Title: Political Science 102: Introduction to Political Science
1VII. Fascism
A. Concept of fascism
1. no theoretical identity fascism is what it is
not. 2. often developed in response to
socialism 3. culture-specific populist 4. rests
on totalitarianism a. power used to oppress
for political gain b. power wielded by a single
state authority c. no opposition from societys
strongest sectors 5. greatest threat is popular
2VII. Fascism
B. Origins of fascism Mussolini
1. fasces
3VII. Fascism
B. Origins of fascism Mussolini
2. Fascism Doctrines Institutions a. work
rejects political theory b. rejects peace
fascism views conflict as opportunity
strength c. nationalism alternative to
internationalism and individualism
4VII. Fascism
B. Origins of fascism Mussolini
3. Only the state can articulate national
(shared) interests (state is the sole power
5VII. Fascism
B. Origins of fascism Mussolini
4. At odds withliberalism, conservatism, etc. 5.
Submission to the state was glorification a.
state provides purpose b. the states well-being
your well-being c. individuals weakened state
power, ergo... 6. Elitism we are not equal by
birth--society should reflect this.
6VII. Fascism
C. Expansion of fascist ideology Hitler
1. Elitism inferior groups had an obligation and
desire for domination by elites provides self
worth gratification. 2. Germanys racial
diversity a. Hitler used nationalism and
racism b. racial elitism c. Any non-Aryan race
was inferior sub-classes 3. Race supplants the
national identity
7VII. Fascism
D. Neo-fascism
1. sole focus is racial purity 2. no distinct
national identity (world-wide) a. violence and
hate b. semi-active political groups c.
outlawed in many European nations
8VII. Fascism
E. Totalitarianism
1. Descriptive vs prescriptive systems 2. Not a
distinct system of governance or theory 3. govt
is locus of control for day-to-day life a. mass
communication b. war as a unifying force c.
Life is the state economy, politics, religion,
culture, philosophy, science, history and
sport 4. Cult of personality
9VII. Fascism
E. Totalitarianism
5. Based on dynamism permanent revolution
mobilized, goal-oriented society 6. Cannot allow
regime change a. open violence b. terror as
acquiescence c. political and social purges 7.
Can be democratic but tend to devolve 8.
Totalitarianism vs. authoritarianism