Title: Large Livestock Facilities Ordinance
1Large Livestock Facilities Ordinance
2Early History
- In 2000, new large dairy operation was built in
County on Irish Road - County zoning ordinance - exempted large dairies
from conditional use process - Some opposition to site
- Tri-committee started meeting in late 2000
early 2001
- Planning and Zoning, Land and Water Conservation,
and Ag. and Extension Committees - Met for education, information gathering, and
decision making 2000 - 2005 - Recommended forming County task force in 2003
4Task Force on Livestock Operations
- Met from March 2003 - October 2004 to fully
evaluate if and how existing, expanding, and new
livestock operations should be regulated - 17 member diverse, volunteer group
- Met 18 times (over 1000 hours)
- List of recommendations to County Board
5Task Force Recommendations
- Regulations apply county wide
- Process include neighbors rights and meetings
- Setbacks - lot lines, roads, natural features,
parks, and municipalities - Basic standards to protect surface and ground
water for all farms - Update manure storage ordinance and require 12
months storage in Karst areas
6History - 2005
- Staff drafted an ordinance
- Tri-committee tabled
- Ag Extension dropped out for regulations
- Staff met with towns for input
- PZ and LW Committees directed staff to
- Pursue siting ordinance through zoning
- If zoning not feasible, pursue County-wide
licensing ordinance
7Wisconsin Statutes and Rules 2005 - 2006
- State was moving forward with own regulations at
the same time as our County - Established uniform requirements and application
process for large livestock operations state-wide - Many of the recommendations of Calumet County
Task Force could not be used in a local ordinance - Requirements and process apply only if county had
a local ordinance regulating large livestock
8History - 2006
- P and Z staff work on siting ordinance through
comprehensive planning process - DATCP interpretations of new state regulations
made it unfeasible to develop ordinance for
siting - Staff begin development of
- Licensing ordinance using WCA model
- Local performance standards for groundwater
9Draft Calumet Large Livestock Facilities Ordinance
- Based on WCA model
- Incorporates all requirements from Wisconsin
regulations - Incorporates Local Performance standards for
groundwater protection
10Large Livestock Facilities Ordinance
- Requires new and existing large livestock
operations to get a license from County to build
or expand - New
- gt 500 animal units (au) 357 dairy cows
- Existing
- gt 500 au and increase by at least 20
- Must meet or agree to meet certain performance
standards to get license
11Large Livestock Facilities Ordinance
- Apply for license using DATCP application forms
and worksheets - Forms and worksheet show whether meet performance
standard - Additional worksheet for local standards
- If application and worksheets complete and
accurate, County must approve license - Application fee 1,000 as allowed by state
12State Performance Standards
- Setbacks for structures
- Property line
- 100 feet ( lt1,000 au)
- 200 feet ( 1,000 or gt au)
- No further encroachment for existing structures
- Road right of way
- 100 feet (lt1,000 au)
- 150 feet (1,000 or gt au)
- No further encroachment for existing structures
13State Performance Standards
- Setbacks for manure storages
- Property line and road row
- 350 feet for new
- No further encroachment for existing and some new
that meet certain requirement - Comply with County wetland, shoreland, and
floodplain ordinances - Comply with setbacks in Wisconsin well codes
14State Performance Standards
- Odor
- Must achieve minimum odor score
- Score dependent on manure storage and handling,
separation distance from neighbors, and odor
management practices - Exempt
- Existing lt 1,000 au
- gt 2,500 feet from nearest neighbor
15State Performance Standards
- Nutrient management
- Manure applied according to a nutrient management
plan that meets NRCS Technical Standards - Plan developed by qualified nutrient management
planner - Manure storage facilities
- New storages built to NRCS Technical Standards
- Existing storages certified to be structurally
sound, not leaking, and built to previous
Technical Standards - Unused storages properly closed to Technical
Standards - Storage capacity adequate for nutrient management
16State Performance Standards
- Runoff Management
- Animal lots
- New and altered - meet Technical Standards for
filtering runoff - Existing lots - maximum lbs. Phosphorus runoff
- No discharge to conduits to groundwater
- Feed storage
- Divert surface runoff
- Collection, storage, and treatment of leachate
17State Performance Standards
- Divert runoff away from manure piles, manure and
feed storages, and animal lots 300 feet from
streams, 1,000 feet from lakes - No unconfined manure piles 300 feet from streams
and 1,000 feet from lakes - No overflow of manure storages
- No unlimited access by livestock to lakes and
18Local Performance Standards
- State law allows a county to develop additional
and/or stricter local standards for their
licensing ordinance - Local standards must be adopted as scientific and
defensible findings of fact that they are
necessary to protect public health or safety - Draft ordinance contains local standards to
improve and protect groundwater
19 Next Steps
- Public hearing on ordinance and local standards
- Wednesday, May 2, 700pm in Room 025
- Final drafts of ordinance and standards
- Consideration by County Board on May 15
- Resolution adopting local standards
- Resolution adopting ordinance
20Groundwater Quality in Calumet County
21Most residents get their drinking water from
fractured bedrock
22Our wells intercept the fractures to get water.
