IAEA Training Material on Radiation Protection in
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology
- L15.1 Optimization of protection in radiography
technical aspects
- Intensifying screen structure and characteristics
- Screen film combination
- Radiographic film structure and characteristics
- Anti scatter grid
- Film processor
- Darkroom and Viewing Box
- Image parameters
- To become familiar with basic knowledge of the
component that form the radiographic chain.
4Part 15.1 Optimization of protection in
IAEA Training Material on Radiation Protection in
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology
- Topic 1 Intensifying screen structure and
5Primary beam attenuation and latent image
Film, fluorescent screen or image intensifier
Scattered radiation
 Latent radiological image
Soft tissue
Primary collimation
Antiscatter Grid
Beam intensity at detector level
6Intensifying screen
- Layer of material placed immediately adjacent to
film in conventional radiography to - Convert the incident X Rays into radiation more
suitable for the radiation-sensitive emulsion of
the radiographic film (X Ray ? light photons) - Reduce the patient exposure needed to achieve a
given level of film blackening - Reduce the exposure time as well as the power of
the X Ray generator (cost savings) - Increase photoelectric effect ? better use of the
beam energy (image formation)
7Intensifying screen structure (I)
- Supporting Base (mainly polyester material)
- chemically neutral, resistant to X Ray exposure,
flexible, perfectly flat - Reflecting layer (Titanium dioxide - TiO2)
- a crystalline compound reflecting backward
photons to sensitive emulsion - Fluorescent layer (polymer)
- crystals dispersed in a suspension of plastic
material - Protective overcoat
- colourless thin film avoiding abrasions of
fluorescent layer due to the use of screen
8Intensifying screen structure (II)
9Intensifying screen structure (III)
- The fluorescent layer (luminophor crystals)
should - be able to absorb the maximum quantity of X Rays
- convert the X Ray energy into light energy
- match its fluorescence with the film sensitivity
(color of emitted light) - Type of material
- Calcium tungstate (CaWO4) (till 1972)
- Rare earth (since 1970) (LaOBrTm) (Gd2O2STb)?
more sensitive and effective than (CaWO4)
10Intensifying screen characteristics (I)
- IF (Intensifying Factor) ratio of exposures
giving the same film optical density, with and
without screen - 50 lt IF lt 150 (depending on screen material and X
Ray beam energy) - QDE (Quantum Detection Efficiency) fraction of
photons absorbed by the screen - 40 for CaWO4 lt QDE lt 75 for rare earth
(depending on crystal material, thickness of
fluorescent layer and X Ray spectrum)
11Intensifying screen characteristics (II)
- ? (Rendering coefficient) ratio of light energy
emitted to X Ray energy absorbed () - 3 for CaWO4 lt ? lt 20 for rare earth
- C (Detection Coefficient) ratio of energy
captured and used by the film to energy emitted
by the crystal () - C is maximum for screens emitting in UV color
wave length ? 90
12Intensifying screen characteristics (III)
Sensitivity of a Conventional Film
Relative Sensitivity of Film
13Intensifying screen characteristics (IV)
- Intensifying factor ratio of exposures giving
the same film optical density, with and without
175 150 125 100 75 50 25 0
Intensifying factor
50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
14Part 15.1 Optimization of protection in
IAEA Training Material on Radiation Protection in
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology
- Topic 2 Screen film combination
15Screen film combination
- Sensitivity (screen film) The quotient K0/Ka,
where K0 1 mGy and Ka is the air kerma
free-in-air for the net density D 1.0, measured
in the film plane - Screen film system A particular intensifying
screen used with a particular type of film - Sensitivity class Defined range of sensitivity
values of a screen film system - Single emulsion film One coated film used with
one intensifying screen - Double emulsion film A double coated film used
with a couple of intensifying screens - Screen film contact ? ? ? ? Quantum mottle
16Screen film combination performance
- Spatial Resolution capability of a screen film
combination to objectivate a limited number of
line pairs per mm. It can be assessed by the
Hüttner resolution pattern which should contain
several cycles at each frequency in order to
