Title: The Search for a Topographic Signature of Life
1The Search for a Topographic Signature of Life
- William Dietrich and Taylor Parron
Presenters Claire Steiner and Marina Drazba
2The Equation
Breaking it down
Change of elevation with time Uplift Incision
to bedrock Stored sediment
What it means
Change of elevation with time Tectonics
Erosion loose soils
Dependent on
Change of elevation with time Geology Geology
and climate geology, topography and water
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4The Erosion
Erosion of soil
Erosion of bedrock
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7Abiotic Vs Biotic Earth
- Short Time Scale Impacts
- Geologic Time Scale Impacts
8Short time scale impacts
- Curvature of bedrock
- Riverbed composition
- River shape
9Hypothesis 1 Curvature of bedrock
- Stripped Landscapes - Rough bedrock exposed
Biotic World - Smooth, rounded, soil covered
10Curvature of bedrock
Exposed Bedrock
Atacama Desert Chile
Rounded Hillslope
Atacama Desert Chile
Rounded Hillslope
11Hypothesis 2Riverbed composition
- Abiotic World
- Coarser Riverbeds
- Steeper Riverbeds
- Biotic World
- - Less Coarse Riverbeds
- - Shallower Riverbeds
12Riverbed composition
13Hypothesis 3 River Shape
- Abiotic World
- No Meandering Rivers
- Braiding
- Biotic World
- Meandering
- Braiding
14River Shape
Yamal tundra
Ólafur Ingólfsson, 1997
15Geologic time scale impacts
16Precipitation Model Kleidon et al.
- Abiotic World
- Higher Albedo
- Low Storage of Water
- 0 Vegetation Cover
- Biotic World
- Lower Albedo
- Optimized Water Storage
- 100 Vegetation Cover
June - August
Increase in Precipitation
Decrease in Precipitation
No change in Precipitation
Difference in Precipitation (mm/day)
Kleidon et al., 2000
Willett, 1999
Willett, 1999
20Frequency and distribution of landform properties
21Frequency and distribution of landform properties