Dyslexia - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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... a gene on the short arm of chromosome #6 is responsible ... Therefore, vision therapy, eye tracking exercises, and/or colored lenses will solve the problem. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Dyslexia

What is Dyslexia?
  • Before the National Institutes of Health began
    their research in the 1980's, the only definition
    of dyslexia was an exclusionary one. If a child's
    difficulty with reading could not be explained by
    low intelligence, poor eye sight, poor hearing,
    inadequate educational opportunities, or any
    other problem, then the child must be dyslexic.
  • That definition was not satisfactory to parents,
    teachers, or researchers. So here are three
    different definitions in use today.

definition used by the National Institutes of
  • Dyslexia is a specific learning disability that
    is neurological in origin.
  • It is characterized by difficulties with accurate
    and/or fluent word recognition, and by poor
    spelling and decoding abilities.
  • These difficulties typically result from a
    deficit in the phonological component of language
    that is often unexpected in relation to other
    cognitive abilities and the provision of
    effective classroom instruction.
  • Secondary consequences may include problems in
    reading comprehension and reduced reading
    experience that can impede growth of vocabulary
    and background knowledge.

causes of dyslexia
  • Dyslexia is an inherited condition. Researchers
    have determined that a gene on the short arm of
    chromosome 6 is responsible for dyslexia. That
    gene is dominant, making dyslexia highly
    heritable. It definitely runs in families.
  • Dyslexia results from a neurological difference
    that is, a brain difference. People with dyslexia
    have a larger right-hemisphere in their brains
    than those of normal readers. That may be one
    reason people with dyslexia often have
    significant strengths in areas controlled by the
    right-side of the brain, such as artistic,
    athletic, and mechanical gifts 3-D visualization
    ability musical talent creative problem solving
    skills and intuitive people skills.

  • In addition to unique brain architecture, people
    with dyslexia have unusual "wiring". Neurons are
    found in unusual places in the brain, and are not
    as neatly ordered as in non-dyslexic brains.
  • In addition to unique brain architecture and
    unusual wiring, f/MRI studies have shown that
    people with dyslexia do not use the same part of
    their brain when reading as other people. Regular
    readers consistently use the same part of their
    brain when they read. People with dyslexia do not
    use that part of their brain, and there appears
    to be no consistent part used among dyslexic
  • It is therefore assumed that people with dyslexia
    are not using the most efficient part of their
    brain when they read. A different part of their
    brain has taken over that function.

Learning disability
  • The term 'learning disability' means a disorder
    in one or more of the basic processes involved in
    understanding spoken or written language. It may
    show up as a problem in listening, thinking,
    speaking, reading, writing, or spelling or in a
    person's ability to do math, despite at least
    average intelligence.
  • The term does not include children who have
    learning problems which are primarily the result
    of visual, hearing, or physical handicaps, or
    mental retardation, or emotional disturbance, or
    of environmental, cultural, or economic

Phonemic Awareness
  • Quotes from prominent NIH researchers
  • "The lack of phonemic awareness is the most
    powerful determinant of the likelihood of failure
    to learn to read."
  • "Phonemic awareness is more highly related to
    learning to read . . . than tests of general
    intelligence, reading readiness, and listening
  • "Phonemic awareness is the most important core
    and causal factor separating normal and disabled
  • NIH research has repeatedly demonstrated that
    lack of phonemic awareness is the root cause of
    reading failure. Phonemes are the smallest unit
    of SPOKEN language, not written language.
  • Children who lack phonemic awareness are unable
    to distinguish or manipulate SOUNDS within SPOKEN
    words or syllables. They would be unable to do
    the following tasks

  • Phoneme Segmentation what sounds do you hear in
    the word hot? What's the last sound in the word
  • Phoneme Deletion what word would be left if the
    /k/ sound were taken away from cat?
  • Phoneme Matching do pen and pipe start with the
    same sound?
  • Phoneme Counting how many sounds do you hear in
    the word cake?
  • Phoneme Substitution what word would you have if
    you changed the /h/ in hot to /p/?
  • Blending what word would you have if you put
    these sounds together? /s/ /a/ /t/

  • Rhyming tell me as many words as you can that
    rhyme with the word eat.
  • If a child lacks phonemic awareness, they will
    have difficulty learning the relationship between
    letters and the sounds they represent in words,
    as well as applying those letter/sound
    correspondences to help them "sound out" unknown
  • So children who perform poorly on phonemic
    awareness tasks via oral language in kindergarten
    are very likely to experience difficulties
    acquiring the early word reading skills that
    provide the foundation for growth of reading
    ability throughout elementary school.
  • Phonemic awareness skills can and must be
    directly and explicitly taught to children who
    lack this awareness.

Phonological Processing and Phonics
  • Phonemic awareness must exist or be explicitly
    and directly taught BEFORE phonics (or
    phonological) instruction begins. Otherwise, the
    phonics instruction will not make sense to the
    dyslexic child.
  • Phonological processing starts by knowing which
    speech sounds are represented by which written
  • The goal of teaching phonics is to make
    phonological processing fluent and automatic.
    Phonics teaches how the written letters blend
    together to produce words, how the sounds of the
    letters change depending on the letters that
    surround them, the rules regarding adding
    suffixes and prefixes, and so on. In other words,
    phonics teaches students the internal linguistic
    structure of words.