simulate the periodicity - Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) description
of how sinusoidal fluctuations in X Ray
transmission through the screen film combination
are reproduced in the image - Noise spectrum component of noise due to
intensifying system (screen film) - Quantum noise, Screen noise, Granularity
- Quantum Detection Efficiency (QDE) the quotient
of signal to noise ratios (SNR) of radiographic
image and latent image
17Screen film combination performance
- Identification of screen by type and format
- type mismatch (use of different types of screens)
FOR THE SAME FORMAT is not ADVISABLE - Screen film contact
- loss of spatial resolution
- blurred image
- Cleanliness
- Inter cassette sensitivity
18Effect of screen on resolution
- Screen resolution is dependent on the crystal
size and thickness of screen - Direct exposure radiography has better resolution
than screen-film (but requires around 40 times
the radiation exposure) - Direct exp. - 50 lp/mm, normal screens 10
lp/mm, fast screens 6 lp/mm, mammo. systems 15
19Part 15.1 Optimization of protection in
IAEA Training Material on Radiation Protection in
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology
- Topic 3 Radiographic film structure, image
formation and processing characteristics
20Radiographic film(structure and characteristics)
- Protective layer (outer surface)
- Sensitive layer (20µ)
- Base material (transparency and mechanical
resistance) (170µ) - Binding (base-sensitive layer) or anti cross-over
layer - Filtering layer
- Sensitivity class
21Radiographic film structure
Emulsion (5-20 µm thick)
Adhesive layer
Base (200 µm thick)
Anti-curl, anti-halation layer
Single Emulsion Film
22Film construction
- Supercoat - prevents scratching
- Base
- provides relatively thick, semi-rigid structure
to film, but still allowing flexibility - almost (but not completely) transparent
- Emulsion
- image layer, composed of gelatine and silver
halide (Br, I) crystals in ionic form - speed,contrast, resolution varied in emulsion
23Radiographic film structure
Adhesive layer
Adhesive layer
Double Emulsion Film
24Silver halide reaction
- Latent image (invisible) formed by interaction of
a light photon from screen, with a halide ion
within the crystals, which - releases an electron,
- which in turn reacts with silver ion,
- forming atomic silver within the crystal
- Development
- Converts latent image by converting the silver
ions of exposed silver halide crystals to
metallic silver - Fixing
- Dissolves unexposed silver halide crystals,
leaving only atomic silver, and creating a
permanent image
26Steps in image formation
27Spectral response and spectral matching
- The variation in film sensitivity to the various
colours of light - Film is usually blue or blue-green sensitive
(orthochromatic) - Screens emit blue (e.g.. calcium tungstate) or
green (rare earth screens) - Safelights must not affect film
28Spectral response of film
- In double emulsion film, light emitted by one
screen can cross over through the adjacent
emulsion, and the base and expose the second
emulsion - This will reduce the resolution of the image
- Is prevented with a light-absorbing dye layer
31Optical density
Transmitted light intensity
Incident light intensity
OD log10 I0 / It
e.g. 10 transmission OD 1 1
transmission OD 2
32Characteristic curve of a radiographic film
Optical Density (OD)
Visually evaluable range of densities
? (OD2 - OD1) / (log E2 - log E1)
The ? of a film the gradient of the straight
line portion of the characteristic curve
Normal range of exposures
Base fog
Log Exposure (mR)
33Average gradient
- The straight line portion of the characteristic
curve is difficult to determine, so the average
gradient is measured between net ODs of 0.25 and
2.0 - OD 2.0 is used because at this level, only 1 of
the light is transmitted, and in a normal
lightbox, little light would be seen - OD 0.25 is used because the eye can only detect
contrast differences of 10, and there is
insufficient contrast available below 0.25
34Average gradient
Average gradient is the slope of the line drawn
between OD 0.25 and OD 2 above (basefog)
35Average gradient --gt Contrast
- Contrast is usually measured as the average
gradient - An alternative is to measure the difference in OD
from 2 steps above the speed measurement step (or
the step closest to an OD of 1.2 i.e. net OD of
1.0), and the OD 2 steps below.