23The fractures transmit water and pollutants
efficiently and rapidly
24- Soils can filter out pollutants before they reach
fractures and groundwater - Thin soils make poor filters
- Light textured soil make poor filters
25Brown water events
- Been going on for many years in Calumet County
- Brown, sometimes manure smelling well water
- At least 5 reports each year
- Many residents dont report it and have learned
to live with it
26Latest Well Contamination
Brothertown 2006 Neighbors wells had to be
272002 - 2006 Well Testing Results
Nitrates (1,127 results)
35 Unsafe (over 10ppm) 33 Elevated (2-10
ppm) 32 Natural (less than 2ppm) State Average
10 over 10ppm
282002 - 2006 Well Testing Results
Coliform Bacteria (1,383 results) 33 Unsafe
(bacteria positive) 67 Safe (bacteria
negative) State average 15 Unsafe
292002 - 2005 Well Testing Results
E. coli Bacteria (1,383 test results) 5.1
Unsafe (E.coli positive)
30The Bottom Line
- 47 of tested wells 2002-2006 were unsafe due to
nitrates and/or bacteria - In some neighborhoods with thin soils, over 80
were unsafe
31High Nitrate Results Correlate to Thin Soils,
Soils lt 50 Feet Deep, and Lighter Textured Soils
32E. Coli Positives Correlate to Thin Soils,
Soilslt 50 Feet Deep, and Lighter Textured Soils
33Karst Features in These Areas
Bedrock Openings
34Karst Features
Area of Focused Infiltration
- Occur in sunken or low lying areas that have no
surface drainage outlet - Ponded water disappears rapidly
- Infiltrates through thin soil unfiltered into the
35Karst Features
Soils With Less Than 5 Feet of Depth to Bedrock
36Karst Features
Channels to Karst Features
37Our Land Use Activities Impact Groundwater
- Land use primarily agricultural
- Most fields receive manure
- Manure storages and animal lots
East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning
Commission. Data not yet official.
38 Manure Quantities and Nutrients
- 1 dairy cow/heifer 120 lbs. manure/day
- 1 calf 60 lbs./day
- Calumet County
- 24,000 dairy cows and 24,000 heifer and calves
- Waste from 1 cow waste from 20 - 40 people
(EPA) - Nitrogen from 1 septic system serving 4 people
nitrogen in manure from 1 cow
39Tools for Improving Our Groundwater
- Information and Education
- Conservation Practices
- Cost Sharing
- Targeting of Sensitive and Problem Areas
- Use of Programs and Partnerships
- Regulations
40Local Performance Standards for Agriculture to
Improve and Protect Groundwater Quality
41What is a Performance Standard?
- Conservation practice or management practice to
reduce impacts of a land use to our land and
water resources
42State Has Established Performance Standards
- Apply State-wide
- Address primarily surface water quality
- Some groundwater protection, but not adequate in
our swiss cheese landscape
43Why Are Local Standards Needed?
