Title: Using SIP Tool for Building Technology Plan
1Using SIP Tool for Building Technology Plan Point
your browser to http//eds.ospi.k12.wa.us/
Step 1
Username e-mail address Password as assigned
by district Click on Login
Step 2
Click on View my applications
2Step 3
Click on School Improvement Planning Tool.
Step 4
If this is the first time you have you used the
SIP Tool, click on the Go button next to
create a new plan and skip to Step 15. If you
have already started your Building Technology
Plan or have already created a complete SIP plan
using the online tool, click on the Go button
next to continue working on a plan.
3Step 5
Click on the Plan tab (Tab 6).
Step 6
Click on the Craft Action Plan on the left
navigation menu.
4Step 7
Click on the Add Quick Start Goals link.
Step 8
If you have no Goals entered yet, skip to Step
17. If you already have Goals saved, click on
the Goal Title (i.e., Technology Literacy or
Mathematics) and continue with Step 9.
5Step 9
Select a Goal Type from the pull-down menu to
match your Goal Title (i.e., Technology
Literacy), then click Save.
Step 10
Repeat Steps 8 and 9 for all goals, then click
6Step 11
Click on a Strategy for one of your Goals (i.e.,
Integrate technology).
Step 12
Select a Strategy Type (or Types) from the
pull-down menu to match your Strategy (i.e.,
Technology integration to support learning), then
click Save.
7Step 13
Click on Back to Goals.
Step 14
Repeat Steps 11-13 for all Strategies for each of
your Goals, then skip to Step 31 to view your
completed Building Technology Plan.
8Step 15
Select the date range for the plan (e.g.,
2007-2008 if it is a one-year plan), type in a
Plan Name, select the Grade Levels (e.g., K-6),
and check the box for the plan type (e.g.,
Building-Level Technology Plan).
Step 16
Click on Go next to Quickstart.
9Step 17
Click on the Add button to enter your first
Step 18
Type in the Goal Title and SMART Goal Statement,
and select the Goal Type from the pull-down
10Step 19
Click on the Achievement, Contextual, or
Demographic radio button, then check the
appropriate data element(s).
Step 20
Click on the Save button.
11Step 21
Click on the Add button to add more Goals, and
use the Next button when you are done adding
Step 22
Click on the Add button to add a Strategy for
this Goal.
12Step 23
Type in the Strategy, then add the Rationale and
Evaluation Procedure (both optional). Then select
the Strategy Type from the pull-down list.
Step 24
Click on the Save button to save the Strategy,
then click on the Add button that appears to
add one or more Activities to go with the
13Step 25
Type in the Activity/Task, Professional
Development, Evaluation, People Involved, and the
Start and End Dates, then be sure to click on the
Save button.
Step 26
If you want to add one or more Resources to the
Activity, click on the Add button which
appears when you save the Activity.
14Step 27
Type in the Description, select the Type from the
pull-down menu, type in the cost and Funding
Source, and click on the Save button.
Step 28
Continue adding Activities and Resources, or go
back a level to add more Strategies to the same
Goal, using the Back to Strategies button.
15Step 29
Continue adding Strategies to the same Goal, or
go back a level to add new Strategies for another
Goal, using the Back to Goals button.
Step 30
Repeat Steps 22-29 until you have completed your
Action Plan.
16Step 31
If you would like to view your entire Building
Technology Plan or print it, click on Create
Report on the left-navigation on any screen.
Step 32
Click on the Technology Building-Level Plan
link to view and/or print your plan.