Title: Swallow Tract
1Swallow Tract
2Muscles of Mastication Central Pattern
Generator for Chewing
Temperature Touch Proprioception
3Muscles of Mastication Central Pattern
Generator for Chewing
Masseter Temporalis Internal/External
5Taste Pathways
Saliva production
6Single taste bud contains 50100 taste cells
representing all 5 taste sensations Taste
receptor cells have lifespan of only 3-5 days,
replaced by neurogenesis.
7Salivary Glands
8Bolus in oral phase - MBS
9Lingual muscles
10Changing posture adjusts anatomical relationships
11Nasopharyngeal regurgitation
12Pharyngeal Transit - MBS
13Lingual muscles cont
As the hyoglossus contracts, what happens to the
hyoid bone? And, to the larynx?
14Bolus split at valleculae
15Pharyngoesophageal Transit
16Residual pooling
17Pulmonary aspiration
18Radiographic evidence of tracheal aspiration
19Radiograph showing large cervical osteophytes
impinging on the esophageal inlet in a patient
complaining of dysphagia.
20Osteophyte spur indenting the barium column
21Respiration and Swallowing
- 12 healthy young adults
- Deglutition apnea 0.75 0.14 sec.
- Expiration before deglutition apnea 93
- Expiration after deglutition apnea 100
- Klahn and Perlman Dysphagia 14131 (1999)
23Cricopharyngeal Bar
24PES narrowing
25Cricopharyngeal bar
26Zenkers Diverticulum
27Zenkers Diverticulum
28Pharyngeal Muscles
Killian's dehiscence
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30Esophageal Peristalsis
31Esophageal manometry
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35Stenosis Types
- Rings and webs bands of mucosal and submucosal
tissue - ring at G-E junction
- web if located elsewhere
- Patient has intermittent solid food dysphagia
36Esophageal web
37Esophageal web
38Hiatal hernia
40Irregular mid- esophageal stricture caused by
squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus.
41Paraesophageal Hiatal Hernia-Barium Swallow