Title: CITY OF FRISCO Development Services Department
1CITY OF FRISCO Development ServicesDepartment
- 6101 Frisco Square Blvd., 3rd Floor
- Frisco, Texas 75034
- t 972.292.5300
- f 972.292.5388
2CITY OF FRISCODevelopment ServicesDepartment
- Department Divisions
- Comprehensive Environmental
- Zoning Subdivision
- Building Inspections
- Code Enforcement Animal Control
3CITY OF FRISCODevelopment ServicesDepartment
- Comprehensive Environmental
- Division
4CITY OF FRISCOComprehensive Environmental
- Division organization
- 1 Senior Planner
- 2 Planners
- 1 Neighborhood Services Coordinator
- 1 Division Administrator
5CITY OF FRISCOComprehensive Environmental
- Responsible for Comprehensive Plan, Environmental
and Special Projects.
6CITY OF FRISCO Comprehensive Environmental
7CITY OF FRISCO Comprehensive Environmental
- What is it?
- Made up of 4 basic parts
- Future Land Use Plan (FLUP)
- Thoroughfare Plan (T-Plan)
- Parks and Open Space Plan
- Policies for Future Development
8CITY OF FRISCO Comprehensive Environmental
- Why do we have it?
- Required by Charter
- Does not change existing zoning
- Addresses zoning of annexed or rezoning of
existing land in the City - Used to evaluate zoning requests
9CITY OF FRISCO Comprehensive Environmental
- Why do we have it? (continued)
- Recommends policies for the long-term
sustainability of the City - Open space - Nature
- Diversity of housing - Fiscal
- Travel (roads transit) - Residential design
- Commercial design - Neighborhoods
- Evolving demographics
10Future Land Use 2006 Map
Zoning Map
11Applicable to New Zoning Cases
12CITY OF FRISCO Comprehensive Environmental
13CITY OF FRISCO Comprehensive Environmental
- What makes up Environmental?
- Green Building
- Stream restoration
- Ecological topics
- General environmental topics
14CITY OF FRISCO Comprehensive Environmental
- Why do we need to address?
- Rapid rate of development
- Once opportunity lost, it is expensive and/or
impossible to address later - Holistic approach (interrelatedness)
- Quality of life
15CITY OF FRISCO Comprehensive Environmental
16CITY OF FRISCO Comprehensive Environmental
- What are some current examples of Special
Projects? - Form Base Codes
- Planned Developments
- Subdivision Ordinance Update
- Zoning Ordinance Update
17CITY OF FRISCO Comprehensive Environmental
- What are the benefits of these Special
Projects? - Less environmental impact
- Better use of infrastructure
- Sustain property values
18CITY OF FRISCO Comprehensive Environmental
19CITY OF FRISCODevelopment ServicesDepartment
- Zoning Subdivision
- Division
20CITY OF FRISCOZoning Subdivision Division
- Division organization
- 1 Secretary
- 3 Planning Technicians
- 2 Landscape Architects
- 3 Planners
- 1 Development Coordinator
21CITY OF FRISCO Zoning Subdivision Division
- Responsibilities include
- Reviewing plans for conformance to the Citys
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (CZO) and
Subdivision Ordinance (SO) - Coordinating the Development Review Committee
Meeting with Engineering Services, Traffic, Parks
Recreation, Fire Department, Building
Inspections, and Public Works - First point-of-contact for potential developments
- Prepare staff reports to Planning Zoning
Commission regarding development plans and
amendments to CZO and SO
22CITY OF FRISCO Zoning Subdivision Division
- Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance establishes
- requirements for each district, such as
- Allowable uses
- Development standards
- Set backs
- Lot size
- Height
- Landscaping
- Parking
- Review and approval of development
23(No Transcript)
24(No Transcript)
25CITY OF FRISCO Zoning Subdivision Division
- Subdivision Ordinance establishes development
standards for - Subdivision of property into lots and blocks
- Access
- Street extension
- Lot orientation toward public parks
- Major Creek Ordinance
- Review and approval of plats
- Establishes standards for streets and utilities
- Provides means by which the City acquires land
for parks and streets, and by which ISDs acquire
land for schools
26CITY OF FRISCO Zoning Subdivision Division
- Recent submittals
- Submittal Summaries are posted monthly for all
new zoning and development applications and their
locations. - To view Development Submittals and Submittal
Maps, please visit the Citys website at
www.friscotexas.gov, select Departments, then
scroll to the Planning Development main
webpage. From the Planning Development main
webpage, select Zoning Subdivision located on
the left-hand page and slide and select Recent
27Submittal Map Quadrants Total 4
28Single-family Residential
29Retail Corner Site
30CITY OF FRISCO Zoning Subdivision Division
- Planning Zoning Commission
- Members appointed by the City Council
- Recommendation body for legislative items, such
as zoning changes specific use permits, and
amendments to the CZO and SO - Approval of administrative items, such as plats
and site plans - Administrative approvals may be appealed to the
City Council by - Applicant
- Four (4) members of City Council
- Director of Development Services
- Simple majority by City Council to approve
administrative items
31CITY OF FRISCO Zoning Subdivision Division
- Zoning Change Notification
- Notification required for property owners within
200 feet of boundary area to be rezoned.
