Title: Metamorphic Rocks
1Metamorphic Rocks
- The Worlds Wonderful Waffles
2What is a Metamorphic Rock?
- A Metamorphic Rock is a rock that has been formed
over time with heat and pressure. - Come take a tour and lets see how these
magnificent rocks are formed.
3How are Metamorphic Rocks formed?
4Over time, the sediment layer pushes downward.
This builds up heat.
5With the combination of heat, pressure and time,
these sedimentary rocks actually change and
become much MUCH harder.
After intense heat and pressure this Sedimentary
Rock becomes
Remember our shale?
Notice the bands that run across this VERY hard
but were not done yet!
7It can also become slate
You may have seen slate on the roof of a house.
You may have seen slate on a floor or driveway.
Again, these rocks are VERY hard.
8Remember our Limestone?
After much time, pressure and heat, this lovely
rock becomes
Metamorphic Rocks are also extremely dense
10What does DENSE mean exactly?
- If something is dense, it means packed closer
Metamorphic rocks are more dense than Sedimentary
11What about Sandstone?
After heat, pressure and time take their toll,
Sandstone becomes
13Heres a brief quiz
- What is a Metamorphic Rock made of?
- It is made of Sedimentary and Igneous rocks that
have been changed. - What three things form a Metamorphic Rock?
- Heat, Pressure and Time
- What happens to the Sedimentary Rock that causes
the metamorphosis to begin? - It compresses
14A few more questions
- After the metamorphic rock cools, it becomes
_________ than a Sedimentary Rock. - Harder
- After the metamorphosis, the Sedimentary Rock,
Shale becomes which Metamorphic Rock? - Slate or Gneiss
15a couple more
- After the metamorphosis, the Sedimentary Rock,
Limestone becomes which Metamorphic Rock? - Marble
- After the metamorphosis, the Sedimentary Rock,
Sandstone becomes which Metamorphic Rock? - Quartzite
16Stay tuned for our next journey