Myths About Dyslexia
  • Dyslexia does not exist.
  • Dyslexia is a "catch all" term.
  • There is no way to truly diagnose dyslexia.
  • Many children who experience reading and writing
    problems in kindergarten through third grade will
    outgrow those problems. These children are just
    developmentally delayed.
  • Repeating a grade will often help children gain
    skills because it allows them to mature and
    become developmentally ready to read.
  • Children outgrow dyslexia.

  • Dyslexia is a visual problem. Therefore, vision
    therapy, eye tracking exercises, and/or colored
    lenses will solve the problem.
  • Children with dyslexia see things backwards.
  • All children who reverse b's and d's or p's and
    q's have dyslexia.
  • If a child does not "mirror write" or reverse
    letters and numbers, he/she does not have
  • The way to help a child to read is to force him
    or her to read at least 20 minutes a day.
  • Dyslexic children will never read well. It is
    best to teach them to compensate.
  • If you don't teach a dyslexic child to read by
    age 12, it is too late. They won't be able to
    learn to read after age 12.

Symptoms of Dyslexia
  • No two people with dyslexia are exactly alike. No
    one will have every single symptom, and the
    symptoms they do have can range from mild to
    severe. Clinicians look for a "constellation" or
    cluster of symptoms in the following areas.

Pre-school and kindergarten warning signs
  • delayed speech (not speaking any words by the
    child's first birthday)
  • mixing up sounds in multi-syllabic words (ex
    aminal for animal, mawn lower for lawn mower,
    bisghetti for spaghetti, flustrated for
  • inability to rhyme by age 4
  • lots of allergies or stronger and more severe
    reactions to childhood illnesses than most other
  • can't master tying shoes
  • confusion over left versus right, over versus
    under, before versus after, and other
    directionality words and concepts
  • lack of dominant handedness (switches from right
    hand to left hand between tasks or even while
    doing the same task)
  • inability to correctly complete phonemic
    awareness tasks
  • difficulty learning the names of the letters or
    sounds in the alphabet difficulty writing the
    alphabet in order

  • slow, labored, inaccurate reading of single words
    in isolation (when there is no story nor pictures
    to provide clues)
  • when reading aloud, reads in a slow, choppy
    cadence (not in smooth phrases), and often
    ignores punctuation
  • becomes visibly tired after reading for only a
    short time
  • reading comprehension may be low due to spending
    so much energy trying to read the words.
    Listening comprehension is usually significantly
    higher than reading comprehension.
  • When reading, frequently reverses, inverts, or
    transposes letters
  • reverses means flipping a letter horizontally
    along a vertical axis, such as reading ded for
    bed, or bog for dog
  • inverts means flipping a letter upside down, such
    as may for way, or we for me
  • transposes means switching the order of two
    adjacent letters, such as on for no, gril for
    girl, own for won
  • Substitutes similar-looking words, even if it
    changes the meaning of the sentence, such as
    sunrise for surprise, house for horse, while for
    white, wanting for walking
  • When reading a story or a sentence, substitutes a
    word that means the same thing but doesn't look
    at all similar, such as travel for journey, fast
    for speed, cry for weep
  • Misreads, omits, or even adds small function
    words, such as an, a, from, the, to, were, are,
  • Omits or changes suffixes, such as need for
    needed, talks for talking, late for lately.

  • Spelling errors consist of reversals, inversions,
    or transpositions (just like the reading errors)
  • Continually misspells sight words (nonphonetic
    but very common words) such as they, when,
    balldespite extensive practice
  • Misspells even when copying something from the
    board or from a book
  • Written work shows signs of spelling
    uncertainty--numerous erasures, cross outs, etc.

  • Also known as a visual-motor integration problem,
    people with dyslexia often have poor, nearly
    illegible handwriting. Signs of dysgraphia
  • Unusual pencil grip, often with the thumb on top
    of the fingers (a "fist grip")
  • May hold onto the pencil lower than normal (just
    above the lead), or higher than normal (an inch
    or two above the start of the paint)
  • If pencil grip is lower than normal, the child
    will often put his/her head down on the desk to
    watch the tip of the pencil as he/she writes
  • The pencil is gripped so tightly that the child's
    hand cramps. The child will frequently put the
    pencil down and shake out his/her hand.
  • Writing letters is a slow, labored, non-fluent
  • Child writes letters with unusual starting and
    ending points
  • Child has great difficulty getting letters to
    "sit" on the horizontal lines.
  • Unusual spatial organization of the page. Words
    may be widely spaced or tightly pushed together.
    Margins are often ignored.
  • Child has an unusually difficult time learning
    cursive writing, and shows chronic confusion
    about similarly-formed cursive letters such as f
    and b, m and n, w and u. They will also
    difficulty remembering how to form capital
    cursive letters.