32Example 1 Regardless of the total property owned,
only the portion that is being considered for
rezoning is considered when sending
notification to property owners within 200 feet
of the zoning request.
33Example 2 If the entire property is being
considered for rezoning then the 200 feet
notification area is applied to the total
34Opposition Requirements In order for the opposed
property owners to trigger a 3/4th vote by City
Council to approve the re-zoning, those opposed
must own at least 20 of the property/land area
within the 200 feet notification area. Ownership
is based on the last City Council approved tax
roll. The ¾ vote applies only to City Council
and not to the Planning Zoning Commission.
Cases denied by the Planning Zoning Commission
may be appealed to City Council. A ¾ majority of
the City Council Or 4 members of the council
whichever is greater is required to overturn
the Planning Zoning Commissions denial on
zoning cases.
Legend FDC Frisco Developers Council HOA Home
Owners Association CC Chamber of Commerce
36CITY OF FRISCO Zoning Subdivision Division
37CITY OF FRISCODevelopment ServicesDepartment
- Building Inspections Division
38CITY OF FRISCOBuilding Inspections Division
- Division organization
- 3 Customer Service Representatives
- 4 Permit Technicians
- 5 Plan Reviewers
- 21 Building Inspectors
- 1 Registered Sanitarian
- 4 Health Inspectors
- 1 Administrative Assistant
- 1 Assistant Building Official
- 1 Chief Building Official
39CITY OF FRISCO Building Inspections Division
- Responsibilities
- Enforcement of adopted codes and ordinances
pertaining to construction and land use
40CITY OF FRISCO Building Inspections Division
- 2006 International Building Code
- Section 101.2 Scope. The provisions of this code
shall apply to the construction, alteration,
movement, enlargement, replacement, repair,
equipment, use and occupancy, location,
maintenance, removal, and demolition of every
building or structure or any appurtenances
connected or attached to such buildings or
41CITY OF FRISCO Building Inspections Division
- 2006 International Building Code
- Section 101.3 Intent. The purpose of this code is
to establish the minimum requirements to
safeguard the public health, safety and general
welfare through structural strength, means of
egress facilities, stability, sanitation,
adequate light and ventilation, energy
conservation, and safety to life and property
from fire and other hazards attributed to the
built environment and to provide safety to fire
fighters and emergency responders during
emergency operations.
