Title: Gaylactic Network Reorganization
1Gaylactic Network Reorganization
- Proposed by Rob Gates
- Ideas Generated by Lambda Sci-Fi
2Network Reorganization
- Intro
- General Problems
- Membership-Related Problems
- Governance Problems
3Network Reorg - Introduction
4Network - Reorg - General Probs
- Unclear Goal/Purpose/Vision
- Networks Lack of Funds
- Apathy Burnout
5Network - Reorg - Membership
- Declining Membership
- Perceived Lack of Member Benefits
- Inability to Track Membership
6Network - Reorg - Governance
- Communications Roadblocks (Reps)
- Inability to Make Timely Decisions
- Inequity of Voting Procedures
7Gaylactic Network Reorganization
8Network - Reorg - Background
- While the Network has survived for over 10 years
now, the last few years have seen a growing
struggle to survive on both a Network-wide and
Affiliate level. The Network has fewer
Affiliates now than in many years, and active
participation has been declining rapidly. If the
Network is to survive, something must be done.
9Network - Reorg - Why Bother?
- Intangible Benefits
- A place at the table within fandom
- Existence of Gaylaxicon (our convention)
- Spectrum Awards
- Central clearinghouse of information for gay
fandom - Connection point for gay fandom
- The Network has helped to foster local groups
- Visibility
- Necessary
- comment need to be part of the/aware of the
electronic world
10Gaylactic Network Reorganization
11Network - Reorg - Unclear Goal1 of 2
- Continuing group/committee to keep the vision
fresh - inspiration - communicate purpose goals in written form to
all members potential members - vision where would we like to be in 5 years
- purpose what, specifically, do we do
- goal how to achieve purpose
12Network - Reorg - Unclear Goal2 of 2
- Goal -gt Define members, term of office
- Establish frequency of reviewing goals
- Decide group or individual member org, maybe
both? - Concrete
- standing newsletter item in LSF (and on website
and any brochure), recommend to others purpose
13Network - Reorg - Lack Funds
- Some form of dues going directly to Network
Treas. (rather than mediated by chapters) would
result in more stable Network treasury - Start by finding out what it costs to be and do
what we want - Enforce payment of dues (consequence for
non-payment, eg membership ends)
14Network - Reorg - Apathy1 of 4
- Limit Officer/Rep terms to promote activity of
ALL members - For current problem - get info around roadblocks
(could groups fix themselves?) - Clarify encourage the transition of known
functions to an office/committee that doesnt
require one individuals presence (ie, be clear
about officer functions)
15Network - Reorg - Apathy2 of 4
- Simplify Bylaws to be basic guidelines. Most
procedures should not be in Bylaws - so that the
Network is more flexible while keeping basic
functionality - Bylaws guiding principles, constitution
- Standing Rules procedures that are agreed upon
and subject to change - Must be ways to function around roadblocks
16Network - Reorg - Apathy3 of 4
- Mentoring - Jr. officers - elections before so
theres a period of watching existing officers - make jobs more approachable - procedures more
transparent - Less focus on process, more focus on external,
getting beyond procedures
17Network - Reorg - Apathy4 of 4
- Maybe cleaning up other stuff will help - if
Network were glamorous/successful it would be
more attractive to be involved - Show results - results orientation!
18Gaylactic Network Reorganization
19Network - Reorg - Declining1 of 3
- Need publicity - from groups Network
Publicists job (nothing has happened) - website
- mailing lists
- brochures at group meetings
- brochures at cons
- brochures at gay/sf bookstores
- advertising
- club listings
- Offer Benefits
20Network - Reorg - Declining2 of 3
- All members get info - no reps or multiple reps
- ideas for/from clubs
- how to get/keep members
- what to do/activities suggestions
- structural suggestions
- Network assists clubs to grow
- website/mailing list creation/fodder for
21Network - Reorg - Declining3 of 3
- Scifi resources - contact board - help people get
together at locations at cons - Make purpose clear - why join a vague org?
- Foster individual sense of buy in
- Everyone hears everything - smaller/focused path
for response - clubs are most important
22Network - Reorg - Benefits1 of 5
- Beneficiaries
- clubs
- network reps
- individual members
- non-members
- Tangible
- List of movies/books/tv with gay themes
- Potential to meet people w/ similar interests
- Info center for gay fandom events
23Network - Reorg - Benefits2 of 5
- Intangible
- presence/voice in the industry
- paving the way for acceptance of gay subcultures
in the genre - Marketing - articulate these benefits to the user
community - Charge for access - free things arent valued
24Network - Reorg - Benefits3 of 5
- Promote more social events - separate
political/social functions - separate spam/nospam (announce/discuss) on
internet - or no participation option - do a user/mailing list survey of user
expectations - do a vision statement that starts with member
25Network - Reorg - Benefits4 of 5
- Develop social interaction/user profiles to help
members meet learn more about each other - Ease the burden of communication on selected
cities representatives - individual communications access
26Network - Reorg - Benefits5 of 5
- Do people want other tangible (or intangible)
benefits? (part of survey) - communication about past upcoming events direct
to members to promote involvement - what makes a member - define!
