Title: NSGIC
2105 Laurel Bush Rd. Bel Air, MD 21015
443-640-1075 www.nsgic.org
2Business Meeting Agenda
- Call to Order President
- Roll Call Secretary
- Approval of Minutes from Last Meeting - Secretary
- Reports from Officers
- Presidents Report
- Treasurers Report
- Washington Liaison
- Committee Reports (Standing Special)
- Elections
- Outreach
- Conference
- Sponsorship
- Communications
- Geospatial Preparedness
- Technical Issues
- Unfinished Business
- New Business
- Change of Presidents
- Outstanding Service Awards
- Adjourn
4Roll Call
Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyomin
g Puerto Rico U.S. Virgin Islands Guam American
Samoa Northern Mariana Islands Midway
Islands Wake Island Johnston Atoll Baker,
Howland, and Jarvis Islands Kingman Reef Navassa
Island Palmyra Atoll
Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorad
o Connecticut Delaware District of
Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Ind
Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Mass
achusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri
Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire
New Jersey New Mexico New York North
Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsyl
vania South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas
Utah Vermont
5Approval of Minutes
6Presidents Report
7Leadership for NSGIC
All very successful commanders are prima donnas
and must be so treated. -Gen. George S. Patton
8Never tell people how to do things. Tell them
what to do and they will surprise you with their
ingenuity.-Gen. George S. Patton
9Big Aspirations
Accept the challenges so that you can feel the
exhilaration of victory.-Gen. George S. Patton
10Big Aspirations - The Top Four
- Imagery for the Nation
- The 50 States Initiative
- Ramona
- Governance of the NSDI
11Imagery For The Nation
The Vision The nation will have a
sustainable and flexible digital imagery program
that meets the needs of local, state, regional,
tribal and federal agencies.
12Next Steps for IFTN Implementation Strategy
- Federal Government Executive Branch Activities
- Congressional Advocacy Coordinated by NSGIC
- Internal NSGIC and Grass Roots Advocacy
- Coordinate Stakeholder Support and Endorsements
13The Fifty States Initiative
- Make fundamental changes in the way we work
together to build the NSDI - Normalize the way all states participate in
building the NSDI - Involve statewide coordination councils in
governance of the NSDI - Enable all stakeholder groups to work together to
meet their own business needs
14The Fifty States Initiative
- 11 States received funding in 2006
- Potential for 20 more during the next CAP cycle
- Strategic and Business Planning templates
completed - ROI primer and Success/Failure Factors documents
Nobody ever defended anything successfully, there
is only attack and attack and attack some
more.-Gen. George S. Patton
- Ramona is an Inventory System
- Ramona is not a Metadata Tool
- However, it is designed to send enough metadata
to the Geospatial One Stop Portal to allow for
data discovery
- Establishment of a Steering Committee
- Additional funding
- Growth of the system
18Governance of the NSDI
-Success is how high you bounce when you hit
bottom.-Gen. George S. Patton
19NSDI Governance Report
- Purpose - Investigate and recommend NSDI
governance options. - Desired Outcome - National governance framework
that engages all sectors and includes processes
for setting goals, leveraging resources, and
ensuring accountability. - Recommendations
- Enhance the role and functions of the FGDC.
- Establish a National Geospatial Coordination
Council (NGCC) to provide national leadership for
the NSDI. - Improve oversight and management of federal
geospatial programs and investments.
21Other Important Work Items
If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody
isn't thinking. -Gen. George S. Patton
22Other Important Work Items
- Committee restructuring
- Implementation of the strategic plan
- Geospatial Line of Business
- Hanging With the Feds
23Committee Reorganization
- Streamline the existing committee structure to a
manageable size. - Provide guidance to chairs and liaisons regarding
expectations and responsibilities. - Engage the membership to participate in committee
activities. - Communicate committee, work group and liaison
efforts more effectively. - Establish an annual review structure for all
committees and work groups. - Establish appropriate organizational elements to
facilitate efficient workflow.
