Title: Richard M. Lewis, Ph.D.
1- Richard M. Lewis, Ph.D.
- Deputy Director,
- Office of Blood Research and Review
- Center for Biologics
- Evaluation and Research
2OBRR Strategic Plan to Counter Terrorism
- Actions to Protect the Blood Supply
- Actions to Assure Continued Supply
- Actions to Treat Affected Individuals
- Outreach Activities
3OBRR Strategic Plan to Counter Terrorism
- Each of the OBRR divisions has been assigned the
lead on one of these initiatives. - Division CT efforts reflect these initiatives.
4OBRR Strategic Plan to Counter Terrorism
- Actions to Protect the Blood Supply
- Research
- Policy and Regulation
5OBRR Strategic Plan to Counter Terrorism
- Actions to Protect the Blood Supply
- - Research
- In house research has multiple objectives
- Develop new understanding and methods
- Develop expertise for evaluation of industry
submitted methods - Transfer technology for industry development
- Lot release testing
6OBRR Strategic Plan to Counter Terrorism
- Actions to Protect the Blood Supply
- - Research
- Detection and donor screening
- Microarray technology
- Nucleic Acid Testing
- Pathogen Removal/Inactivation
- Blood and Blood products
- Plasma Derivatives
- Filtration methods
- Chemical inativation
7OBRR Strategic Plan to Counter Terrorism
- Actions to Protect the Blood Supply
- Policy and regulation
- Donor screening/suitability
- Agent exposure
- Emergency release of blood components
- Product Release.
- Exemptions
8OBRR Strategic Plan to Counter Terrorism
- Actions to Assure Continued Supply
- Development of Emergency Response Procedures
- Identify possible scenarios
- Type
- Biological
- Chemical
- Nuclear
- Extent
9OBRR Strategic Plan to Counter Terrorism
- Actions to Assure Continued Supply
- Develop Methods to Assess Blood Needs Associated
with an Event - Immediate
- Short term
- Long term
10OBRR Strategic Plan to Counter Terrorism
- Actions to Assure Continued Supply
- Determine the need for Strategic Reserves
- Blood
- Test kits
- Supplies
11OBRR Strategic Plan to Counter Terrorism
- Actions to Treat Affected Individuals.
- Develop consistent advice/ reviewer guidance for
sponsors of investigational products. - Evaluate prioritization schemes for product use.
- Evaluate the safety of investigational products
in emergency situations.
12OBRR Strategic Plan to Counter Terrorism
- Actions to Treat Affected Individuals
- Identify possible therapeutic products.
- Immune globulins
- Botulism
- Anthrax
- Vaccinia
13OBRR Strategic Plan to Counter Terrorism
- Actions to Treat Affected Individuals.
- Evaluate inactivation methods for manufactured
products. - Assure rapid testing and release of licensed
products. - Assist in the evaluation of current supplies of
possible useful products.
14OBRR Strategic Plan to Counter Terrorism
- Outreach activities.
- Interact with blood organizations to develop
emergency procedures. - AABB Taskforce.
- Interact with reagent and supply manufacturers.
- Interact with other government.
- Inter office.
- Inter Agency.
- Address transportation following disaster.
- Reagents.
- Samples.