36Film sensitometry parameters
- Base fog The OD of a film due to its base
density plus any action of the developer on the
radiographically unexposed emulsion usually 0.15
-0.25. - Sensitivity (speed) The reciprocal of the
exposure value needed to achieve a film net OD of
1.0 - Gamma (contrast) The gradient of the straight
line portion of the characteristic curve - Latitude Steepness of a characteristic curve,
determining the range of exposures that can be
transformed into a visually evaluable range of OD
37Comparison of characteristic curves
Film A
Film A
Film B
Film B
Log Exposure (mR)
Log Exposure (mR)
Film A is faster than Film B
Film A and B have the same sensitivity but
different contrast
Film A and B have the same contrast
38Sensitometric strip
Sensitometry A method of exposing a film by
means of a light sensitometer and assessing its
response to exposure and development
39Sensitometric strip
Film B has higher latitude (range of useful
exposures) than film A, but has lower contrast
(slope of the curve)
41Part 15.1 Optimization of protection in
IAEA Training Material on Radiation Protection in
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology
- Topic 4 Anti-scatter grid and grid performance
42Anti-scatter grid (I)
- Radiation emerging from the patient
- primary beam contributing to the image formation
- scattered radiation reaching also the detector
but reducing contrast and also contributing to
the patient dose - the grid (between patient and film) eliminates
most of scattered radiation - stationary grid
- moving grid (better performance)
- focused grid
- Potter-Bucky system
43Anti-scatter grid (II)
Source of X Rays
Scattered X Rays
Lead strip
Film and cassette
Useful X Rays
44Grid performance parameters (I)
- Grid ratio
- Ratio of the height of the strips to the width of
the gaps at the central line - Contrast improvement ratio
- Ratio of the transmission of primary radiation to
the transmission of total radiation - Grid exposure factor
- Ratio of the indicated value of rate of total
radiation without the anti-scatter grid in a
specified radiation beam to that with the
anti-scatter grid placed in the beam
45Grid performance parameters (II)
- Strip number
- The number of attenuating lamella per cm
- Grid focusing distance
- Distance between the front of a focused grid and
the line formed by the converging planes which
include the attenuating lamella of the grid
46Example of anti-scatter grids (grid ratio)
Grid C
Grid A
Grid B
Grid ratio r
5 lt r lt 16
- Grid A and B have the same strip number
- Grid B and C have the same interspace between
the lamella
47Grid selectivity(I)
Grid C
Grid A
Grid B
48Grid selectivity (II)
100 90 80 70 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10
5 0
- A grid with r 12 transmits 5
- of scattered radiation
- A grid with r 16 transmits 3.8
- N.B. slight difference
of scattered beam transmitted
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
49Grid focusing error(virtual increasing of grid
X Ray source (too far)
X Ray source (too close)
Film and cassette
grid shadow deformation (applicable to both
50Grid focusing error(leading to 25 of beam loss)
51Grid out of center(virtual deformation of grid
Lateral shift
X Ray source
Film and cassette
Grid shadow
52Grid focusing error due to lateral shift(leading
to 25 loss of X Ray beam)
53Part 15.1 Optimization of protection in
IAEA Training Material on Radiation Protection in
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology
54The automatic film processor
55Automatic processors
- Constant temperature
- Constant processing time
- Automatic replenishment of chemicals
- Drying of films
- Can introduce artifacts
56Film processor QC
- Most important QC features
- proper film storage
- cassette and screen care
- processor chemical care
- sensitometry
- artifacts
- processor cleanliness
57Sensitometry (I)
- Sensitometer and densitometer required
- Essential - to keep film processing under control
- To be performed daily
- Main parameters investigated
- base fog
- speed
- gradient (gamma)
- contrast
58Sensitometry (II)
- Use a sensitometer to expose a film to light
through the special step wedge - Ensure that the emulsion side of the film (if
single emulsion) is toward the light source - Select the correct light colour (green, blue) on
the sensitometer (if selectable), and expose
until the signal shows the exposure is complete - Process the film immediately
59Sensitometry (III)
- Before measuring the optical densities of the
step-wedge, a visual comparison can be made to a
reference strip to rule out a procedure fault,
such as exposure with a different colour of
light, or exposure of the base instead of the
emulsion side
60Sensitometry (IV)
- Plot the step densities on graph paper
- From the characteristic curve (the graph of
measured optical density against the exposure by
light) the values of base and fog, maximum
density, speed and mean gradient can be derived.