Quality of Written Work
  • People with dyslexia usually have an
    "impoverished written product." That means that
    their intelligence and abilities are not apparent
    when looking at something they wrote. Their
    intelligence is obvious when you speak to them,
    but it is not obvious when they write. They tend
  • write extremely short sentences
  • take an unusually long time to write, due to
  • display very poor mastery of punctuation as well
    as grammar, syntax and suffixes
  • misspell many words
  • have nearly illegible handwriting, due to
  • use space poorly on the page odd spacing between
    words, may ignore margins, sentences tightly
    packed into one section of the page instead of
    being evenly spread out
  • miss many errors in written work even when
    proofreading has been attempted

  • Most dyslexic children and adults have chronic
    difficulty with many aspects of directionality.
  • Geographic directionality confusion about north,
    south, east and west difficulty reading or
    following maps chronically get lost when going
    to new places (and sometimes even to familiar
  • Directionality words difficulty learning (or
    remembering) the meaning of words such as
    left-right, over-under, up-down, before-after,
    ahead-behind, forward-backward, east-west)
  • Left-Right confusion this shows up in
    handwriting and in mathHandwriting trouble
    remembering where a letter starts and which way
    it goes. Does the circle on the b go this way or
    this way? Which way does the tail on a q go? Does
    an s start here and go to the right, or here and
    go to the left? Which way is left, anyway?Math
    trouble remembering which way to work a math
    problem.Reading goes from left to right, but
    adding, subtracting and multiplying goes the
    other way. However, long division goes the same
    way as reading (except when you're multiplying or
    subtracting within a division problem). When
    carrying a number, do I carry it to the left or
    to the right?

Time concepts and time management
  • People with dyslexia often have difficulty with
    time management and time concepts. They often
    have difficulty
  • Telling time using an analog clock (a clock with
    hands) directionality issues add to this
    difficulty (which way do the hands go?), as does
    math. To understand "be home at quarter to six",
    you must know fractions (quarter means 1/4, 1/4
    of an hour is 15 minutes), and you must realize
    that "to six" means before six, and "before" has
    directionality issues (is that when the long hand
    is on the 9 or on the 3?)
  • Knowing the months of the year in sequence. If
    you haven't mastered this, then you may
    mis-interpret a due date written as 5/15/98.
  • Estimating the time a task requires. People with
    dyslexia are often chronically late to
    appointments and late turning in homework because
    they don't accurately estimate the time required
    to drive to a destination or to complete an
  • Remembering the starting times and the sequence
    of classes in high school, both on regular school
    days and days with shortened schedules due to
    rallies or inservice days.
  • Using appointment calendars. People with dyslexia
    will often show up for appointments on the wrong
    day or the wrong week.

Spatial Organization
  • People with dyslexia have an extremely difficult
    time organizing physical space. They tend to
    prefer to pile things rather than to organize
    them and put them away. It is almost as though if
    they can't see item (if it is behind a door or in
    a drawer), they won't know where it is.
  • This disorganization invades all of their
    personal space their rooms, their lockers, their
    backpacks, their offices, and their cars.
  • They often have extreme difficulty organizing
    their offices or their study space.
  • Also, perhaps due to their disorganization, they
    tend to lose many, many personal items clothing,
    watches, pagers, books, lunches, and shoes.
  • They also have trouble bringing all necessary
    items to a meeting or to their house to do

Co-existing Conditions
  • Attention Deficit Disorder (with or without
    Hyperactivity)Attention Deficity Disorder is a
    completely separate condition than dyslexia.
    However, research has shown that at least 40 of
    people with dyslexia also have AD/HD.
  • Light Sensitivity (Scotopic Sensitivity)A small
    percentage (3 to 8) of people with dyslexia
    also have light sensitivity (sometimes called
    scotopic sensitivity). These people have a hard
    time seeing small black print on white paper. The
    print seems to shimmer or move some see the
    rivers of white more strongly than the black
    words. These people tend to dislike florescent
    lighting, and often "shade" the page with their
    hand or head when they read.
  • Colored plastic overlays and/or colored lenses
    can eliminate the harsh black print against white
    paper contrast, and may make letters stand still
    for the first time in someone's life. However,
    the plastic overlays or colored lenses will not
    "cure" dyslexia, nor will they teach a dyslexic
    person how to read.

Significant Strengths of people with dyslexia
  • artistic skill
  • musical ability
  • 3-D visual-spatial skills
  • mechanical ability
  • vivid imagination
  • athletic ability
  • math conceptualization skills
  • creative, global thinking
  • curiosity and tenacity
  • intuition

Good careers for people with dyslexia
  • You'll find people with dyslexia in every field.
    However, many excel in the following fields
  • architecture
  • interior or exterior design
  • psychology
  • teaching
  • marketing and sales
  • culinary arts
  • woodworking
  • carpentry
  • performing arts
  • athletics
  • music
  • scientific research
  • engineering
  • computers
  • electronics
  • mechanics
  • graphic arts
  • photography
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