42CITY OF FRISCO Building Inspections Division
- 2006 International Residential Code
- 1 2-Family Dwellings
- Townhomes
43CITY OF FRISCO Building Inspections Division
- 2006 International Plumbing Code
- 2006 International Mechanical Code
- 2006 International Fuel Gas Code
- 2006 Energy Code
- 2006 Fire Code, and
- 2005 National Electrical Code
44CITY OF FRISCO Building Inspections Division
- Reference Standards
- UL (Underwriters Laboratories)
- ASHRAE (American Society of Heating,
Refrigeration, Air conditioning Engineers) - NFPA (National Fire Protection Association)
- State Federal Regulations
- Accessibility
- Contractor Licensing
45CITY OF FRISCO Building Inspections Division
- Other local ordinances
- Zoning
- Sign
- Erosion Control
- Seasonal Sales
- Health Food Safety
46CITY OF FRISCO Building Inspections Division
- Customer Service Representatives
- 1st point-of-contact
- Issue permits
- Accept permit submittals
- Maintain contractor registrations
47CITY OF FRISCO Building Inspections Division
- Permit Technicians
- Verify documentation and enter data for all
building plans and related permit submittals - Assign addresses to new subdivisions
- Maintain data for reports
- Review approve permits for
- Accessory buildings
- Signs
- Fences / Retaining walls
- Seasonal sales
48CITY OF FRISCO Building Inspections Division
- Plan Reviewers
- Review plans for new construction (residential
commercial) projects, additions, alterations for
compliance with codes ordinances - Pre-design meetings with Engineers and Architects
for coordination on larger projects - Provide code interpretations
49CITY OF FRISCO Building Inspections Division
- Building Inspectors
- Perform field inspections of construction for
compliance with plans - Provide code interpretation education to field
personnel - Enforce City ordinance regarding construction
site trash/debris and erosion control
50Residential Inspections
- Temporary Power Pole (T-Pole)
- Plumbing Rough-In
- Foundation (Slab)
- Sewer Camera
- Sidewalk and Driveway Approach (Flat)
- Plumbing Top-Out
- Electrical Rough Mechanical Rough
- Framing
- Insulation
- Drywall
- Masonry
- Plumbing Final
- Electrical Final
- Certificate of Occupancy (CO)
51Temporary Power Pole (T-Pole)
- Trades need a place to plug in their extension
cords to operate tools
52Plumbing Rough (PR)
PVC pipe
Water service
53Foundation (Slab)
54Sewer Camera
- After foundation (slab) inspection, Public Works
performs a sewer camera inspection - A camera recording onto video tape is run through
the house sewer to check for damaged sewer tap
55 Sidewalk Handicap Ramp (Flat)
56Approach (Flat)
57Plumbing Top Out
- Tests are performed on drain, water and gas
Bathtub Drain
582nds Inspection
- Framing
- Electrical Rough
- Mechanical Rough
- Fence to contain blowing debris, trash bin and
erosion control installed
59Framing (2nds)
60Electrical Rough (2nds)
61Mechanical Rough (2nds)
- Check nailing
- Moisture resistant in wet areas
- 1-hour fire rating under stairs and between
garage and living area
Moisture Resistant Drywall (Green Rock)
Opening for Master Bathtub
64Electrical Final
- Ensure all outlets and switches have covers
- Check breaker types and sizes
- Release electric meter
65Plumbing Final
- All faucets and fixtures are properly installed
- Gas appliances
- Release gas meter
66Certificate of Occupancy (CO)
- House is ready to be occupied
67CITY OF FRISCO Building Inspections Division
- Health Food Safety Inspectors
- Perform inspections at food service
establishments - Plan review of new food establishments pools
- Issue operational permits for semi-public and
public pools perform inspections for compliance
with Texas Department of State Health Services
requirements - Monitor for mosquitoes other potential health
hazards - Enforce smoking ordinance
68CITY OF FRISCOBuilding Inspections Division
- Board of Adjustment
- Members appointed by City Council
- Approval of variances, staff interpretations, and
non-conforming uses - Criteria for variance consideration
- Variances are not granted for economic or
self-imposed hardships
69CITY OF FRISCO Building Inspections Division
- Board of Adjustment (continued)
- Approvals require the affirmative vote of four
(4) Board Members - Board approvals are appealed to District Court
70Building Inspections Division
- What is a setback?
- The minimum distance a structure may be placed
from each of the subject property's boundary
lines. These distances may be referred to as
setbacks or building lines.
71Building Inspections Division
- How are setbacks regulated?
- Minimum setbacks are specified in the zoning
district requirements of the Comprehensive Zoning
Ordinance, or Planned Development Ordinance.
72Area Regulations of Residential Districts
- Setbacks and area requirements help ensure
- Dwelling and property maintenance access by
owners - Proper drainage flow to alleviate flooding
and/or - standing water on a lot
- Adequate ventilation and light for ground
surface - Easement access to above and underground
utilities, - including meters, pedestals, transformers, etc.
- Emergency access and safety for resident safety
73Area Regulations of Residential Districts
- Front Yard A yard located in front of the
elevation of a building and extending across a
lot between the side yards lines and being the
minimum horizontal distance between the front
property line and the outside wall of the main
Front Yard
74Area Regulations of Residential Districts
- Rear Yard The area extending across the rear of
a lot measured between the lot lines and being
the minimum horizontal distance between the rear
lot line and the rear of the outside wall of the
main building.