61Manual Processing
- There are many places where X Ray films are
processed manually, in open tanks - Sometimes in very back conditions
- Manual processing can be very effective, BUT
there can be many quality problems
62Dark room conditions in some hospitals
63Film Processing
- Remember that film processing has the following
stages - developer
- water wash
- fixer
- water wash
- Washing is very important to avoid chemical
contamination, and for a good X Ray picture
64Basic Film Processing Requirements
- Temperature - constant and optimum
- Time - measured
- Developer activity (chemical condition) - fresh
and unoxidised
65Temperature (I)
- The temperature of the developer should be about
20oC (or as recommended by the manufacturer) - Use a thermometer regularly to check the
temperature - If a thermometer is not available, the developer
should be a comfortable temperature for the skin
66Temperature (II)
- Maintaining the right temperature is ESSENTIAL.
- If developer is too cold processing will not
occur - If developer is too hot processing will be too
fast and hard to control.
67Maintaining temperature
- Ideally both developer and fixer containers
should be surrounded by a water bath (as a
thermal jacket) - This water bath should be heated (or cooled) to
20oC - The best method used an immersion heater with a
thermostat - However hot (or cold) water can be added to the
bath to keep it at a constant temperature - Requirements sometimes IMPOSSIBLE to fulfill
Africa, Asia,
68Manual processing tanks
Water bath surrounding tanks (not filled here)
69Development time (I)
- If the developer temperature is constant and
known, a standard time for processing should be
used. - Ideally this is about 3 minutes.
- Exact time should be calculated from a time
versus temperature graph. - A large clock or watch (visible in low light)
should be used.
70Development time (II)
- Reasonable processing may be established (with
experience) by looking at the film near the
safelight towards the end of development time. - However, this creates high fog levels
- May cause excessive chemical splashing and
increase films accidentally dropped in the
developer tank
71Chemical activity (I)
- The correct chemicals for manual processing must
be used - Correct developer density can be checked with a
hydrometer - pH paper can give an indication of the chemical
condition - Developer pH 10 Fixer pH 4. - Silver content paper indicates if fixer is
72Chemical activity (II)
- As chemicals are lost through splashing and
dripping new chemicals must be added - Draw a line on the developer container to show
the proper level of chemical required - fill to
this line every few hours.
73Chemical activity (III)
- Films must be agitated every 20 seconds during
development and fixing. - Once film is developed the film is washed in
clean water before being put in the fixer. - Never put films from the fixer back in the
developer - Avoid splashing fixer into the developer
74Chemical activity (IV)
- As films are developed, the developer and fixer
chemicals get used up and become stale - this
is often called low chemical activity - Also, air will oxidise the developer (making it
turn brown) - Both will cause poor quality X Rays
75Measuring Chemical Activity (I)
- Use of a sensitometer is preferred with the use
of a densitometer - However, much can be done with a standard
phantom and viewing box - Standard phantom could be a
- stepwedge
- any familiar object (e.g. clock)
76Measuring Chemical Activity (II)
- Procedure
- Expose object at a set kVp, mAs and focus to film
distance - record these factors for future use
- always use the same factors for test film
- Process film and use as reference
- compare processor check film with standard film
to check chemical activity
77Measuring Chemical Activity (III)
- Signs that developer activity is low
- longer exposure times than expected
- Loss of film contrast
- Loss of high densities on the film
- Replace developer if activity is low
78Measuring Chemical Activity (IV)
- Signs that fixer activity is low
- films take longer to clear
- silver content paper reading high gt 5
- Replace fixer if activity is low
- Films must be rinsed briefly but thoroughly
between developer and fixer, - And washed for 30 minutes following fixing, to
clear all traces of fixer (which can degrade the
X Ray over time) - Wash water must be clean and changed frequently
to remove all developer and fixer
80Viewbox characteristics
- Since the viewing conditions are essential for a
