Title: SING Project Status
1SING Project Status
- John Haines
- SING Project Manager
September 10, 2004
2The SNS Instruments Next Generation (SING)
Project Consists of Five Instruments
- Five IDT instruments have been funded by DOE-BES
as a Major Item of Equipment (MIE) project - SNAP High pressure diffractometer
- SEQUOIA High resolution chopper spectrometer
- SCD Single crystal diffractometer
- NOMAD Disordered materials diffractometer
- HYSPEC Hybrid spectrometer
- CD-0 (Approve Mission Need) was approved in May
2003 - CD-1 (Approve Alternative Selection and Cost
Range) was approved in March 2004
3Instrument Layout
7 - Engineering Diffractometer IDT CFI Funded
Commission 2008
11A - Powder Diffractometer SNS Funded
Commission 2007
6 - SANS SNS Funded Commission 2007
12 - Single Crystal Diffractometer DOE Funded
(SING) Commission 2009
5 - Cold Neutron Chopper Spectrometer IDT DOE
Funded Commission 2007
13 - Fundamental Physics Beamline IDT DOE
Funded Commission TBD
4B - Liquids Reflectometer SNS Funded
Commission 2006
14B - Hybrid Spectrometer DOE Funded (SING)
Commission 2011
4A - Magnetism Reflectometer SNS Funded
Commission 2006
3 - High Pressure Diffractometer DOE Funded
(SING) Commission 2008
15 Spin Echo
17 - High Resolution Chopper Spectrometer DOE
Funded (SING) Commission 2008
18 - Wide Angle Chopper Spectrometer IDT DOE
Funded Commission 2007
1B - Disordered Matls Diffractometer DOE
Funded (SING) Commission 2010
2 - Backscattering Spectrometer SNS Funded
Commission 2006
4SING Project Organization
DOE-BES Pat Dehmer, Acquisition
Executive Kristin Bennett, Program Manager
Larry Radcliffe DOE Project Director
Ian Anderson, Director SNS Experimental
Facilities Division
John Haines ORNL Project Manager
High Pressure Diffractometer Instrument
Scientist C. Tulk WBS 1.1
Hybrid Pol. Beam Spectrometer Instrument
Scientist M. Hagen WBS 1.5
Single Crystal Diffractometer Instrument
Scientist C. Hoffmann WBS 1.3
Disordered Matls Diffractometer Instrument
Scientist J. Neuefeind WBS 1.4
High Res. Chopper Spectrometer Instrument
Scientist G. Granroth WBS 1.2
5SING Instrument Teams
6SING Project Support Team
- Project Controls Barbara Thibadeau
- Cost Estimating Joe Zehner
- Finance Bryan Coulter
- ESH Frank Kornegay and John Jankovic
- QA Max Gildner
- Procurement Lisa Copeland and Virginia Miller
- Neutronics and shielding analysis Phil Ferguson
- Engineering integration with other instruments
Danny Williams - Instrument technologies
- Detectors Ron Cooper
- Data Acquisition Rick Reidel
- Data Analysis Steve Miller
- Sample Environment Lou Santodonato
- Choppers Dave Chojnowski (ANL)
7Overall Schedule for SING Project
8Funding Profile by Instrument and Fiscal Year
9SING Project Status
- Project documentation, procedures, and management
control systems have been established and
implemented - Completed preliminary design for SNAP and SEQUOIA
- On-site External Independent Review held last
week to validate baselines - SING Project web site created
- Conceptual Design Document - Project Controls
Manual - Project Execution Plan - Implementation
Plan - Risk Management Plan - WBS Dictionary -
QA Plan - Hazards Analysis - Procedures for
design, procurement, and QA
Available on SING Project web-site https//www-i
nternal.sns.gov/sing/ useridsing,