Front Yard
Rear Yard
75Area Regulations of Residential Districts
- Side Yard The area between the building and the
front lot line to the rear lot line and being the
minimum horizontal distance between a side lot
line and the outside wall of the side of the main
Side Yard
Allowable area of main building
Front Yard
Rear Yard
Side Yard
76Area Regulations of Residential Districts
- Allowed Side Yard and Rear Yard Encroachments-
Accessory building 10 from main building, may
be located no closer than 3 to side and rear
yard property lines when alley is present. Fence
must also be constructed to same height.
3 min
Side Yard
3 min
Front Yard
Rear Yard
Side Yard
77Area Regulations of Residential Districts
- Allowed Rear Yard Encroachment- Accessory
building 10 from main building, may be located
no closer than 10 to the rear yard property line
when alley is not present.
3 min
Side Yard
Front Yard
Rear Yard
No Alley
Side Yard
78Area Regulations of Residential Districts
- Allowed Rear Yard Encroachment- Accessory
building 10 from main building, may be located
no closer than 3 to the rear yard property line
when an open space 50 is present.
3 min
Side Yard
3 min
Front Yard
Rear Yard
open space 50
Side Yard
79Area Regulations of Residential Districts
- Allowed Side Yard and Rear Yard Encroachments
Accessory building located lt10 from main
structure shall have the same setback
requirements of the main structure.
Equal to main structure
Side Yard
Same rear setback as main structure when within
Front Yard
Rear Yard
Side Yard
80Building Inspections Division
- Deed Restrictive Covenants
- Many subdivisions have restrictive covenants.
A subdivision covenant may require more stringent
building requirements to be reviewed by an
architectural committee. The City does not
regulate or enforce civil agreements between
residents and homeowners associations.
81CITY OF FRISCO Building Inspections Division
82CITY OF FRISCODevelopment Services Department
- Code Enforcement / Animal Control
- Division
83CITY OF FRISCOCode Enforcement / Animal Control
- Division organization
- 3 Code Enforcement Officers
- 3 Animal Control Officers
- 1 Senior Animal Control Officer
- 1 Senior Code Enforcement Officer
- 1 Administrator
84CITY OF FRISCO Code Enforcement Division
- Protect the publics health, safety and welfare,
including property values. Together we can keep
the community clean, safe and aesthetically
85CITY OF FRISCO Code Enforcement Division
- Who does what
- Building Inspections building, electrical,
plumbing mechanical codes, building site
maintenance, and other building requirements - Health Food Safety permit submittals for
pools restaurants, West Nile Virus, and other
health-related requirements and codes - Environmental Services solid waste (trash
recycling) concerns, dumpster enclosure
requirements, trash contractor complaints, etc.
86CITY OF FRISCO Code Enforcement Division
- Who does what (continued)
- Police Department noise disturbances, junk cars
other vehicular issues, parking traffic
concerns, and other police-related matters - Public Works/Streets Watering restriction
requirements, mowing public property, clogged
drainage inlet, water main break, missing street
signs, etc.
87CITY OF FRISCO Code Enforcement Division
- Code Enforcement receives reports of
- Tall vegetation / grass (over 12 inches)
- Debris or other litter nuisances
- Substandard or dangerous structures
- Dilapidated fences, arbors accessory
structures - Home-based business concerns
- Unsecured swimming pools
- Illegal sign placement
- Zoning violations
88CITY OF FRISCO Code Enforcement Division
- Tall vegetation / grass (over 12)
89CITY OF FRISCO Code Enforcement Division
- Debris or other nuisances
90CITY OF FRISCO Code Enforcement Division
- Substandard or dangerous structures
91CITY OF FRISCO Code Enforcement Division
- Fences, arbors, structures
- Dilapidated, weak, missing pickets, may fall or
cause damage - Compromise vision (visibility, access and
maintenance requirements) - Construction without issuance of a building
permit - Other structural integrity concerns
92CITY OF FRISCO Code Enforcement Division
- Home-based business concerns
- Signage advertising business on property
- Exterior storage of materials
- Repairs vehicles or appliances of others
- Does not meet other requirements of Home
Occupation Ordinance
93CITY OF FRISCO Code Enforcement Division
- Private residences with swimming pools
- Lacks required pool barrier (fence/gate)
- Stagnant water / odor
- Requires maintenance or repair
- Other private pool-related concerns
94CITY OF FRISCO Code Enforcement Division
- Public or semi-private swimming pools spas
(i.e., community, homeowner association, public
pools) - Lacks required pool barrier (fence/gate)
- Stagnant water / Odor
- Requires maintenance or repair
- Other pubic or semi-public pool-related concerns
- To report a concern at a Public or Semi-Public
swimming pool, contact a Health Food Safety
Inspector at (972) 292-5304 or via e-mail to
95CITY OF FRISCO Code Enforcement Division
- Illegal sign placement
- To report illegal sign placement, please contact
non-emergency Police Dispatch at (972) 292-6010.