24Committees, Work Groups and Liaisons
- Procedures for Establishing a Committee, Work
Group or Liaison - Annual Review
- Committee and Work Group Requirements
- Recommended Retention of NSGIC Committees and
Work Groups
25Strategic Plan
NSGICs vision is that all levels of
government become highly effective and efficient
through coordinated development and use of
geospatial data and technologies.
NSGICs mission is to be an effective
advocate for states in national geospatial policy
initiatives, to guide the states in fulfilling
their role in building the National Spatial Data
Infrastructure (NSDI), and to promote statewide
geospatial coordination activities in all states,
thereby achieving our vision.
26Strategic Goals
- Support the long-term development of effective
statewide coordination councils in each state,
Washington D.C. and the insular areas. - Align with other organizations and form alliances
to achieve shared issues-based objectives related
to ongoing development of the NSDI. - Establish an aggressive focus and set clear
annual goals for addressing short-term
priorities. - Provide superior member services to ensure its
worth to the membership and the geospatial
community at-large. - Continue to improve its operations and be
accountable to its membership. - Develop adequate revenue sources to achieve our
27Strategic Objectives
- Too many to list!
- See the plan!
28Working with the Federal Government
-Better to fight for something than live for
nothing. -Gen. George S. Patton
29Working with the Federal Government
- Numerous visits to DC during last year
- Meetings with various committees (FGDC,
congressional, etc.) partners and Federal
agencies - All work and no play.seriously
- We were the voice of the states
30Washington Liaison
- Bill Burgess
- Our Established Voice and Advocate in DC
31Personal Assignments
Untutored courage is useless in the face of
educated bullets.-Gen. George S. Patton
32Personal Assignments
- Speaking engagements at FedUC Senior Executive
Seminar and ESRI UC - State and MAGIC Keynotes
- Posing as Mr. February for the Men of GIS
calendar - Spreading the NSGIC message of geospatial love
33Whom do I love?
E-mails during the last two years
- Fred Stringfellow 814
- Larry Vangilder 890
- Gene Trobia 1292
- Stu Davis 1348
- Bill Burgess 1772
- Zsolt Nagy 1983
34Conferences Mid YearAll Hands on DeckFor the
Nation in Annapolis, Maryland
- 235 attendees up from 215
- Federal and Congressional Focus
- Washington Breakfast
- Stakeholder Meeting
- Hill Visits
- 2007 March 25-29
35Conferences Annual"NSGIC 2006 Fifty States
for the Nation Little Rock, Arkansas"
- State Sessions
- Lots of Speakers
- Lots of Sessions
- Lots of Session Hours
- Lots of Food
- Wisconsin in 2007
- Colorado in 2008
- Ohio in 2009
36Conference Attendance
37Conference Sponsors
38Conference Sponsors
39Conference Sponsors
40Conference Sponsors
41Conference Sponsors
42Conference Sponsors
43State Representation
- Membership 2005 06
- State Gov 69
- Institutional 33
- Bus/Corporate 69
- State Council (6) 85
- Federal Partner (4) 141
- Federal Member 59
- Total 456
- (447 last year)
45Federal Grants
- FGDC - Option Year 1 - Fifty States Initiative -
PR Materials and Continue Support - DHS - Services Contract - Ramona System
Enhancements - System Administration and User
Support - FEMA - Cooperative Agreement - Catalog Web
Services Connection between MIP System and Ramona - NOAA - Services Contract - Ramona System
Enhancements - Federal User Interface and
Administrator Reports
46Continued Excellence in Management
- KingStringfellow Group, Inc
- Bel Air, Maryland
- Second Year
- Flawless
47Continued Web Presence
48And nowon a personal note
49Keys to Coping With NSGIC
50Lessons Learned
- Dont start home improvement projects
51Lessons Learned
- Take time to have some fun
52Lessons Learned
53Special Thanks to The NSGIC Leadership
54Special Thanks to The Fam
55And Finally, A Burning Question.
