Title: Political Science 102: Introduction to Political Science
1- Attendance
- Tales from Spring Break
- Issues
- 2nd exam
- paper
- 3rd exam
2IX. Political Institutions
A. Characteristics
1. definition the relatively permanent social
system through which power is distributed and
exercised in societies 2. Webers institutional
a. traditional
b. charismatic
c. legal-rational
3IX. Political Institutions
B. Intra-government institutions
1. Executive a. branch of govt focussed on
execution of policy b. comprised of chief
executive and ministers c. can be democratically
elected or appointed d. authoritarian regimes
constrained only by personal will force at
their disposal
4IX. Political Institutions
B. Intra-government institutions
1. Executive e. functions centralized or
decentralized 1. Chief of state 2. Chief
policy implementor 3. Chief policy maker 4.
Chief of party
5IX. Political Institutions
B. Intra-government institutions
2. Legislative a. law-making branch of govt b.
assembly of elected officials in a formally equal
relationship c. authoritarian regimes granted
only the powers allowed by executive
6IX. Political Institutions
B. Intra-government institutions
3. Judiciary a. body of judges b.
functions 1. Resolution of disputes 2.
Determination of guilt 3. Prevention of
wrongdoing 4. Policy-making
7IX. Political Institutions
B. Intra-government institutions
3. Judiciary c. main issues 1. judicial
independence 2. judicial review of
legislation 3. judicial review of executive
actions 4. activism vs. restraint d.
authoritarian regimes granted only the powers
allowed by executive
8IX. Political Institutions
B. Intra-government institutions
4. Bureaucracy a. government by permanent
office holders (appointed dept leaders
protected mid- low-level workers) b.
implementation arm of govt (laws) c. answers to
both law-makers executives d. only bureaucracy
can effectively watch bureaucracy e.
authoritarian regimes answers only to the
9IX. Political Institutions
C. Institutional Relationships Exec Leg
1. presidential system (U.S. is best) a. exec
leg elected separately b. exec not easily
removed by leg c. separation of powers d.
checks balances e. executives roles (chief
of, chief of) are centralized
10IX. Political Institutions
C. Institutional Relationships Exec Leg
2. parliamentary system a. leg selects exec b.
exec is easily removed by leg c. no separation
of powers d. no checks balances e.
executives roles (chief of, chief of) are
11IX. Political Institutions
C. Institutional Relationships Exec Leg
2. parliamentary system f. process in U.K. 1.
House of Commons (publicly elected) majority
party elects leader to serve as prime minister
(PM). 2. PM names presides over cabinet
(selected from PMs party in Parliament)
3. Collective responsibility 4. Vote of no
12IX. Political Institutions
C. Institutional Relationships Exec Leg
2. parliamentary system g. other processes 1.
PM pres France 2. constructive vote of no
confidence Germany 3. Weak prime ministerial
system Japan
4. Ombudsman Sweden
13DO NOT PACK UP 1. attendance. 2. Catch up on
Grigsby Chapter 8 - 9, and add Chapter 10. 3.
Papers due April 2, 2004.