Title: Finpro Americas
1Wind Energy Outlook in Latin America
- Finpro Americas
- Heidi Virta, Nina Jaakkola, Heta Pyhälahti, Ilkka
Cafferata - April 2011
2Future outlook for Latin America wind power
- Latin America is expected to reach 46 GW of total
installed wind capacity by 2025 - Latin Americas annual growth rate in wind power
is 12.6 - Brazil will have 31.6 GW installed by 2025
- Mexico will have 6.6 GW installed by 2025
- Argentina will have approx. 3 GW installed by
2025 - Total investment in Latin America wind turbine
markets will scale from 1 Billion USD in 2009 to
more than 2.2 Billion USD by 2015 - According to studies, European players will
dominate the market in the near term, but local
players will challenge them from 2015 - Brazil demands more than 300 turbines annually
starting in 2011
Source Latin America Wind Power Markets and
Strategies 2010-2025
3Wind energy production capacity in Latin American
Honduras 102 MW production capacity under
Dominican Republic 113 MW of wind energy capacity
is planned to start operating during 2011.
Mexico Current installed capacity 517 MW (end
2010) Target capacity 2000 MW by 2012
Colombia Current installed capacity 20 MW (end
2010) Several projects under consideration,
including a 200MW project in Ipapure
Guatemala At the moment there are no wind power
generation in the country.
Venezuela 100 MW is under construction The
intention is to built 1500 MW capacity within
the next five years
Costa Rica Current installed capacity 23 MW (end
2010) 50 MW additional capacity is under
Nicaragua Current installed capacity 40 MW (end
2010) 39,6 MW additional capacity is being
Brazil Current installed capacity 931 MW (end
2010) By 2013 Brazil is aiming to increase its
wind power capacity by more than 4000 MW
Peru Current installed capacity 1 MW (end
2010) Almost 150 MW additional capacity is
under construction and 750 MW is in evaluation
Uruguay Current installed capacity 43 MW (end
2010) Target capacity 550 MW by 2015
Chile Current installed capacity 172 MW (end
2010) Chile is aiming to increase its wind energy
capacity by 2000 MW in the near future. These
projects are to be started 2012-2014.
Argentina Current installed capacity 60 MW (end
2010) Target production capacity 2000 MW by 2016
4Financiers in Latin America for wind projects
- World Bank
- Inter-American Development Bank
- Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES)
5Major end clients for wind energy in Latin America
- Public and private electricity companies
- Walmart
- Cement producers
- Mining companies
- Iberdrola
- Petrobras
- Dobreve Energia
- Renova Energia
6Up-coming investments Argentina
- Up-coming investments
- 1) Arauco 90 MW
- 2) Vientos del Secano 50 MW
- 3) Malaspina 80 MW
- 4) Vientos de la Patagonia 1 60 MW
- 5) Diadema 6,3 MW
- 6) Vientos de la Patagonia 2 n/a MW
- 7) GENREN 2010 7 projects in total 754 MW
- Turbines are defined in some of the projects, but
not in all
7Up-coming investments Mexico
- Projects under construcion
- Fuerza Eólica del Istmo (Peñoles) 50 MW
- La Venta III (CFE/Iberdrola) 101 MW
- Oaxaca II, III y IV (CFE/Acciona) 304.2 MW
- Oaxaca I (CFE/EYRA) 101 MW
- Los Vergeles (GSEER) 161 MW
- Up-coming investments
- BiiNeeStipaII (Cisa-Gamesa) 288MW
- Demex (Renovalia) 227.5MW
- BiiStinú(Eoliatec del Istmo) 164MW
- Snto. Domingo (Eoliatec del Pacífico) 160MW
- Fuerza Eólica del Istmo (Peñoles) 30MW
- Oaxaca I (Reomex) 101MW
- Oaxaca II, III y IV (Acciona) 304.2MW
- Vientos del Istmo (Preneal México) 395.9MW
- Unión Fenosa Generación México 227.5MW
- Fuerza Eólica 400 MW
- Sempra 1200 MW
8Up-coming investments Uruguay
- Projects under construction
- Consorcio Venti 50 MW, Location Maldonado
- Fingano S.A. 50 MW, Location Maldonado
- Palmatir S.A. 50 MW, Location Tacuarembó
- Up-coming investments
- Tender in process for 150 MW
- UTE (National energy company) 200 MW
9Up-coming investments Peru
- Projects under construction
- Energia Eolica 110 MW
- Cobra Peru 32 MW
- Up-coming investments
- Salka Peru 750 MW (in evaluation)
- Public tenders MW not yet defined
10Up-coming investments Chile
- Following windpark projects have got approvals
from authorities - Total capacity of planned projects approx. 1500
MW - Minera Gaby 40 MW
- Quillagua 100 MW
- Sra Rosario 84 MW
- Canela 18 MW
- Punta Colorada 20 MW
- Monte Redondo 74 MW
- Totoral 46 MW
- Canela II 60 MW
- Extension of Punta Colorada 16 MW
- Talinay 500 MW
- La Cachina 66 MW
- El Pacífico 72 MW
- Punta Palmeras103 MW
- Hacienda Quijote 26 MW
- La Gorgonia 76
- Laguna Verde 24
- Altos de Hualpen 20
- Chome 12
- Lebu 9
11Up-coming investments Brazil
- The following windparks are in construction
(auctioned in August 2010) - Renova Energia S.A., 153 MW, 6 projects
- Iberdrola, 258 MW, 9 projects
- Enel Green Power, PE Cristal, 90 MW, 3 projects
- Ersa (JUR, MAC, PEP, CBR), 78,2 MW, 4 projects
- Energimp, 270 MW, 9 projects
- Chesf, Brennand, 86,4 MW, 3 projects
- Galvao Energia, 94 MW, 4 projects
- Enerfin (Fazenda Rosario II Osorio III, 46 MW,
2 projects - Gestamp, 115,2 MW, 5 projects
- Eurus I-IV, 120 MW, 4 projects
- Energisa, 150 MW, 5 projects
- CPE, Cobra,Energia Regenerativa do Brasil, 120
MW, 4 projects - REB (Grupo Santander, Fortuny), 69 MW, 3 projects
- CHESF, ENERGIMP, 180 MW, 1 project
- Oleoplan, 10,8 MW, 1 project
- Bioenergy, 28,8 MW, 1 project
12Major turbine manufacturers with presence in
Latin America