(A violators license plate number and vehicle
description is helpful.)
96CITY OF FRISCO Code Enforcement Division
- Illegal dumping nuisance abatement
- after violators have left scene.
97CITY OF FRISCO Code Enforcement Division
- Other reports
- Tree limbs / bushes and shrubs compromising a
traveled way - Agricultural-zoned properties or properties used
for purpose of planting crops (federally
exemption) - Federal or State-owned properties exempt (i.e.,
post offices, government agencies)
98CITY OF FRISCO Code Enforcement Division
- Other reports (continued)
- Litter or debris not properly disposed
- Construction or landscape materials
- Appliances
- Other unsightly or unsanitary nuisances
99CITY OF FRISCO Code Enforcement Division
- Substandard and dangerous structures
- Occupied lacks water and electricity
- Abandoned or open wells
- Unsecured buildings that are an attractive
nuisance for children, pets or transients - Other structures that may collapse, not fit for
habitation / rehabilitation or may require
100CITY OF FRISCO Code Enforcement Division
- Signage allowed on public property /
right-of-way - Government awareness signs (burn bans, water
restrictions, other similar information) - Kiosk signs (with permission)
- Traffic control signs (stop, yield, etc.)
- Other approved signage by ordinance
101CITY OF FRISCO Code Enforcement Division
- Signage allowed on private property
- Political signs
- Monumentation subdivision identity signs
- Government event signs (with permission)
- Residential real estate garage sale signs
(private residential property with owners
permission) - Other signage defined in the Sign Ordinance
102CITY OF FRISCO Code Enforcement Division
- Reporting complaints or concerns
- Anonymous (subject to Public Information Request)
- Contact property management company for HOA
- Contact Code Enforcement (telephonically or
e-mail) - Send complaint by USPS mail or other carrier
- Include address (location) and subdivision
- Explain violation or concern for investigation
103CITY OF FRISCO Code Enforcement Division
- Voluntary Compliance
- Code Enforcements objective is voluntary
compliance from owners who have violations at
their property. At times, people have hardships.
This may require assistance from community
groups, religious organizations, or local
businesses. As a last effort, citations will be
issued to gain compliance.
104CITY OF FRISCO Code Enforcement Division
105CITY OF FRISCO Code Enforcement Division
106CITY OF FRISCOAnimal Control Services
- Schedule
- (Office Hours Patrol Hours)
- City limits only
- Office hours M-F, 8am-5pm (excluding holidays)
- Patrol hours S-S, 7am-7pm (excluding holidays)
- Non-emergency Dispatch (972) 292-6010
- Life/Safety Emergencies- 911
107CITY OF FRISCO Animal Control Services
- Office Hours (8am 5pm)
- General inquiries information
- Rabies vaccination requirements
- Animal ownership limitations
- Animal Control Ordinance requests
- Report an animal-related concern
- Report a lost or found animal
108CITY OF FRISCO Animal Control Services
- Trap and Referral Assistance
- Feral cats
- Small, common nuisance wildlife such as rabbits,
skunks, opossums raccoons - Stray domestic dogs cats
- Does not include bobcats, coyotes, beavers,
nutria other wildlife (Texas Parks Wildlife
or private trappers may assist property owners
with the removal or relocation)
109CITY OF FRISCO Animal Control Services
- Animal Control Emergencies
- Bites (animal-to-human ONLY)
- High risk animal or snake inside a living area
- (does not include inside of garage or yard)
- Pet exposure to high risk animal
- Injured/sick animal in sight until Animal
Control arrives - Police or Fire assist to contain pet animals
- Livestock at-large within City limits, when
Police need assistance
110High Risk Animals - STAY AWAY!
