Title: Political Science 102: Introduction to Political Science
1- Attendance
- Issues
- 2nd exam - grading
- Paper due April 9 by 500 pm (10 days)
(Assignment 01 memo is modified) - Presentationsstyle, format, etc.
- Items on reserve placed next week for last exam
- Office hours CX in KC try e-mail
- John Braithwaite, scholar in sociology and
criminology, Friday, April 2 at 200 pm in 136,
College of Law. Braithwaite is currently
Professor in the Law Program and Chair of the
Regulatory Institutions Network in the Research
School of Social Sciences at Australian National
2Democracy Multiculturalism April 2, 330 pm
Law School Auditorium Reform or Retrenchment
Single sex education Construction of Race
Gender Thursday, April 1 4pm - Taylor Law
Ctr Diversity, Equality Social Justice in
Higher Education New Cultural Meanings
Thursday, April 22, 2004 4pm Taylor Law Center
3XI. International Organizations
A. What are they?
1. Orgs that perform the international regimes
policy-making and implementation functions.
a. Board of directors made of individuals from
different states
b. types 1. Intl Non-Governmental Orgs (INGO or
NGO preferred) 2. Intl Governmental Orgs (IGO)
4XI. International Organizations
1. over 10,000 cover wide variety of policy areas
2. Characteristics
a. Volunteer or paid board and staff
b. Non-profit orgs funded by private donations
c. May receive contracts from govts, firms, or
IGOs (ex WHO, IRC)
d. Board may have citizens from many states
5XI. International Organizations
3. NGOs are pressure groups
a. Try to change state or IGO policy
b. Appeal to citizens of state(s)
c. Educational campaigns
d. May have branches in multiple states
6XI. International Organizations
1. Number in thousands
2. Characteristics
a. Membership is composed of states, not indiv
b. Typically a formal structure
c. Often permanent with defined periodic meetings
d. May be global or regionally defined
7XI. International Organizations
3. Classifications
a. Political IGOs
1. prevent conflict among member states
2. mechanisms for rights of citizens of member
3. funded through assessments of member states
4. states are represented through diplomats or
8XI. International Organizations
3. Classifications
b. Functional IGOs
1. perform a specific task (Ex manage canal)
2. funding through user direct user fees and
market beneficiaries also donations
3. funded through assessments of member states
4. often represented and directed by experts in
field and policy-makers
9XI. International Organizations
3. Classifications
c. Classification is controversial
a. assume policy-makers do not play politics
b. govt political pressure can force reps to
vote against knowledge expertise
c. functional IGO reps have used expertise to
control govt activity (taken power away)
10XI. International Organizations
D. United Nations (UN)
1. Most successful powerful IGO in history
2. 1st Arm Security Council
a. 15 members
1. 5 permanent
2. 10 elected by General Assembly
b. Most powerful body in human history
1. Sanction states for threat to peace
2. Conduct war on states for violations
3. Rarely used
a. Non-agreement
b. No real war between states
11XI. International Organizations
D. United Nations (UN)
2. 1st Arm Security Council
c. powers can fail
1. Non-agreement inaction
2. Non-solution avoidance
3. Peace not always preferred
d. peace-making missions
1. Professional negotiators
2. Resources (elections infrastructure)
12XI. International Organizations
D. United Nations (UN)
2. 1st Arm Security Council
e. peace-keeping missions
1. Keep warring factions from fighting
2. Require blessing of host state
Mission statement Rules of engagement Exit
3. Requires plan of operation
4. Very costly in and troops
f. Problems
1. UN is a globo-cop can invade
2. Should the UN be police or fire dept?
3. Structure big dogs stay home
13XI. International Organizations
D. United Nations (UN)
3. 2nd Arm General Assembly
a. almost 200 members, each with one vote
1. Size doesnt matter China vs. Chile
2. Too many voices (ineffective)
b. functions as Intl parliament
1. States may ID grievances or issues
2. The originator of intl change
3. Opportunity for diplomacy
14XI. International Organizations
D. United Nations (UN)
3. 2nd Arm General Assembly
c. reliant on committees
1. States are parts of blocs
2. States can be in multiple blocs
15XI. International Organizations
D. United Nations (UN)
4. 3rd Arm Economic Security Council
a. Assist operation of undeveloped states
1. Medical famine relief
2. Planning infrastructure
3. Protect peace civil rights
4. Develop staff industry
16XI. International Organizations
D. United Nations (UN)
4. 3rd Arm Economic Security Council
b. Council Structure
1. 54 member states elected 3 yr term
2. Supervise coordinate 30 agencies
- Commissions on
- Human Rights
- Status of Women
- Crime Prevention
- Criminal Justice
- Latin America Carribean
3. Source 60 human rights agreements
17XI. International Organizations
D. United Nations (UN)
5. 4th Arm Trusteeship Council (LoN leftover)
a. Administer territories placed under UN
b. Assist with development
c. Prepare territories for independence
d. Defunct last territory gained independence
e. May return Rwanda, Somalia, East Timor
18XI. International Organizations
D. United Nations (UN)
6. 5th Arm Secretariat
a. UN bureaucracy
1. Employs 25,000 people
2. Thousands more under contract
3. Almost every race, nationality lang
b. Accountable only to UN, not their states
c. Very loyal to UN promotes globalism
19XI. International Organizations
D. United Nations (UN)
6. 5th Arm Secretariat
d. Secretary General
1. Chief Exec of Secretariat
2. Recommended by Sec Council
3. Appointed by Gen Assemb 5yr term
e. Not CEO of the UN is chief of state
f. Not the chief policy maker Sec Council
g. Has limited influence on Sec Council
20XI. International Organizations
D. United Nations (UN)
7. 6th Arm International Court of Justice (ICJ)
a. HQ in The Hague, Netherlands
1. 15 members
2. Recommended by Sec Council
3. Appointed by Gen Assemb 9yr term
4. One judge per state at a time
b. Judges act independently from state
c. Hear conflicts among states, not individuals
21XI. International Organizations
D. United Nations (UN)
7. 6th Arm International Court of Justice (ICJ)
d. Often render decision on discussion issues
e. Make decisions based on Intl Law
f. UN Tribunals
1. Convened by Gen Assemb
2. Investigate prosecute war crimes
22DO NOT PACK UP 1. Attendance. 2. Items on
reserve placed next week for last exam 3. Papers
due April 9, 2004. Collages 4. Political Event
memo!!!!! Find an event!!!!!!! 5. John
Braithwaite, Friday, April 2 at 200 pm in 136,
College of Law. 6. No office hours. In KC.
Available before after class Tuesday or by appt
after Tuesday. 7. Next week lecture on Intl Law
Political Economics read 1984. We will only
talk about it the last lecture night (4/13/04).