- Kathee M. Christensen
- Northern Illinois University
- April, 2004
2Linguistic Diversity in the U.S.
- More than 325 languages used at home
- 175 American Indian languages
- Over 6 million children ages 5-17 speak languages
other than English at home
3Cultural Diversity
- Exists at the national and local levels
- Requires that teachers view children through a
different lens. - Creates a win win situation in the classroom
- An historically transmitted pattern of meanings
embodied in symbols, - A system of inherited conceptions (used to)
communicate, perpetuate, and develop knowledge
about and attitudes toward life. - Geertz, 1973
5- Culture emerges through social interaction.
- Typically, culture is shared by members of a
family unit. - What might be some consequences when a child and
parent do not share all aspects of their cultural
6Anthropological categories
- BIG C CULTURE surface aspects of a culture
readily apparent to casual observers - (e.g. Belles Artes, food, fiestas and famous
people, or gender, race, size, age) - small c culture in depth knowledge and
understanding of a culture shared values (e.g.
social practices, language, perspectives) - No se deje dar gato por liebre!
- Individual level
- Self identified cultural components
- Group level
- Representation of several cultural identities
- Attitude toward others (absence of ethnocentrism)
8How do you define yourself, culturally?
- Family order
- Place of birth
- Ethnic/ cultural heritage
- Gender
- Deaf / hearing
9Gallaudet Research Institute data, December, 2003
10Ethnic diversity in programs for children who are
11Spoken/written languages in the home
12Children with Cochlear Implants
- Controversy over which bilingual approach is
best. - Successful programs make extensive use of
additive bilingual AND immersion techniques
(Thomas Collier, 1996)
14Parallels between signed and spoken bilingual
- Attitudes of families
- English-only programs
- Value of heritage (natural, native) language
- Shared responsibilities for concept formation
(Tabors, 1997) - Potential for two-way bilingual education
- Brown vs. Board of Education, 1954
- Equal access to educational opportunity
- Bilingual education act, 1968
- Equal education for linguistic minorities
- IDEA Amendments, 1997
- Assessment must be in the childs native
language or other mode of communication.
16Teacher Preparation
- 75 CED certified DHH teacher preparation programs
in the U.S. - 7 self report having a class that focuses on
multicultural issues in deafness - 27 self report that multicultural issues are
infused across the curriculum - 41 NR or no focus on the issues
- In our increasingly diverse society, where are
teachers of children who are deaf getting the
vital information that they need regarding
multicultural populations?
18Supreme Court opinion on diversity in higher
- U. of Michigan decision diversity prepares
students for citizenship in an increasingly
diverse workforce and society
19National Standards
- American Council on the Teaching of Foreign
Languages (ACTFL) - ASL is one of ACTFLs LCT languages
- ACTFL-ESL, K-12 standards
- ACTFL-ASL, K-12 standards in process
20National and regional organizations
- CAID??
- Multicultural SIG has been eliminated
21Action research
- Ethnographic studies in classrooms
- Star Schools Project
- Residential schools as research sites
- How do those in leadership roles within schools
end up mediating between reform plans (systems
and structures) and actual practices?
- Access to the general curriculum
- Linguistically biased assessment
- Equal outcomes for graduation
- Children left behind?
- Videotaped series for Spanish speaking parents of
deaf children
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27What have we learned?
- Philosophy
- Language proficiency
- Multiculturalism
- Authentic assessment
- Metalinguistics
28Clarification of Philosophy
- CED standards now require a philosophy statement
- Program selection data
- Oral-aural
- Comprehensive
- Bilingual ASL-English
29Language Requirements in Teacher Preparation
- Entrance and exit requirements for BOTH ASL and
English - Addition of ASL Linguistics and Literature
courses - What about other spoken and signed languages?
- Qualitative methodology (e.g. NaVCA)
- Multiple Intelligences theory (thematic
curricula) - Observation of nonverbal cognitive behavior, e.g.
problem solving - Observation of nonverbal and verbal communication
31M.I. assessment format
- Early awareness of bilingualism (e.g. word walls,
story telling) - Natural and second language distinctions
- Polycom Via Video
- ASL CDs for parents and others
- Internet access at home and at school
- Smart Board
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36Collaborative Action Research
- Children who are deaf with families who do not
speak English or sign ASL - Children who are deaf in balanced settings with
children who are hearing (Day care, Preschool,
K-1) - Star Schools Project
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40Research at Rancho Sordo Mudo
41- I am concerned bout human dignity, people who
are persecuted, threatened with destruction, the
aborigines of Australia. Each minority has a
unique life experience that must be taught to the
large entities by which the world today tends to
define itself. - -Francois Cheng
42For further information
- http//www.rohan.sdsu.edu/deafed/
- kchriste_at_mail.sdsu.edu