good interpretation of the diagnostic images, the
viewing conditions must be optimal - Cleanliness of external/internal surface
- Brightness (luminance)
- homogeneity of different viewing boxes 1300 -
2000 cd/m2 - homogeneity within the same viewing box
- Colouring
- colour mismatch must be avoided
- Environment (illuminance)
- ambient light level 50 lux maximum
81Part 15.1 Optimization of protection in
IAEA Training Material on Radiation Protection in
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology
- Topic 6 Darkroom and viewing box
82Darkroom characteristics
- Safelight
- number (as low as possible), distance from the
table - type and colours of filters
- bulb color (red) or adapted to film
- power (lt 25 W)
- External light tightness
- Hygrometry (30 - 60)
- Room temperature lt 20
- Film storage conditions
83Viewing box characteristics
- Since the viewing conditions are essential for a
good interpretation of the diagnostic images, the
viewing conditions must be optimal - Cleanliness of external/internal surface
- Brightness
- homogeneity of different viewing boxes 1300 -
2000 cd/m2 - homogeneity within the same viewing box
- Coloring
- color mismatch must be avoided
- Environment
- ambient light level 50 lux maximum
84Viewing box brightness
85Viewing box color and brightness
86Measurement of Luminance
Units cd.m-2
87Measurement of Illuminance
Units lux
88Example of poor viewing box
89Part 15.1 Optimization of protection in
IAEA Training Material on Radiation Protection in
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology
- Topic 7 More image parameters
90Image parameters
- Density
- Contrast
- Resolution
- Unsharpness
- Noise
- Distortion
91Factors affecting film quality
- The difference between OD in two parts of a
radiographic image (see Topic 3) - Made up from two sources
- 1. Subject contrast the different amounts of
radiation exiting different parts of the body - Affected by tissue density, atomic number and
density, X Ray energy (kVp), scatter - 2. Detector contrast made up of the properties
of the detector (ex film/screen system and
93Subject Contrast (1)
94Subject Contrast (2)
- Apart from the patient, the important factors are
kVp and scatter - High kVp means higher penetration and less
variation in absorption in body tissues, and thus
lower contrast - Low kVp gives more differential absorption and
thus high contrast (we use low kVp for
95Subject contrast (3)
- Scattered radiation can significantly reduce
contrast, and is reduced with a grid
96Subject contrast (4)
- Grid performance can be described by the
radiographic contrast improvement ratio k - k (Image contrast with grid)/(contrast without
grid) - k is normally between 1.5 and 2.5
- Subject contrast can be improved by using iodine-
of barium-containing contrast agents in the
97Detector contrast
98Resolution and unsharpness
- Spatial resolution (or image blur) is the ability
to distinguish two closely spaced objects - Resolution is measured in a number of ways, but
most commonly as line pairs per mm (lp/mm) - The higher the lp/mm, the better the resolution
99Spatial resolution
- Resolution is affected by a number of factors
- focal spot size
- use of an intensifying screen
- motion
- image noise
100Effect of focal spot on resolution
101Noise (1)
- The fluctuation of OD in the image over very
small distances - Some noise is inherent in the imaging system,
some is controllable
102Noise (2)
- Noise is mostly caused by
- The number of X Ray photons used in the image
(quantum mottle) - most important component - The limited absorption efficiency of X Rays by
the screen (structure mottle) - The crystal size and distribution in film (film
103Noise (2)
- Noise is mostly caused by
- The number of X Ray photons used in the image
(quantum mottle) - most important component - The limited absorption efficiency of X Rays by
the screen (structure mottle) - The crystal size and distribution in film (film
- The larger the gap between the object and the
image receptor, the more the image will be
- The main components of the radiography chain and
their respective role are explained - conventional film and screen-film combination
characteristics - required conditions for film processing
(darkroom) and image viewing (viewing box)
106Where to Get More Information
- Physics of diagnostic radiology, Curry et al, Lea
Febiger, 1990 - Imaging systems in medical diagnostics, Krestel
ed., Siemens, 1990 - The physics of diagnostic imaging, Dowsett et al,
Chapman Hall, 1998