited and multiple views and times are
represented simultaneously. It is set in the
fictional Yoknapatawpha County in Mississippi,
Faulkners home for most of his life and the
source of most of his literary inspiration. The
novel is significant for its mastery of telling a
similar story about the formerly prominent
Compson family from four very different points of
Daniel Coward 1989-
William Faulkner 1897-1962
Daniel was born in Cape Coral, Florida, near
where he still currently lives. He resides in
Punta Gorda with his parents and older sisters.
He attended Sallie Jones Elementary School, Punta
Gorda Middle School, and is now being educated at
Charlotte High School. After high school will
receive an undergraduate education at the
University of Miami, where he intends to major in
biomedical engineering. He hopes to one day
settle with a family and a career in medicine in
Florida, where he grew up. Most recently, Daniel
has been working with and enjoying William
Faulkners classic novel, The Sound and the Fury.
William Faulkner was born in New Albany,
Mississippi (name then spelled Falkner but it
later changed when he tried to appear more
British while applying to the Royal Air Force in
Canada during WWII). While much of his life was
spent writing screenplays for films, his true
passion was for the short stories and
particularly the novels for which he is still
remembered today. His influences include James
Joyce and Mark Twain and a synthesis of their
styles in his works earned him the Nobel Prize in
Literature in 1949 before his death in 1962.
The Sound and the Fury 1929-eternity
Jane AustenPersuasion
Jane Austen- Born Dec. 16, 1775 Jane wrote her
fist novel at age 14. She lived in a variety of
places throughout her life, finally returning to
her birth place of Hampshire where she would die
of Addison's Disease at age 41. She saw 4 of her
novels published in her lifetime with 2 being
published by her brother shortly after her death.
She never married.
Leah Alessandroni is a native of Florida and is
currently a senior at CHS. She enjoys riding
horses, theatre, traveling and writing and has
been publish in local newspapers. She will
attend the University of Kentucky after
graduating High School to peruse a career in the
Equine Industry.
Janes last completed novel, Persuasion, was
published after her death in 1817. This classic
novel provides a unique inside look into English
society in the 1800s and is bold in its
presentations of its flaws. In true Austen style
the failures of the class system are brought to
light with wit and sarcasm all the while
relaying themes and emotions that have proven to
transcend every generation. Persuasion offers
something for everyone and can be viewed as a
simple love story or, for the more in tuned
reader, a unique social commentary from the view
of a women and quite unlike any of its time.
Jane Austen in a classic English writer and
Persuasion is no exception and leaves nothing to
be desired.
By Leah Alessandroni
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