Title: Uncertainty in Catching Balls
1Uncertainty in Catching Balls
2How do you catch a fly ball?
- Catching involves many issues with very little
time. There are many areas where uncertainty can
effect behavior - The key is to employ a Control Strategy, i.e. a
method for using optical information to control
the subjects movement, but which one?
3A Control Strategy requires information from
optical sources
- Before an explanation of the sources that are
used in each model, lets review some common terms
Most experimental evidence derives from
experiments where a ball is moving toward an
Interception Point (IP).
5Optical variables specify where the ball will
- (?)Tau is the inverse of the relative rate of
dilation of a projected image - ie. This is the size an object appears on your
eye as it approaches you - The crossing distance can be geometrically
determined based on the inverse of Tau and the
size of the ball
6Find the right location
- In order to move the hand to the correct
location, there are a few things which the
subject must know.
Passing distance - where the ball is going to
pass, often referred to as the crossing distance
7Optical variables will also specify when the ball
will cross
- The Time To Pass (TTP) can be determined
- Y is the optical angle at the eye subtended by
the current location of the ball and the
interception point (IP) and ? is the balls
angular subtense
8Binocular correlates
- So far I have shown the information available to
a monocular view. - Actually binocular viewing provides additional
The retinal disparity relative to a fixed
reference point (F) combined with the distance
between the eyes (I) provides additional
information (binocular disparity)
- The various sources of optical information
produce both uncertainty in location, and
uncertainty of time with respect to catching a
moving target. - This means choosing an optimal Control Strategy
will be difficult
10The 2 most generally accepted Control Strategies
- Predictive
- Estimate TTP and XC on the visual information
available - Make a ballistic movement of the hand to the
future location of the ball - Some versions allow for continuous updating of
TTP and XC
- Prospective
- No prediction, and no preprogrammed ballistic
hand movement. - A dynamic relationship between the hand and an
optical variable is established which leads to
interception if the relationship is maintained
11Two Approaches
- Predictive - you see an object and predict when
and where it is going to end up - Prospective - you match a variable in the
environment and maintain it until the object
reaches the interception point
14Theoretical support for each approach
- First, a brief review of pros and cons of each
strategy - Then we explore the support for one of these
approaches, the Prospective control strategy
Pepers approach angle effects
Information on passing distance, time to pass,
and direction of motion in depth are all available
Montagnes movement reversals
Fails to explain movement reversals or approach
angle effects
Gray reports that Peper and Montagne have been
constrained to one dimension
Doesnt explain judgements of catchableness Does
nt explain compensation for perceptual motor
17Re-evaluation of previous findings
- The strongest arguments for Prospective control
come from arguments against Predictive control. - Prospective control claims there are biases in
- 1) Perception of passing distance
- 2) Perception of direction of motion in depth
- and these explain why Predictive control cannot
be correct
18The history of the Prospective Strategy
- First Paper
- Peper Bootsma
- Laid the ground work for the Prospective
Strategy approach - Second Paper
- Montagne
- Developed further support by demonstrating
Movement Reversals
19Paper 1
- Peper measured both judgement of passing distance
(so called catchability) and catching
20Optical information available
- Peper was interested in which optical variables
were involved in catching. - Using only optical information it must be
possible to determine where the ball will cross
the frontoparallel plane
21Derivation of formulas
- If you assume velocity is constant, then tc is
equal to the ? margin - ? margin is specified by ?, the inverse of the
relative rate of dilation of the projected image
22The crossing point is determined by size of the
ball (R) and the the ratio of the velocity of the
sideward displacement of the center of expansion
? and the rate of expansion of the object image r
23Pepers swinging balls
- Methods
- No leaning
- Look straight ahead
- Shutter glasses provide sight for only 700 ms
- Monocular
24So what?
- Peper shows mathematically optical variable that
could be involved. - The hypothesis that subjects would judge critical
passing distance based on ball size alone, was
25Nice finding . . . not necessarily groundbreaking
- The follow up to this experiment changed the
approach angle, while holding the ball size
constant - The hypothesis was that the judgments should be
the same since the ball does eventually arrive at
the same location
- The approach angle had a significant effect on
the judged distance - More experiments were conducted to further test
this surprising finding
27Follow up experiment
- They found that people were affected by whether a
ball was approaching on an inward vs. outward
angle to the target.
Inward solid line Outward dotted line
29Passing distance and estimation of TTC
- The difference in passing distance estimation
could be attributed to an error in judging TTC. - If the approach angle lead to an underestimation
of time to contact then that would explain the
passing distance differences.
30Time to Contact not underestimated
- Notice the trend to greater error as the angle of
approach increases
31Pepers conclusion
- Perhaps subjects do not first estimate passing
distance and then make a programmed response. - They might find an optical variable in the
environment and then move based on it.
32A new approach
- Peper noticed that subjects moved their hand at a
rate which would have it reach the target
location 450 ms before the ball - This movement rate matched the lateral movement
of the ball
33Development of Prospective Models
- Peper later formally developed the Required
Velocity Model (RVM) - This RVM served as the basis for an even more
advanced models. - Bullock developed Relative and Required Vector
Integration to Endpoint model (RRVITE) as an
extension to the Vector Integration to Endpoint
34Paper 2
- Montagne
- was interested in the findings of Bootsma and
Peper and took the new Model a step further
The subjects were constrained along a track and
told to intercept the ball
- If subjects used the Predictive Strategy then
they would estimate where the ball was going to
cross and simply go directly there - According to the Prospective Strategy the
subjects would find a variable in the environment
and match their movements to it
37Movement Reversals
- Montagne found subjects would move their hand
past the interception point and then back, (hence
movement reversal)
38L/R reversal
39The -4 is outward The 4 is inward Since the
ball arrives at the same point, ideally
the path would be a straight line
The position of the hand over time for the
different Approach angles further supports the
prospective approach
40Montagnes Conclusions
- The results suggest that a Predictive Strategy
can not be correct
- Which is the optimal Control Strategy to use
has been examined, and the information from these
two papers would suggest that the Predictive
Strategy is not a good model. - The proposed Prospective Strategy has flaws which
I look to explore in my research