Title: Judit Papp, Mikl
1Scientific technical presentationStructure
Visualization with MarvinSpace
- Judit Papp, Miklós Vargyas
May 2006
2Description of MarvinSpace
- high performance 3D molecule visualization tool
- WEB enabled, platform independent
- available as
- standalone application with an easy-to-use GUI
- Java Applet
- developers' toolkit
- visualizes
- small molecules, proteins, nucleic acids,
crystals, - molecular surfaces, molecular orbitals,
volumetric data
3Features of MarvinSpace
- Key features of v1.3
- pure java (all platforms, html integration,
applet) - programmable (via java API)
- scalable rendering quality
- high quality image capturing
- accurate surface representation including
Connolly - property mapping on surface (e.g. electrostatic
potential) - extendable (custom components, calculations can
be integrated) - professional support (24 hour response time,
rapid implementation of feature requests etc)
4Features of MarvinSpace
- Other features of v1.3
- table view (multiple cells)
- multiple molecule view (overlayed ligands
show/hide, add/remove) - ball, stick, spacefill cartoon representation
- dynamic surface coloring, transparency
- distance and angle measurement change of
conformation about rotatable bonds - high quality rendering (depth cueing, perspective
projection, anti-aliasing) - clipping
- atom, bond, residue, molecule, surface component
5High quality rendering I
- Three different rendering quality levels
- Line anti-aliasing and full screen option for
smooth polygon edges
6High quality rendering II
- Optional and customizable depth cue and clipping
planes - Near and far position setting for both
7Molecule representation I
- wire, ball, stick, spacefill and combinations
- dotted, mesh, solid, transparent drawing types
8Molecule representation II
9Molecular surfaces I
- Smooth and accurate surfaces
- Various surface types van der Waals, Connolly,
solvent accessible, blobby surfaces
10Molecular surfaces II
11Triangle count reduction
- Slightly slower surface generation Much faster
rendering - Geometric algorithm that preserves surface
12Surface transparency
13Property mapping I
- Built-in surface coloring options atom types,
residue, chain id, B-factor secondary structure,
electrostatic potential
14Property mapping II
- Mapping custom calculated properties
- Fully customizable display via API
15Property mapping III
- Volumetric data, e.g. Gaussian Cube surface and
property files - Interactive change of isosurface threshold value
16Large structures
17Large structures
18Secondary structure representation
19Ligand binding
- Flexible tool for binding studies
- Built-in label types atom, residue, secondary
structrure, molecule - Customizable types, colors
- Labels can be dragged and edited
- Distance, Bond angle, Dihedral angle
- Interactive torsion tweak
22Pharmacophore modeling
23Future plans
- scripting (Chime)
- live content, presentation support
- more property calculations (e.g. hydrophobic
areas, electron density) - detection of interaction sites
- perception and visualization of hydrogen bonds
- interactive molecule construction
- stereo view
- volume rendering
- navigation bar
- 3d overlay, pharmacophore modeling
- share molecular information by labeling and
annotating atoms, bonds, ligands, receptors,
complexes, surface regions - protein-ligand binding energy calculation,
scoring, boundary clash
- 100 java (application, applet)
- High quality rendering
- Fast, hardware accelerated graphics
- Programmable (API)
25Visit other technical presentations
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