- What is the NSGIC Presidents salary?
56Heres My Salary
57Thank You..
58MAGIC Symposium
- The Most Important Five Days in the History of
the Geospatial Industry - Being held at the Westin Crown Center in Kansas
City, MO - Being held on April 20 24, 2008
- Being run by someone with (suddenly) a lot of
free time on his hands - Everyone else is coming, why shouldnt you?
59Treasurers Report
60Washington Liaison Report
61Committee Reports
- Elections
- Outreach
- Conference
- Sponsorship
- Communications
- Geospatial Preparedness
- Technical Issues
62Elections Committee
63Outreach Committee
64Outreach Committee
- Mission Statement
- Working Groups Liaisons
- Accomplishments
- Activities
- Current
- Planned
65Outreach Mission
- Advocate on behalf of NSGIC by conducting
advocacy, outreach and liaison activities, and
coordinating with states and other stakeholder
organizations to achieve issues-based objectives.
66Working Groups
- Legislative Issues
- Imagery For The Nation
- Title XIII
- MAF Issues
- Federal/State Coordination
- Recommendations
- Stakeholders
- Provide consistent interactions between NSGIC and
other associations to build and maintain
strategic and targeted relationships between the
leadership of each organization - Develop and maintain profiles for all
associations that have a Liaison (Liaisons
responsibility) - Advocate on behalf of NSGIC to achieve
issues-based objectives focusing on legislative,
executive groups, organizations and associations.
68Strategic Plan Outreach Items
- Objective 4.1.4. -- Full participation in 50
States - Objective 4.2.1. -- Updating By-Laws and
MOUs - Objective 4.2.2. -- Stakeholder Alignment
- Objective 4.2.3. -- Issue-Based Agreements
with Stakeholder Groups - Objective 4.3.4. -- Standard Template for
Position Papers
- NSGIC 2006 Midyear Hill Meeting/Visit
- Stakeholder Meetings
- Profiles On-line
- IFTN Outreach
- MOU Status/Recommendations
- Recommended NSGIC
- standard slide template
- NSGIC activities slides
- presenter disclaimer
- Advocacy Tips Guidelines
70Current Activities
- Continuing IFTN Outreach
- MAF Issues
- Support for Transportation For The Nation
- National Governance Organization
- OMB LOB Issues
- FGDC/NGPO Coordination
- Congressional Committee Communications
- Close alliance with Conference and Communications
Committees - Update and Re-establish Outreach Charter
71Planned Activities
- NSGIC 2007 Midyear Hill Meeting/Visit
- Expand Stakeholder Relationships
- Imagery For The Nation Support
- Support NSGIC Leadership on Outreach Activities
As Needed
72Outreach Roster
- Co-Chairs Gene Trobia Zsolt Nagy
- Committee Members
- Tony Spicci
- Stu Davis
- Dennis Goreham
- Bill Burgess
- Will Craig
- Pat Cummens
- Stu Kirkpatrick
- Jill Saligoe-Simmel
- Bob Nutsch
73NOAA Coastal Services Center
- Coastal GeoTools 07
- March 5-8,2007
- Myrtle Beach
- Technologies Applications for CZ Mgmt.