- Health and safety of our families and neighbors
and the economic well being of our dairy farms
depend on good water quality - Local standards will serve as a baseline for
expected land use practices in our problem areas - Calumet County Task Force on Livestock Operations
recommendation to include protection of surface
and groundwater quality, especially in relation
to karst features
44Proposed Local Performance Standards for
- Based on recommendations developed by a regional
panel of experts during past year - Top groundwater scientists and experts in
Wisconsin - Well driller
- Custom hauler
- Farmers
- Crop Consultant
- Local and state resource professionals
- Standards are based on current scientific
knowledge, with added professional judgment
45Some Things to Think About
- We need to move forward to improve and protect
this vital resource - Some think that the standards are too strict,
others that they are too weak - The proposed standards are a compromise
- To preserve agriculture within the County
- To improve/protect our groundwater resource
46Where Local Standards Would Apply(State-wide
standards apply everywhere)
47Use of Local Standards Will Be Promoted With
- Education
- Cost sharing incentives
- Regulation
48Local Standards
- No delivery of waste materials to
- Groundwater
- Wells
- Karst features
- Pollution seen entered Karst features will be
presumed to be reaching groundwater
49Sinkholes and Bedrock Openings
- No cropping in/on them
- No dumping of waste
- No tile outlets
- No diversion of runoff to them
- Use one best management practice
- 100 foot wide permanent vegetative strip
- 100 foot wide alfalfa/grass strip 4 out of 6
years - Reduced tillage within 100 feet
- Divert runoff
- Properly close the sinkhole
50Animal Lots
51Animal Lots and Milking Centers
- On sites susceptible to groundwater contamination
(Near wells and karst features, on thin soils) - Divert clean water runoff away from them
- No discharge of untreated animal waste or milking
center waste - Use conservation practice to capture or filter
- Each site is unique, pick from practices that
will treat the waste or decrease potential for
groundwater pollution - For new lots, soil borings to 5 feet
52Unconfined Manure Piles
53Unconfined Manure Piles
- No piles on sites susceptible to groundwater
contamination - Ordinances, phased in for all but larger
operations - Written stacking plan within 3 years
- No piles within 10 years or if have storage
- Piles on other sites must meet NRCS Technical
54Manure Storage Facilities
103 permitted facilities 109 no permit (probably
not built to technical standards)
55Manure and Feed Storage Facilities
- Manure storages built before County ordinance
(1989) requiring permit - Inspected and certified by engineer or
engineering practitioner that have structural
integrity and no leakage - Ordinance - all but larger operations can
substitute inspection every 2 years by qualified
person - Storages lacking structural integrity or leaking,
must be fixed or properly closed - Unused storages must be properly closed
56Manure and Feed Storage Facilities
- New manure storages must have a capacity of 9
months storage (larger operations only) - New manure or feed storage facilities must be
setback 400 feet from Karst features
57Manure Applications
58Land Applications of Manure
- Qualified person map Karst features and thin
soils - Qualified person develop written spill response
plan - No application of manure on soils lt 3 feet to
bedrock - Other nutrients without viruses/bacteria allowed
- Manure applications on soils 3 feet to lt 5 feet
- Not to exceed 7,000 gal or 17.5 tons per acre or
½ what called for in nutrient management plan per
application - Maximum 2 applications/year, separated by gt 2
weeks - Alternatives with LWCD approval
59Land Applications of Manure
- No manure applications
- Within 100 ft. of Karst features or channels
leading to them - Within 100 feet of a private well and 1,000 ft.
of a municipal or school well - Other nutrients without viruses/bacteria allowed
- To saturated soils
60Land Applications of Manure
- No applications to frozen, ice covered, or snow
covered ground - Ordinances - phased in for all but larger
operations and operations with at least 5 months
storage - Written spreading plan within 3 years
- No applications of liquid manure within 5 years
- No applications of solid manure within 10 years
61Land Applications of Manure
- Immediate incorporation after application
- Shallow (lt10 inch incorporation) on soils 3 ft
lt5 ft. to bedrock - Some allowances for actively growing crops,
pasture, and no-till with LWCD approval - Allowance for farms with solid manure and no
storage for up to 10 years with approved
spreading plan
62Nutrient Management Plans
- Karst features and wells must be located on plan
maps by a qualified person - Plans required by ordinance must be updated
annually - Copy to LWCD by June 1st each year
63NRCS Technical Standards
- Are specifications for construction, operation,
and maintenance of conservation practices - Are updated frequently
- Most current version must be used for
conservation practices
64Next Steps
- Public hearing on livestock facilities ordinance
and local standards - Wednesday, May 2, 700pm in Room 025
- Final draft standards
- Consideration by County Board on May 15
- Resolution adopting local standards
- Adoption of local standards does not mean that
they are enforceable - Would need to include them in separate ordinances
to enforce them - Offer of cost sharing may also be needed in some
65Calumet County Land Water Conservation
Department 206 Court St Chilton, WI 53014 (920)
849-1444 and 989-2700 mcleod.eugene_at_co.calumet.wi.
Marissa Hacker Secretary/Technician Amy
Callis Groundwater Specialist
Eugene McLeod County Conservationist Mike
Haase Project Specialist