- What are membership requirements
responsibilities (civic duties) to get benefits?
27Network - Reorg - Tracking1 of 4
- A central membership roll sheet would allow
tracking of whos in and allow Network to
promote contacts with critical mass at local
sites - Names of members should be added to the central
registry as they join (automate function on web
site?) - Central list shouldnt be on net, not public
28Network - Reorg - Tracking2 of 4
- Set up a function of website to compare voters
name w/ membership list - need a member option to opt out of any membership
lists, mailings, for reasons of privacy or
preference - convince clubs of importance of this importance
of sharing - maybe offer to centralize this for
29Network - Reorg - Tracking3 of 4
- Make it part of requirement to be a club, or
offer Network benefits to clubs to offer as
benefits to their members - locators - list whos in MD (ie)
- Make a master announce list and dont publish
this information to anyone - Central membership - 2 issues
- security/privacy
- need for vote eligibility/confirmation
30Network - Reorg - Tracking4 of 4
- Should people be able to opt out of Network or
out of local clubs? - Can there be 2 ways of joining
- Network direct
- Through a club
- (Both go to central membership)
- Is it mandatory to join Network to join a club?
31Gaylactic Network Reorganization
32Network - Reorg - Roadblocks1 of 4
- Internet mail list for Network info only
(including GNAPA) for all - not discussion - Minimum number of GNAPA submissions per year
requirement - short required response time, else automatic
abstention - Easy procedures for emergency or quick action
33Network - Reorg - Roadblocks2 of 4
- Multiple reps and/or track all members and
communicate to all (but keep reps for
communications from groups) - Present Network policy rep alternate
(chapters arent complying) - Need at least 3 contacts per group
- Consequences must be in place for non-compliance
- harsh consequences perhaps?
34Network - Reorg - Roadblocks3 of 4
- Clubs have responsibilities
- What is relationship between Network clubs?
Mentor/counsel - what happens to individuals in club if a club
wavers? - Workarounds so Network survives problems
35Network - Reorg - Roadblocks4 of 4
- Provide alternatives for involvement if club
folds or has problems - simplicity and flexibility in whatever is decided!
36Network - Reorg - Timely1 of 2
- Reduce of items needing every groups vote
- ie - groups should not have to vote on a group
going inactive - if a new group wants to join
that shouldnt have to be approved by each group
if the new group meets all requirements - See removing communications roadblocks and how
to modify rep. system
37Network - Reorg - Timely2 of 2
- Require answer/vote quickly, otherwise its a
defacto abstain - Let Membership be final recourse for most
important issues let Officers take care of
paying for postage
38Network - Reorg -Inequity1 of 8
- Senate vs House
- Senate
- Voting represenation equal for each group
regardless of size - House
- Voting representation based on group size
- Direct Vote
- Each member, committee of the whole
39Network - Reorg - Inequity2 of 8
- GNAPA model as of now - changes - set dates,
procedures and communicate them! - Voter authentication an issue?
- No luddites? - Internet voting?
- Different levels of membership get different
votes - chapters participate differently from
individual members
40Network - Reorg - Inequity3 of 8
- NO barriers to membership/voting/participation -
electronic or otherwise - Leave the clubs as is, but have officers voted by
members at large (speaker, listener, etcetera)
41Network - Reorg - Inequity4 of 8
6 Mems
5 Mems
Omaha NE 1 Mem
Alex. VA 2 Mems
4 Mems
1 Member - 1 Vote clubs have different jobs -
advise Network officers, board, whatever
42Network - Reorg - Inequity5 of 8
- Should not be internet only - no barriers to
membership participation - Subsidize or charge extra for non-electronic
involvement - Limiting to electronic gets you quick access and
vote on everything - only key issues go to all? - Proxy votes?
43Network - Reorg - Inequity6 of 8
- Phone/voice mail?
- Not everything is a vote-worthy issue
- clubs vote as clubs - weighted higher than
individuals (vote as individuals) - impact? Individuals - individuals decide
- impact? Clubs - clubs decide
- Who decides what...
44Network - Reorg - Inequity7 of 8
- Board votes - with full access to advise from
anyone - Individuals set policy - Board/officers work
within that until the next full meeting where
new policy set/officers elected - check balance - clubs/reps get some oversight
to adjudicate officerse performance within policy
45Network - Reorg - Inequity8 of 8
- Include a rep-at-large?
- Individual members should not have authority to
dictate policy for groups - autonomy of groups is