Title: Making Contact to Molecules: Interfacing to the Nanoworld
1Making Contact to Molecules Interfacing to the
- Peter Grutter
- Physics Department
- McGill University
GenomeQuebec, CFI, NanoQuebec
2What is Nanoelectronics?
3What is Electronics?
- By electronics we mean the handling of
complicated electrical wave forms for
communicating information, probing (such as in
radar) and data processing. - Data processing is the result of one complex
stream of information interacting with another. - This requires non-linear behavior, otherwise
information just gets passed on from one place to
the other. - (Landauer, Science 1968)
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6Molecular electronics the issues
- Contacts
- Structure-function relationship between transport
process and molecular structure - Dissipation
- Crosstalk (interconnects)
- Architecture
- I-O with a trillion processors
- Fault tolerance
- Manufacturing costs
7Does atomic structure of the contact matter?
8Does atomic structure of the contact matter?
Mehrez, Wlasenko, et al., Phys. Rev. B 65,
195419 (2002)
9Comparison of Experimental and Modeling Results
- Mehrez, Wlasenko, et al., Phys. Rev. B 65,
195419 (2002)
10Calculating Conductance
- Traditional infinite, structureless leads -gt
periodic boundary conditions. - but
- - result depends on lead size!
- - bias not possible due to periodic boundary
condition! -
Jellium lead
Jellium lead
11Calculation of electrical transport
12ab-initio modelling of electronic transport
13DFT plus non-equilibrium Greens Functions
- J. Taylor, H. Guo , J. Wang, PRB 63, R121104
(2001) - 1. Calculate long, perfect lead.
- Apply external potential V by shifting energy
levels - -gt create electrode data base and get potential ?
142. Solve Poisson equation for middle part
(device plus a bit of leads) match
wavefunctions ? and potential as a function of V
to leads (use data base) in real space.
3. ? calculated with non-equilibrium Greens
functions (necessary as this is an open system).
This automatically takes care of bound states
15Molecular electronics the issues
- Contacts
- Structure-function relationship between transport
process and molecular structure - Dissipation
- Crosstalk (interconnects)
- Architecture
- I-O with a trillion processors
- Fault tolerance
- Manufacturing costs
16Reliable, chemically well defined contacts
- Cui et al. Nanotechnology 13, 5 (2002), Science
294, 571 (2001)
- 140K,
- 10-11mbar
- quick change between
- FIM - AFM/STM mode
- Stalder, Ph.D. Thesis 1995
- Cross et al. PRL 80, 4685 (1998)
- Schirmeisen et al. NJP 2, 29.1 (2000)
19Field Ion Microscopy (FIM)
E. Muller, 1950s
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21FIM of W(111) tip
Imaging at 5.0 kV
22FIM of W(111) tip
- Imaging at 5.0 kV
- Manipulating at 6.0 kV
23FIM of W(111) tip
Imaging at 5.0 kV Manipulating at 6.0 kV
24FIM of W(111) tip
- Imaging at 5.0 kV
- Manipulating at 6.0 kV
25Single Au atom on W(111) tip
26W(111) tip on Au(111)
- Cross et al.
- PRL 80, 4685 (1998)
- Schirmeisen et al,
- NJP 2, 29.1 (2000)
27Molecular Dynamics Simulations
- U. Landman et al, Science 248, 454 (1990)
28W(111) trimer tip on Au(111)
29Tip relaxation effects
W tip on Au(111) surface
Hofer, Fisher, Wolkow and Grutter Phys. Rev.
Lett. 87, 236104 (2001)
30Tip relaxation effects
W tip on Au(111) surface
Hofer, Fisher, Wolkow and Grutter Phys. Rev.
Lett. 87, 236104 (2001)
31F(z) and I(z) of W(111) trimer on Au(111)
- Schirmeisen et al,
- NJP 2, 29.1 (2000)
32Yan Sun, Anne-Sophie Lucier Henrik Mortensen
33The samples (measurements in progress)
- A) Au(111)
- 170 nm170 nm,
- B) mixture of C6 and C8 thiol (ratio 61) on
Au(111) 450nm450nm - C) C8 thiol, 6nm6nm
- D) C8/C8 dithiol
- 36nm36 nm.
34Stimulation of Single Ligand-Gated Ion Channels
Goal To study channel gating kinetics and
binding forces, while maintaining precise
control of agonist location.
35Tethering Scheme GABA v.s. GABOB
- Is it possible to tether a molecule of GABA
without destroying its functionality?
N. Cameron, B. Lennox (McGill)
36Tethering Scheme Polymer Linker
Au -S-(CH2)12-(O-CH2-CH2)23-O-GABOB
alkanethiol PEO
37Planar Patch-Clamp Chips
Fertig et. al. Phys Rev E Stat Phys Plasmas
Fluids Relat Interdiscip Topics 2001
38Loading Rate Dependent Unbinding
Good review Evans, E. Annu. Rev. Biophys.
Biomol. Struct. 2001. 30105-28.
39F(z) as a function of pulling speed
Allows the determination of energy barriers and
thus is a direct measure of the energy
landscape in conformational space.
Clausen-Schaumann et al., Current Opinions in
Chem. Biol. 4, 524 (2000)
Merkel et al., Nature 397, (1999)
Evans, Annu. Rev. Biophys. Biomol. Struct., 30,
105 (2001)
- Tools, both experimental and theoretical, drive
our capabilities to understand the nanoworld! - We develop and apply SPM techniques to interface
to - molecules and neurons
- in order to understand
- structure - property relationships
4114 graduate students, 6 post doctoral fellows
Supported by NSERC, FCAR, CIAR, NanoQuebec CFI,
IBM, GenomeQuebec, CIHR McGill Dawson Scholarship