Title: On the Cosmological Constant Problem
1On the Cosmological Constant Problem
- Roland TRIAY
- Centre de Physique Théorique
- CNRS Université de Provence
Int. Journ. Mod. Phys. D 14,10,1667 (2005)
ICGA7 - Jhongli, Taiwan (2005)
2the Cosmological Constant
Einsteins biggest blunder
My prelude
- Observations
- Geometrical Status
- Modeling Gravitational Structures
3Observations - the 80th
- In the past
- Dynamics of galaxies in clusters
- Minimum age of the Universe
In the 80sHubble diagram (QSOs, BCGs), VLSS
(QSOs) (spatially) closed Universe
4Observations - Nowadays
Nowadays CMB temperature fluctuations Hubble
diagram (SuperNovæ)
A.G. Riess etal astro-ph/0402512
6Observations - Nowadays
A.V Filippenko astro-ph/0410609
7Face to the L-Problem
The  Cosmological Constant From the Viewpoint
of String Th. E. Witten 2000 The
 Cosmological Constant Problems S. Weinberg
2000 The  Cosmological Constant S. Carrol
2000 The Case for a Positive Cosmological
L-term V. Sahni, A. Starobinsky 2000 The
 Cosmological Constant and Dark Energy P.J.E.
Peebles, B. Ratra 2002 Â On the Casimir Energy
Contribution to the Obs. Value of  I.O
Cherednikov 2002 The  Cosmological
Constant Problem J. W. Moffat
2003 Â Cosmological Constant Weight of the Vacuum
T. Padmanabham 2003
8Status of L?- ?Geometry)
The gravitational field and its sources are
characterized by
Schwarzschild solution - Newton approximation
9Dimensional Analysis of EE
10Modeling gravitational structures
(Modified) Newton law
- With L??? Gravitation becomes repulsive at
large scale - No L-effect in Solar neighborhood
- Small effect in the outerpart of the Galaxy
- Intervenes at the edge of LSC
- Homogeneity scale
11The cosmological Constant Problem
The contribution of quantum fluctuations
- A similar problem happens when one assumes
- Solar neighborhood
- Primordial epoch ( Vacuum dominate expansion)
Another version of the Cosmological Constant
12Understanding the acceleration of the
cosmological expansion
Rescaling !!!
Understanding Quantum Gravity !!!
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