- Abstracts due Oct.6
- Registration www.csc.noaa.gov/geotools
74NOAA Coastal Services Center
- Coastal Geospatial Services Contract
- 4 Primes 70 Subcontractors
- Full range of services from data acquisition to
training - States can access through MOU with NOAA (takes
about 3 months to process) - Must focus on a CZ application
- See Miki Schmidt 843-740-1237
75Conference Committee
76Conference Committee
77Sponsorship Committee
- Call to Order President
- Roll Call Secretary
- Approval of Minutes from Last Meeting - Secretary
- Reports from Officers
- Presidents Report
- Treasurers Report
- Washington Liaison
- Committee Reports (Standing Special)
- Elections
- Outreach
- Conference
- Sponsorship
- Communications
- Geospatial Preparedness
- Technical Issues
- Unfinished Business
- New Business
- Change of Presidents
- Outstanding Service Awards
- Adjourn
79Roll Call
Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyomin
g Puerto Rico U.S. Virgin Islands Guam American
Samoa Northern Mariana Islands Midway
Islands Wake Island Johnston Atoll Baker,
Howland, and Jarvis Islands Kingman Reef Navassa
Island Palmyra Atoll
Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorad
o Connecticut Delaware District of
Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Ind
Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Mass
achusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri
Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire
New Jersey New Mexico New York North
Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsyl
vania South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas
Utah Vermont
80Outstanding Service Awards
81NSGIC Business Partnerships Guidelines Working
Group Report David Brotzman Chair
82 Guidelines Development
- Accepted By The Board This Morning
- Many Perspectives Were Presented
- Working Group Had Diverse and Passionate Views
- Board and Outreach Committee
- Sent For CPA Review Positive Comments
- NSGIC Sponsorship Does Not Imply An Individual
State Is Endorsing A Vendor - Now Available For Membership Review
- Submit Your Comments To Me or Stu Davis
832006 Communications Committee Report Craig
A.Neidig Chairman
842006 Committee Members
- Mike Mahaffie (DE)
- Pat Cummens (ESRI)
- Nathan Bentley (ID)
- Jill Saligoe-Simmel (IN)
- Kenny Miller (MD)
- Tim Haithcoat (MO)
- Tony Spicci (MO)
- Bill Burgess (NSGIC)
- Stu Davis (OH)
- Jim Knudson (PA)
- David Brotzman (VT)
- Craig Neidig (WV - 4 !)
- Fred Stringfellow (KSG)
- Diane Vaughnley (KSG)
852006 Accomplishments
- Regular website updates
- NSGIC Blog
- Committee / Board pages
- State Summaries (Survey Monkey)
- Newsletter
- Strategic Planning process
- Board / Outreach committee interaction
86Things to Do 2007
- Monitor and fix lingering listserve problems
- Member login / password
- Online contact updates
- Online surveys
- Online summaries updates
- Bylaws revisions
- Interchange with other GIS e-lists (RSS
feed)?(SpatialNews, Directions, GISCafe, etc.)
87NSGIC Communications Committee
- Questions ?
- Comments / suggestions ?
- Want to join ?
- Thanks !!
88Geospatial Preparedness Committee Member States
Member Organizations USGS, DHS, ESRI
- Jon Gottsegen (CO) started as Chair in March
- Three meetings this Summer
- Accomplishments/Activities
- Priority discussion issue is Federal/State
cooperation on data production NGA/DHS - Planned discussion items for proposed meeting
with DHS - Organizing a workshop for the NSGIC Mid-Year
meeting on emergency management environment and
how GIS fits in - Future Plans
- Meet with DHS through NSGIC Board
- Conduct the workshop
- Perform a survey of GIS use in state emergency
management operations
89Technical Issues Committee
902006 Technical Issues Committee Report David
Brotzman Chair
912006 Committee Members
- Tony Spicci (MO), NSGIC President
- Tim Haithcoat (MO), Chair -Federal Enterprise
Architecture Geospatial Model Work Group and
Chair - NASA Liaison Work Group) - Nathan Bentley (ID), Chair - Fire-Cadastral Work
Group) - Learon Dalby (AR) Chair Ramona Steering
Committee - Ted Koch (WI) Chair - Imagery for the Nation Work
Group - Stu Davis (OH), NSGIC President Elect
922006 Accomplishments
- Committee Was Established
- Created Charter
- Developed NSGIC Position Paper on the US National
Grid - Composed of Other Committees
