Title: NSGIC
2105 Laurel Bush Rd. Bel Air, MD 21015
443-640-1075 www.nsgic.org
2Making BetterUse of the Web
And Wikis
And Tags!
oh my
Mike MahaffieState of DelawareThursday, October
5, 2006
3Show of Hands, Please
- Do you ever read blogs?
- Comment on them?
- Have you listened to a podcast?
- Have you edited a wiki?
- Have you tagged anything?
- Do you read RSS?
- Do you blog?
We wont tell
4Adventures in Social Networking
- GIS Coordination depends on Communication
- The web is where communication happens
- We (NSGIC, Local, State and Federal Coordinators)
need to take full advantage
5Adventures in Social Networking
- The web is becoming a universal medium for
information exchange. (wikipedia Semantic Web
Definition) - The Semantic Web
- A common framework
- Allows data to be shared and reused
- Across application, enterprise, and community
6Berners-Lee explained that the power of the
Semantic Web comes not from a single source of
data, but from when multiple data sources are
"It's the serendipitous reuse that's exciting,"
explained Berners-Lee.
7Both Ins and Outs are Important
- Information-in
- We should use the web to track our industry, our
communities, our states - Information-out
- We should communicate on-line with our industry,
our communities, our states
8What Tools are Available?
- The same tools apply for information-in and
information-out. - Blogs
- And RSS
- Wikis
- And Tags
- There will probably be more soon.
- Blog is a contraction for WebLog
- Evolved from on-line diaries
- Often personal. Increasingly political.
- Becoming a tool for public as well as private
- We used to be tied to HTML coding
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- We used to be tied to HTML coding
- Blogging tools have freed bloggers from HTML
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- We used to be tied to HTML coding
- Blogging tools have freed bloggers from HTML
- We can add content from anywhere. At anytime.
- We dont even have to all be in the same agency,
state, country.
19Possible Uses?
- Regular news page updates
- Group blogs
- Distributed entries from all members of a team
- Team-wide, open and on-line discussions
- Enabling the non-technical to post to the web
20(Some) GIS Blogs to Track
- The NSGIC Blog (www.nsgic.org/blog)
- All Points Blog (www.allpointsblog.com)
- Anything Geospatial (gisuser.blogspot.com)
- James Fee (www.spatiallyadjusted.com)
- Planet Geospatial (www.planetgs.com)
- An aggregator!
- There are many.
21The Echo Chamber Exists
22Yes, But..
- There are so many GIS Blogs
- How shall we ever read them all?
23Use an RSS Reader
- RSS stands for Real Simple Syndication
- At least, thats what I understand
- Theres also explaining RSS the Oprah way
(From the blog Back in Skinny Jeans)
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26RSS IS Also Great for Info-Out
- Anything we publish on-line, we should also push
as RSS - RSS is only XML, after all
27We Can Edit It Ourselves
28Or Have It Created For Us
29Then We Need to Advertise
30And Engage in the Conversation
- A blog presented as audio, rather than text
- Easier to consume
- But may be harder to do right
32And Then There are Wikis
- From the Hawaiian for Fast
- A website that users can edit.
- Collaboratively
- Continually
- They can be password-protected
- The obvious example
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34Weve Already Used a Wiki
35Wiki Uses?
- Writing standards
- Drafting Requests for Qualifications/Information/P
roposals - Drafting policies
- Maintaining and updating glossaries
36A Market in Wiki-Like Tools
- Socialtext (the first wiki company)
- From the CEOs blog
- This week I participated in a workshop with the
CIA on blogs and wikis. - There is a shared understanding that these
tools, with the right practices and change in
culture could transform intelligence from a
manufacturing model that delivers reports to a
complex adaptive system where intelligence is a
conversation with decision makers, an inherently
counter spin.
37What About Tags?
- Tags are like metadata for social
networking/semantic web content - Many types of blogging and other social
networking tools include tags - And there are tools specifically to create tags
Yeah, I said metadata!
38Tagged Blog Postings
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41Tags Can Be Published as RSS
42Oh. And There are GeoTags
43And So, Mashups Were Born
- Regularly updated content
- tagged by subject
- .or by location
- or whatever
- can be aggregated, mixed, matched and mashed to
create new kinds of information.
44I Have No IdeaHow to EndThis Presentation
45But Ill Try
- The world of on-line publication and mixing of
information is open ended. - Almost every day brings new opportunities.
- We have only to explore them, find how best to
use them, and go forward.
- Yes, I still have many
- Resources from this presentation
- del.icio.us/mmahaffie/nsgic-ppt-blog
This is your last slide. Dont advance from here
or the audience will see a blank screen.