Title: Active Aerodynamic Load Control for Wind Turbine Blades
1Active Aerodynamic Load Control for Wind Turbine
- Jose R. Zayas
- Sandia National Laboratories
- C.P. van Dam, R. Chow, J.P. Baker, E.A. Mayda
- University of California - Davis
Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by
Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin
Company,for the United States Department of
Energy under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.
- Problem Statement and Goal
- Active Control Background
- Microtab Motivation
- CFD work
- Wind tunnel results
- Modeling Tools
- Future Work
- Conclusion
3Problem Statement Goal
- With Wind Turbines Blades Getting larger and
Heavier, Can the Rotor Weight be Reduced by
Adding Active Devices? - Can Active Control be Used to Reduce Fatigue
Loads? - Can Energy Capture in Low Wind Conditions be
Improved? - Research Goal
Understand the Implications and Benefits of
Embedded Active Blade Control, Used to Alleviate
High Frequency Dynamics
4Active Flow/Load Control
- Blade Load Variations Due to Wind Gusts,
Direction Changes, and Large Scale Turbulence - Active Load Control on Blade/Turbine can be
Achieved by Modifying - Blade incidence angle (pitch)
- Flow velocity (modification in RPM)
- Blade length
- Blade aerodynamic characteristics through
- Changes in section shape (aileron, smart
materials, microtab) - Surface blowing/suction
- Other flow control techniques (VGs, surface
heating, plasma)
5Active Flow/Load Control
- Active Load Control
- May remove fundamental design constraints
- These large benefits are feasible if active
control technology is considered from the onset - May allow for lighter more slender blades designs
- Active Load Control has Already been Implemented
in Wind Turbine Design. e.g. - Yaw control
- Blade pitch control
- Blade aileron (Zond 750)
6Active Flow/Load Control
Courtesy NREL
Active Aileron on a Zond 750 Blade
7Gurney Flap (Passive)
- Gurney Flap (Liebeck, 1978)
- Significant increases in CL
- Relatively small increases in CD
- Properly sized Gurney flaps ? increases in L/D
8Microtab Concept
- Evolutionary Development of Gurney flap
- Tab Near Trailing Edge Deploys Normal to Surface
- Deployment Height on the Order of the Boundary
Layer Thickness - Effectively Changes Sectional Camber and Modifies
Trailing Edge Flow Development (so-called Kutta
9Microtab Concept
- Small, Simple, Fast Response
- Retractable and Controllable
- Lightweight, Inexpensive
- Two-Position ON-OFF Actuation
- Low Power Consumption
- No Hinge Moments
- Expansion Possibilities (scalability)
- Do Not Require Significant Changes to
Conventional Lifting Surface Design (i.e.,
manufacturing or materials)
10Microtab Research Approach
- Wind-Tunnel Based Physical Simulations
- Pros
- Proof that concept works as advertised
- Cons
- Requires extensive experimental resources
- Can be expensive and time consuming
- Limited to modest chord Reynolds numbers
- CFD-Based Numerical Simulations
- Pros
- Relatively fast and inexpensive to study a large
number of geometric variations - Provides detailed insight to the flow-field
phenomena - Cons
- Requires extensive computational resources
(software hardware) - Learning curve for CFD is steep
11Microtab Research Approach
- Current Study uses a Closely-Coupled
Collaboration Between Computational Fluid
Dynamics (CFD) and Wind Tunnel Experimentation - Wind Turbine Dynamic Simulation
- Pros
- Gives understanding on the effects to the entire
system - Cost effective in comparison to field testing
- Mature codes
- Cons
- Difficult to capture all of the physics in the
model - Requires insight and careful validation of the
Final Goal is to Fly an Effective, Robust Active
Load Control System on a Wind Turbine
12CFD Methods
- Compressible 2D RANS
- One-equation Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model
- Compressible 3D RANS
- Structured Chimera overset grids
- Multiple turbulence models
- Spalart-Allmaras
- Menters k-? SST model
13CFD Methods
- Grid Generation
- Chimera Grid Tools 1.9
- Structured O- and C-type grids
- 350 to 400 surface grid points
- y lt 1.0 for all viscous surfaces
14Wind Tunnel Methods
- Open Circuit, Low Subsonic
- Test Section Dimensions
- Cross section 0.86 m ? 1.22 m (2.8 ft ? 4.0 ft)
- Length 3.66 m (12 ft)
- Low Turbulence lt 0.1 FS for 80 of test section
15Wind Tunnel Methods
- Force Measurement
- Lift and moment determined using 6-component
pyramidal balance - Drag determined using wake measurements
- Pitot-static probe measurements
- Based on Jones Method
16Wind Tunnel -vs- CFD
S809 Baseline Airfoil 1.1 chord tab 95 x/c
lower surface Re 1106 Ma 0.17
- Results Repeatedly Show Excellent Agreement
Between Computations and Experiment
17Full System Modeling - Background
- Wind Turbine Model
- Micon 65 Stall Regulated
- 3-bladed upwind
- Model results have been verified with field data
- Dynamic Simulation Tools
- NuMAD (Numerical Manufacturing and Design Tool)
- ANSYS FEA preprocessor
- Blade property extraction tool (BPE)
- FAST (Fatigue, Aerodynamics, Structures, and
Turbulence) - Modal representation
- Limited degrees of freedom
- Used as a preprocessor to ADAMS
- ADAMS (Automatic Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical
Systems) - Commercial multi body dynamic simulation software
- Virtually unlimited degrees of freedom
Micon 65 ADAMS Model
Codes Provide Virtually Identical Results
19Determining Blade Solidity
- Outboard Portion of the Blades is Analyzed
20Dynamic Effect of Microtabs(no control)
Microtabs Deployed for the Entire Simulation
21Controlled Microtab Results
Microtabs Response Using Simple Controller
22Future Work
- Develop and Analyze Active Control Microtab
Airfoil Model for the Wind Tunnel Testing - Quantify Potential Benefits of Microtabs for
Increase Energy Capture - Analyze other Potential Devices (flaps,
spoilers,) - Model Devices on a Variable Speed / Variable
Pitch Machine (in progress) - Develop a MATLAB Simulink Controller for Active
- Potential Advantages of Active Control have been
Investigated - Microtab Analysis has been Quantified both
Computationally and Experimentally - Potential Microtab Benefits have been
Demonstrated on a Full System Model - Active Devices may Provide Substantial Benefit
for Future Wind Turbine Designs
24Thank You!!