93Technical Subcommittee Geospatial Enterprise
Architecture Work Group
- Tim Haithcoat
- Missouri Spatial Data Information Service
- HaithcoatT_at_missouri.edu
94Current Activities
- Work Group Objectives
- 1. Work with the evolving Geospatial Profile
document. - Now working on a v2 of the Profile
- 2. Inventory and assess state geospatial maturity
- GIMM, EAAF 2.0, Northrop Grumman, and other
models - Aid in the development of geospatial enterprise
architecture (GEA) performance metrics - Compile and leverage amongst the states the
various documents resulting from the development
of individual state architectures (standards,
best management practices, technical solutions,
data element descriptions, etc.) - Interact and provide a state perspective to
federal and OGC EA developments - 6. Develop briefing materials for GEA and
Geospatial Profile documents and activities
95FEA Geospatial Profile V1.1
- Companion to Federal Enterprise Architecture
(FEA) Reference Models to recognize and promote
the pervasive nature of geospatial capabilities
in lines of business across government - Audience Agency chief architects and CIO staff
in federal, state, or local government - Objective to develop consistent methodology to
call-out geospatial elements of all aspects of
government business - Format 60 page document with many resource
96FEA Geospatial Profile V2.0
- Companion to Federal Enterprise Architecture
(FEA) Reference Models to recognize and promote
the geo-enabling of business processes. - Audience Primarily business managers and
enterprise architects in federal, state, or local
government - Objective to provide guidance to managers on how
to take advantage of geospatial capabilities
regardless of their degree of technical knowledge
or familiarity with geospatial technologies. - Format 20 page document with some appendices
97Geospatial Integration Maturity Model
- At any given time, various organizations
will be in different phases of integrating
geospatial technologies, services, and data into
their business and mainstream IT operations. The
degree to which this incorporation has occurred
can be measured through an integration maturity
GIMM Measurement Categories
- Coordination
- Governance, Management, Planning
- Policies Compliance
- Enterprise Integration
- Data Acquisition, Documentation, Maintenance
- Data Access Distribution
- Standards Best Practices
- Training Skills Development
98Assess performance as to
- Mission and business results to capture the
outcomes that agencies seek to achieve. - Customer results to capture how well an agency
or specific process within an agency is serving
its customers. - Processes and activities to capture the outputs
that directly result from the processes that IT
initiatives support. - Technology to capture key performance elements
directly associated with IT initiatives. - Future work Alignment with EA Assessment
Framework (EAAF v2.0)
99Fire-Cadastral Work Group - Status
- Nathan Bentley Chair
- Last Meeting in January
- No Major Issues Under Review
100Ramona Steering Committee
- Learon Dalby Chair
- Committee Established in August
- Charter Created and Approved In Sept.
- Ramona Work Group formed to help steer future
development of system first meeting on 10/01/06 - Cooperative agreement with FEMA and contracts
with NOAA and DHS to maintain and enhance the
system with Federal interfaces and reporting - Successful data harvesting test with the
Geospatial One Stop (GOS) Portal - As of 9/30/06 there are 1,131 users in 20 states
- 3 states have made significant progress with
local government - 1,325 framework layers and 1,808 other data
layers have been documented
102Tech Issues Committee - 2007
- Regularly Scheduled Meetings
- Act On Established Priorities and Goals
- Provide Continued Support to Committees
- Recommendations ?
- Want to join ?
103National Digital Elevation Program (NDEP)
Report Craig A. Neidig NSGIC NDEP Liaison
104(No Transcript)
105NDEP Report 2006
- Rick Pearsall (USGS), Chairman
- Monthly project coordination telcons
- Website www.ndep.gov
- Project tracking system (Paul Rooney, FEMA)
- RAMONA integration
- NDOP-NDEP interaction/integration
- State ortho/elev programs (WV, IN, IA, PA,etc.)
- ASPRS/MAPPS Measuring the Earth II
106Unfinished Business
107Bus. Meeting Part IIbegins next slide
108Change of Presidents