- Bat
- Coyote
- Fox
- Raccoon
- Skunk
Rabies is a deadly disease caused by a virus that
attacks the nervous system
111CITY OF FRISCO Animal Control Services
- Animal Nuisances
- Improper disposal of animal wastes (odors)
- Animals at large / roaming (no restraint
device) - Noise disturbances (frequent, excessive or long
continuous barking, howling, crying, meowing, or
other noise that interferes with public peace
comfort Police Department (972) 292-6010
112CITY OF FRISCO Wildlife
- We have a lot of lot of wildlife that lives in
the Frisco area. - There is a link to a web video on our website.
113CITY OF FRISCO Animal Control Services
- Friscos Animal Shelter Agent
- Collin County Animal Services (CCAS)
- I-75, North of US380
- 4750 Community Drive
- McKinney, TX 75071
- (Main) 972-547-7292
- (Facsimile) 972-547-7290
- Shelter Hours Please call for shelter hours
114CITY OF FRISCO Animal Control Services
- Animal Control Ordinance No.08-01-06
- Friscos website at www.friscotexas.gov
- Select Departments,
- Slide/scroll to Planning Development,
- Select Most Requested Ordinances, then
- Animal Control Ordinance No. 08-01-06
- For ordinance questions, please call Animal
Control at (972) 292.5303, M-F, 8am-5pm,
excluding holidays
115CITY OF FRISCO Animal Control Services
Developer submits an application to the City.
During this time developer meets with surrounding
Zoning proposal and exhibits are reviewed by
planning, engineering services, fire, traffic,
parks, public works, etc. Comments are returned
to developer. Developer has approximately 1 week
to return updated exhibits.
Developer sets up pre-submittal meeting with
planner. Comprehensive plan is consulted to
verify that proposed zoning is compatible.
Zoning case is scheduled for a Planning Zoning
Commission meeting. Public Hearing notices are
sent to property owners within 200 feet.
Proposed Zoning Sign is placed on property.
PZ Commission hold a public hearing and makes a
recommendation. If approved zoning case is
scheduled for City Council.
Developer submits updated exhibits.
Public hearing notice for the proposed zoning is
published in the newspaper.
City Council holds a public hearing and approves
or denies the zoning request. If approved, staff
prepares an ordinance for Councils
City Council adopts ordinance granting the zoning
Applicant sets up a pre-submittal meeting with a
Applicant submits application, exhibits, and any
other required documents.
City staff reviews and returns mark-ups to
applicant. Applicant has approximately one week
to return corrected plans.
Plat goes before PZ Commission. Must be on
agenda within 30 days unless applicant submits
30 day waiver.
30 day requirement does not apply to Preliminary
Site Plan
If approved at PZ Commission, plat is valid for
two years from that date.
City staff reviews and returns mark-ups to
applicant. Applicant has approximately one week
to return corrected plans.
Applicant sets up a pre-submittal meeting with a
Applicant submits application, exhibits, civil
plans, and any other required documents.
Site plan and plat goes before PZ Commission.
Must be on agenda within 30 days unless
applicant submits 30 day waiver
If approved at PZ Commission, plat is valid for
eighteen months (18) from that date.
Engineering Services reviews civil documents
Project is released for construction
Construction with inspections
Plat recordation and Final Acceptance
Final inspection coordinated with Engineering
Services, Fire, and Public Works
Building permit issued to go vertical when
concrete access water is provided.
Building Plans submitted to Building Inspections
Building Inspection issues Certificate of
Multiple inspections
119Development ServicesORGANIZATIONAL CHART
Director of Planning Development Services John
Comprehensive Environmental Planning Jeff
Zoning Subdivision
Building Inspections Steve Covington
Code Enforcement Greg Carr
Health Food Safety
Animal Control Services
120CITY OF FRISCO Development Services Department
- Comprehensive Environmental Division Building
Inspections Division - Contact Jeff Witt Contact Steve Covington
- t (972) 292.5305 t (972) 292.5301
- f (972) 292.5388 f (972) 292.5313
- Zoning Subdivision Division Code Enforcement
Division - Contact Scott Ingalls Contact Greg Carr
- t (972) 292.5306 t (972) 292.5302
- f (972) 292.5388 f (972) 292.5388
- Animal Control Services Health Food Safety
- Contact Michael Hansen Contact Julie Stallcup
- t (972) 292.5303 t (972) 292.5304
- f (972) 292.5388 f (972) 292.5313
- John Lettelleir, Department Director
- Development Services (972) 292-5310